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Pauline Frommer’s
1st Edition
by Margie Rynn Series Editor: Pauline Frommer
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Pauline Frommer’s
1st Edition
by Margie Rynn Series Editor: Pauline Frommer
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Published by:
Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River St. Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 Copyright © 2007 Wiley Publishing, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978/750-8400, fax 978/646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, 317/572-3447, fax 317/572-4355, or online at http://www.wiley.com/go/permissions. Wiley and the Wiley Publishing logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and/or its affiliates. Frommer’s is a trademark or registered trademark of Arthur Frommer. Used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Wiley Publishing, Inc. is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. ISBN: 978-0-470-05239-6 Editor: Marc Nadeau Production Editor: M. Faunette Johnston Cartographer: Elizabeth Puhl Photo Editor: Richard Fox Interior Design: Lissa Auciello-Brogan Production by Wiley Indianapolis Composition Services For information on our other products and services or to obtain technical support, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 800/762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317/572-3993 or fax 317/572-4002. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic formats. Manufactured in the United States of America 5
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A Note from Pauline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
1 Paris: An Introduction
Sights You’ve Gotta See, Things You’ve Gotta Do . . . . . . . . 3 The City’s Best Museums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Uncommon Lodgings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Dining for All Tastes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Finest “Other” Experiences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Lay of the Land
Getting Around within the City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Neighborhoods of Paris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3 Accommodations, Both Standard & Not . . . . . . . . 22 Staying in a Private Apartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Louvre–Châtelet (1st Arrondissement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Opéra–Bourse (2nd Arrondissement). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 The Marais (3rd & 4th Arrondissements) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Latin Quarter (5th Arrondissement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Saint Germain (6th Arrondissement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Invalides–Eiffel Tower (7th Arrondissement) . . . . . . . . . . 53 Champs Elysées & Park Monceau (8th & 17th Arrondissements) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Grands Boulevards to Canal Saint-Martin (9th & 10th Arrondissements) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Bastille & Faubourg St-Antoine (11th & 12th Arrondissements) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 iii
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Montparnasse (14th Arrondissement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Trocadéro & Passy (16th Arrondissement) . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Montmartre (18th Arrondissement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Hostels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Heureux Campers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4 Dining Choices
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Déjeuner sur L’Herbe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Browsing the Bakeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Choosing the Right Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 The Quest for Good Meals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Louvre–Chatelet (1st Arrondissement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Opera–Bourse (1st & 2nd Arrondissements). . . . . . . . . . . 80 The Marais (3rd & 4th Arrondissement). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Latin Quarter (5th Arrondissement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Saint Germain (6th arrondissement). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Invalides–Eiffel Tower (7th Arrondissement) . . . . . . . . . . 97 Champs Elysees–Parc Monceau (8th & 17th Arrondissements) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Grands Boulevards to Canal Saint Martin (9th & 10th Arrondissements) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Bastille & Faubourg Saint Antoine (11th & 12th Arrondissements) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Montparnasse (14th arrondissement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Trocadero & Passy (16th Arrondissement) . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Montmartre (18th Arrondissement). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Cafe Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
5 Remarkable Sights & Attractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Making the Most of Your Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Paris’ 10 Iconic Sights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Twelve Runners-Up to the Iconic Sights . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Museums for Visitors with Specialized Interests . . . . . . . 155 Especially for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Architectural Masterpieces & Monuments. . . . . . . . . . . . 177
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Churches & Other Houses of Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Touring the City of Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
6 The “Other” Paris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 How How How How
Parisians Learn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Parisians Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 They Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 They Relax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
7 Paris Outdoors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Paris’ Great Parks & Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Sports & Recreation Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Spectator Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
8 Walkabouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 9 Le Shopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Shopping Neighborhoods & Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 Department Stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Second-hand & Other Discounted Clothing Treasures . . . . 258 Antiques & Brocantes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Flea Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Individual Stores You’ll Want to Visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
10 Nightlife in the City of Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 Classical Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 Opera & Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Movies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 Can You Do the Can Can? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 Live Music Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Let’s Go Dancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Clubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Bars & Lounges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 Gay Paree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
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11 Get Out of Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Versailles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Chartres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Vaux le Vicomte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Fontainebleau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Giverny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 Disneyland Paris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
12 The Essentials of Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 When to Visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Finding a Good Airfare to Paris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Entry Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 Customs: What You Can Bring In & What You Can Take Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Traveling from Paris to Other Parts of France . . . . . . . . . 331 Traveling from Paris to Other Parts of Europe. . . . . . . . . 332 Travel Insurance—Do You Need It? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 How Do I Get to the Airport? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 What to Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Money Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 Safety & Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Special Types of Travelers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Staying Wired While You’re Away . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Recommended Books & Films about the City . . . . . . . . . 346
13 A Closer Look
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Roman Rule (1st century B.C.–2nd century A.D.) . . . . . . . 352 Barbarian Invasions (3rd–5th centuries) . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Merovingian & Carolingian Dynasties (6th–10th centuries) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 The Founding of the Capetian Dynasty (11th century). . . 354 Medieval Glory & Gore (12th–14th centuries). . . . . . . . . 354 Renaissance Renewal (16th century) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 The Age of Louis XIV (17th century). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
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From Enlightenment to Revolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 The Empire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 The Restoration & Urban Renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 From the Commune to the Belle Epoque . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 The World Wars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 Post-War Paris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
14 French Words & Phrases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Accommodations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 Restaurants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
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Paris Arrondissements . . . . . . . . . 8
The Louvre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Accommodations on the Right Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Père-Lachaise Cemetery . . . . . . 153
Accommodations on the Left Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Attractions in the 1st & 2nd . . . 159 Attractions in the 3rd & 4th . . . 161
Accommodations on the Left Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Attractions in the 5th & 6th . . . 163
Accommodations on the Right Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Attractions in the 8th . . . . . . . 171
Accommodations on the Right Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Where to Dine on the Right Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Attractions in the 7th . . . . . . . 169
Attractions in the 11th, 12th, 19th & 20th . . . . . . . . 175 Attractions in the 16th . . . . . . 179 Attractions in the 18th . . . . . . 184
Where to Dine on the Left Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Bois de Boulogne . . . . . . . . . . 221
Where to Dine on the Left Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Walking Tour 1: The Quays of the Seine . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Where to Dine on the Right Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Walking Tour 2: The Marais . . . . 239
Where to Dine on the Right Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Bois de Vincennes . . . . . . . . . . 225
Walking Tour 3: Montmartre . . . 247 Ile de France . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Where to Dine in Montmartre . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Versailles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Top Paris Attractions . . . . . . . . 126
Vaux le Vicompte . . . . . . . . . . 313
Notre-Dame de Paris . . . . . . . . 133
Fontainebleau. . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Notre-Dame de Chartres . . . . . . 309
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About the Author Margie Rynn has lived in France for 6 years, during which time she updated the 2002 edition of Frommer’s Paris from $80 a Day, edited a newsletter on the ozone hole for the United Nations Environmental Program, and wrote several articles for Budget Travel Magazine. She has also written for Time Out New York, Yoga Journal, and The Amicus Journal, the magazine of the National Resources Defense Council. In a previous New York life, she acted in a Broadway play, and performed her own one-woman show at the HERE performance space. Margie is married to a kind and understanding French man and they have a lovely 4-year-old son.
Acknowledgments A heart-felt thank you to Oliver and Julien for their supreme patience during the many months it took to write this book.
An Invitation to the Reader In researching this book, we discovered many wonderful places—hotels, restaurants, shops, and more. We’re sure you’ll find others. Please tell us about them, so we can share the information with your fellow travelers in upcoming editions. If you were disappointed with a recommendation, we’d love to know that, too. Please write to: Pauline Frommer’s Paris, 1st Edition Wiley Publishing, Inc. • 111 River St. • Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
An Additional Note Please be advised that travel information is subject to change at any time—and this is especially true of prices. We therefore suggest that you write or call ahead for confirmation when making your travel plans. The authors, editors, and publisher cannot be held responsible for the experiences of readers while traveling. Your safety is important to us, however, so we encourage you to stay alert and be aware of your surroundings. Keep a close eye on cameras, purses, and wallets, all favorite targets of thieves and pickpockets.
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Star Ratings, Icons & Abbreviations Every restaurant, hotel and attraction is rated with stars, indicating our opinion of that facility’s desirability; this relates not to price, but to the value you receive for the price you pay. The stars mean: No stars: Good 5 Very good 55 Great 555 Outstanding! A must! Accommodations within each neighborhood are listed in ascending order of cost, starting with the cheapest and increasing to the occasional “splurge.” Each hotel review is preceded by one, two, three or four dollar signs, indicating the price range per double room. Restaurants work on a similar system, with dollar signs indicating the price range per three-course meal. Accommodations € Up to 85€ per night €€ 86€ to 115€ per night €€€ 116€ to 135€ per night €€€€ Over 135€ per night
Dining € €€ €€€ €€€€
Main courses for 9€ or less Main courses for 10€ to 14€ Main courses for 15€ to 22€ Main courses 23€ and over
9 to denote attractions, restaurants, and
In addition, we’ve included a kids icon lodgings that are particularly child friendly.
Frommers.com Now that you have this guidebook to help you plan a great trip, visit our website at www.frommers.com for additional travel information on more than 3,500 destinations. We update features regularly to give you instant access to the most current tripplanning information available. At Frommers.com, you’ll find scoops on the best airfares, lodging rates, and car rental bargains. You can even book your travel online through our reliable travel booking partners. Other popular features include: u u u u
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A Note from Pauline I
Frommer and Hope Arthur, when I was just 4 months old. To avoid lugging around a crib, they would simply swaddle me and stick me in an open drawer for the night. For half of my childhood, my home was a succession of hotels and B&Bs throughout Europe, as we dashed around every year to update Europe on $5 a Day (and then $10 a day, and then $20 . . . ). We always traveled on a budget, staying at the mom-and-pop joints Dad featured in the guide, getting around by public transportation, eating where the locals ate. And that’s still the way I travel today because I learned—from the master— that these types of vacations not only save you money, but give you a richer, deeper experience of the culture. You spend time in local neighborhoods, and you meet and talk with the people who live there. For me, making friends and having meaningful exchanges is always the highlight of my trip—and the main reason I decided to become a travel writer and editor as well. I conceived these books as budget guides for the next generation. They have all the outspoken commentary and detailed pricing information you’ve come to expect from the Frommer’s guides, but they take bargain-hunting into the 21st century, with more information on how you can effectively use the Internet and air/hotel packages to save money. Most importantly, we stress the availability of “alternative accommodations” not simply to save you money but to give you a more authentic experience in the places you visit. In this Paris book, for example, we’ll tell you about a homestay in a 19th-century antique-filled mansion, the home of an auctioneer where you stay for just 75€ per night (p. 24); or a chic apartment which you’ll have all to yourself in the trendy Marais district for just 200€ per week, which is about what you’d pay to share your sleep space with 10 others in a hostel, and much less if you share the apartment. The chapter on “The Other Paris” immerses you in the life that residents enjoy: The lectures they attend, the work they do, the dinner parties they crowd. Page through this guide and you’ll find information on English-speaking chefs and sommeliers who teach popular courses on French cooking and wines (p. 200); tea and dinner parties in private apartments that are thrown open to Parisians and travelers alike (p. 209); sections of Paris, just off the Seine, that turn into impromptu dance floors for those who love to swing dance, jitterbug, or tango (p. 204), among other experiences. The result, I hope, is a valuable new addition to the world of guidebooks. Please let me know how we’ve done! I encourage you to e-mail me at editor@ frommers.com or write me care of Frommer’s, 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ, 07030. Happy Traveling!
Pauline Frommer
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Paris: An Introduction
and ideas that it is sometimes hard to find the meeting point between myth and reality. There is no doubt that it is a magnificent city, worthy of all the superlatives that have been heaped upon it for centuries. Its graceful streets, soaked in history, really are as elegant as they say; its monuments and museums really are extraordinary; and a slightly world-weary, fin-de-siecle grandeur really is part of day-to-day existence. But this is also a city where flesh and blood people live and work, where wheels turn, and there is a palpable urban buzz. Museums are lovely, but no one wants to live in one. Paris is so much more than a beautiful assemblage of buildings and monuments; it is the pulsing heart of the French nation. This is no exaggeration: not only is it the capital of the country, if you include the suburbs, it is the home of 18% of the population. The majority of all French jobs are to be found here; Paris is France’s financial, artistic, and cultural center. In short, in terms of importance on a national scale, Paris is a little like New York, Washington, D.C., and When Paris sneezes, Europe Los Angeles all rolled into one. catches cold. Not all that long ago, Paris was not only the navel of France but —Prince Metternich (1773–1859), the shining beacon of Europe. All Austrian statesman. the continent’s greatest minds and talents clamored to come here: the city seduced Nietzsche, Chopin, Picasso, and Wilde, just to name a few. Since the end of World War II, the city has lost some of its global luster—other countries and other capitals have since stolen a lot of its thunder, and there is a certain wistfulness in the air. If you speak with Parisians, you’ll hear a lot of moaning about France’s place in the world and whether or not globalization is a good thing; behind the hand-wringing are some very legitimate concerns about a disappearing way of life. But despite these concerns, or maybe because of them, Paris is still a bastion of the best of French culture. The culinary legacy alone is enough to fill several books; you can eat your way to nirvana in the city’s restaurants, gourmet food stores, and bakeries (see chapter 4). The architecture ranges from the lavish opulence of place Vendôme, (p. 149) to the contemporary madness of Musée Quai Branly, (p. 147). And speaking of museums, some of the world’s greatest are here, including the legendary Louvre (p. 139). And let’s not even get into the city’s concert halls, night spots, parks, gardens, and cafes—at least not just yet. In the pages to come you’ll find ample resources for the above and more. Even if you have time to see only a fraction of what you’d like to see, in the long run, it really won’t matter; what counts is that you’ll have been to Paris, sampled its wonders, and savored the experience—and that counts for a lot.
“ ”
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Sights You’ve Gotta See, Things You’ve Gotta Do
Don’t Always Believe What You Read in the Papers In 2005 and 2006, an extraordinary amount of ink was spilled about the supposed dangers of visiting France. First there were the riots, complete with vivid images of cars burning and rocks flying. Then there was the avian flu and the fear of a global pandemic. Finally, there were the student protest marches, featuring videos of angry young people roaming the streets. Without minimizing the seriousness of what happened, as someone who has been living here for several years, I’d like to point out that a lot of the overseas coverage of these events was highly sensationalized and often downright off-base. Most importantly for travelers, despite the nasty visuals, there was absolutely no risk to tourists visiting Paris. The riots happened in distant suburbs that would require a serious effort to get to, if for some reason you felt so inclined; the student marches were overwhelmingly peaceful, with one or two minor exceptions that were endlessly hyped; and unless you are partial to chicken sushi, eating poultry was never a problem, as the virus is passed through air-borne particles and cooking reduces the risk to zero. Granted, traveling in these crazy times is, unfortunately, more anxiety filled than it once was. But that doesn’t mean there is danger lurking behind every corner cafe.
SIGHTS YOU’VE GOTTA SEE, THINGS YOU’VE GOTTA DO Fortunately, the most obligatory Parisian sight, the Eiffel Tower (p. 128), is visible from many points in the city, so you don’t really have to go out of your way to see it, though a trip to the top up to one of the observation decks really is a memorable experience. The cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris (p. 129), one of Europe’s most splendid examples of Gothic architecture, is a must-see, as are the exquisite stained glass windows of the nearby Sainte Chapelle (p. 133), a small, jewel-like church tucked into the buildings of the Palais de Justice. The Seine (see Walking Tours 1, p. 229), the river that divides the city into the Right and Left Banks, is an essential reference point for your visit, and a walk along its banks, or at least across one of its more lovely bridges, like the Pont Neuf or the Pont des Arts, is one of the finest ways of really “seeing” the heart of the city. A visit to at least one of the city’s majestic places, or plazas, like the place de la Concorde (p. 134), or the place des Vosges (p. 147) is not just a treat for the eyes, but a trip back in time, to the days when kings used the urban environment as a way of expressing their power. But Paris is not all monarchs and might, as a trip to Montmartre (see Walking Tour 3, p. 245) illustrates: this historically working-class, villagelike neighborhood nurtured some of the finest artists and writers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. And one shouldn’t leave Paris without at least a short ramble in one of its famous gardens, such as the strictly symmetrical Tuileries Gardens (p. 214),
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Paris: An Introduction
a masterpiece by legendary garden designer André Le Nôtre, or the Jardin du Luxembourg (p. 136), a stunning ensemble of fountains and flowerbeds.
THE CITY’S BEST MUSEUMS The density of museums per capita is one of the highest in Europe. Paris has some 130 museums, many of which are world-class, including of course, the fairest of them all: the Louvre (p. 139). You could probably spend your entire trip here and not have seen all there is to see, but that would be a shame, since so many other wonderful museums just wait to bewitch you. The Musée d’Orsay (p. 141) has the best assemblage of Impressionist art on the planet; the Musée Rodin (p. 145) not only has a fabulous collection of the great sculptor’s works, but one of the prettiest gardens in town; and the Musée Jacquemart-André (p. 146) offers a chance to revel in a stunning assortment of 18th-century French art and furniture, as well as an opportunity to visit a 19th-century mansion with its original decoration. The entire history of Paris is on display at the Musée Carnavalet (p. 150), housed in another fabulous mansion, this time a Renaissance hôtel particulier in the Marais; nearby another stately hôtel holds the Musée Picasso (p. 148), perhaps the finest collection of the artists’ work ever assembled. They can’t seem to stop building museums here—the most recent addition to the cultural landscape, the Musée du Quai Branly (p. 147) boasts an extraordinary collection of traditional arts from Africa, the Pacific Islands, Asia, and the Americas.
UNCOMMON LODGINGS Many tourists feel the need to shoe-horn themselves into cramped hotel rooms in the very center of town, but because Paris is a relatively small city, there is actually no harm in staying a little farther out, where you’ll find higher quality lodgings at lower prices. And by “lodgings” we’re not necessarily talking about hotels—some of the best places to stay in Paris are in private apartments, hundreds of which can be rented out by the week. An airy artist’s loft with original artwork near the Bastille that can accommodate a family of four or more could cost you less than a couple of tiny hotel rooms near the Louvre. Your choices are many: you could camp out in a one-bedroom flat with exposed beams in the middle of the Latin Quarter, or rent an enormous room with sky high ceilings and a private terrace in a mansion the Marais, or cuddle up in an antique-filled bedroom in a 19th century town house near the Grands Boulevards. You’ll find resources for finding these sorts of alternative accommodations in chapter 3. If you’d prefer to stay in a hotel, Paris has no lack of options, though I encourage you to stay away from the cookie-cutter chain hotel lodgings and opt for more original accommodations that reflect both the personality of the owners and of the city itself. At family run hotels like the Hôtel Vivienne (p. 40), Hôtel Jeanne d’Arc (p. 42), and the Hôtel de l’Espèrance (p. 49), you’ll enjoy a high comfort level at rates that are largely under 100€ per night. Small, off-beat hotels like Hôtel Eldorado (p. 68) and Hôtel les Degrés de Notre Dame (p. 45) offer unique decors created by local artists—lush colors, unusual mosaics, and interesting art objects are all part of the design. The owners of New Orient Hôtel (p. 60) and Hôtel des Bains (p. 65) are both inveterate flea-market browsers; the former have
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The Finest “Other” Experiences
personally refurbished the antique furniture in the rooms, while the latter uses unique objects from the local open-air arts and crafts market to perk up the decor. For a sense of days of old (without old-fashioned inconveniences), Hôtel St-Jacques (p. 48), Hôtel des Grandes Ecoles (p. 50), and Ermitage Hôtel (p. 68), have all carefully, and tastefully, conserved historic detailing and decor. Some hotels manage to seamlessly blend the new and the old; Hôtel Lindbergh (p. 53), for example, has sleek modern rooms, designed by architect Jean-Philippe Nuel, with a vaguely Art Deco feel (and most doubles are only 116€). For those looking for a clean, comfortable place to sleep that will go easy on the pocketbook, the Tiquetonne Hôtel (p. 40), Hôtel du Séjour (p. 41), Port Royal Hôtel (p. 50), and Perfect Hôtel (p. 61) are all excellent options, though you should be willing to forgo certain kinds of amenities, which may include elevators or in-room toilets. A step or two higher on the comfort scale, Hôtel Chopin (p. 62), Hôtel du Champ de Mars (p. 56), and Hôtel Résidence Alhambra (p. 63) are also terrific values.
DINING FOR ALL TASTES As mentioned above, Paris is the promised land for traveling gourmets. What’s more, you won’t have to spend a fortune to eat well here—though you will need to know where to go. Do take advantage of the recent “neo-bistrot” trend; a bevy of top chefs, tired of the pressure of haute-cuisine, have opened dressed-down bistros where they can cook as they like (and where you can eat without getting a second mortgage). Le Comptoir du Relais (Yves de Camdeborde, p. 95) and Café Constant (Christian Constant, p. 100) are two excellent examples; other good ways to eat gourmet and let your bank account live to tell the tale include the Delacourcelle brothers’ Le Pré Verre (p. 88) and Alain Ducasse’s Aux Lyonnais (p. 82). But a good restaurant doesn’t have to have a famous chef ’s name attached to it; you can eat extremely well at some lesser known places like La Robe et Le Palais (p. 78), La Table d’Hélène (p. 120), and Au Bascou (p. 86). Sometimes the decor is almost more of an event than the food; for the full-on Belle-Epoch experience, try Le Train Bleu (p. 115), or Le Grand Colbert (p. 82), both of which had supporting roles in films, La Femme Nikita and Something’s Gotta Give, respectively. Personally, I have a thing for tiny, mom-and-pop operations—there’s a certain authenticity in these establishments that simply can’t be found anywhere else. Le Rendez-Vous du Marché (p. 94), Chez Nenesse (p. 87), and Le Temps des Cerises (p. 87) are all good examples of this genre. Finally, Paris is home to some of the best North African (Moroccan, Algerian, and Tunisian) restaurants in France, from the elegant Mansouria (p. 114), to the funky but fabulous Chez Omar (p. 85).
THE FINEST “OTHER” EXPERIENCES Looking for ways to get off the heavily trampled tourist track? Put on a pair of roller blades and skate through the city with 10,000 or so other Parisians when Pari Roller (p. 208) takes to the streets on Friday nights. Or dance to the rhythms of Argentine Tango on the banks of the Seine on a moonlit summer night during Paris Danse En Seine (p. 204). Learn about French wine in a nonthreatening environment (and in English, yet) at Ô Chateau (p. 202) with Olivier Magny, a
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young French sommelier. Now that you know about wine, learn about cooking with chef Marie Naël at her Atelier Saveur et Savoir (p. 201). Don’t feel like cooking? Sign up for dinner at Jim Haynes’ (p. 209), an American expatriate who has been welcoming strangers to his Sunday dinners since the days when bell-bottoms were considered a new innovation. For a more dressy—or make that dressed-up—party, drop by the Taverne Medievale (p. 210), where the Knights of St-Sabin welcome anyone dressed up in Medieval garb for feasting, music, and fun, in an ancient, but nicely renovated, stone cellar. Take a tour of a working tapestry factory that has been around since the days of Louis XIV, the Manufacture des Gobelins (p. 206), or visit artists’ studios during Portes Ouvertes (p. 206). These and other out-of-the-ordinary activities are detailed in chapter 6, where you’ll find many opportunities to see sides of the city that outsiders rarely have a chance to see, and, most importantly, to encounter real, live Parisians.
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The geography of Paris, the very special neighborhoods & ways of getting from place to place ONE
This is not a sprawling megalopolis like Tokyo or London, in fact, Paris intramuros, or inside the long-gone city walls, numbers a mere 2.1 million habitants, and, excluding the large exterior parks of Bois de Vincinnes and the Bois de Boulogne, measures about 87 square kilometers (34 sq. miles). (The suburbs, on the other hand, are gigantic and sprawling, but chances are you won’t be spending much, if any, time there.) So getting around is not difficult, provided you have a general sense of where things are. The city is vaguely egg-shaped, with the Seine cutting a wide upside-down “U” shaped arc through the middle. The northern half is known as the Right Bank, and the southern, the Left Bank. Ask any Parisian why one bank is called left and the other right, and he or she will most likely shrug his or her shoulders and reply that they haven’t the faintest idea. To the uninitiated, the only way to remember is to face west, or downstream, so that the Right Bank will be to your right, and the Left to your left. To add to the confusion, many guidebooks try to give each bank a particular personality, i.e., the Right Bank is ritzy and the Left Bank is intellectual, which doesn’t really work because the neighborhoods vary radically on each side of the river. If you can’t get your banks straight, don’t worry, because most Parisians don’t talk in terms of Right or Left Bank, but in terms of arrondissements or districts. The city is neatly split up into 20 official arrondissements, which spiral out from the center of the city. So the lower the number, the closer you’ll be to the center, and as the numbers go up, you’ll head towards the outer limits. The lower numbered arrondissements also correspond to some of the oldest parts of the city, like the Louvre and the Ile de la Cité (1st arrondissement), or the Marais (3rd and 4th arrondissements). Though their borders don’t always correspond to historical neighborhoods, they do chop the city up into easily digestible chunks, so if you know what arrondissement your destination is in, your chances of finding it easily go way up. Your chances will be even better if you have a good map. Even if you’re only in the city for a week, it’s worthwhile to invest in a purse-sized map book (ask for a “Paris par Arrondissement” at book stores or larger newsstands), which cost around 7€. The book should include a street index and a detailed set of maps by arrondissement—one of the best is called “Le Petit Parisien,” which includes separate Métro, bus, and street maps for each district. To get a general sense of where the arrondissements are, see our map on p. 8.
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Paris Arrondissements PORTE DE ST-OUEN
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Lay of the Land
Paris is old, so the logic of its streets and avenues is often as contorted as the city’s history. That said, there are some major boulevards that function as reference points. On the Left Bank, boulevard St-Michel acts as a more or less north–south axis, with boulevard St-Germain cutting a vaguely east–west semicircle close to the city center, and boulevard Montparnasse cutting a larger one farther out. On the Right Bank, boulevard de Sebastopol runs north–south, with rue de Rivoli crossing east–west near the river. As rue de Rivoli heads east, it turns into rue de St-Antoine; to the west, jogs around the place de la Concorde, and becomes the Champs Elysées. Farther north, a network of wide boulevards (aka grands boulevards) crisscrosses the area, including boulevards Haussmann, Capuccines, and Lafayette. There are also several enormous star-shaped traffic roundabouts, where several large avenues converge: on the Left Bank place Denfert-Rochereau and place d’Italie are major convergence points; on the Right Bank place de la Bastille and place de la République reign to the east, and place de Charles de Gaulle (also called Etoile), home of the Arc de Triomphe, commands to the west.
GETTING AROUND WITHIN THE CITY Since the distances are not enormous in Paris, one of your main modes of transportation will probably be your feet. That said, your feet will see a lot of action, and there is no need to punish them needlessly, particularly since there is an excellent public transportation system at your disposal.
THE METRO (SUBWAY) The city’s first Métro, or subway, was at the apex of high-tech when it was inaugurated on July 19, 1900, and over a century later, it still functions very well. Its biggest problem is not actually technical but political: subway workers are fond of strikes (grèves) and periodically instigate slow downs or complete shutdowns of a few lines. Usually, strikes are merely annoying and most of the time your route will not be affected, though your trip might take a little longer than normal. If you see the euphemism “Movement Social” on the TV monitor as you enter the station, read the message carefully to see if your line is involved (low groans and cursing by ticket holders is also a good indicator of strike activity). Strikes aside, the Métro is usually efficient and civilized, especially if you avoid rush hour (7:30am–9:30am and 6pm–8pm). It’s generally safe at night (although you might want to think twice about using it to get to more isolated parts of the city), and you don’t need to worry about taking it at 2am because you can’t. Alas, when people dolefully talk about “The Last Métro,” they’re usually not discussing a wonderful movie by François Truffaut. Instead, they’re referring to a sad fact of Parisian life: your evening out must be carefully timed so that you can run to the station before the trains shut down between midnight and 1am. Each line shuts down at a slightly different time; you can get exact times either at the station or on the RATP site, www.ratp.fr. The suburban trains, (the RER, see below), closes down around the same time—unless you’re taking a short jaunt within the city limits, these lines are to be avoided late at night. Most Métro lines ramble across the city in anything but a straight line, connecting at strategic points where you can transfer from one to the other. A map is
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essential (pick one up at any ticket window.) The key is to know both the number of the line and its final destination. So if you are on the no. 1 line (direction La Défense) and you want to transfer at the enormous Châtelet station to get to St-Michel, at Châtelet you’ll need to doggedly follow the signs to the no. 4, direction Porte d’Orléans. Lines are also color coded, which helps when you’re trying to figure out the signs. The train cars themselves are narrow but clean and clatter along the tracks at a good clip. There are two more modern lines that you should know about, which are both convenient and more comfortable than others. The first is actually the oldest Métro line, the no. 1, which was completely overhauled in the 1990s and fitted with sleek modern trains. Crossing Paris from stem to stern, east to west along the Right Bank of the Seine, this line is very handy for visiting many sites along the river. The second, no. 14, otherwise known as the Méteor, is the one and only express Métro line. It’s one of my personal favorites, as not only is it clean and comfortable, with space age stations, but it can whiz you from Gare de Lyon to Gare St-Lazare in about 7 minutes. Otherwise, your only express choice is the RER (pronounced “ehr-euh-ehr”), the suburban trains that dash through the city making limited stops. The three most tourist friendly lines are the A, which crosses the city east to west, the B, which crosses the city north to south (this is the line that goes to the Charles de Gaulle airport), and the C, which runs along the left bank of the Seine. The down sides are: a) they don’t run as often as the Métro, b) they’re a lot less pleasant, and c) they’re hard to figure out since they run on a different track system and the same lines can have multiple final destinations. Important: make sure to hold onto your ticket as you’ll need it to get out of the turnstile on the way out.
THE LOW-DOWN ON PUBLIC TRANSIT FARES & PASSES Like everything that has to do with French public administration, the fare system, to the uninitiated, looks terribly complicated. In fact, it’s pretty straight-forward, once you’ve learned the lingo. All tickets are good on the bus or Métro or RER (within Paris) or even the new tramway that’s beginning to circle the perimeter of Paris. When buying your tickets, you’ll need to have a basic understanding of zones. As mentioned above, Paris itself is relatively small, but the suburbs are huge. To deal with the dimensions, the transit authorities have divided the region up into zones, which spread out from the center in concentric circles; Paris within its city limits (intramuros) is zones 1 and 2. Most tourists will not need to worry about zones 3 through 8, unless they’ve got friends in the suburbs. Another basic lesson in transit savvy: even though you’ll only need to validate your ticket on entering the Métro (or bus, or RER), make sure to hold on to it, as you can get fined if you don’t have one on hand. Also, if you’re transferring to the RER you’ll need to pass your ticket through more turnstiles.
A regular ticket for Paris (Zones 1 and 2) is 1.40€. They’re also sold in bunches of 10, called a carnet (car-nay) for 10.70€, a significant reduction. Children 4 to 9 years old pay half price; children under four ride free. If you’re heading out to one of the outlying regions, purchase a separate ticket.
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PASSES If you’re planning to stay in town for a week, seriously consider buying a Carte Orange (kart or-ahnzh) an unlimited transit pass that’s good for a week and costs 15.70€, an excellent deal when you consider how fast those tickets get used up. You’ll need to ask for a Carte Orange for zones 1 and 2 (see above), and you’ll need a photo ID (you can get one in one of the photo booths that dot the city— photo shops usually have this service as well). You will get a numbered photo holder with a separate ticket; remember to write the number from the holder on your ticket. Important note: the weekly Carte Orange starts on Monday and lasts until Sunday, so if your week in town does not coincide, take another option. There’s also a monthly Carte Orange, if you’re in town for a long stay. For heavy travel on one day, the Mobilis (moh-bee-lees) pass is a good buy at 5.40€ for a two-zone pass. If you’re under 26, you can buy a 1-day Ticket Jeune (tee-kay zhun) pass good on a Saturday, Sunday, or a national holiday for just 3.20€. The tourist passes are, oddly enough, not particularly advantageous. You can buy a Paris Visite (par-ree vee-seet) pass for 1, 2, 3, or 5 days of unlimited travel and reductions on a very limited number of museums and monuments, but unless you are going to visit all the attractions on their list, other transit passes (and even single tickets) are a less expensive option. The 1-day Paris Visite pass, for example, is 8.35€ for three zones (who needs three zones?), whereas the one-day Mobilis pass is only 5.40€ (see above).
BUS The Parisian bus network is relatively efficient, especially now that there are more and more dedicated bus lanes so they don’t get stuck in traffic as often. Though nowhere near as fast as the Métro, buses offer the added attraction of being above ground, and in a city as pretty as Paris, that’s a big plus. In fact, if you take the right line, you get a low-cost sightseeing tour of the city (see the “Do-It-Yourself Bus Tours” box in the guided tours section of the sightseeing chapter, p. 194). My advice is to take the Métro for longer trips, but if you’re not pressed for time and are not going far, try the bus. If you want to get a seat, avoid rush hour (7:30am–9:30am and 6pm–8pm). You can pick up a bus map at any Métro station (it’s on the other side of the Métro map, try to get the largest size map available as they’re more readable). As noted above, transit tickets work on all modes of transport. However, if you jump on a bus and don’t have a ticket, you can buy one from the driver (have exact change; drivers can’t change large bills). There’s no free transfer from bus to bus or bus to Métro, unless you have a pass. Most bus lines run from around 7am until around 9pm, but there are a few that run until 12:30am, including those that serve the major train stations, like line 63, which terminates at Gare de Lyon and line 92, which goes to Gare Montparnasse. After midnight, you’ll have to take the Noctilien (check www.ratp.fr for lines and hours), the reduced evening bus service which uses the Gare de Lyon, Gare St-Lazare, Gare Montparnasse, Gare de l’Est, and Châtelet as hubs and operates from 12:30am to 5:30am.
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Getting Around within the City
TAXI This is the most expensive way to get around and not necessarily the most efficient. Merely hailing one can be an ordeal, as in theory you’ll have to find a taxi stand (in practice, you can hail them in the street, but not all will stop). Taxi stands resemble bus stops and sport a blue “TAXI” sign; when the light on top of the car is white, the taxi is available, orange means occupied. Once you get inside, you’ll have to pray that your driver is skilled in dodging through Parisian traffic, which is horrendous. Sooner or later you’re bound to find yourself stuck in a jam, watching the meter tick and cursing yourself for not having taken the Métro. Calculating fares is a complicated business, but here are the basic rates for Paris intramuros. Tariff A: (10am–5pm) 2€ as soon as you get in, then .71€ per km; Tariff B: (5pm–10am Mon–Sat, 7am–midnight Sun and holidays) 2€ as soon as you get in, 1.06€ per km; Tariff C: (midnight–7am Sun) 2€ once you get in, 1.28€ per km. There’s a minimum fare of 5.20€; if you have more than three people in your party, you’ll also be charged 2.70€ for each additional passenger. One piece of luggage per person rides for free, afterwards anything that you put in the trunk that weighs more than 5 kilos (11 lbs) is .90€ each. Unless you’re a math wiz, it’s near impossible to calculate exactly what your fare should be, but if you feel you’ve been seriously overcharged, you can contact the Préfecture de Police (% 08 91 01 22 22). The saving grace here is that the distances are usually not huge, and barring excessive traffic, your average cross-town fare should fall between 9€–13€ for two without baggage. Tipping is not obligatory, but a .50€–1€ tip is customary for short trips; for longer hauls a 5%–10% tip should do. One of the only times when taking a taxi really makes sense is after midnight when the Métro closes—alas, this too is often an exercise in frustration. Strange as it may seem, there are simply not enough taxis on the streets. In the name of protecting the cab drivers’ jobs, workers’ unions have insisted on limiting the number of taxis allowed on the streets, meaning that after midnight you’ll have to wait in huge lines at the taxi stands. Your best strategy for late night outings: don’t stray too far from your lodgings and be prepared to walk home, if necessary. The silver lining: strolling around Paris late at night is not only safe in most areas but can be downright delightful—many monuments and historic buildings are beautifully lit and even more stunning than during the day.
A WORD ABOUT DRIVING IN PARIS Don’t. Even if you are a Formula 1 racecar driver with years of experience, you’ll be alternately outraged and infuriated by the aggressive tactics of your fellow drivers and the inevitable bouchons (literally, a bottle stopper or cork), or jams, that tie up traffic and turn a simple jaunt into a harrowing nightmare. To make matters worse, it’s easy to believe that the street and direction signs were cunningly placed by a sadistic madman who gets kicks out of watching hapless drivers take wrong turns. No matter how carefully you try to follow the signs pointing toward, say, Trocadéro, you’ll suddenly find yourself on an outer boulevard headed for Versailles.
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Your troubles are not over once you get to your destination because then you will have to park, which is a whole other trauma. Spots are elusive, to say the least, and you’ll probably find yourself touring the neighborhood for at least 20 minutes until you find one. By then you’ll have figured out why it is that Parisians park on the sidewalks: often, there’s nowhere else to park. One final hurdle: feeding the parking meter. All parking is payant, i.e., you must pay. And you can’t pay with coins anymore—you must buy a “Paris Carte” parking card at a tabac, or smoke shop (many bars are also tabacs—you’ll know by the red diamond-shaped tabac sign outside). This card is inserted directly into the meter, which will print out a ticket that you must put on your dashboard; parking costs from 1€–3€ per hour, depending on the neighborhood, and you can’t stay in the same spot for more than 2 hours. Mercifully, on Sundays and after 7pm the rest of the week, all street parking is free. A good way to avoid parking hassles is to use one of the many underground parking lots, indicated by a sign with a white “P” on a blue background; parking in one of these is 2.50€ per hour, and you can stay all day (you don’t need a card here). If, despite my ranting, you still feel compelled to rent a car and drive around the city, or are forced to do so due to extenuating circumstances, at the very least, get your hands on a basic explanation of international street signs (this should be available at your car-rental agency), and a good street map. Try to do your driving on a Sunday, when most Parisians head for the country (but forget about Saturday, when they all do their shopping). Finally, try to keep your cool, because no matter how sure you are that you are following the rules of the road, at some point, someone in another car will curse you. Good luck—you’re going to need it.
THE NEIGHBORHOODS OF PARIS As I mentioned above, Paris is a city for walkers. One lovely neighborhood after another unfolds along its sidewalks, punctuated by plazas and monuments that are best experienced at ground-level. At every turn there seems to be intriguing area that begs to be explored. Below is a rundown on the main neighborhoods of Paris. I’ve placed them in order of their arrondissements so that you can easily situate the areas on your map.
1ST ARRONDISSEMENT–THE LOUVRE, ILE DE LA CITE & PLACE DU CHATELET Best for: Museums, historic sights, architecture, transportation hubs What you won’t find: Evening entertainment, quiet streets
This is the heart of the city, and the oldest part of Paris, though you’d never know it to see it now; in the 19th century Baron Haussmann, Napoléon’s energetic urban planner, tore down almost all of the medieval houses that once covered this area. The Ile de la Cité is where the city first emerged after Gallic tribes started camping out here in the 3rd century B.C. By the 1st century A.D., the Romans were building temples, and by the Middle Ages, a mighty fortress sat across the river on the Right Bank. The fortress has long since been incorporated into the majestic buildings of the Louvre, which along with the Jardin des Tuileries takes
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up a big chunk of the neighborhood. As you might suspect, it’s a very exclusive neighborhood where only the very rich can afford to live. In fact, most of the people you’ll see in the streets do not live around here, but work in the many offices that fill the gracious 19th-century buildings that line these streets. While the major museums and sites are to the west, the people’s part of this neighborhood is on its eastern edge, near Les Halles and place du Châtelet. Stuffed with stores, particularly along the bustling rue de Rivoli and around the Forum des Halles, Parisians descend on this area for their shopping needs. The western half of the Ile de la Cité comes under the domain of this arrondissement, which includes not only the lovely Ste-Chapelle church (p. 133), but also the exquisite place Dauphine (p. 235) and the Square du Vert Gallant, on the very tip of the island.
2ND ARRONDISSEMENT–THE BOURSE & THE OPERA Best for: Good restaurants, covered passages, the pedestrian area around rue Montorgueil What you won’t find: Major monuments and museums, green spaces You’ll notice lots of men and women bustling about in business suits in this area, which is the home of the Bourse, the French stock exchange. Food and finances are intricately linked in this city, and with so many business lunches and dinners in the offing, it’s no wonder that there’s a wide variety of restaurants to choose from around here. There’s also a large Japanese population in this quarter, which will become evident as you head toward the Opéra and cross rue St-Anne, which is lined with noodle shops and sushi bars. This is the arrondissement with the greatest concentration of passages, covered pedestrian shopping streets that were the forefathers of today’s shopping malls (but much prettier, see the (“Arcadia” box, p. 254). For outdoor strolling and great window-shopping, the car-free network of streets around rue Montorgueil, just above the Les Halles area, is a delight, even if most of the shops and restaurants are overpriced.
3RD & 4TH ARRONDISSEMENTS–THE MARAIS Best for: Restaurants, nightlife, window shopping, 17th-century mansions,
museums What you won’t find: Bargain shopping, iconic sights, open spaces
What was once marshy farmland (marais means marsh, or swamp) quickly became a seat of power when the Knights Templar decided to built a fortress here in the Middle Ages. Other religious orders followed suit, and after King Charles V decided to build a royal residence here in the 14th century (the Hôtel St-Pol), there was a real estate boom that produced a slew of mansions and palaces. In the 17th century, King Henri IV created a magnificent square bordered by Renaissance-style town houses, today called the place des Vosges (p. 244). If the Marais was hot before, then it was positively on fire; Nobles and bourgeois pounced on the neighborhood, each one trying to outdo the other by constructing more and more resplendent hôtels particuliers, or private mansions. The overstuffed quarter was already falling out of fashion by the time the Revolution flushed out all its aristocrats in the 18th century; the magnificent
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dwellings were abandoned, pillaged, partitioned, and turned into stores, workshops, and even factories. The new residents were working-class, with more immediate concerns than saving historic patrimony. The neighborhood fell into disrepair; periodic attempts on the part of the city to “clean up” resulted in the destruction of many architectural gems. Finally, in the 1960s, a real renovation project was put in place, and today, several of the most magnificent mansions have been restored and are open to the public in the form of museums and other exposition halls. In fact, much of the area has become terribly branché (literally, plugged in), and you’ll see some of the hippest styles in boutique windows here, as well as dozens of happening restaurants and bars lining its narrow streets. The neighborhood is still a mix though— jewelry and clothing wholesalers bump up against stylish cafes and shops; the vibrant gay scene on rue Vielle du Temple intersects with what’s left of the old Jewish quarter on rue des Rosiers. Overall, this remains a lively, interesting neighborhood, even if its hipness is pushing prices ever skyward.
5TH ARRONDISSEMENT–THE LATIN QUARTER Best for: Affordable dining, student bars, art house movie theaters, museums, Jardin des Plantes What you won’t find here: Good shopping, great architecture, quiet (at least not in the environs of place St-Michel) Since the Middle Ages, when the Sorbonne and other academic institutions were founded, this has been a student neighborhood, hence the “Latin” label—back in the old days, all classes were taught in the language of Virgil. Today the area still harbors the highest number of colleges and universities in the city. Though it’s easy to over-romanticize about the intellectual life of the quarter, you’ll certainly see plenty of students and professors peopling the mostly inexpensive, if not always good, restaurants and cafes around here. You’ll also see plenty of tourists, who tend to swarm around the warren of tiny streets that lead off of the place StMichel. Rue de la Huchette in particular is to be avoided (except for the great swing-dancing club, Le Caveau de la Huchette), being lined with garish restaurants of questionable quality. Boulevard St-Michel, a legendary artery that once was lined with smoky cafes filled with thinkers and rabble-rousers, has now fallen prey to chain stores and fast food; the huge Gilbert-Joseph bookstore still holds sway however, on the upper end of the avenue. For a more authentic taste of this neighborhood, wander east and upward, around the windy streets on the hill that leads to the Panthéon, and around rue Monge, toward the Jardin des Plantes (p. 214). This last is a lovely place to relax after a long walk; if you can resist the natural history museums that surround it, this green park includes beautiful flower beds, hothouses, a zoo, and many benches for resting tired feet.
6TH ARRONDISSEMENT–ST-GERMAIN Best for: Fine dining, historic cafés, shopping, parks (the Jardin du Luxembourg) What you won’t find here: Today’s intellectuals and artists, low prices
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The church of St-Germain-des-Prés, the heart of this neighborhood, got its name (St. Germain of the Fields) because at the time it was built, back in the 11th century, it was in the middle of the countryside. What a difference a millennium makes. The church became the nucleus of a huge and powerful abbey, whose grounds would eventually take up a good part of the arrondissement and would constitute an autonomous minicity, complete with a hospital and a prison. The Revolution cut the church down to its current size, and an elegant collection of apartment houses, squares, and parks grew up around it, making it one of Paris’ most appealing areas to live in (as real estate prices will attest). If the neighborhood has always had aristocratic airs (it was a favorite haunt of the nobility during the 17th and 18th centuries), during the last part of the 19th century up to the mid–20th century it was also a magnet for penniless artists and intellectuals, who hung out in legendary cafes like the Flore and Deux Magots. Today few struggling creative types can afford either the rents or the price of a cup of coffee around here; young artists and thinkers have moved north and east to cheaper parts of town. Though the ambiance is decidedly bourgeois these days, the neighborhood is still dynamic, and the cafes and shops along the boulevard St-Germain are crowded with a mix of politicians (there are many ministries around here), gallery owners (whose establishments line the streets around rue Dauphine), and editors (this is still the seat of French publishing). This is also a fun neighborhood for shopping—there’s everything here from 500€ pumps on chic rue des St-Pères to 20€ sundresses on the more plebian rue des Rennes (see chapter 9). And when you’ve tired yourself out, you can stroll over to the magnificent Jardin du Luxembourg for a timeout by the fountain.
7TH ARRONDISSEMENT–THE EIFFEL TOWER & LES INVALIDES Best for: Iconic monuments, majestic avenues, grand vistas, museums What you won’t find here: Affordable restaurants or shopping, nightlife
The Eiffel Tower reigns over this swanky arrondissement, where the streets that aren’t lined with ministries and embassies are filled with elegant apartment buildings and prohibitively expensive stores and restaurants. A large portion of the neighborhood is taken up by the Champs de Mars, a park that stretches between the tower and the Ecole Militaire, and by the enormous esplanade in front of the Invalides, which sweeps down to the Seine with much pomp and circumstance. Some of the city’s best museums are around here, including the Musée d’Orsay, the Musée Rodin, and the new Musée Quai Branly, whose wacky architecture has raised some hackles in this very staid area. While there’s certainly a lot to see here, the neighborhood is a little short on human warmth—this is not the place to come to see regular Parisians in their natural habitat. A small island of affordability is the area around the pedestrian rue Cler, a market street that is home to many delightful small restaurants and food
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stores. Word is out about this cozy corner, however, so expect to see plenty of tourists when you go into that cute boulangerie for a couple of croissants.
8TH ARRONDISSEMENT–FROM THE CHAMPS ELYSEES TO PARC MONCEAU Best for: Serious strolling (on the Champs), museums, monuments What you won’t find here: Affordable hotels or restaurants, nightlife (apart from
the Champs) The Champs Elysées cuts through this area like an asphalt river—the widest boulevard in Paris, crossing the street here feels a bit like traversing a raging torrent (be sure to wait for the light). There are fans and foes of this epic roadway: some find its lights and sparkles good clean fun, others find it crass and commercial. However you feel about the street itself, you’re bound to be impressed by the Arc de Triomphe, which lords over the boulevard from its western tip. To the south of the Champs are some of the most expensive stores, restaurants, and homes in the city (particularly around ave. Montaigne). To the north, a largely residential area extends up to the beautiful Parc Monceau, which is surrounded by some equally delightful museums, like the Jacquemart-Andrée and the Nissim de Camondo. About halfway back to the Champs Elysées is the utterly elegant rue St-Honoré, which runs parallel to the grand boulevard and is great for window shopping and dreaming of what you would do if your were rich. To the northeast, the arrondissement turns decidedly more plebian; the area around the Gare StLazare may not be as charming as other parts of the neighborhood, but at least here you’ll find stores you can actually afford.
9TH & 10TH ARRONDISSEMENTS–FROM THE GRANDS BOULEVARDS TO THE CANAL ST-MARTIN Best for: Affordable restaurants, nightlife, seeing a more low-key side of the city What you won’t find here: Monuments, big museums, tourists
For a long time, no one seemed to care about these arrondissements; they were too far from the center of the city and too working-class to be of interest to the trendy set, and too monument-less to appeal to tourists. Then, with real estate skyrocketing, young professionals started prospecting apartments and young artists started filling up loft spaces. Suddenly, the forgotten Canal St-Martin was blooming with cafes and restaurants, and rue des Martyrs was becoming an extension of Montmartre, with boutiques and bars cropping up between the butcher and the baker. Happily, these areas aren’t gentrified (yet) and parts are infused with a certain youthful energy that’s hard to come by in other areas of the city. Because there are few big name attractions here, they’re also relatively tourist-free, and offer an opportunity to see a more “real” side of the city. The 9th arrondissement’s claim to fame is that it’s the home of the Grand Magasins (big-name department stores), which are located on boulevard Haussmann near Gare St-Lazare. In the center, between the church of St-Georges and place Clichy, is an area known as Nouvelle Athens, or New Athens, where many artists of the 19th-century Romantic movement, like George Sand and Eugène Delacroix, lived and worked. On the western end of the arrondissement,
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The Neighborhoods of Paris around de Châteaudun and rue Cadet is one of the city’s largest Jewish quarters. The 10th arrondissement is mostly known for its two huge train stations, Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est. The area around the stations is a bit seedy, and while it doesn’t get much better as you head south on boulevard du Strasbourg, there are some great clubs and music venues around rue des Petits Ecuries. The real draw in this neighborhood is the Canal StMartin, which cuts north–south through the western side of the district. The southern part of the canal is particularly scenic; leafy plane trees shade the waterway, which is crossed by unusual arched foot bridges.
. . . no other railroad station in the world manages so mysteriously to cloak with compassion the anguish of departure and the dubious ecstasies of return and arrival. Any waiting room in the world is filled with all this, and I have sat in many of them and accepted it, and I know from deliberate acquaintance that the whole human experience is more bearable at the Gare de Lyon in Paris than anywhere else.
—M.F.K. Fisher, Not a Station But a Place
11TH & 12TH ARRONDISSEMENTS–BASTILLE & THE FAUBOURG ST-ANTOINE Best for: Nightlife, good restaurants, Revolutionary history, arty boutiques What you won’t find here: Major monuments and museums, high-end shops
These are two more arrondissements that were pretty much off the tourist radar until 1989, when the new Bastille opera house provoked an explosion of bars and restaurants in the surrounding streets. Though the shine has already worn off the nightspots of rue de Lappe and rue de la Roquette, just off the place de la Bastille, the nocturnal life of the 11th arrondissement is far from dull, as new clubs and cafes have opened further north, on rue de Charonne and rue Oberkampf. Now even Oberkampf has become thoroughly saturated, and intrepid partiers are staking out new ground in Menilmontant in the 20th. But there’s another reason to come to this area: the Faubourg St-Antoine. This historic workers quarter has been inhabited by woodworkers and furniture makers since the 13th century, when artisans in this neighborhood were given the right to ply their trades without the usual royal taxes and restrictions. At first this was a boon and industry flourished, but after a few centuries the density of underpaid, overburdened workers made St-Antoine a breeding ground for revolutionaries. The raging mob that stormed the Bastille prison in 1789 originated here, as did those of the subsequent uprisings of 1830, 1848, and the Paris commune. Today, away from the hoopla around the opera house, St-Antoine is relatively mellow. While the architecture here is nowhere near as grand as elsewhere in Paris, the neighborhood has retained an authenticity that’s rarely found in the more popular parts of the city. There are still a large number of furniture stores and
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ébénistes (woodworkers) tucked into large interior courtyards accessible by covered passages off rue du Faubourg St-Antoine. Make a point of wandering down one of these; you’ll be rewarded with a look at a way of life that has survived the centuries. This quarter extends all the way past the Viaduc des Arts to the Gare de Lyon train station, a magnificent example of Belle Epoque architecture.
14TH ARRONDISSEMENT–MONTPARNASSE Best for: Transportation hub, shopping, historic cafes, nightlife What you won’t find here: Extraordinary architecture, museums, monuments
In the early 1970s, government officials decided the time had come to make Paris a modern city. Blithely putting aside concerns for historic patrimony and architectural harmony, the old Montparnasse train station and its immediate neighborhood was torn down, and a 58-story glass tower and shopping complex was erected in its place. A new train station was constructed behind the tower, as well as a barrage of modern apartment buildings and office blocks. So much for progress. Fortunately, even ugly contemporary architecture did not manage to kill the neighborhood—at the foot of the Tour Montparnasse, life goes on as it always has. A few steps away from the station, tiny old streets are still lined with stores, cafes, and crêperies (crêpe restaurants), these last being an outgrowth of the large Breton (i.e., from Brittany) community that still inhabits this area. Farther down boulevard Montparnasse you’ll find legendary brasseries like La Coupole and Le Select, where Picasso, Max Jacob, and Henry Miller used to hang out in the 1920s. For a bit of calm, take a walk around the Cimetiére de Montparnasse, where artists like Charles Baudelaire and Constantin Brancusi are buried, as well as Colonel Alfred Dreyfus. In the evenings, crowds pour into the many movie theaters around the station, as well as the many restaurants in the area. To the south, the arrondissement takes a more residential turn, with the exception of rue Daguerre, a lively market street a block south of the cemetery, and farther south, rue d’Alésia a discount shoppers Mecca (see shopping, p. 255).
16TH ARRONDISSEMENT–TROCADERO & PASSY Best for: Gourmet restaurants, museums, architectural elegance What you won’t find here: Affordable eateries or hotels, nightlife, regular folk
The illustrious Seizième (sez-ee-em, sixteenth), is the most exclusive arrondissement of the city. Even dogs don’t walk the streets here without a pedigree. Laying on the outer western edge of the city, this residential area is packed with magnificent 19th-century residences and apartment houses, as well as many fine parks and gardens. In fact, it shares its western border with the Bois de Boulogne, one of the city’s two huge wooded parks. During the day, the streets are filled with nannies pushing strollers and well-to-do residents shopping in high-end stores; in the evening, the sidewalks roll up—with the exception of the cafes and restaurants around place du Trocadéro. For it is Trocadéro and the surrounding area that save this neighborhood from terminal elegance. While the Seizième might be pretty dull on the whole, it’s also graced with a terrific array of museums. The Palais de Chaillot alone holds three (Musée de l’Homme, Musée de la Marine, Cité de l’Architecture), just down the street is the vast Musée Guimet, and a little farther on there are two modern art musems in the Palais de Tokyo, not to mention a half a dozen others (like the
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Marmottan and the Baccarat) sprinkled around the arrondissement. Even if you’re museum groggy, a stop at the esplanade between the two pavilions of the Palais de Chaillot is a must. From there you will get a superb view of the Eiffel Tower, which you can walk to by strolling down the hill through the Jardins du Trocadéro.
18TH ARRONDISSEMENT–MONTMARTRE Best for: Restaurants, nightlife, atmosphere What you won’t find here: Monuments (with the exception of Sacré-Coeur),
major museums, grand architecture The “Butte” (high hill) of Montmartre is such a landmark that I have put it in my list of must-sees in our sightseeing chapter (p. 135). Once a village overlooking the distant city, Montmartre is now as inseparable from Paris as the Eiffel Tower, which means it’s a major target of the tour-bus crowd. And crowded it is, if you stick to the area immediately around the Basilica of Sacré-Coeur and the overdone place du Tertre. Interestingly, Montmartre is also home to an increasingly hip crowd, who stick to the more authentic area around the place des Abbesses. The narrow cobbled streets that climb past the two remaining windmills are peppered with boutiques and cute restaurants frequented by a cool combo of young professionals and budding artists. There is another side to the 18th, the east side, to be exact, where the quaintness of the Butte gives way to a more modern dynamic—the lively immigrant quarter of Barbès. Here you’ll see a different kind of Parisian: the one who wears a sari or is draped in African prints. This neighborhood is home to large communities from Africa, India, and the Magreb (north Africa), and here you’ll find a jumble of inexpensive stores selling everything from long-necked tea-pots to pajama-like salwar trousers, as well as tiny restaurants that offer exotic delicacies.
20TH ARRONDISSEMENT–BELLEVILLE Best for: Affordable restaurants, nightlife, atmosphere What you won’t find here: Museums, chic shops, notable architecture
This neighborhood didn’t really get its fair share in this book, owing to both its location (on the eastern outskirts of the city) and space restrictions, but it deserves better. A potent mix of ethnicities and nationalities, this bustling area is one of the preferred haunts of today’s young artists and intellectuals, as well as a smattering of bourgeois bohemians who have bought apartments here. While it was once a crazy mélange of Arab, African, Jewish, and Asian residents and businesses, more recently, Chinese is the language most often heard on its streets (though the others are still all there). Young arty types, tired of the hyperactive nightlife on rue Oberkampf, have established new cafes and bars in the Ménilmontant area; others are taking advantage of low rents for studio space. The one major tourist draw here is the park-like Cimetière de Père Lachaise, which takes up about a quarter of the arrondissement.
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Accommodations, Both Standard & Not
In which you’ll discover all the options, from fold-out couches in private apartments to comfy digs in boutique hotels BRAVELY
renting out their apartments for the short term, a both practical and financially sound option, particularly for traveling families and groups. What’s more, some fearless urbanites are actually renting out individual rooms in their own homes— a heretofore unheard of concept in this chronically introverted country. So before I get to the list of the city’s best affordable hotels—and they are legion in number and wonderfully varied—I’m going to start off with several other affordable alternatives, including hosted and un-hosted apartment rentals, residence hotels, youth accommodations, and a monastery or two, in the hopes of helping you find comfortable lodgings that will please both you and your wallet.
STAYING IN A PRIVATE APARTMENT In recent years there has been a boom in short-term rentals, and there are now dozens of agencies proffering hundreds of apartments smack in the center of the City of Light. Though the rates for two people are sometimes but not always significantly less than what you’d pay at a hotel, the advantages are many, not the least of which is the fact that you can cook some of your meals at home and save yourself a wad of time and money. And there are many other, less tangible benefits like privacy, independence, and a chance to see what it’s like to live like a Parisian, even if it’s just for a week. If you are more than two, and especially if you are traveling en famille, the benefits can be huge. Family suites and/or communicating rooms are rare in Parisian hotels, and you will almost always end up paying for two doubles, i.e. somewhere around 175€ to 300€ per night, whereas you could easily rent a one-bedroom apartment with a fold-out couch and/or extra bed in the living room for 800€ to 1,000€ per week, or 114€ to 140€ per night. Not only that, you’ll have a kitchen to prepare baby bottles or meals for finicky eaters, a door that separates you from the little ones at night, and usually, walls that block out enough sound to let your neighbors sleep in in the mornings if your children are being rowdy. Don’t care about cooking and are working with a relatively small budget? You can pay even less for a “bed-and-breakfast,” a new phenomenon on the Parisian lodging scene. For as little 60€, two people can sleep, breakfast, and enjoy a room in a historic apartment in the city center.
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Some Definitions Hosted apartments: Otherwise known as “bed-and-breakfasts,” these are apartments that a guest shares with a Parisian who lives in another room on the premises. A 2- to 3-night minimum stay is required for this arrangement, and breakfast is always included in the price. Unhosted apartments: Also called short-term rentals, these are furnished apartments that guests have entirely to themselves during the course of their stay. These might be part-time homes that would otherwise stay empty during several months of the year, or apartments that are maintained exclusively for tourists or business travelers. In Paris, the minimum rental is usually 7 nights; prices listed in this chapter are weekly rates. A few examples of these types of accommodations: u
A spacious room with marble fireplace in a huge Belle Epoque apartment where the hostess, a gourmet cook (one of her ancestors was chef to the Tsar), serves a full breakfast on her garden terrace for 95€/night (double occupancy, Alcoves and Agapes, see p. 24) A 52 sq. m (560 sq. ft) two-bedroom apartment that sleeps four with exposed beams and a loft in the hip Montorgueuil district near Les Halles, for 953€/week (Parisian Home, p. 24) A spacious artist’s loft (92 sq. m/990 sq. ft.) on an airy courtyard that sleeps six, with giant windows, sliding walls, contemporary furniture, and original artwork for 1,270€/week. The building was once a convent. (Appartements de Ville, p. 29) A quiet room with a lace-covered bed in an adorable 19th-century house complete with a yard with fruit trees and flowerbeds for 85€/night (double occupancy, Alcoves and Agapes, see p. 29).
As you can see, there is a wide variety of great options out there for the intrepid traveler who wants to go beyond the usual hotel experience. Now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty: how to find that special apartment rental.
HOSTED APARTMENTS The concept of renting out a room in one’s own apartment is relatively new in Paris. Though bed-and-breakfasts (chambres d’hôtes) are extremely common in the French countryside, in the big city, where privacy and anonymity are treasured, the idea of strangers living in one’s home generally fills Parisians with horror. This is a city where despite the high rents, roommates are virtually unheard of, and poverty-stricken students would prefer to live in an attic, alone, than to share an apartment with non-family members.
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Accommodations, Both Standard & Not
A Seal of Approval The forward-thinking City of Paris has recently decided to promote B&Bs by establishing an official standard for the best of them. Rooms that have been blessed with the Hôtes Qualité Paris label have been put through a rigorous test by the city authorities, which measure everything from cleanliness, to the charm quotient, to the presence of night tables on both sides of the bed. Since the age and size of the apartment sometimes limits an owner’s ability to live up to all the requirements of the label, don’t expect every room to earn one, but if you see several on your agency’s list, it’s a good sign. It should mean that the other rooms on the list are just as comfortable but might be missing one or two minor details (like one of those darn night tables).
So you won’t find tons of agencies hawking these sorts of stays. That said, there are a few trusted bed-and-breakfast agencies that have been around for several years expertly matching guests and hosts. The two best known are listed below; one other, France Lodge (p. 28) handles both and can be found in the “Unhosted Apartments” section. Probably the best-known B&B agency in Paris, Alcôve & Agapes (% 01 44 85 06 05; www.bed-and-breakfast-in-paris.com; MC, V), is run by the ebullient Françoise Foret, who personally inspects the 107 lodgings posted on her excellent website. Most rooms are either in Belle Epoque apartments, private houses, or artist’s studios, and all adhere to strict standards. In fact, almost all of her rooms live up to or surpass the Hôtes Qualité Paris standards. In the business for 9 years, Foret’s selection criteria goes beyond good looks—she tries to choose unique lodgings that “make the guest want to ask questions” about the history of the home and the objects in it. Putting the emphasis on contact, Foret prefers to work with hosts and clients who seek cultural exchange, not just a cheap alternative to a hotel. That said, this is a cheap alternative to a hotel. Rates range from a mere 60€ per night for a nice double room with a shared bathroom, to 195€ for something truly vast and elegant, with not just a private bath, but a private breakfast nook and terrace to boot (prices include breakfast and taxes, of course). For example, 75€ per night might get you a smallish double room in a 19th-century mansion with high ceilings, a marble fireplace, and some lovely antiques (the host’s father was an auctioneer) where guests have access to a private garden and get to breakfast in an elegant, light-filled dining room. On the other end of the scale, for 175€ per night two people can sleep in an enormous room (53 sq. m/570 sq. ft.) that’s larger than many Parisian apartments. It includes 4m (13-ft.) ceilings, a private terrace, flat-screen TV, and a hand-embroidered antique silk bedspread from Vietnam—not bad for accommodations in the trendy Marais. Each room is fully detailed on the website, with plenty of photos and easily readable rates. Unusual
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Pauline Frommer Says: Staying in B&Bs— Questions to Ask Your Agency Though most in-apartment B&B stays are fun, carefree holidays, sometimes . . . well, things can go mighty wrong. It’s extremely important to find out what sort of person you may be sharing your vacation with and what the apartment is like before you put down a deposit. Call your agency to go over any concerns before committing to any hosted stay. Some questions you may want to ask: 1) What is the host’s schedule? Some hosts will be in the apartment for most of the day, while others work outside the home, meaning that you’ll have the apartment to yourself for large chunks of time. Find out before you leave. 2) Where does the host sleep in relation to the room you’ll be using? Another privacy issue: will your host be in the room right next door, eavesdropping, intentionally or not, on your every sigh or snore? Or will there be a room or two between your two bedrooms? In some extremely rare cases, cash-crunched hosts have been known to rent out their own bedrooms and take the living room couch for a week. If the listing is for a one-bedroom, you may want to find out if this is the case, as that can be an uncomfortable situation, especially if you have to walk through the living room to get to the bedroom or bathroom. (From what I understand, this is not a common scenario, but hey, it’s better to ask.) 3) Is the bathroom shared or private? 4) Are there pets in the house? 5) Are there any rules the host has for his or her guests? Whether or not guests can smoke in the apartment is obviously a common issue, as is the guest’s use of the shared space (I once met a host who only allowed the guests she liked to venture into the living room). Most hosts do not allow guests to cook, except to reheat prepared foods, so if this is an issue for you, discuss it beforehand. 6) Will the host welcome families with children? And if so, is there an age limit? 7) What does the bedroom face? Does the room get a lot of sun in the morning? Does it face a busy street, or a quiet back courtyard? These questions may be key if you’re a light sleeper.
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for a B&B website, Foret also includes plenty of information about the hosts, including their photos, their professions, and any pet or possible allergy issues. She also works with partners, like massage therapists who make house calls, and artist hosts who give workshops. Most hosts on her list require a 3- or 4-night stay. Though her site isn’t as complete as Foret’s, Christine Bokobza at Good Morning Paris (43 rue Lacépède, 5th arrond.; % 01 47 07 28 29; www.good morningparis.fr; AE, MC, V) has equally lovely rooms to offer—in fact, some of
them actually are the same, since the same hosts often work with more than one agency. Many of Bokobza’s hosts, however, prefer to remain out of the cyber-spotlight, which accounts for the sparse information listed on her site; once contact has been made, she will send full details and additional photos. Another difference is that Bokobza’s roster, which includes some 80 rooms all over the city, favors accommodations on the lower end of the price scale: most doubles here are either 66€ for a room without a private salle de bain, and 76€ for those with private facilities. Note: in French, a salle de bain, or bathroom, doesn’t necessarily include a toilet, so this could mean that you will have your own sink and tub and still have to share the john. If a private toilet is important to you, be sure to specify when you reserve. The apartments themselves might be a little smaller and a less luxurious, but the welcome will be just as warm; often retirees with an extra room now that the kids are gone, hosts generally have accumulated plenty of Parisian insider tips that they are encouraged to share with their guests. One kindly host rents out a room in her 19th-century apartment that is filled with lovely family heirlooms; breakfast is served in a large dining area whose enormous windows look out on the lush gardens of the Arènes de Lutéce (p. 183). Another, who lives near the Gare de Lyon, offers two spacious rooms (for members of the same family only) that are decorated with family photos and antique prints. For something with a bit more style, Bokobza also has a dozen or so more luxurious chambres de charme (with niceties)—like private gardens and spacious period bedrooms with potted palms; these rooms run 106€ per night for two. Even though these are less expensive apartments, close to 90% meet Hôtel Qualité Paris standards thanks to Bokozbza’s watchful eye. She also offers some full apartments for rent; Bokobza lists them only if the owner lives next door and can bring over breakfast on request (apartments for 2–4 start at 96€ per night). Good Morning Paris also offers packages that combine lodging and cultural events, like 3 nights in a B&B and a 3-hour cooking class for 224€ to 239€ per person, or 3 nights lodging plus tickets to the Louvre and Versailles for 143€ to 158€ per person. She also sends clients a bimonthly newsletter with suggestions of walking tours and current expositions. Minimum stay is 2 nights.
UNHOSTED APARTMENTS Most furnished short-term rentals in Paris are apartments that are maintained exclusively for tourists or business travelers. As such, the unscrupulous ones will try to make you believe that rents in Paris are as high as those in New York (They are not. Indeed, they’re much lower, but so are salaries so they are expensive for Parisians) and charge outrageous prices. These apartments tend to fall into two categories: bland, characterless apartments meant primarily for businessmen and
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An Ultra Budget Option on Rental Apartments If you are willing to take a risk, or have someone in Paris who can check out the apartment for you, you’ll find some of the lowest rates on shortterm apartment rentals in the classified ads in FUSAC (France-USAContacts), a free biweekly magazine that can be picked up in just about any bookstore, cafe, or restaurant frequented by English speakers in Paris. They also have a website with ad postings, though there’s more in the magazine: www.fusac.fr. (Warning: make sure you type the right address, as there is a scam site at www.fusac.com). Some examples: a bright, roomy studio (33 sq. m/355 sq. ft.) near Sacré-Coeur for 300€ per week; a onebedroom that sleeps up to 4 right next to the Louvre for 450€ per week; and a 60 sq. m (650 sq. ft.) one-bedroom near the Canal St-Martin for 600€ per week. The down side of side-stepping an agency is that you have no way of really knowing who or what you are dealing with until you show up at your apartment. Nothing is entirely risk-free, but agencies lower the odds of unpleasant surprises considerably.
women; and luxurious digs meant for wealthy tourists that rent at outrageous prices. Fortunately, there is another, rapidly expanding category: private apartments whose owners are out of town for long periods of time. These can range from lightly lived-in apartments with few personal belongings, to fully decorated homes, complete with family antiques and photos of Maman et Papa. I’ve concentrated on this third category, focusing on seven agencies who care about content as much as context, and can offer visitors not just a clean bed, but a truly Parisian experience. Though each will send you information on what to expect when you arrive, here are a few questions you should be sure you have the answers to: 1. Are towels and sheets provided? They usually are, but it’s smart to check 2. What’s not included in the quoted rate? Taxes, insurance, agency fees, etc. 3. How large is the apartment? This might sound silly, but let me tell you,
“two rooms” can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. The measurement will be given to you in square meters, go to a conversion site like www.onlineconversion.com to get square feet. 4. Will I pay for electricity used? This too, is often included, but some agencies will bill you separately. 5. Can I use the telephone? In many unhosted apartments, you can call out with a calling card only. 6. Is there a discount if I stay longer? The answer to this one is almost always “yes.” Stretching out your vacation just might turn out to be an economical choice. In any case, the minimum stay is usually 1 week.
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One other reminder—if you are coming from a non-European country, be sure to bring a transformer for any electrical appliance. Although laptops are wired for both 110 and 220 volts (check to be sure), other items like hair dryers and electric razors are pretty much guaranteed to fry if you try to plug them in with just an adaptor.
ON TO THE AGENCIES Parisian Home (12 rue Mandar, 2nd arrond.; % 01 45 08 03 37; www.parisian home.com; Métro: Les Halles or Etienne Marcel; MC, V) has reasonably priced
apartments in most of the popular parts of the city. Lodgings are clean and smart, if not particularly exciting; most apartments are furnished in a simple, modern style with lots of white walls hung with nice art prints. These apartments belong to real people, not corporations, who are generally only in town during brief periods, which explains the non-lived-in feel; owners are encouraged, however, to use their imagination, and many do make interesting choices of linens, dishes, and decorative objects. What adds to the comfort level is the fact that this agency, which has been in business for 10 years, has its act together. The website is easy to use, with plenty of pictures and a detailed list of appliances and services available for each apartment, including the presence or absence of things like washing machines, elevators, and even hair dryers and food processors. There’s no contact with the owners; everything goes through the agency, which is staffed by easygoing, English-speaking professionals. Unlike some other agencies, most of their 180 apartments are in the studio/one-bedroom category, which means they have a wide range of affordable lodgings. Prices vary greatly according to the size of the apartment, for example, if you’re not claustrophobic, a 15 sq. m (160 sq. ft.) studio near the Jardin des Plantes is 395€/week, whereas a stylish 45 sq. m (485 sq. ft.) studio with a loft in the Marais will run 933€/week. Most one-bedrooms range from around 700€–1,000€/week, two-bedrooms from 900€–1,500€/ week, and three-bedrooms for 1,500€–2,000€/week, but rates can run higher or lower, depending on your needs. Minimum stay is 1 week. Though their website isn’t as complete, France Lodge (2 rue Meissonier, 17th arrond.; % 01 56 33 85 85; www.francelodge.fr; Métro: Wagram; MC, V) is another good agency, and it’s the one that has both hosted and unhosted apartments on their roster. In the business for over 20 years, it keeps careful tabs on 100-odd apartments sprinkled around the city. After guests leave, not only do they send around a cleaning crew, but also a quality control team to check to make sure everything is in working order. Like Parisian Home, most of their unhosted apartments are owned by people who come to Paris infrequently. Though unlived in, many units have interesting architectural details and a whiff of Parisian style, and most are in great locations. For 802€/week, you might find yourself in a quaint one-bedroom that sleeps up to four with exposed beams and traditional tommette floor tiles, just down the street from rue Moufftard, or a cute, bright little walk up one-bedroom in the heart of pricey St-Germain. Unlike other agencies, everything is included in the price, even electricity; bed linens are provided, but you’ll have to bring your own towels. And about that website: the apartments shown on the site are really just to give you an idea; the agency prefers that you fill out the form on the site with your arrival dates and needs, or contact them directly. They then will send you a selection of what’s available, complete with extensive photos and details. Weekly rates for studios run from 500€–700€, for one bedrooms
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600€–900€, and for two bedrooms 850€–1,400€, with a minimum stay of 1 week. Note: If you are planning on cooking full meals, be sure to specify that you want a real stove/oven, as some apartments have only microwaves. France Lodge has some 80 hosted options (though you’d never know it as there are even fewer photos of those apartments on their website). Rest assured that this is one of the top B&B agencies in town, in fact, they are helping city administrators write a quality-control charter with the two other B&B agencies listed above. Hosted apartments, breakfast included, run anywhere from 50€–155€ per night, double occupancy. For something with a little more pizzazz, try Appartement de Ville (% 01 42 45 09 08; www.appartementdeville.com; MC, V). This is one of the few agencies in the city that offers apartments that owners use as a primary residence. Consequently, the lodgings have a lot more personality, especially since many of the owners are in the arts. The personable Bernard Barc—who is so friendly he often ends up having dinner with his renters—has many actors, dancers, and other artists on his roster, whose professional commitments require them to leave town for long stretches of time. Hence, you might find yourself in a huge loft in a converted convent near the place de la Bastille, with a two-person bathtub in the master bedroom and original artwork on the walls (1,270€ per week), or a small studio in a posh neighborhood near the Musée d’Orsay with hand-painted textiles dangling over the couch for 620€ per week. Barc visits all of his 200-odd apartments regularly; he is on a first-name basis with most of the proprietors and checks up on them too. The apartments are in tip-top condition (these are working artists, not the starving breed) and all over the city; prices rise as you approach the center. Some of the best deals are in the “outer” arrondissements, like the 10th, 11th, and 12th; though they might require a bit more public transportation, they are also some of the hipper, up-and-coming neighborhoods. It’s hard to give a realistic range of prices with such a varied range of lodgings, but most studios range from around 450€–700€ per week, one bedrooms are in the 600€–900€ per week range, two bedrooms about 750€–1,200€ per week, and 1,200€–2,000€ per week for three bedrooms and up. Full descriptions and photos are on the website, as is a nice list of Paris links and tips. Minimum stay is 4 nights.
AGENCIES THAT ACT AS MIDDLEMEN If you are looking for a real bargain and don’t mind a more informal approach, contact Allô Logement Temporaire (64 rue du Temple, 3rd arrond.; % 01 42 72 00 06; www.allo-logement-temporaire.asso.fr; Métro: Rambuteau; no credit cards).
This is not an agency, but a nonprofit association that acts as an intermediary between apartment owners and renters. Though he mainly works with people looking for 1-month to 1-year rentals, Georg Reidiger has weekly rentals as well, though you won’t have an enormous choice. The website is not slick (in fact, it won’t tell you much), the apartments are not luxurious (though they are clean and well-kept), but the prices are less than half what you will pay at an ordinary agency. A 24 sq. m (258 sq. ft) studio in a chic building in the Marais, for example, is only 200€/week. At that price, who cares if it’s a 3rd floor walk-up? Larger apartments run from around 500€–700€ for up to 70 sq. m (750 sq. ft.). Reidiger has apartments all over the city, though not surprisingly, not the sleekest
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neighborhoods, like the 7th and 8th arrondissements. The catch is, you have to be willing to deal with a very laid-back organizational structure. The way it works is this: you contact Allô Logement via telephone or e-mail with your dates and requirements, and you will be sent information and photos of what’s available. There is no formal contract (though there is a 50€ yearly membership charge), and you must pay in cash or travelers checks, as you will pay the owner directly. Reidiger is a very nice, if somewhat spacey, longtime expatriate from Germany, who speaks excellent English and will answer all of your questions—the only problem is, they might not be the ones you asked. If it sounds a little odd, know that Allô Logement is not only a member of the Paris Tourist Office but has also been in existence since 1988. Reidiger does next to no advertising but does a brisk business through word of mouth; he has known most of his owners and many of his clients for years. Minimum stay 1 week. Another agency that serves as a middleman for apartment owners and clients is Inter-Logement (1 Villa de l’Astrolabe, 15th arrond.; % 01 45 66 66 88; www. inter-logement.net; Métro: Falguière or Montparnasse; MC, V for agency fee, rentals cash only). Better organized than Allô Logement Temporaire, this agency
works more or less under the same premise, and most of the time, once the connection has been made, you will pay the apartment owner directly (cash only). Unlike Mr. Reidiger, Inter-Logement has a fairly complete website where you can punch in your dates and a list of available apartments will come up, each with a detailed list of amenities and photos. It’s best to start looking about a month before your arrival date, as owners tend not to post their apartments far in advance. Rental rates are very reasonable (if not as rock-bottom as AllôLogement); a splendid two-bedroom, 73 sq. meter (785 sq ft.) apartment in tiptop shape (fresh paint, tasteful antiques, designer tiles in the bathroom, full kitchen with dishwasher, washing machine and dryer) that looks out on the whimsical Stravinsky Fountain near the Pompidou Center is only 700€ per week, a far cry from what you would pay for a similar apartment at a regular agency. A cute but tiny studio (24 sq. meters, or 258 sq. ft) in the Marais, with exposed beams, original artwork (the owner is a painter) and an antique Chinese armoire (but no oven, and no elevator) is only 350€. For rentals of up to 2 weeks, electricity is included in the price. What is not, however, is the agency fee, which is 20% of the rental rate, plus a membership fee of 25€. Even with the added-on fees, the prices are not high, and with some 3,000 apartments on their rosters, you’ll have ample choice. The down side is, with so many apartments, many of which come and go, the agency cannot personally visit all the properties. According to Inter-Logement’s director, Francis Le Bars, most have been visited at least once, but not all. He also says that if the customer is really disappointed on arrival, they can ask to be relocated. The agency has been in business for 9 years and is listed with the Paris Tourist Office; still, this is not as risk-free an option as the agencies I’ve listed above. Minimum stay is 1 week.
A MONASTERY Unfortunately, the Catholic monasteries of Paris no longer take lodgers—mostly due to the advancing age and diminishing volume of the city’s monk population. However, there’s a lovely Zen monastery that will be delighted to rent you a small apartment, provided you are willing to take off your shoes and refrain from smoking. Polish-born Zen masters Graznya and Jacob Perl run The Centre
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Parisien de Zen (35 rue de Lyon, 12th arrond.; % 01 44 87 07 70; www.maison zen.com; Métro: Gare de Lyon; no credit cards), an oasis of tranquility in the
bustling neighborhood that surrounds the Gare de Lyon. Nestled in a quiet courtyard, this meditation center rents out a handful of small, spotless, simply-furnished studios at reasonable weekly rates: 385€ single occupancy, and 490€ double. There’s also a larger one-bedroom apartment that goes for 455€ for one and 560€ for two. The tiny kitchens have two-burner stoves but no oven; dishes and cooking utensils are provided. Apartments are equipped with televisions and telephone—what’s more, local calls as well as calls to certain countries (like the U.S.) are free of charge. Children between 5 and 12 years old pay half price; kids under 5 stay free. Though 1 week is the usual minimum stay, you can sometimes book for just a few days, depending on availability. Guests have access to the meditation room, should they be so inclined, but participation in the center’s activities is entirely voluntary, and you can come and go as you please. Despite the monastic overtones, the atmosphere is very relaxed and easy-going; the Perls are very open and friendly, as well as fluent in English—in fact, Mr. Perl is a U.S. citizen.
APARTHOTELS Somewhere between a hotel and an apartment, “aparthotels” offer some of the benefits of both. Geared toward business travelers, these accommodations are practical and reliable, if pretty much devoid of charm. The good news is, you’ll have a kitchenette, the meal-making capabilities of which should cancel out the somewhat higher rates than for a standard hotel. Rates are generally also higher than what you might pay for a short-term rental, but you get hotel-like perks like fresh towels and a reception desk to call if you need something. The most well-known, and with over a dozen locations in Paris, Citadines (www.citadines.com; % 08 25 33 33 32; AE, DC, MC, V) is popular with both tourists and business travelers, as well as touring dance and theater companies. Besides being comfortable and reliable (if not particularly charm-enhanced), these aparthotels are generally very well located and near public transportation. The modern apartments are virtually identical in all locations (though Louvre, République, Les Halles, and Didot Alésia have a somewhat snazzier decor), practical, functional, with living room, bedroom, bathroom, and a full, workable kitchen that you can actually cook meals in. Studios have a similar layout (you can see both layouts on the website), but with a pull-out bed instead of a separate bedroom. There are TVs as well as stereos, and maid service is weekly. Bottle warmers, baby beds, and changing mats are also available at no extra charge. The reception desk can help arrange delivery of groceries and take-out food to your room, and there is an on-site launderette. The one “Prestige” location, Opéra Vendôme, comes with more perks (like daily maid service) but at a substantially higher price. Rates vary according to location, size of room, and how long you stay, but there are no seasonal fluctuations. The longer you stay, the lower the rate. Studios for two in most locations run around 110€–160€/night, and from around 170€–200€ in the most prized locations like Louvre, Opéra, and St-Germain des Prés; add another 50%–75% to these rates for a one-bedroom apartment that sleeps up to four. Three locations have two-bedroom apartments that sleep up to six: Bastille Nation (235€–260€), Trocadéro (352€–390€), and ouch, Vendôme (510€–612€).
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With only four sites in Paris and a more basic comfort level, the Citéa (www.citea.com) chain comes in second in the aparthotel standings. Two locations, La Villette and Philippe Auguste, are too far from the center for tourists, but the other two are very well located: the Citéa Tour Eiffel (43 rue St-Charles, 15th arrond.; % 01 40 58 66 00; Métro: Charles-Michel; AE, DC, MC, V) is about a 10-minute walk from the Eiffel Tower and the Citéa Tilsitt-Champs Elysées (24 rue de Tilsitt, 17th arrond.; % 01 55 37 80 01; Métro: Charles de Gaulle–Etoile; AE, DC, MC, V) is right behind the Arc de Triomphe. Both have simple, just-the-
facts-please decor, with kitchens ranging from closet-sized to ample (ask when reserving if this is important to you); the Eiffel Tower location has a more chic look. At the Champs-Elysées location, a few duplexes have great views of the upper half of the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower (the other suites face the unexciting courtyard). All Citéas have two sets of rates, one for stays under 7 nights (“hôtelière”), with daily maid service, and one for over 7 nights (“résidentielle”), with weekly maid service. Studios at the Champs-Elysées location range from 101€–149€/night for two, and suites for up to four people from 190€–199€/night; at the Eiffel Tower location studios range from 80€– 110€, and suites from 150€–160€ (these are high-season rates; range depends on size of lodgings and length of stay).
STUDENT HOUSING Founded by American expatriate and heiress Grace Whitney Hoff, the Foyer International des Etudiants (93 blvd. St-Michel; 5th arrond.; % 01 43 54 49 63; www.fie.fr; RER: Luxembourg; MC, V) offers year-long housing to international stu-
dents, and lodgings for at least 3-night stays for tourists in the summer. Rooms are quaint and old-fashioned with wood floors, ’40s-era wood furniture, and a clean, if ancient, sink (toilets and showers are in the hall). Single rooms are 30€ per night; doubles are 22€ per person, per night. Reservations can be made by telephone, e-mail, or regular mail. The building is just across the street from the Luxembourg gardens, and it is a straight shot from the Charles de Gaulle airport on the RER B line.
HOTELS Some people prefer the traditional route, and Paris certainly does not lack for hotel possibilities. With some 75,000 rooms on offer, there’s bound to be something that suits your tastes. That said, hotels in Paris are a mixed bag. Mid-range and budget hotel rates are less expensive than in some other international capitals (averaging 85€–150€/night for a double. But most of these rooms are tiny, amenity-challenged, and sometimes do not even have an elevator.Then again, the majority of the 1,500-odd Parisian hotels are small, family-run operations where friendly owners will gratefully ply you with helpful tips and personal recommendations—no small gift in a city where interacting with the natives is notoriously difficult.
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WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU GET THERE Before you plunge into the list below, however, keep in mind the following: Parisian hotel rooms tend to be small. Why do I keep repeating this? Because inevitably, tourists who come from countries where hotel rooms are often staggeringly big (does anyone actually need 2 king-size beds in a double room?) are shocked when they check in to tiny, family hotels in ancient buildings. After weathering years of complaints, many Parisian hotel owners are convinced that all Americans have bedrooms the size of the Astro Dome. Remember, in the olden days, people made do with a lot less personal space. If you want Old World charm, you may have to pay the price of somewhat cramped quarters. Don’t be too hard on the management; most historic Parisian buildings are protected by city regulations that make it difficult, if not impossible, to make structural changes. If you absolutely need room to stretch out, ask for a triple, or even a quadruple room (if they’re available). Otherwise consider an international chain hotel, where space and extra amenities are usually not a problem. On the up side, double beds, which used to require a lot of cuddling to avoid pushing your loved one over the edge, have gotten bigger in many hotels, thanks to a new system that clips two singles together which are then covered by a thick, seamless mattress cover. Also be prepared for minimal amenities. Washcloths are scarce, toiletries are basic, and many smaller hotels still don’t have elevators (and when they do, they’re often closet-sized). I will note when rooms are particularly small or spacious, otherwise, assume that they are large enough to live in comfortably, but that you’ll have to do your yoga workout somewhere else. I’ve also mentioned when there is no elevator, or when getting to your room will be difficult if you have any mobility concerns. All of the rooms in the hotels listed below have in-room bathrooms with toilets, unless otherwise mentioned.
NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS Now that I’ve prepared you for the worst, let me tell you what Parisian hotels do have (besides charm and personality, bien sûr.) Almost all have in-room TVs (some with cable channels), telephones, and many have hair dryers in the bathrooms. Irons, fax machines, and hair dryers (if they are not in the room) can usually be found at the reception desk. Since the scalding heat wave of 2003, hotel owners have been scurrying to install air conditioning, but this is certainly not a citywide phenomenon. Since normal Parisian weather is anything but tropical, your chances of encountering sweltering heat are low; still, if you are coming in the summer months, you may want to think twice about taking a room on a non-air-conditioned top floor, or facing a noisy street that makes it impossible to open the windows at night. I have mentioned air-conditioning where it is available; if it is not mentioned in the description, that means there is none.
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In an effort to please hungry American and British tourists, many hotels now offer a copious “buffet” breakfast that usually includes yogurt, ham, cereal, juice, croissants, and sometimes even eggs and bacon. Should you really need to eat in the morning, and a buffet is available (around 8€–11€), go for it: you will pay a fortune for the same at a cafe, if you can even find one that serves a full breakfast. If the breakfast is “continental,” which really means French, you’ll get coffee or tea, a croissant, bread, and if you are lucky, juice. If you are planning on eating breakfast at the hotel, find out what it includes because you could end up paying up to 9€ for a soggy continental breakfast, when you could have paid less and had more fun sipping a café au lait and munching on a croissant on a sidewalk terrace at a cafe.
WHEN TO RESERVE Early. Paris is one of the world’s top travel destinations, and hotels book up fast. Even during typical slow months, the city might be completely booked up because of a trade show or festival that you are not aware of. Make sure you understand the cancellation policy, and try to respect it— unexpected cancellations cost family-run operations dearly. They’ll cost you too: Most hotels take at least 1 night’s stay as a deposit, which they will keep if you don’t show up. Though bargaining is generally frowned upon, many hotels do offer discounts for stays of over 3 nights; if they don’t offer one up front, it’s worth asking. Finally, if you haven’t made a reservation in advance, and you aren’t having any luck with the hotels below, don’t despair—the Paris Tourist Office (25 rue des Pyramides; % 08 92 68 30 00, .34€ per minute; www.parisinfo.com; Métro: Pyramides) can help you find a room, even at the last minute.
I’ve organized hotels in order of price within neighborhoods, starting with the cheapest digs first. To help you find lodgings within your budget, below is a handy index by price range.
The Puzzling Mystery of High & Low Season Parisian hotel rate fluctuations are a little like the weather—it’s difficult to distinguish one season from the other. Everyone seems to agree that July and August are low season. That’s when any Parisian with a penny to their name flees the capital, and hotels are desperate for business. The rest of the year is a free-for-all, heavily dependent on the scheduling of tradeshows. September and October are usually high season, November, December, January and February low (except for Christmas and New Year’s). Once Spring arrives, prices tend to rise. The good news is that the seasonal changes seem to give owners as big of a headache as guests, and most of the hotels listed below do not change their prices during the year. I’ve tried to mention fluctuations when they occur—to be absolutely sure, call or check your hotel’s website. It’s a good idea to check hotel websites anyway— hotels often offer discounts (anywhere from 10%–50%) during slow periods, and the only way to know which period is slow is to look at the site.
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Louvre–Châtelet (1st Arrondissement)
Seeing Stars French hotels are graded by a government-regulated system that hands out 0–4 stars, depending on the rating the lodgings receive, which the hotels then must post at the entrance to their establishment. The only problem is that the criteria used has more to do with quantity than quality. Rooms are rated on things like size, number of beds, and the presence or absence of items like hair dryers and minibars—overall atmosphere and charm are not necessarily a factor. So it’s possible to end up in a darling two-star hotel that’s much nicer than a three-star down the street with big rooms and a minibar with all the ambiance of a rehab center. One thing is sure, the more stars it has, the more a hotel is allowed to charge. My advice: use the French star system as a rough estimate of quality, then do some homework on your own. By the way, the stars besides the listings below are our own, and have no relation to the French star system.
What the symbols mean: €: Up to 85€ per night €€: 86€ to 115€ per night €€€: 116€ to 135€ per night €€€€: Over 135€ per night
In addition, many hotel listings also carry a cluster of stars 5, indicating our opinion of the hotel’s desirability (this does not have anything to do with price, but with the value you receive for the price you pay). The stars mean: No star: Good 5 Very good 55 Great 555 Outstanding! A must! One other symbol: You will see larly family-friendly.
9 after the names of hotels that are particu-
LOUVRE–CHÂTELET (1ST ARRONDISSEMENT) The area surrounding the Louvre is littered with hotels, most of which are dreadfully overpriced. Even modest “budget” hotels, with no visible amenities or charm, charge high prices and get away with it because many tourists are convinced that this neighborhood is the best spot to set up camp. If you only are in town for one or two days, I’ll agree, a central locale is key, since time will be of the essence. But if you have even a little more time, you’ll find much more comfortable lodgings at the same or lower prices, a 10-minute walk away.
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Cambon rue
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rue Tronchet
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Hôtel Beaumarchais 20 Hôtel de la Bretonnerie 18 Hôtel Chopin 4 Hôtel du Cygne 13 Hôtel Daval 28 Hôtel Gilden Magenta 11
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Accommodations on the Right Bank
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St -S éb as tie n
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Hôtel de Roubaix 12 Hôtel St-Louis Bastille 22 Hôtel St-Louis Marais 27 Hôtel du Séjour 15 Hôtel du Septième Art 26
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Little Régina Hôtel 10 Perfect Hôtel 2 Tiquetonne Hôtel 9
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Accommodations, Both Standard & Not
€€ While you are not going to be bowled over by the decor at Hôtel Louvre Richelieu (51 rue de Richelieu, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 97 46 20; www.louvrerichelieu.com; Métro: Palais Royal–Musée du Louvre or Pyramides; MC, V), you will
be pleased by the friendly, helpful service, and the close proximity to the Louvre, the Palais Royal, and the Opéra Garnier. Rooms are tidy with relatively roomy bathrooms; rooms facing the street get much more light, and windows are double-paned, so noise is not a problem. The calm is reinforced by the absence of TVs; your leg muscles will get reinforcement by the lack of an elevator. Doubles run 90€, triples 117€, and there are two rooms with just a sink (shared facilities are in the hall): a double for 78€ and a single for 75€. All the rooms on the first floor are nonsmoking. €€ If you simply must be right on top of the Mona Lisa, Hôtel Louvre Forum (25 rue du Bouloi, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 36 54 19; www.paris-hotel-louvreforum.com; Métro: Louvre-Palais Royal; AE, DC, MC, V), is a reliable option. The
rooms are small and style-free, but at least they have been recently renovated and offer a good level of comfort for the price, 91€–101€ for a double, including airconditioning. And one certainly can’t complain about the location: a couple of blocks from the Louvre and the Palais Royal, and not much father to the gardens of Les Halles. The service can be brisk but is usually attentive.
€€–€€€ A few streets over from the messy, but animated pedestrian area around Les Halles, is a relatively quiet haven, Hôtel du Cygne (3 rue du Cygne, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 60 14 16; www.hotelducygne.fr; closed Aug; Métro: Etienne Marcel, RER: Châtelet–Les Halles; AE, MC, V). Housed in a 17th-century building,
there are plenty of exposed wood beams, stone walls, and narrow staircases to admire, and rooms are decorated with a good dose of charm; old-fashioned wall paper, wooden bedsteads, and floral prints add to the ambiance. Cute and cozy doubles range from 105€ to 120€ but tend to be on the small side—if you need space, or are traveling with children, ask for the “Grand Chambre,” the only room large enough to accommodate an extra bed (135€). Windows are not doublepaned, but in general this is a quiet street and only a couple blocks from the food shops and cafes of rue Montorgueil. €€–€€€ Smack in the middle of a pedestrian area, but with a little more class, Hôtel Agora 5 (7 rue de al Cossonnerie, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 33 46 02, fax 01 42 33 80 99; www.hotel-paris-agora.com; closed three weeks in Aug; Métro: Les Halles, RER: Châtelet–Les Halles; MC, V) is just a few steps away from the RER B,
which will whip you directly to the Charles de Gaulle airport. The area around Les Halles may not be to everyone’s liking—it’s noisy and crowded and uncomfortably close to the sleaze shops on rue St-Denis—but it is centrally located, and once you get past the ugly wallpaper in the entryway this hotel is actually rather adorable. Pretty floral patterned wallpaper and a mix of antiques, modern furniture, and tasteful artwork give the rooms a dash of personality; some rooms on the fifth floor have a view of St-Eustache. Surprisingly quiet for this neighborhood, the main noise problem is not at night, but in the early morning when the
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To Surf or Not to Surf? Countless sites on the Internet promise to save you fantastic amounts on your hotel bill, but do they really? In Paris, at least, where most of the affordable hotels are small and privately owned, you will often do better by dealing directly with the hotel, many of which have their own Internet bargains that are better than those you’ll find on the big search engines. If you do decide to hunt your prey on the Web, compare and contrast some of your results with the rates on individual hotel websites. You may be surprised to find that the hotel’s rates are actually cheaper than the web “bargains.” If you don’t mind going corporate, and a chain is what you are after, you may very well find significant reductions on the Web, especially on “aggregator” sites which search other search engines, as well as hotel websites and charges no booking fees. Here are a few suggestions: u
Mobissimo.com, Kayak.com, and Sidestep.com are all helpful aggregator sites, as is Travelaxe.com (you’ll have to download their PConly program to make it work). Some French sites, like Lastminute.fr and Opodo.fr seem to have their fingers a little closer to the pulse of Parisian hotel deals; Kelkoo.fr does side-by-side comparisons of the offerings of several hotel sites. The Paris tourist office has a good search engine on its site (www. parisinfo.com) with lots of last-minute discounts. You can also get help with reservations in person at any of the tourist office welcome centers except the Montmartre Tourist Office and Carrousel du Louvre. See the planning section for addresses.
garbage and delivery trucks do their rounds. As in many Parisian hotels, shower lovers get the best rates, 111€ for a double as opposed to 134€ for those with a bath. The largest and quietest rooms are on the courtyard, but they also get the least light.
€€ And now for something completely different: a hotel in a hospital. I’m serious. Hospitel 5 (1 place du Parvis Notre-Dame, 1st arrond.; % 01 44 32 01 00; www.hotel-hospitel.com; Métro: Cité or Hôtel de Ville; MC, V) is located on the top floor of the Hôtel Dieu, Paris’s oldest public hospital. Getting there is a little unnerving—the elevators are in an operating block, and you might be sharing the ride with someone on a gurney—but once you arrive, you are charmed by the warm welcome, the cheerful decor, and the impeccably clean rooms (doubles 104€). The ceilings are mansardé, i.e., slanted, and the exterior light source is a large skylight, a few of which reveal a corner of Notre-Dame, which is right next door. In fact, you literally can’t find a hotel more centrally located than this— Point Zero, the official center of Paris, is just outside on the esplanade in front of
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Accommodations, Both Standard & Not
the cathedral. Some upsides to the medical surroundings: there are two wheelchair–friendly rooms, air-conditioning, and your orthopedist would be proud of the mattresses. If you can get beyond the fact that this is a working hospital, this is an excellent value for the location. Besides, this isn’t just any hospital, it’s a historic monument with a formal garden in its 19th-century inner courtyard.
OPERA–BOURSE (2ND ARRONDISSEMENT) Though not exactly lacking for hotels, there’s a dearth of affordable lodgings in this wealthy, businessy neighborhood between the lush boulevard de l’Opéra and the stock exchange (bourse). If you’re willing to go just a little bit off the beaten path, however, there are a couple of hidden treasures that are still only a 10 or 15 minute walk to the Louvre. €
It’s a relief to see that the Tiquetonne Hôtel (6 rue Tiquetonne, 2nd arrond.;
% 01 42 36 94 58; fax 01 42 36 02 94; closed Aug and the week between Christmas and New Year’s; Métro: Etienne Marcel; MC, V), has not succumbed to the rapid gentrification of its surrounding neighborhood. Just around the corner from the chic Passage du Grand Cerf, this bargain standby has bravely withstood the onslaught, keeping its rates way down. This is definitely a budget hotel: the doors feel a little light and the carpets are a little worn, but the paint is fresh, the ceilings are high, and the atmosphere is homey. The old-fashioned bedspreads lay over firm mattresses; if the decor isn’t exactly up to date, at least it’s a change from the standardized blandness of so many mid-range accommodations. This is one of the few hotels left in Paris that still has cheap rooms without a toilet, singles with just a sink go for 30€. All of the doubles (40€–60€) come with a toilet and a shower but none of the rooms have TVs. The location is excellent, steps away from Les Halles and a block or so from nifty restaurants and food shops of rue de Montorgueil. €–€€ “We really don’t charge enough,” admits the owner of Hôtel Vivienne 55 (40 rue Vivienne, 2nd arrond.; % 01 42 33 13 26; [emailprotected]; Métro: Bourse or Grands Boulevards; MC, V), with a sheepish smile. She’s right— with comfortable, renovated, spotless doubles from 83€ to 110€, this place is a
steal. Prices are calculated according to the size of your party, which means, space allowing, two people can stay in an extra-large triple for the price of a double. If you don’t mind sharing a toilet, there are three rooms that go for 71€. The entire hotel was overhauled over the last few years; the spacious rooms are decorated with subtle floral prints, neo-deco furniture, and fresh carpets. A few rooms have small balconies; some have communicating doors, a good bet for families (other kid-friendly pluses: children under 10 stay for free in their parents’ room, cribs are available, and the entire hotel is nonsmoking.) Right next to the Passage des Panoramas and Passage Joufroy in a neighborhood filled with shops for stamp and coin collectors; the location may not be exactly central, but it’s a short walk to the Métro and a 10-minute stroll to the Palais Royale. At press time, the hotel website was under construction, but the friendly management is happy to send a brochure via e-mail.
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The Marais
Is My Child a Full-Fledged Person? In most Parisian hotels, if a child is sleeping in an adult-sized bed, even if it is a folding one, he or she counts as an extra person. Thus, if you’re traveling with a 7-year-old, for example, you will have to pay for a triple room. Children that still fit (and can sleep in) a lit bébé (lee bay-bay), or crib, generally do not pay— but you’ll need to call ahead to see if the hotel has a crib (many do).
THE MARAIS (3RD & 4TH ARRONDISSEMENTS) Many centuries ago, this neighborhood was a swamp (marais), but now it’s merely swamped with stylish boutiques, restaurants, and people who seem to have just stepped out of a hair salon. Stunning 16th- and 17th-century mansions, which had fallen into disrepair, have been scrubbed down and fixed up over the past few decades, and they shine like pearls along the narrow streets of this fascinatingly mixed area where streets filled with jewelery wholesalers run up against cool bars and clubs, which are quickly closing in on what’s left of Paris’s historic Jewish quarter. There are many excellent museums here, including the Musée Picasso and the Musée Carnavalet. In short, this is a great area to stay in, if you don’t mind being slightly out of the center of town. You can walk to Nôtre Dame in 15 to 20 minutes, otherwise buses and Metro lines will whisk you there in a snap. Surprisingly, there is a good range of affordable lodgings here.
€ Mr. and Mrs. Caetano provide more than just cheap rooms at the Hôtel du Séjour 5 (36 rue du Grenier St-Lazare, 3rd arrond.; % 01 48 87 40 36; Métro: Rambuteau or Etienne Marcel; no credit cards); they offer a warm welcome that
more than makes up for the creaky staircase and worn towels. Just a few blocks from the Centre Pompidou, but away from the annoyances of Les Halles, this budget hotel is not only a favorite with students and young people, but also with their parents, many of whom have become return clients. The clean, cheerful rooms have high ceilings and double-paned windows, through which ample sunlight streams, but that’s about the extent of the amenities: there are no phones, TVs, or elevator. Doubles with toilets and showers are 57€; if you are willing to make do with just a sink (and share toilet and shower with others), a double will cost just 45€. If you are coming in August check ahead, they sometimes close during this slow month. €
A little further north, near the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, but still within walking distance of all of the sights of the Marais, is the Hotel de Roubaix
(6 rue Greneta, 3rd arrond.; % 01 42 72 89 91; www.hotel-de-roubaix.com; Métro: Réaumur-Sébastopol or Arts et Métiers; DC, MC, V). These simple but
homey lodgings are also family-owned and operated, but with a slightly more upscale feel: there are TVs, telephones, an elevator, and all rooms have toilets. Rooms are furnished with grandma-style floral prints on the walls and a few pseudo-antiques; mattresses, however, are on the mushy side. Another plus, the price of a double (66€–69€) includes a continental breakfast.
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Accommodations, Both Standard & Not
€–€€ Brisk efficiency reigns at the Hôtel de Sévigné 5 (2 rue Mahler, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 76 17; www.le-sevigne.com; Métro: St-Paul; MC, V), a tightly-
run operation that offers clean, modern, air-conditioned rooms for excellent prices: 75€ to 86€ for a double room. Though the charm factor may not be particularly high here, all the rooms have recently been renovated, and the location is terrific—a few minutes walk from the museums and boutiques of the Marais, and a block or two from the place des Vosges. Double-paned windows are in all the rooms, though those facing the busy rue St-Antoine do get some noise. On the other hand, they also look out on the domed church of St-Paul–St-Louis. €€ Considering its prime location—in the heart of the Marais and next to the quiet, shaded place du Marché Ste-Catherine—Hôtel Jeanne d’Arc 55 (3 rue de Jarente, 4th arrond.; % 01 48 87 62 11; www.hoteljeannedarc.com; Métro: St-Paul; MC, V) is an incredible deal. Yet despite the low rates (doubles range from 84€–94€), rooms are comfortable, colorful, and nicely appointed, with antique-
style wooden bedsteads and furniture. So where’s the catch? There isn’t one, except that it books up months in advance, especially for fashion show weeks (Feb, Mar, July, and Sept), when industry insiders snap up most of the rooms. Located on a quiet street, rooms get little or no noise. Unfortunately, none of them face the delightful square. The mosaic mirror in the lobby and the painted walls in the breakfast room are creations of local artists. €€€–€€€€ For something with a little more history, try the Hotel SaintLouis Marais 5 (1 rue Charles V, 4th arrond.; % 01 48 87 87 04; www.saintlouis marais.com; AE, DC, MC, V). The exposed beams and narrow staircases attest to the
fact that the building dates from 1720, as do the tomettes, six-sided terracotta tiles, on the floor. Not all is ancient here, however: the just-renovated rooms have new mattresses, newly tiled bathrooms, and flat-screen TVs, while the decor is a nice mix of modern and period styles. Standard doubles go for 115€; for more space, book a superior double for 140€, which can sleep three for the same price. There is no air-conditioning, but the thick stone walls and tile floors keep summer heat at bay. With only 19 rooms on four floors (there is no elevator), noise is not a problem; the adjacent streets are so calm it’s hard to believe you are only a few minutes walk from the place de la Bastille, and only a short stroll from the Ile St-Louis.
€€€–€€€€ A century younger, but still busting with charm, Hôtel de la Bretonnerie 55 (22 rue Sainte Croix de la Bretonnerie, 4th arrond.; % 01 48 87 77 63; www.bretonnerie.com; Métro: Hôtel de Ville; MC, V), has its share of
exposed beams and stone walls, but it also has canopy beds, period fabrics, and wall to wall carpeting. The overall feel is a little more modern, perhaps a little more plush; every room has a different color scheme and layout. There are significant reductions in August, (in fact, there are periodic promotional rates throughout the year on the website). For the level of style and comfort, not to mention the excellent location, even the rack rates are very reasonable: doubles start at 116€ (there are canopy beds at this level) and go up to 149€ for the largest and
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The Marais
The Pros & Cons of Hotel Packages If you get a good one, a package can save you a mint. But like so many things on the Internet, and in life for that matter, you need to know where to go. This is a case where the usual suspects, Travelocity, Expedia, and Orbitz, may let you down with high-priced hotels and uninspired deals. The sites to seek out are those of package specialists, single-minded travel agencies that know the ins and outs of bundled deals. Go-Today (www.go-today.com), considered the package king, often has great deals on Paris, like their 6-night hotel-air package for just $669 per person, about the same as the price of an air ticket alone. True, these rates are for winter, but there are good bargains for other seasons as well and with what you’ve saved you can buy yourself a new camelhair coat. Gate 1 Travel (www.gate1travel.com) is another winner, with 4-night packages for as little as $499 (also in the dead of winter). The Paris City Break at Europe ASAP (www.europeasap.com) includes airfare and 6 nights in a hotel for a mere $649. Though not as sure of a bet, Air France Holidays (www.airfrance-holidays.com), the package division of Air France, periodically has good deals, particularly if you are willing to travel during the winter, like 6-night hotel and airfare (on Air France) for $729. Deciphering the nitty gritty details of packages is an art(you’ll need to add up all the fees to get the real deal. Make sure to check what is included in the package, particularly insurance, airport taxes, and fuel surcharges, which can really add up. Your choice of hotel (you’ll usually pick from a list) will affect the final price tag, as will additional services like airport transfers and city tours. Pauline Frommer Says: “A key to deciphering packages is to remember that they’re always based on double occupancy, so be sure to double the costs and then subtract the airfares to get the low-down on what you’re actually paying for the room. The one exception to this rule may be packages that you create using such sites as Travelocity, Expedia and Orbitz. Very occasionally if you have a specific hotel in mind, you can save money this way.”
most romantic chambres de charme (honeymooners, take note). On some floors there is a small staircase to climb after exiting the elevator. €€–€€€€
As the enthusiastic and gracious owner will be only too happy to explain, the Hôtel Vieux Marais 55 (8 rue du Plâtre, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 78 47 22; www.vieuxmarais.com; Métro: Hôtel de Ville; MC, V) has had a complete (and in the common areas, on-going) overhaul, resulting in large, comfortable, air-conditioned modern rooms with blonde wood bedsteads and neo-Art Deco armchairs, new bathrooms with aged-marble tiles, and lots of closet space. What’s
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Accommodations, Both Standard & Not
more, the hotel is located smack in the middle of the Marais, and close to public transportation. The downside is the price, which varies radically according to season. When the trade shows are on, generally early fall, early spring, and early summer, doubles are 140€, which is reasonable, considering the quality of the accommodations, but not exactly a bargain. On the other hand, at all other times doubles are 108€, which is a real deal. The only way to know which price is current, aside from becoming an expert on Parisian trade shows, is to contact the hotel. €€–€€€€ Don’t be put off by the ’70s-era decor in the lobby of Hôtel du Vieux Saule 55 (6 rue de Picardie, 3rd arrond.; % 01 42 72 01 14; www.hotel vieuxsaule.com; Métro: République or Filles du Calvaire; AE, DC, MC, V)—all of the
air-conditioned rooms have had a chic makeover. Wood and rattan headboards and Villeroy & Boch bathroom fixtures are de rigeur here; designer fabrics in warm colors cover the walls. Like the Vieux Marais, the Vieux Saule (“old willow”) also suffers from seasonal price swings: during trade show season, doubles run 121€ to 151€; off-season the same rooms go for 106€–136€. There are more amenities here—ironing boards, irons, pants presses, and flat-screen TVs are in all rooms—but the location is a bit less central, being in the northern end of the Marais. If relaxation is what you are after, take advantage of the free sauna in the cellar.
LATIN QUARTER (5TH ARRONDISSEMENT) Central and reasonably priced, the Latin Quarter is a long-time favorite for budgeteers. Unfortunately, this status has encouraged huge hoards to invade the many low-cost hotels, which have in turn, raised their prices. So you might find an affordable gem, but you may just as easily end up paying mid-range prices for bargain basement digs. The streets immediately surrounding the place St-Michel (especially around rue de la Huchette) are where you’ll find the worst tourist traps, both hotel and restaurant-wise; better prices and quality are to be had in the quieter areas around the universities (College de France, La Sorbonne, Faculté de Sciences), a little farther from Notre-Dame but still in easy walking distance.
€€ Some find that Hôtel Esmeralda (4 rue St-Julien-le-Pauvre, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 54 19 20; Métro: St-Michel, RER: St-Michel Notre-Dame; MC, V) has a cer-
tain funky charm, others find it just plain funky, but no one can deny that it has a great location—just across the Seine from Notre-Dame (which you can see from several rooms if you stick your head out the window). Decorated in a ’70s-era, hippyesque style with lots of dark floral wallpaper, wood paneling, and grannystyle furniture, these rooms have lots of character, if nothing else. There’s no elevator, no TV, and don’t be surprised if bathroom tiles are chipped or the room smells a bit musty. All of this was acceptable when prices were low, but with doubles now going for 85€–95€, the Esmeralda’s no longer a bargain, even if it’s still reasonable for the neighborhood. A couple of rooms on the top floor have had a half-hearted renovation: the new carpets and apricot-colored wallpaper look a little strange next to the same old nicked furniture. Ask for a room that looks out on place Vivani; the view is lovely and you’ll get plenty of sunlight. The management is at least as quirky as the decor; patience is definitely a virtue here.
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Latin Quarter
For a bit more (and not that much considering breakfast is included in the price of the room) Hôtel les Degrés de Notre Dame 55 (10 rue
des Grands Degrés, 5th arrond.; % 01 55 42 88 88; www.lesdegreshotel.com; Métro: St-Michel or Maubert Mutualité, RER: St-Michel Notre-Dame; MC, V) offers
a lot more class, even if the views are less enticing. With only ten individually decorated rooms—each with a different assortment of antiques, throw rugs, artwork, and rich fabrics—this feels more like an upscale pension than a hotel. About half of the bathrooms were just renovated with colorful tiles; the shower floors look like they’re paved with pebbles. There are lots of exposed beams here; the building is centuries old, which explains the lack of an elevator or air-conditioning. On the other hand, the rooms facing the courtyard are a relatively good size for Paris, and those facing the street are downright spacious. There are two rooms with views of the towers of Notre-Dame, #47, a small double, and #510, the honeymoon suite. This last room is the largest and the most expensive, and it comes with a mirrored headboard and bathtub for two. The complimentary breakfast is served in the cozy restaurant on the ground floor, which serves both traditional French bistro fare and North African specialties like couscous and tajines. Doubles range from 110€–160€; due to the small size of the hotel, babies are not accepted. The restaurant is closed on Sunday.
€ “Cheap doesn’t have to be ugly” is the motto at Hôtel du Commerce (14 rue de la Montagne Ste-Genviève, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 54 89 69; www.commerceparis-hotel.com; Métro: Maubert Mutualité or Cardinal Lemoine; no credit cards),
located on a small side street just off hotel-heavy rue des Ecoles. With the feel of an upscale youth hostel, these basic rooms are decorated in bright blues and yellows, with doorless closets, small desks, and either carpets or hardwood floors. There’s no elevator, and some of the staircases in this ancient building are a bit tortuous, but that doesn’t bother the mostly young clientele, who come for the rock bottom prices (double with sink only, 39€–49€; double with shower and sink 49€–59€; double with shower and toilets 59€–69€). There are also triples and quads without toilets for 59€–99€, as well as one upscale, air-conditioned “superior” room (#8, 89€–99€ depending on season)—but if you are looking for comfort, nicer rooms for similar prices are to be had elsewhere. The shared shower is 2€. Another plus: in the dining area just next to reception, there’s a communal refrigerator and microwave, as well as soda and coffee machines. Reservations can only be made online or by e-mail; credit cards accepted only for reservations; rooms must be paid for in cash or travelers checks. €€ A little farther down rue des Ecoles, toward the Jardin des Plantes, are two hotels owned by the same hyperenthusiastic management. If there is a more dedicated hotel owner than Eric Gaucheron, I have yet to meet them. Every detail at the Familia Hôtel 55 (11 rue des Ecoles, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 54 55 27; www. hotel-paris-familia.com; Métro: Cardinal Lemoine; AE, DC, MC, V) has been scrupulously considered, from the carved and monogramed cherry wood doors and headboards, to the swags of period fabrics on the windows, to the hand-painted wall murals that decorate many rooms. These rooms are big on charm: some have exposed beams, others have marble bathrooms, and those on the second, fifth,
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Accommodations on the Left Bank
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Accommodations, Both Standard & Not
and sixth have small balconies with nice views of the Latin Quarter. In his eternal quest to keep his clientele happy, Gaucheron has had the walls of the small interior courtyard painted with blue skies and country scenery so that those without a view don’t have to suffer. He’s also made sure a few rooms have tile or wood floors to accommodate guests with allergies. One thing he can’t change, however, is the size of the rooms, which are decidedly on the small side. That said, so are the prices: 85€–115€ for a double, and he will even rent a single with a small double bed for 74€ to two if it is available (ask on arrival). €€–€€€ For larger rooms and a little more luxe, just next door is the other Gaucheron enterprise, the Minerve Hôtel 55 (13 rue des Ecoles, 5th arrond.;
% 01 43 26 26 04; www.hotel-paris-minerve.com; Métro: Cardinal Lemoine; AE, DC, MC, V). Very similar in look and feel to the Familia, but with a more
refined ambiance—more space, more exposed beams, more stone walls, plusher carpets, bigger bathrooms, and A/C in every room. The owner’s penchant for antiques is more obvious here—vintage tapestries and prints cover the walls of the common areas. The prices are a bit higher, running from 98€–130€ for a double, but it is still very reasonable considering the quality of the lodgings. €€–€€€ More spacious still are the rooms at the delightful Hôtel StJacques 55 (35 rue des Ecoles, 5th arrond.; % 01 44 07 45 45; www.paris-hotelstjacques.com; Métro: Maubert Mutualité, RER: Cluny-La Sorbonne; AE, DC, MC, V),
which retain lots of architectural details from its Belle Epoque past. Most of the ceilings are adorned with masses of curlicues, and some have restored 18th-century murals to gaze at while you laze in bed. Like the two hotels above, there are several rooms with small balconies and Latin Quarter views, but the decor has a lighter, more feminine feel. Service is especially friendly here. Prices are very reasonable, considering the comfort level and romantic decor; the roomier doubles range from 114€–124€, while the smaller ones on the top (sixth) floor go for 95€ (Note: the elevator stops at the fifth floor; a flight of stairs leads to the sixth). A few rooms without private shower or toilet are available for solo travelers for only 55€. In 2005, a new lobby and breakfast room were added, as well as two very pretty wheelchair accessible rooms on the ground floor. Movie fans take note: this hotel starred in the Audrey Hepburn/Cary Grant classic, Charade.
€–€€ The quantity of young people bounding up and down the stairs at the Hôtel Marignan (13 rue du Sommerard, 5th arrond; % 01 43 54 63 81; www. hotel-marignan.com; Métro: Maubert Mutualité; MC, V) is your first clue: these
lodgings cater to budget travelers looking for reasonable, centrally-located lodgings, who don’t mind a little noise in the hallways. Not only is the price right (65€–90€ for a double in high season) but the user-friendly owner, Paul Keniger, offers enticing extras like free washing machines and kitchen access (after breakfast is served), as well as a front entry papered with tourist info and handy tips. Though the furnishings are pretty basic, the rooms themselves are in very good shape, with pretty carved ceiling moldings, and clean and spacious tiled bathrooms. Room sizes range from comfortable to enormous—this is one of the few
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Latin Quarter
hotels in Paris to offer rooms for five people (120€–150€). The cheapest rates involve sharing a toilet and/or shower with one other room; shared facilities are spotless. Take note that whereas summer is often low season in Paris, high season at this hotel is April through July. There is no elevator. €€ About a block from the imposing edifice that it is named after, Hôtel du College de France (7 rue Thénard, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 26 78 36; www.hotelcollegedefrance.com; Métro: Maubert Mutualité; AE, DC, MC, V) has a higher com-
fort quotient, if perhaps a bit less personality. These are standard hotel rooms (doubles 85€–115€ in high season) with nice clean carpets, appropriate bedspreads, and a few classy photos of French movie stars. Rooms on the upper floors get significantly more light, and those on the top floor (accessible only by staircase) are larger and have high ceilings. The rooms are a little ho-hum, but the lobby is cute—the medieval theme pays homage to the 11th-century structure that once stood here, home of the commander of the knights of Saint Jean—and more importantly, the owners, the Marc family, are very welcoming. €€€€ As its name suggests, Hôtel des Jardins du Luxembourg (5 impasse Royer Collard, 5th arrond.; % 01 40 46 08 88; www.les-jardins-du-luxembourg. com; RER: Luxembourg; AE, DC, MC, V) is just around the corner from its glorious
namesake. On a quiet impasse, or dead-end street, these cushy lodgings make an excellent hideaway for a romantic honeymoon or cozy retreat. The building’s claim to fame is that Sigmund Freud stayed here on his first visit to Paris; perhaps this has something to do with the 1930s and 1940s touches to the decor. The Art Deco ambiance of the lobby and reading lounge invites deep reflection, or at least a nice rest in one of the plush armchairs; for full relaxation, indulge in a visit to the sauna (5€). Most of your resting, of course, will be in the rooms, which are decorated with a good deal of class. While the standard rooms (140€) are quite pretty, with curly wrought iron headboards and puffy comforters (cotton or feather), they are not nearly as nice as the superior rooms, which cost only 10€ more and have nice views, small balconies, snazzy bathrooms, and designer-fabric covered walls. All rooms are air-conditioned. €–€€ I’m not sure why the Hôtel de l’Espérance 5 (15 rue Pascal, 5th arrond.; % 01 47 07 10 99; www.hoteldelesperance.fr; Métro: Censier Daubenton; AE, DC, MC, V) has such great rates; hotels near the Rue Moufftard with half the
charm go for much more. To start with, there are the owners, the affable Mme. and M. Aymard, who greet everyone like guests in their own home. Mme. Aymard is responsible for the dash of flamboyance in the decor: many of the beds are crowned with minicanopies of colorful draped fabric, a doll collection is sprinkled around the lobby, and the breakfast room is swathed in toile de jouy (printed period fabric). Beyond the canopies, the rooms are pretty classic, and in great shape, with fresh, clean carpets, draperies, and marble bathrooms (doubles 79€–87€). There is a small, flower-bedecked patio for eating breakfast al fresco. The hotel is located on a quiet street, about a block away from the base of rue Moufftard, where there is a lovely open-air market.
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Accommodations, Both Standard & Not
Staying Connected Though France isn’t the most connected country in Europe, most hotels have either free Internet access in the lobby or Wi-Fi in the rooms. If your hotel doesn’t, and you’re in desperate need of an e-mail fix, your best bet is a cyber cafe (see “Staying Wired While You’re Away,” p. 345). There’s sometimes internet access at public libraries or post offices, but you’ll usually have to have a library card or buy an overpriced debit card to use it.
€€–€€€ Tucked into a private garden on the slope of the Montagne StGenviève, lovely Hôtel Grandes Ecoles 555 (75 rue Cardinal Lemoine, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 26 79 23; www.hotel-grandes-ecoles.fr; Métro: Cardinal Lemoine or place Monge; MC, V) gives you the impression you have just walked out of Paris
and into the countryside. A path leads to a flower-bedecked interior courtyard, where birds chirp in the trees; the reception area adjoins an inviting breakfast room with potted plants and an upright piano. The spotless rooms are filled with country-style furniture and papered in old-fashioned prints; crocheted bedspreads and framed etchings of flowers complete the look. Views from most windows are of either the garden or surrounding trees. The calm is such that the hotel has nixed TVs; smoking is discouraged throughout. Incredibly, this unique ambiance does not come at a high price: the least expensive rooms are only (105€–110€), and on the high end of the scale (up to 130€) are larger rooms including several on the ground floor with French doors that open onto the garden. Speaking of the garden, in nice weather you can sip your café au lait and nibble your croissants there.
A little bit out of the way (but convenient if you need to get to the Gare d’Austerlitz train station) is the Port Royal Hôtel 5 (8 blvd. Port Royal, 5th
arrond.; % 01 43 31 70 06; www.hotelportroyal.fr; Métro: Les Gobelins; no credit cards). If it’s any indication of how silly the French star system can be, there are
plenty of two-star hotels in Paris that aren’t as nice as this perfectly respectable and impeccably clean one-star. That said, do not be misled by the pretty pictures on the website; though some of the rooms have been renovated with chic fabrics and designer bathroom tiles, most have a more humble, old-fashioned decor. But considering the low prices, this place is a deal, Kenzo tiles or no. The hotel is one of the few left in Paris with lots of rooms without private toilets or showers, which means if you are willing to make do with just a lavabo (mirror and sink—spotless shared toilets and showers are in the hall), you can get a nice double for 53€. Even with private facilities, the rates are low: 79€ for a double with toilet and shower; 84€–89€ with toilet and bath.
€–€€ If the Port Royal is booked, you might consider Hotel Carofftel (18 av. des Gobelins, 5th arrond.; % 01 42 17 47 47; www.hotelcarofftelgobelins. com; Métro: Les Gobelins; MC, V), just around the corner on busy avenue des
Gobelins. Though the decor throughout is pretty nondescript, all is clean and
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Saint Germain
tidy, and some of the high-ceilinged rooms are quite large. Of particular interest to those who are looking for space are the huge triples (114€, families take note), which, depending on availability, can lodge two people for the same price as a double (81€–94€).
SAINT GERMAIN (6TH ARRONDISSEMENT) If you look hard, you can still find affordable lodgings in this much sought after (and expensive) neighborhood. Sleek boutiques and restaurants abound; historic cafes and monuments lend plenty of atmosphere. Unlike some other chic Parisian neighborhoods, this one is still lively, even late at night; it is also centrally located and in walking distance to many top sights. The highest concentration of noise and tourist traps is around blvd. St-Germain and Carrefour de l’Odéon; once you turn down a side street things quiet down considerably.
€ In a quiet neighborhood between Montparnasse and the Jardin du Luxembourg, Hôtel Stanislas (5 rue Montparnasse, 6th arrond.; % 01 45 48 37 05, fax 01 45 48 37 05; Métro: Notre-Dame-des-Champs; MC, V) is slightly out of the center of things, but if you’re strapped for cash, it’s well worth the 10-minute walk to St-Germain-des-Prés. While it certainly isn’t the Ritz, rooms are clean and comfy, with old-fashioned printed wallpaper giving these spacious digs a touch of charm. There’s also plenty of old-fashioned hospitality on offer from the gracious staff, as well as old-fashioned prices: just 60€–63€ double, with toilet and shower—possibly the best deal on the left bank. Twin beds go for 76€, and triples are a mere 80€. Breakfast is served until noon in the small cafe on the ground floor, where students from the neighboring technical institute come for snacks and drinks. There’s no elevator.
€€ Another good deal that is, amazingly, right in the thick of St-Germain chic, (36 rue du Dragon, 6th arrond.; %01 45 48 51 05; www. is Hôtel du Dragon
hoteldudragon.com; Métro: St-Germain-des-Prés; closed in Aug; AE, DC, MC, V). All the simply furnished doubles here are 109€, which range from roomy to
downright huge. Unfortunately, due to draconian city regulations, this hotel is not allowed to add a third bed, even in the largest rooms, but folding cribs are fine (available on premises). Ceilings are very high, and some have exposed beams; rooms are painted in light colors with floral trims. A 19th-century portrait of the hotel’s founder hangs in the homey breakfast room—these lodgings have been in the same family for 120 years. There is no elevator.
€€€ Considerably more stylish, the Hôtel de Saint Germain 5 (50 rue du Four, 6th arrond.; % 01 45 48 91 64; www.hotel-de-saint-germain.fr; Métro: St-Germain-des-Prés; MC, V), stakes its claim on a street lined with snazzy bou-
tiques and chic restaurants. The rooms might be small, but they are air-conditioned, and those facing the street (most do, and all have double-glazed windows) get lots of light. Colorful bedspreads and neo-country furniture add to the cheerful decor; the brand-new bathrooms all have towel-warmers. There are two corner rooms on each floor that are good for families; the hallway door can be
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Accommodations, Both Standard & Not
closed off to create a small suite. Though the cost may seem high considering the small dimensions of the room, keep in mind that rates in this pricey neighborhood are generally at least double, and chances are the service won’t be nearly as friendly. The price fluctuates with the seasons: in theory, doubles average 120€, but they go up to 130€ during trade shows, and down to 105€ in August and a few other slow periods. Visit the website for a month-by-month price breakdown. €€€€ If you really want to up the charm factor, head to the Hôtel des Marronniers 555 (21 rue Jacob, 6th arrond.; % 01 43 25 30 60; www.hotelmarronniers.com; Métro: St-Germain-des-Prés; MC, V). Velour upholstery, Louis
XIII armoires, and gilt framed mirrors are some of the perks at this lovely hotel, where each room has a different decor. Lush fabrics in period prints and brocades cover the walls and windows; swags of drapery fall elegantly from minicanopies over many of the beds. Rooms are on the small side, but most have high ceilings, and some have exposed beams; those on the fifth and sixth floors are a bit larger but with lower ceilings. The entire hotel is set back off the street, making it very quiet; most rooms look out over the calm garden where breakfast is served in the warmer months. Speaking of which, the air-conditioning can be a bit spotty, which may account for the 10% reductions in July and August. Though the rates are a bit steep, at 155€ to 175€ for a double, compared to its luxurious neighbors on this utterly elegant street, this hotel is reasonably priced, which is why it books up months in advance.
Just off the gallery bedecked rue Dauphine is another quirky work of art, the Hôtel de Nesle 55 (pronounced “nell,” 7 rue de Nesle, 6th arrond.; % 01 43 54 62 41; www.hoteldenesleparis.com; Métro: Odéon; MC, V). From the moment you enter the lobby, you know that you are not in your average hotel: the entire ceiling is covered with hanging bouquets of dried flowers, country knickknacks and paintings cover the walls, and you just might find someone ironing next to the coffee table. Every room is impeccably clean and has a theme reflected in the decoration, which includes interesting objects and hand-painted murals. One of the larger doubles, #5 (“Afrique” 100€), has a large bathroom, a canopy bed, African masks, a rattan armchair, and a mural portraying various explorers marching across the walls, whereas smaller #6 (85€) has twin beds, a sink and shower (toilets in the hall are spotless), mosaic tiles on the lower half of the walls, and a selection of Greek goddesses dancing above (the smallest doubles are 75€). Also good-sized with full bathroom is #13, “Moliére” (100€), which has theatre curtains in front of the bed and a small divan to recline on; like other rooms on the courtyard, this one has a lovely garden view. Many of the rooms can be seen on the website, but attempts to reserve a specific one might be met with frustration: The hotel has an equally quirky reservation policy, which involves calling 48 hours before your arrival to confirm; the management is, not surprisingly, eccentric, so bring your patience with you. No TV in rooms.
€–€€ If you’re not up to the challenge, Hôtel Saint Pierre 5 (4 rue de l’Ecole de Médcine, 6th arrond.; % 01 46 34 78 80; www.saintpierre-hotel.com; Métro:
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Invalides–Eiffel Tower
Cluny–La Sorbonne; AE, MC, V) offers more standard, and predictable, lodgings.
Rooms are comfortable, if uninspired, service is top-notch, and the prices are extremely reasonable for this high-demand area, on the border of the Latin Quarter and in easy walking distance to both the Luxembourg Gardens and Notre Dame. Smallish doubles with shower are a mere 82€, larger versions with bath are 88€, and all come with a wide range of creature comforts, including A/C.
INVALIDES–EIFFEL TOWER (7TH ARRONDISSEMENT) For some reason, many tourists clamor for hotels that are right near the Eiffel Tower, perhaps under the mistaken impression that this is a central location. It isn’t. Not only that, the 7th arrondissement is one of the grandest in Paris, filled with government ministries and posh residences—not exactly a place where you are likely to experience a typical slice of Parisian life. That said, there’s no denying it’s a beautiful, if quiet, area, and that there is something magical about wandering out of your hotel in the morning and seeing the Eiffel Tower looming in the background, or the golden dome of Les Invalides shining in the sun. One thing is for sure, there are plenty of hotels in the area, many of which cater to Americans (fully English-speaking staff, larger beds, etc.).
€–€€ The rooms are tiny, but for this terribly chic street, so are the rates at Hôtel de Nevers (83 rue du Bac, 7th arrond.; % 01 45 44 61 30; www.hotelde nevers-saintgermain.net; Métro: Rue du Bac; MC, V). Antiques shops and pricey
boutiques surround this diminutive hotel, which is just around the corner from the elegant Bon Marché department store and a short walk to the Musée d’Orsay. Once you’ve wedged yourself into your room, you’ll notice the new carpets and furniture; the entire hotel was renovated in 2006. The cheapest double has a private toilet in the corridor (78€); other doubles are either 83€ (shower) or 93€ (bath). Two rooms have rooftop terraces that are big enough for a breakfast table (87€ and 93€). €€€ A fascination with early aviation is evident at Hôtel Lindbergh 555 (5 rue Chomel, 7th arrond.; % 01 45 48 35 53; www.hotellindbergh.com; Métro: Sèvres-Babylone; AE, DC, MC, V), where photos of legendary pilots like Antoine de
St-Exupéry and Lucky Lindy hang in the lobby. The decor goes much farther than airplanes, however; most rooms have recently had a makeover by architect JeanPhilippe Nuel, who punctuates the soft browns and beiges on the walls and floors with interesting shades of red or light green on the bedspreads. The overall effect is modern yet soft and incredibly inviting. Ceilings are high, lighting is discreet— you would think you were in a three-star boutique hotel. Yet the prices are in the realm of the doable: Most doubles are 116€, and there are six spacious twins for 136€ (156€ with three beds and 166€ for four). The least expensive options are the smallest rooms, which go for 98€. The older rooms were also done by Nuel, and are equally inviting, if perhaps a bit less chic, with off-white fabrics on the walls and deep blues on the beds. Adding to the cozy picture is the welcoming staff, headed by Zoë, an adorable Yorkshire terrier.
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Accommodations, Both Standard & Not
Hôtel de France
(102 blvd. de la Tour Maubourg, 7th arrond.;
% 01 47 05 40 49; www.hoteldefrance.com; Métro: Ecole Militaire; AE, DC, MC, V) is right on top of Les Invalides and has the views to show for it. If the rooms are pretty basic, eight of them have a full-frontal of the monument; those on the fifth floor have a small balcony to boot. (Note: you can’t have a guaranteed reservation of a room with a view of the Invalides unless you are staying for more than 3 nights.) Most of those that don’t look out on the golden dome still have nice views of the city; rooms facing the courtyard are a bit gloomy. Rates are democratic, views or no: doubles are 95€, twins 98€, and spacious triples are 107€–113€. The chambre familiale is a good deal—two communicating doubles go for only 151€–163€, but these suites are reserved for families only, no gangs of traveling adults. The breakfast (9€, free for children under 12) is particularly copious and includes fresh croissants, gourmet yogurt, sausage, and eggs. €–€€ For more rooms with views, head to Hôtel de L’Empereur (2 rue Chevert, 7th arrond.; % 01 45 55 88 02; www.hotelempereur.com; Métro: La Tour Maubourg; AE, DC, MC, V). Though the rooms are a little smaller here (but with
big bathrooms) and not as bright and shiny as those at Hôtel de France, they have a lot more character, with Empire-style headboards and Napoléonic motifs throughout. The emperor’s hat, laurel crown, and bee symbols abound; though clean and tidy, the decoration could use a bit of freshening up. But enough about ambiance, let’s talk views. About half the rooms have an amazing view of Les Invalides, which you can appreciate through the nice big windows (the best views are from the 5th and 6th floors). Prices for doubles range from 72€–98€ depending on season; twins and triples stay at 100€ and 120€ all year. There is no extra charge for rooms with a view, and you can reserve one, no matter how long you stay. Air-conditioning should be installed by 2007. €€€–€€€€ A big step up on the comfort scale is nearby Hôtel Muguet 55 (11 rue Chevert, 7th arrond.; % 01 47 05 05 93; www.hotelmuguet.com; Métro: Ecole Militaire and La Tour Maubourg; AE, MC, V). Renovated from stem to stern
in 2006, these lovely rooms have faux-antique furniture, big wood headboards hand painted with a lily-of-the-valley (muguet) motif, and pretty new bathrooms with old-fashioned wood washstands and mirror frames. Though not exactly huge, the doubles are larger than before, and the triples (160€) are downright spacious. All but four of the 48 rooms have queen-sized beds (a rarity in Paris), and all have air-conditioning and flat-screen TVs. Five doubles have a great view of the Eiffel Tower, three others of Les Invalides; needless to say they book up months in advance (165€). But let’s not forget about the other equally comfy and much less expensive rooms (125€) that look out on either the quiet street or the leafy courtyard. The entire hotel is nonsmoking; there is no elevator between the fifth and sixth floors. €€€–€€€€
In a neighborhood chock full of government ministries housed in palatial mansions, the Hôtel de Varenne 555 (44 rue de Bourgogne, 7th
arrond.; % 01 45 51 45 55; www.hoteldevarenne.com; Métro: Varenne; AE, MC, V)
does its best to live up to its elegant surroundings—indeed, part of its clientele comes from the nearby National Assembly. Once the home of Nicolas-Charles
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Accommodations on the Left Bank
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Oudinot, who ended his illustrious military career as governor of the nearby Invalides, these classy accommodations provide a bit of posh at relatively reasonable prices. Since it is set back off the street, rooms are very quiet, and there is a lovely garden patio for breakfast alfresco in the warmer months. The decor is stately, without being stuffy; the furniture, which was custom-made for the hotel, is inspired by Louis XVI and Empire styles. The entire hotel was renovated in 2003, though you would think it was yesterday, as everything looks brand-spanking-new. As to be expected in this price range (standard doubles 127€ shower, 147€ bath; extra large doubles 167€), amenities are plentiful and include air-conditioning, flat-screen TVs, and DVD players. Despite his suit and tie, owner Jean-Marc Pommier is very approachable and is usually to be found on the premises.
€ For a good bargain basic, Hôtel Kensington (79 av. de la Bourdonnais, 7th arrond.; % 01 47 05 74 00; www.hotel-kensington.com; Métro: Ecole Militaire; AE, DC, MC, V) fits the bill. A short walk away from the rue Cler market street and
an easy jog to the Eiffel Tower, if you are on a tight budget you will appreciate the clean, efficient doubles that go for as little as 72€ and up to 87€ for a twin. Space is minimal, and the floor is a little uneven, but ceilings are nice and high, the wallpaper is fresh, and the staff is helpful and friendly.
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Breaking the Chains If you’re like me, you usually steer clear of chain hotels, especially when visiting a foreign country. They tend to be a) expensive, unless you’ve booked them as part of a package, and b) so standardized that you are likely to wake up in the morning wondering where you are. Leaving aside megachains like Best Western and Holiday Inn (for the reasons cited above), there are a couple of decent local chains that, though not big on personality, at least are convenient and easy on the pocketbook. The cheapest, and most omnipresent chain hotel in Paris is Ibis (www. ibishotel.com; AE, DC, MC, V). With over 50 locations dotted about the city, these modestly-priced hotels provide clean, comfortable rooms (sometimes air-conditioned) with cheerful prints on the beds and windows; you’ll never have to wonder what your room will look like since they are all identical to the one shown on the website. Breakfast is served until noon, and snacks and drinks are available 24/7. Doubles range from around 55€ in the outer arrondissements to 110€ in the center of town. For a bit more luxury, try Timhotel (www.timhotel.com; AE, DC, MC, V). Though the buildings themselves are pretty, the rooms are pretty standard (read: blah), if amply proportioned. What they do have are some brilliant locations. Timhotel Palais-Royal Louvre adjoins the beautiful Passage Vivienne; Timhotel Montmartre is just next to the Bateau Lavoir on a tiny tree-shaded square, and some rooms have an incredible view of the city. Timhotel Jardin des Plantes is just across the street from the eponymous botanical gardens, and Timhotel Louvre is about a block away from the museum on the rue St-Honoré. The rack rates are a bit lofty, in the 125€–175€ range for a double, but the good news is that there are often excellent reductions on the website—up to 60%, if you’re lucky. Another small, upscale chain with truly spectacular locations is Esprit de France (www.esprit-de-france.com; AE, DC, MC, V). Hôtel Brighton, for example, is on the rue de Rivoli; if you’re willing to pay 175€, you can have a view of the Tuileries Gardens. Some rooms at Hôtel de la Place du Louvre have a view of the eastern facade of the palace; Hôtel Mansart is located right at the corner of the place Vendôme. Rooms in the more expensive locations have pretty fabrics and 19th-century architectural detailing; others like Place du Louvre are relatively modern and chainlike. Prices are high—doubles start at around 140€—but periodic discounts show up on the website, particularly in July and August.
€€ I don’t know how the Hôtel du Champ de Mars 55 (7 rue du Champ de Mars; 7th arrond.; % 01 45 51 52 30; www.hotelduchampdemars.com; Métro: Ecole Militaire; MC, V) keeps their rates so low, but I’m glad they do; it’s one of the
cutest hotels in the neighborhood, and one of the most affordable. Recently overhauled, the rooms are still a bit small but tastefully decorated with the kind of care
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Champs Elysees & Park Monceau
people generally reserve for their own homes: thick cotton bedspreads, framed floral prints, and designer fabrics on the beds and windows (at press time the photos on the website had not been updated). Two rooms have a tiny courtyard; those on the upper floors get lots of light. Add the fact that this quiet street is just around the corner from the shops and restaurants of rue Cler, and you have an amazing bargain: doubles are only 84€–88€. Another plus, the owners, Françoise and Stéphane Gourdal, are always available, as is their adorable Cocker Spaniel, Cannelle. There’s no elevator. €€ To get the reception desk at the Grand Hôtel Lévêque 5 (29 rue Cler, 7th arrond.; % 01 47 05 49 15; www.hotel-leveque.com; Métro: Ecole Militaire; AE, MC, V) you pass through a corridor lined with framed pages from just about every
English-language guidebook on the planet. Something of an institution, this modestly-priced hotel has the luck to be right on rue Cler, a delightful pedestrian market street lined with food stands, cafes, and cute shops. A tiny new elevator was recently installed, as was air-conditioning, part of continuous renovations that keep the hotel in tip-top shape. Rooms are not particularly lovely, just wellmaintained and homey; about half of them are unusually spacious, and all have ceiling fans. All doubles are 87€, except for the fortunate few that face the street (in this case, a definite bonus), which are 93€–110€. There are also a few large, street-side triples for 125€. €€€ A block or so over is Hôtel Eber Mars 55 (117 av. de la Bourdonnais, 7th arrond.; % 01 47 05 42 30; www.hotelseber.com; Métro: Ecole Militaire; MC, V), several notches up on the class scale. As you walk in the door, chances are you
will be greeted by none other than Monsieur Eber, who keeps a careful eye on ongoing renovation of his hotel. When he took the reins, the establishment had been in the same hands for 57 years and was in desperate need of a top-to-bottom overhaul. So far, the infrastructure is up-to-date, as is the sleek, wood-paneled lobby/breakfast room (served all day), which is decorated with classy photos of 1930s movie stars. The ’30s theme continues into the rooms (and even the owner’s hairstyle, which is suitably slicked back), which have a streamlined period look and neutral colors. Eber is going for a specifically 1930s Parisian decor. “I like people to wake up in their room and know what country they’re in,” he says. At press time, the carpets, beds, wallpaper, and drapes had been done, next on the agenda is an overhaul of the bathrooms (which are actually in good shape) and furniture. When all is completed, it should be terrific. Until then, you’ll get a remarkably spacious, comfortable double here for 105€–125€; even larger triples are 155€, and a family suite (two doubles) goes for 175€.
CHAMPS ELYSEES & PARK MONCEAU (8TH & 17TH ARRONDISSEMENTS) Even grander than the 7th arrondissement, the area around the Champs Elysées is positively mythic. To the south of the boulevard, along avenues Montaigne and George V are the most exclusive designer shops in the city; to the north, elegant buildings, shops, and restaurants stretch up to lovely Parc Monceau, which has some excellent museum neighbors, including Musée Nissim de Camondo and Musée Jacquemart-André. As you head north and east, towards the Gare St-Lazare
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train station, the neighborhood becomes a bit more proletarian. Needless to say, affordable lodgings are scarce around here. There are several cramped tourist hotels around the Arc de Triomphe, but not only do they tend to be overpriced, but if you stay there you will find yourself towards the outskirts of town. On the other hand, there are good bus connections to the airports from nearby Porte Maillot.
The rooms might be small, the reception might be sniffy, but there’s no denying that Hôtel Riviera (55 rue des Acacias, 17th arrond.; % 01 43 80 45 31;
www.hotelriviera-paris.com; Metro and RER: Charles de Gaulle-Etoile; AE, MC, V)
offers impeccable lodgings at a very reasonable price, particularly in this outrageously expensive neighborhood, just down the street from the Arc de Triomphe. Rooms are spic and span, in great shape, and decorated with a bit of imagination and style; doubles even have air-conditioning. But they are small. Some might say tiny. If you need more space, try to reserve one of the five larger ones, though this could get tricky as they are also rented out as triples and may or may not be available/reservable, depending on the season. Doubles run 72€–90€, depending on size; triples are 100€–106€. The most recently renovated rooms are also nonsmoking. The management is stereotypically Parisian, seemingly cold and impossibly distant, but with a little work, likely to crack a wry smile or even a joke or two. €€ Larger rooms with less style are to be had just around the corner at Hôtel des Deux Acacias (28 rue de l’Arc de Triomphe, 17th arrond.; % 01 43 80 01 85; www.2acacias.com; Métro and RER: Charles de Gaulle-Etoile; AE, DC, MC, V).
Rooms were recently redone and are a good size, with white wicker furniture and light colors; unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the hallways and other common areas, which could use some freshening up. If the lobby isn’t particularly inviting, the staff at the reception desk are warm and helpful, which in the long run is a lot more important than plush armchairs and oriental carpets. Doubles with shower are 95€, with bath 102€, and roomy triples 120€—though not exactly cheap, it’s still a good deal in this part of town. €€ There’s nothing extraordinary about the Hôtel des Deux Avenues (38 rue Poncelet, 17th arrond.; % 01 42 27 44 35; www.hotel-des-deux-avenues.com; Métro: Ternes; MC, V), but perhaps that’s part of its charm. Rooms are clean, quiet,
and well-maintained, and the management is kind and friendly; if the decor is a little blah, at least it isn’t annoying. The best part of staying here is the neighborhood—rue Poncelet is a real market street (not a touristy one like rue Cler), with loads of fruit and vegetable stalls lining the sidewalks in front of tantalizing cheese shops and charcuteries. Neighbors greet and exchange jokes, then wander into the corner cafe for a drink. It will take a bit longer to walk to the Champs Elysées (10 min.), but the prices should make up for it: doubles range from 106€–110€ with discounts of up to 40% on the website.
€ If you’re willing to stay a little farther away from the madding crowd, the Hotel Résidence Villiers (68 av. de Villiers, 17th arrond.; % 01 42 27 18 77;
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Wa gra m
Accommodations on the Right Bank ROME M r. d 7 av. d e Villi eP ers r ir c ony M é 0 200 m r éd VILLIERS Co. de s 6 rcelles lle nst ray r. d r. M de Cou ant ze es urc d a r M MÉTRO o a ino 8 h lev Re M MONCEAU ple r. F STOP bou eC na d t ud r. le au PARC e e c c es n n MONCEAU o M av. d Po 5 M r. es Te rid COURCELLES de rnes place des Mad 1 ue r. de Ternes r e onne ch r Lisb de r. o M .d H 2 av. TERNES av. ce de r. d r. de la Bienfaisan Me u ARGENTINE ssi e Fau h ne c bo M o urg H av. Stplace av Ho r. Beaujo Gra. de la St-Augustin levard Haussmann no n nde ré bou ST-AUGUSTIN M Arm place Charles r d .d iedlan ée de Gaulle M oétie 'A av. de Fr r. la B rto CHARLES M is h c o F hièvre Arc de DE GAULLE av. MIROMESNIL Pent rri Triomphe r. de M Be e d r. d r. r. V r. eP tie ST-PHILIPPE du Fa er n KLEBER ont Boé DU ROULE ubo et r. d hie eS urg M 3 u urè e GEORGES V M ave S té ne lis nue H .r la o C on 9 des u d or . r C é ham M n . o psar av Elys Ch ées re e ier r. BOISSIERE lilé P a FRANKLIN D. Fr r. M r. G an ROOSEVELT M ço place des e is er 1 1 M CHAMPS-ELYSEES ign États-Unis e e e i CLEMENCEAU r ta r ier erb on Grand .P eS M place de la 4 v . a d av Palais Concorde 200 yds
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Hôtel Alison 9 Hôtel Nicolo 4 Iena M de place 3 Président Wilson place Hôtel du Bois Hôtel Résidence Villiers 7 l’Alma u M v. d d’Iena Alma-Marceau Hôtela des Deux Acacias 2 Hôtel Riviera 1 Hôtel des Deux Avenues 5 New Orient Hôtel 8 Hôtel Eber Monceau 6
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www.hotel-residence-villiers.com; Métro: Wagram; AE, MC, V) is one of those alltoo-rare Parisian beasts: a decent budget hotel in an expensive area. This cushy residential neighborhood is calm and quiet, but not too far from the action on the Champs Elysées (about a 15-min. walk, but you can take a bus if you want to get there in a hurry). Parc Monceau and the Musée Jacquemart André are in easy walking distance, as are some nice, nontouristy restaurants—one of the perks about staying in an area like this is that you’ll see Parisians in their natural habitat. Rooms are pretty basic, but clean and tidy; some have nice molded cornices on the ceilings, others have small balconies. Doubles go for 80€–83€; those on the street have good double-paned windows to keep the noise out. €€€€
But, you say, I’m staying in one of the swankiest parts of Paris, and I’m ready to pay for a bit of class. In that case, get thee to Hôtel Eber Monceau 55
(18 rue Léon Jost, 17th arrond.; % 01 46 22 60 70; www.hotelebermonceau.com; Métro: Courcelles; AE, DC, MC, V), right near the gracious park of a similar name.
Here you will find soft, creamy off-whites and muted gold fabrics on the beds and curtains, as well as antique-style upholstery on period armchairs. Rooms aren’t enormous, but all are air-conditioned and have high ceilings with 19th-century
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moldings; the noise level is so low that this hotel has been blessed with a Relais de Silence label, one of the few in Paris. Under the same management as the Hotel Eber Mars near the Eiffel Tower, these lodgings include a similarly elegant barlounge where you can order breakfast (with fresh-squeezed orange juice) all day long. Doubles range from 135€–165€, and there are two duplexes for up to three people at 260€ and with terrace, 280€. Promotional discounts of up to 50% can sometimes be found on the website.
€€–€€€ Here’s what you get if you’re willing to stay just north of the Gare StLazare: comfortable rooms decorated with antique headboards and armoires, high ceilings with 19th-century moldings, and air-conditioning, for less than you would pay for substandard accommodations near the Arc de Triomphe. While
New Orient Hôtel 55 (16 rue de Constantinople, 8th arrond.; % 01 45 22 21 64; www.hotel-paris-orient.com; Métro: Villiers, Europe or St-Lazare; AE, DC, MC, V) may not be on top of the Champs Elysées, it’s near a good transportation
hub, and is even closer to the groovy Batignolles area (and the lower reaches of Montmartre). The friendly owners, who are inveterate flea market browsers, have refinished and restored the antique furniture themselves. Rooms (many of which have small balconies) are in tip-top shape, bathrooms sparkle, and doubles run 99€–105€. Larger twins are 130€, and a “family room” with two double beds goes for 140€. A plus (for some): the entire hotel is nonsmoking. A minus: though there’s an elevator, you’ll have to negotiate stairs to get to it. €€€–€€€€ Some hotels pay big bucks for ’70s-esque interiors, but Hotel (21 rue de Surène, 8th arrond.; % 01 42 65 54 00; www.hotelAlison 55 alison.com; Métro: Madeleine; , AE, DC, MC, V) doesn’t need to: its spotless rooms
and geometric furniture have been that way since the days of disco. There’s nothing frumpy or musty about these crisp lodgings, the owners simply haven’t felt the need to update the shiny white ceilings in certain rooms, or the square black headboards in most others. However you feel about beige walls and chocolate carpets, you should be pleased with the generally high level of comfort here; rooms are a good size (especially the twins), amenities are plentiful (pants presses, Roget et Gallet toiletries), and the location is excellent (around the corner from the Madeleine, a hop, skip and a swagger from the Champs Elysées). Prices vary 10%–20% with the season, and rooms on the leafy courtyard cost more, so doubles range from 112€–142€ according to when and where you’re staying. Families take note: a pair of communicating doubles costs 204€–284€.
GRANDS BOULEVARDS TO CANAL SAINTMARTIN (9TH & 10TH ARRONDISSEMENTS) Though there’s no compelling reason to stay in this part of town—no big monuments or famous museums—there is also no reason not to: public transportation is good, there are fewer crowds, and certain areas are actually becoming quite hip, like the area around rue des Martyrs, and more obviously, the cafe-lined Canal StMartin. If you want to see a more low-key, regular folks part of Paris, this is a good place to find it. And while the area itself might not have any must-see sights, the
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Grands Boulevards to Canal Saint-Martin
9th arrondissement is at the foot of Montmartre, and the 10th is just above the Marais.
In heated competition with the youth hostel across the street, Perfect Hôtel
5 (39 rue Rodier, 9th arrond.; % 01 42 81 18 86; www.paris-hostel.biz; Métro: Anvers or Cadet. MC, V) charges remarkably little for very decent, if not perfect,
lodgings. Rooms are clean and well-maintained, ceilings are high (with original curlicue moldings), wallpaper is fresh, and the service is enthusiastically efficient—a lot more than you could say about some hotels that charge double the price. Refurbished on a regular basis, these well-kept but basic accommodations (uneven floors, doorless closet units, no TV), run just 58€ for a double, and if you are willing to make do with just a sink and share the toilet and shower in the hall, the price goes down to 50€. There are even some tiny, toiletfree doubles that look out on a wall for only 38€. The second and fifth floor rooms facing the street have small balconies, those on the upper floors also have a nice view of the city. Rooms facing the “courtyard” (i.e., the wall) are less appealing, though quieter; specify which side you’d like when reserving if this is important to you. Breakfast is free to those who reserve on the Internet; guests have access to a small kitchen (refrigerator, microwave) for fixing other meals themselves. €€€€
Much more luxurious and in the same cute, restaurant-filled neighborhood is Hôtel La Tour d’Auvergne 55 (10 rue de la Tour d’Auvergne, 9th arrond.;
% 01 48 78 61 60; www.hoteltourdauvergne.com; Métro: Cadet or Poissonière; AE, DC, MC, V). Here you’ll find designer fabrics, firm beds with minicanopies, airconditioning, and chic mosaic tiles in the bathrooms. Each room has a different color scheme and style, ranging from gray walls with burgundy bedspreads to pastoral prints on toile de jouy fabrics. Naturally, you’ll pay a higher price here: standard “premiere” doubles are 130€ and the roomier “exclusive” ones are 160€; periodic discounts are posted on their site. The entire hotel is nonsmoking. The fact that hip rue des Martyrs is just a few blocks away should make up for the less than central location.
€€–€€€ The minute you enter the lobby of the Hôtel Langlois 5 (63 rue St-Lazare, 9th arrond.; % 01 48 74 78 24; www.hotel-langlois.com; Métro: Trinité; AE, DC, MC, V) you will notice what this hotel has that so many oth-
ers don’t: space. A former bank, this amply proportioned building includes some huge (for Paris) rooms, many of which contain beautiful Art Deco furnishings. Vast, curved cabinetlike structures surround some of the beds and windows; antique armoires and tiled mantelpieces abound. It’s too bad that the more recent decoration doesn’t live up to the furniture, but on the other hand, maybe that’s what keeps the prices down: relatively large doubles are 104€, humongous ones are 120€. Families will appreciate the three suites for up to four people at 160€. Rooms have been split up in a somewhat haphazard way; no. 15, for example, has a fireplace in the bathroom. Speaking of bathrooms, there are some here that are the size of your average Parisian hotel room. All rooms are air-conditioned; those on the fifth and sixth floors have the best antiques. The hotel is on the edge of
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“New Athens,” a neighborhood that was once heavily frequented by artists and writers of the romantic movement.
€–€€ Nestled at the back of the Passage Jouffroy, Hôtel Chopin 5 (46 Passage Jouffroy, entrance at 10 blvd. Montmartre, 9th arrond.; % 01 47 70 58 10; www.hotelchopin.fr; Métro: Richelieu-Drouot; MC, V) has remarkably quiet rooms
considering it’s location in the middle of the rush and bustle of the Grands Boulevards. Not a single room is on a street—the only ones that get any noise at all are next to the elevator, and those go for a lower rate. The rates are already low—with doubles going from 77€–88€, this place is a steal. The staircase is a little creaky (there is an elevator) and the decor is nothing to write home about, but the rooms are clean and colorful and the bathrooms are spotless. Rooms on the upper floors get more light. Just across the street from Passage Jouffroy is the entrance to a maze of other covered passages (see “Arcadia” box, p. 254), and it’s about a 10-minute walk to the Palais Royal.
You can see the shady plane trees of the Canal St-Martin from the windows of many of the rooms at Hôtel Gilden Magenta 5 (35 rue Yves Toudic, 10th
arrond.; % 01 42 40 17 72; www.gilden-magenta.com; Métro: Jacques Bonsergent or République; AE, DC, MC, V). In an up-and-coming neighborhood next door to
the newly-restored Alhambra theater, these modest lodgings are a terrific value, with doubles at just 75€. Rooms on the ground floor have the advantage of opening out on a nice courtyard but the disadvantage of being rather dark. Upstairs, sunlight streams through the large windows and the high ceilings make the rooms feel larger. Light wood paneling covers at least one wall in each room, giving the decor a slightly Swedish sauna aspect; bathrooms are tiny, but fixtures are new. The owners, who have been a part of the neighborhood scene for a good 17 years, know everything there is to know about the area and will happily dispense helpful tips (here’s one: the streets edging the canal are car-free on Sun, so you can stroll under those plane trees in peace). €€
If, for travel reasons (I can’t think of any other), you need to stay very close to either the Gare de l’Est or the Gare du Nord train stations, Little Régina Hôtel
(89 blvd. de Strasbourg, 10th arrond.; % 01 40 37 72 30; www.littleregina.com; Métro: Gare de l’Est; AE, DC, MC, V) is a good, reliable choice. Accommodations
are basic, but pleasant, with standard hotel furniture and an unremarkable decor—but all is clean and fresh and well-maintained, and the management aims to please. Doubles run 80€–85€, and triples are 100€. Communicating doubles for families are also available for 130€.
BASTILLE & FAUBOURG ST-ANTOINE (11TH & 12TH ARRONDISSEMENTS) Another area that many people overlook when they’re searching for a place to stay is the area around the place de la Bastille, and further east, towards the Gare de Lyon train station, in the Faubourg St-Antoine. This historic workers neighborhood was where revolutionary fervor came to a head on July 14, 1789 when its
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irate citizens stormed down the boulevard and took over the Bastille prison. Things have calmed down considerably since then, and outside of the heated nightlife scene around the rue de Charonne and rue Oberkampf, it’s a pretty sleepy neighborhood. For that reason you can find some excellent rates here, particularly around the place de la République, which is a short walk from the Marais.
€ It may be a budget hotel, but the welcome at Hôtel de Nevers 55 (53 rue de Malte, 11th arrond.; % 01 47 00 56 18; www.hoteldenevers.com; Métro: République; MC, V) merits four stars. Not only will you be greeted by the
hotel’s friendly and cheerful staff but also by their two cats, who are so gregarious that if you are not careful they will sleep in your room (a delight for cat-lovers, others should be careful when closing the door to their room. If you have cat allergies, this hotel may not be for you). Rooms are bright and spotless, if less than luxurious—towels are a bit frayed, beds are a bit saggy—but at prices like these, you really can’t complain. A double is only 51€, a twin 55€, and if you are willing to share facilities, doubles with shower only are 47€ and those with just a sink are a mere 37€. Triples with full bathroom are 69€ and quads go for 81€, half the price of most “family rooms” in other hotels. If you’ve chosen a showerless option, the communal shower is 4€. Free British newspapers are available in the lobby, but the rooms don’t have TVs. Don’t confuse with another hotel listed in this book with the same name in the 7th arrondissement. € A step up on the comfort scale, but also very reasonably priced, is Hôtel Résidence Alhambra 55 (13 rue de Malte, 11th arrond.; % 01 47 00 35 52; www.hotelalhambra.fr; Métro: Oberkampf or Filles du Calvaire; AE, DC, MC, V). The
big draw here is the lovely garden in the large courtyard, where you can eat breakfast (weather allowing) or bring your own goodies to nibble on, or just lounge around at any hour of the day. The fact that the courtyard is so big means that the rooms facing it get lots of light (not to mention a nice view); about half of the rooms face the garden, but although the friendly staff will do what they can, they cannot guarantee one when you reserve. The good news is, prices are the same no matter which side you end up on, and all rooms are nicely, if simply, decorated and in tip-top shape. Doubles are only 72€–81€ here; the lower end is for rooms with showers. Good-sized triples go for 88€–109€. Book early; this hotel is popular with European tour groups.
€€–€€€ Another reason to stay a little farther out of the center is Hôtel St-Louis Bastille 55 (114 blvd. Richard Lenoir, 11th arrond.; % 01 43 38 29 29; www.saintlouisbastille.com; Métro: Oberkampf or Parmentier; AE, DC, MC, V).
Comfortable and classy, with designer fabrics in neutral, Zen colors, these smart lodgings go for the same rates as a borderline dump near the Arc de Triomphe. Here, a standard double with a shower is 105€, a slightly larger twin with bath is 125€. Though the style is more or less modern, it respects the history of the building; ceilings are high with original moldings, floors are tiled with antiqued stone, and the furniture is vaguely period. Rooms on the top floor have lower ceilings with exposed beams. The renovation of the entire building dates from 2005;
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everything is spic and span and shiny new. A little bit of noise filters through the double-paned windows facing the busy street, but the compensation is a lovely view of boulevard. Richard Lenoir, where there is an open-air market on Tuesday and Friday mornings. If you must have quiet, ask for a room on the small courtyard, preferably on a higher floor, which lets in more light. You certainly won’t be in no man’s land here—hip rue Oberkampf is just around the corner, the Marais a short walk, and public transport is plentiful. €€–€€€€ Colorful and mod, the lobby of Hôtel Beaumarchais 5 (3 rue Oberkampf, 11th arrond.; % 01 53 36 86 86; www.hotelbeaumarchais.com; Métro: Oberkampf or Filles du Calvaire; AE, MC, V) doubles as an art gallery, with displays
that rotate every 2 months. The owner is an artist himself, which explains the original styling and surprising color combinations in the air-conditioned rooms. Bright red bedspreads and drapes contrast with yellow walls and gray headboards; bathroom walls are paved with tile shards and mirror pieces. Kandinsky and Miró prints complete the picture. And just up the street are the endless restaurants and bars of hip and hopping rue Oberkampf. Considering the design values, the price is not too high: doubles and twins are 110€, larger “junior suites” are 150€, small triples are 170€. Breakfast is served in the small garden courtyard in the warmer months.
You certainly can’t complain that you’re in a boring neighborhood when you stay at the Hôtel Daval (21 rue Daval, 11th arrond.; % 01 47 00 51 23; www. hoteldaval.com; Métro: Bastille; AE, DC, MC, V). Right in the thick of all the bars and restaurants on nearby rue de la Roquette and rue de Lappe, the biggest problem you’ll have here is the noise from late-night revelers. If you want quiet, ask for a room on the enormous courtyard. Rooms here are pretty basic, though clean and well-tended; if carpets have a few spots and the walls a few nicks, the bathrooms are in very good shape. In any case, you will not be paying luxury rates: All doubles are 71€, and there are some slightly larger triples for 84€. Although the rooms could use an overhaul, the service is top notch.
There are loads of frumpy, overpriced hotels next to the Gare de Lyon, but if you’re willing to walk a few minutes more, Hôtel de Venise (4 rue de Chaligny,
12th arrond.; % 01 43 43 63 45; www.hoteldevenise.com; Métro: Reuilly–Diderot or Gare de Lyon; MC, V) offers clean, basic lodgings at rock bottom prices. If the
rooms are small, the bathrooms are relatively roomy, and the service is friendly. Doubles go for only 62€–67€—you’ll pay close to double for similar digs right next to the station. The hotel’s in a cute little neighborhood with plenty of shops and restaurants, and the reception desk can show you a short cut so you can be at your train in about 5 minutes.
MONTPARNASSE (14TH ARRONDISSEMENT) Though it may seem a bit out of the way, Montparnasse is actually right on the border of St-Germain and close to the Luxembourg gardens. Also, the train station is a major transit hub for a bundle of Métro lines and bus routes. Though the
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Trocadéro & Passy
utterly unaesthetic Tour Montparnasse now casts a shadow over this ancient artists haunt (Henry Miller, Man Ray, Chagall, Picasso . . . ) the little streets in the surrounding area are still full of personality. €–€€ With cute, comfortable rooms and excellent rates, Hôtel des Bains 55 (33 rue Delambre, 14th arrond.; % 01 43 20 85 27; www.hotel-des-bainsmontparnasse.com; Métro: Vavin or Edgar Quinet; MC, V) gets my vote as one of
the best deals on the Left Bank, especially for families. In a city where family-size rooms are rare, this hotels offers several good-size, two-room suites (100€ for two people; 123€ for three; and 140€ for four), a couple of which are in a quiet annex on the large, leafy courtyard. The least expensive doubles (78€) are the smaller ones facing the street (double-paned windows take care of most noise concerns); larger doubles and those facing the pretty courtyard go for 84€. The decor is simple but nicely accessorized with original objects and artwork from the art market that takes place on the nearby square every Sunday (there is also an openair market there Wed and Sat mornings). Most rooms have wood floors (good for people with allergies), a few have tiny balconies, and all are air-conditioned— unheard of at these rates. The elevator stops at a landing between floors, so you will need to be able to manage a few stairs. €€€€ Just down the street, but on a loftier comfort level is Hôtel Lenox Montparnasse 55 (15 rue Delambre, 14th arrond.; % 01 43 35 34 50; www.hotellenox.com; AE, DC, MC, V). A modern, mirrored bar reigns over the
lobby’s cocktail lounge; the copious buffet breakfast includes sausage and omelets; and fluffy terrycloth bathrobes hang in the bathrooms. The entire hotel was renovated in 2003 in chic designer colors like mauve and beige; modern styling is relieved with traditional furniture and period toile de jouy bedspreads. On the high end of the price scale are the spacious “Junior Suites” (260€–360€ for 2–4 people), the roomy “Club” doubles come down to 170€, and the more typically smallish “Standard” doubles go for 135€–150€. Though the rates are a little steep, there are good periodic promotions on the website—including a 35% reduction for last-minute bookings (10 days before arrival)—food for thought if you’re planning a romantic getaway.
TROCADERO & PASSY (16TH ARRONDISSEMENT) Generally considered the Beverly Hills of Paris, the 16th arrondissement is very calm, very elegant, and very expensive. It is also the home of a bundle of great museums (the Musée Guimet and the Musée Marmottan, for starters) and the grandiose Palais de Chaillot on the place de Trocadéro, from which you can bask in a splendid view of the Eiffel Tower. The former village of Passy is now a chic neighborhood that has maintained a whiff of its townlike atmosphere. Somewhat out of the center, and right next to the verdant Bois de Boulogne, the 16th is a nice area to stay if you need peace and quiet (and can afford the rates). €€€€
Pretend you are a pasha and stay about a block from the Arc de Triomphe, just off the impossibly posh Avenue de Victor Hugo, at Hôtel du Bois 55
(11 rue du Dôme, 16th arrond.;
% 01 45 00 31 96; www.hoteldubois.com; Métro
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and RER: Charles de Gaulle-Etoile; , AE, DC, MC, V). Though you may not have a limousine come to pick you up in the morning like your neighbors, you will be staying in a very comfortable room decorated in a suitably classic style, complete with swags of floral drapery and Georgian wallpaper and furniture. Victor Hugo may be a busy boulevard, but you will hear little or no noise, thanks to doublepaned windows and a “ground floor” that is actually up a hefty flight of steps. As usual, the standard doubles with shower (139€) are smaller and less expensive than the spacious “superieur” doubles with bath (165€). To really stretch out, poney up for the extra large “prestige” rooms (199€), which can accommodate up to four people. There is no elevator. €€–€€€ Set back from the street on a garden courtyard, Hôtel Nicolo 555 (3 rue Nicolo, 16th arrond.; % 01 42 88 83 40; [emailprotected]; Métro: Passy or La Muette; AE, DC, MC, V) offers exquisite lodgings that are furnished with
care, taste, and something that is really rare in Hotel Land: imagination. Clean white walls display interesting contemporary posters and art, floors are scattered with bright, new Iranian carpets, and the large, modern beds have magnificent carved wood headboards of Far and Near Eastern origin—Balinese, Indian, and Arab motifs dance above the pillows. Though there is no air-conditioning, each room has a ceiling fan, and all look out on the quiet courtyard, so opening the window is not a problem. Rooms (including bathrooms) are refurbished on a regular basis, so everything is impeccably clean and tidy. Standard doubles (113€) are relatively spacious, while twins (134€) are downright large. This is a steal in this pricey neighborhood, where you can pay the same or more for a room with the charm and personality of a meat locker. For even more space, go for a Grande Chambre, or junior suite, which costs 170€. The same suite, which has a pull-out couch, runs 187€ for three people and 197€ for four.
MONTMARTRE (18TH ARRONDISSEMENT) If you’re looking for a romantic setting, you can’t do much better than Montmartre. That is, unless you unwittingly pick a hotel that is smack in the middle of the tourist madness surrounding Sacré-Coeur. The hotels listed below should keep you out of harm’s way; just remember to book far in advance as they’re in high demand. Views are at a premium up here on the butte (a high hill), and many hotels will charge extra for rooms that have one; think twice before paying extra for what may or may not be a spectacular view, as you can easily enjoy the panorama from any number of scenic spots just outside the hotel. Another consideration: though Montmartre is charming, it’s on the northern edge of the city, so you’ll need to budget extra time to get down the hill to the center of town.
€ Located on a street that could come straight out of a scene in the film Amelie, Hôtel Bonséjour Montmartre 5 (11 rue Burq, 18th arrond.; % 01 42 54 22 53; www.hotel-bonsejour-montmartre.fr; MC, V—not to be confused with Hôtel Bonséjour in the Marais) belongs to that increasingly rare category of lodgings
where hands-on management, a warm welcome, and rock-bottom prices largely make up for the lack of amenities. There’s no question that this is a budget hotel— no elevator, no TV, and the toilets are in the hall—but with doubles going for
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38€–48€, do you really care if the hallways are creaky and the shower stalls are strange? The enthusiastic manager goes to great lengths to keep rooms in tip-top shape; he recently installed new floors and new mattresses and pillows in all rooms, and he has put tiny showers (see above) in many so that guests don’t have to use the common shower (2€) on the ground floor. On the higher end of the rate scale are rooms 23, 33, 43, and 53, which have a tiny balcony where you can nibble your croissants while you enjoy the lovely view of the cobbled streets (no breakfast is served in the hotel but bakeries are nearby). The boutiques and cafes of rue des Abbesses are just down the street; Sacré Coeur is about a 10-minute walk. €€ Having recently had a major overhaul, Hôtel Utrillo (7 rue Aristide Bruant, 18th arrond.; % 01 42 58 42 58; www.hotel-paris-utrillo.com; Métro: Abbesses; MC, V) has a new, younger look, with bright fabrics, pretty furniture, and fresh
paint throughout (at press time, the photos on the website were not up to date). Rooms are still small, and closet space is still minimal, but the location is great (around the corner from the cute boutiques and restaurants of rue des Abbesses) and the price is right: doubles run 79€–85€, the higher end being the larger rooms with bathtubs. Try to get a room on the street unless you are a light sleeper—the quieter courtyard side rooms get less light and no view to speak of. There is a new atrium breakfast room, and the sauna in the basement (7€) is still available for tired tourists. €€ For an even better location, try Hôtel Regyn’s Montmartre 5 (18 place des Abbesses, 18th arrond.; % 01 42 54 45 21; www.paris-hotels-montmartre.com; Métro: Abbesses; AE, MC, V). Right on pretty place des Abbesses, and a stone’s
throw from the elegant Métro entrance, these cozy lodgings are nicely decorated with period toile de jouy fabrics on the drapes and walls and quilted cotton boutis spreads on the beds. Though the rooms are not huge here either, they are bigger than at the Utrillo; closets, however, are very small, and the bathtubs are childsized. The trick here is to snag a south-facing room; on the lower levels you will have a picturesque view of the leafy square (doubles 92€–97€), and on the upper levels, (4th and 5th floors) some fabulous views of the city (doubles 106€–111€). Viewless doubles facing the courtyard run 86€–91€. The price ranges for each type of room reflect seasonal fluctuations (high season is when the trade shows are in town). €€€–€€€€
“To heck with the view,” you say, “I want a comfortable room.” In that case, try Hôtel Prima Lepic 55 (29 rue Lepic, 18th arrond.; % 01 46 06 44 64; www.hotel-prima-lepic.com; Métro: Abbesses; AE, DC, MC, V). Having been entirely renovated in 2002, everything here is fresh and new, even if the fabrics and furniture have an old-fashioned look. Beds are bedecked with floral prints and swags of chiffon; the rest of the decor is soft and subdued, in light colors or discrete prints. Even at this level, rooms are on the small side (that’s the price one pays for staying in a historic neighborhood), but the ceilings are high and the large windows let in lots of light, which at least gives the illusion of space. There’s even room service here as well as a babysitting service. Of course, you’ll pay more for these kinds of perks: doubles start at 110€ for a viewless room on the courtyard and go up to 140€ for a larger “superior” room that looks out on the cute street. Add an extra 20€ on the weekends or during one of the many trade shows that
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A Step Back in Time €€ Behind the Sacré-Coeur, on a quiet street that winds down the north side of the hill, there is a 19th-century town house that takes lodgers: the Ermitage Hôtel 555 (24 rue Lamarck, 18th arrond.; % 01 42 64 79 22; www.ermitagesacrecoeur.fr; Métro: Lamarck–Caulaincourt; no credit cards). There may not be room service (although the complementary breakfast is served in your room) or much by way of amenities, but the ambiance is unique. Built in 1890 by a rich gentleman for his mistress, this small mansion has been beautifully preserved, and still feels like someone’s home. In fact, it virtually is: the Canipel family has run these unconventional lodgings for close to 40 years. Each of the 12 rooms has a different decor with period prints and draperies, as well as some beautiful antique bedsteads and armoires. Some of the rooms have curtained alcoves for a third bed; those facing the back on the ground floor have garden terraces, and higher up, views of the northern edge of the city (honeymooners, take note). The hallways and entry are done up in deep blues and gold leaf; the wall murals and paintings are the works of a local artist. Doubles are only 90€, triples 116€, and quads 136€; breakfast is included in the price. There is no elevator and no TVs in the rooms.
roll through town. The good news is that periodic discounts are posted on the website, and there are some reduced rates if you stay 3 nights or more.
€ Though physically it’s right outside the border of Montmartre, the soul of Hôtel Eldorado 55 (18 rue des Dames, 17th arrondissement; % 01 45 22 35 21; www.eldoradohotel.fr; Métro: Place de Clichy; AE, MC, V) belongs in the artistic
neighborhood next door. Funky, imaginative, and downright cool is the best way to describe the decor; the owner-artist has been slowly re-doing each room over the last several years so that now each has its own personality and color scheme. No. 15, for example, has red walls, gray and white checked linoleum floors, wicker furniture and ceramic Buddha-like busts in the bedside niches. No. 22 has deep purple walls, a white ceiling, a marble mantelpiece and a tiny, sparkley chandelier. The largest and most atmospheric rooms are in the “pavilion,” a small, separate house behind the main building (separated by a lovely garden patio with a restaurant— see Bistrot des Dames, p. 120—which means that there can be noise until around midnight in the warmer months); here the high ceilings and large windows, combined with the Art Deco armoires and quilted bedspreads make you feel like you are in a private home—on sunny mornings you’ll hear birds chirping in the trees outside. Though the paint is fresh and the rooms are clean, some of the furniture is nicked and many of the bathrooms could use a makeover (though the mosaicframed mirrors are cute); closet space is minimal. But the low rates should make up for these minor imperfections: doubles are only 65€–75€, an absolute steal
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for the quality and originality of the lodgings. There are even two tiny toilet-only doubles (shower in the hallway) for a mere 45€; triples run 75€–90€.
HOSTELS If you’re willing to sacrifice things like privacy and creature comforts, hostels are a good way to get around the high cost of lodging in Paris. Though most sleeping is done dormitory style, some hostels have smaller double rooms, and a couple even have private bathrooms. Be advised that each has strict rules of behavior, and your comings and goings will be restricted to certain hours. Created with young people in mind, who make up a large part of their clientele, hostels are open to all ages. Most hostels, including those listed below provide bed linens but not towels. Out of the dozens of hostels in Paris, I’m listing the crème de la crème; a complete list is available on the Paris tourist office website (www.parisinfo.com). An important point: though hostel rates are very appealing, it’s worth your time to do some comparison shopping—in some cases hostel rates are near or the same as those of budget hotels (see below) that offer more privacy (though the location may not be as good). €
Located in a cute neighborhood in the Faubourg St-Antoine (about a 15min. walk from place de la Bastille), the Auberge International des Jeunes (10 rue Trousseau, 11th arrond.;
% 01 47 00 62 00; www.aijparis.com; MC, V)
provides bright, modern lodgings at some of the lowest hostel rates in town. Depending on the season, a bed here costs 13€–17€ per person, per night, including breakfast. There are two to four beds per room; rooms for four have private toilet and shower.
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€ Founded in 1948, BVJ (Bureau des Voyages de la Jeunesse) has two clean, pleasant hostels, both in excellent locations. As its name indicates, BVJ Louvre (20 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1st arrond.; % 01 53 00 90 90; www.bvj hotel.com; no credit cards) is very close to the Louvre and has rooms with two to eight beds which run 25€–28€ per person, per night, breakfast included. Its smaller cousin, BVJ Quartier Latin (44 rue des Bernardins, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 29 34 80; www.bvjhotel.com; Métro: Maubert Mutualité; no credit cards) is right
in the heart of the Latin Quarter and also in walking distance to many of the main sights in the city center. Single rooms are available here for 35€; otherwise, rates are identical to the Louvre branch. Reservations for both hostels must be made by telephone only no more than 15 days in advance. € I don’t know how many hostels can boast 17th-century town houses, but MIJE (Maisons Internationales de la Jeunesse et des Etudiants, 6 rue de Fourcy, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 74 23 45; www.mije.com; Métro: St-Paul or Pont Marie; no credit cards) has three in one of the quietest neighborhoods of the
Marais, just across the river from the Ile St-Louis. Though rooms are basic and modern (no private toilets though you do get a sink and shower), you can’t beat the atmosphere when you step out into the courtyard. If you don’t mind sharing, a bed in a quad or bigger is 28€, and a triple 29€. Double rooms are available (two single beds) for 66€, and there are some single rooms for 45€. Breakfast is included and is served in the cafeteria in the vaulted cellar (which also serves inexpensive lunches and dinners). There’s no elevator. You’ll be charged 2.50€ for MIJE membership, and your stay is limited to 7 nights. The other hostels are at 11 rue de Fauconnier and 12 rue de Barres, both within a 5-minute walk. Reserve ahead (the number above is for all 3 sites), as these hostels are often invaded by groups.
HEUREUX CAMPERS If all else fails, you can always pitch a tent. If you’re willing to brave the frequent rain and less frequent bus service, camping is the cheapest lodging option in town. The only campground within city limits is Camping du Bois de Boulogne (2 allée du Bord de l’Eau, 16th arrond.; 01 45 24 30 00; www.campingparis.fr; Bus: Line 244, “Les Moulins–Camping” stop; AE, DC, MC, V), a 7-hectare (17-acre) site
with 435 pitches, restaurants, a Laundromat, a playground, and, in high season, a shuttle bus that will take you to the Porte Maillot Métro/RER stop. As the campground is on the western edge of the lush Bois de Boulogne, right on the edge of the Seine, you won’t be in the center of town, but once you get the bus you’re only 10 minutes from a Métro stop. If you don’t want to bring a tent, 75 mobile homes for up to four people are available (54€–96€ per night, depending on season and type of mobile home). Rates fluctuate with the seasons: low season is October to March, mid-season is April to June and September, and high season is July to August. Regular tent sites run from 11€ to 17€ for a tent-only spot with no water connection to 24€ to 35€ for a “Grand Confort” spot for tents or RVs with drinkable water, evacuation, and electricity.
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Dining Choices
For all tastes & pocketbooks IT OCCURRED TO ME THAT DINING SHOULD REALLY GO IN THE ACTIVITIES section of a guidebook on Paris. You come here to see the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, of course, but you also come here to eat. Everywhere you look, someone is doing their best to ruin your waistline. Boulangeries (bakeries) with perfectly puffed croissants and decadent pastries seem to lurk on every street corner; chocolateries (chocolate stores) with tantalizing window displays abound, and cute restaurants with intriguing menus sprout up on every block. Why this plethora of gustatory pleasures? Maybe it’s because in France, eating well is more than a nice thing to do when you’re out with friends, it’s an integral part of a culture that celebrates the finer things in life. Food’s not a pastime here, it’s an art—one that’s been finely honed over the centuries. Eating and drinking is a topic of serious discussion, the subject of radio shows, newspaper columns, and even feature films. The annual agricultural fair (Salon d’Agriculture), where the latest and finest of the country’s food products and preparations are exposed, is of such importance that it’s a mandatory photo-op for the nation’s politicians. So it’s not surprising that Paris, navel of the French universe, should boast some of the best food on Earth. The trick is to indulge intelligently. You don’t have to have a king-sized budget to dine like royalty. But you do have to choose wisely. Once upon a time, you could wander into just about any restaurant in Paris and sit down to a good meal; today, this is no I said to my friends that if I was longer the case. Modern life is takgoing to starve, I might as well ing a heavy toll on gourmet living, starve where the food is good. and restaurant quality has suffered. France is trying desperately to keep —Virgil Thomson, composer, on life up with the global economy, which in Paris as a young man is anything but kind to unprofitable customs like the 2-hour lunch. Try not to notice all the fast-food places that have popped up around the city, and don’t even think about eating in one of the ubiquitous Chinese restaurants that serve a bland, watered down version of marvelous Asian cuisine. Fortunately, the guardians of good food are fighting back. Food militants like Jean-Pierre Coffe, writer and host of a popular radio show, have become media stars by challenging big-business agriculture and championing small producers and regional products. Famous chefs like Christian Constant and Yves de Camdeborde have opened dressed-down bistrots that serve modern versions of traditional worker’s cuisine at prices that a worker might actually be able to afford.
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Dining Choices
The search for fresh, contemporary cuisine has become a hot trend among the city’s hipster crowd. Called “le fooding,” this new movement even has its own website (a good source for bar and restaurant tips, www.lefooding.com.)
DEJEUNER SUR L’HERBE Before we dive into our restaurant list, I’d like to bring up an important subject: picnics. Although restaurants are all very fine and good, there’s a lot to be said for a quick and easy outdoor meal when you are (a) tired, (b) on a budget, and (c) a fan of Paris’ many lovely parks and squares. What could be nicer (and more relaxing) than a sandwich in the Jardin du Luxembourg? Even when its lovely skyline is hemmed in by clouds, eating alfresco in a park can be a pleasant pause during an action-packed day of sightseeing. If you’re staying in a hotel and have no kitchen access, don’t worry: picking up picnic ingredients is a pretty easy affair, though there’s a bit of essential terminology you should be familiar with. For good take out food, look for the nearest charcuterie (these specialize in smoked meat, pâtés, and other yummy pork products) or traiteur (a store that sells prepared takeout dishes and salads). Though traiteurs are getting harder to find, most charcuteries do double-duty as traiteurs, as do some boucheries (butchers). The easiest option, though, is on offer at almost any boulangerie (bakery), where you can find what may well be the best lunch bargain in the city: their lunch “formule,” or set menu. For around 5€ or 6€, you can get a long sandwich (usually a half a baguette), amply filled with chicken, ham, or tuna and crudités, (i.e., tomato, lettuce, and other salad-like items), a drink, and a yummy freshly-made pastry (this is a bakery after all). Often you can substitute a slice of quiche for a sandwich. The food is
The Invasion of the Sandwich Snatchers Bowing to the mounting pressure to eat fast and cheap, sandwich bars are popping up all over Paris like mushrooms after a spring rain. Many are uninspired copies of upscale New York sandwich shops, with mildly exotic pre-prepared salads and sandwiches, but one of the more interesting chains is Cojean (it has four locations: 6 rue de Sèze, 9th arrond; 17 blvd. Haussmann, 9th arrond.; 66 rue de Provence, 9th arrond.; and 16 rue Clément Marot, 8th arrond.; www.cojean.fr; closed Sat, the one on Provence closed Sat–Sun; MC, V). A creation of an ex-MacDonald’s executive with an almost religious fervor for fresh, healthy food, these airy, modern boutiques serve innovative salads (examples: quinoa with smoked salmon, beets and smoked tofu), as well as quiches, sandwiches, and fresh-squeezed juices. You can eat on site at comfortable tables. Another, more conventional option for a good sandwich or bowl of soup is Lina’s (4 rue Cambon, 1st arrond.; % 01 40 15 94 95; www.linascafe.fr; open 9am–4pm, closed Sat–Sun; Métro: Tuileries; MC, V). With branches all over Paris (not to mention Beirut and Istanbul), Lina’s “Le Beautiful Sandwich,” can be custom constructed on your choice of bread.
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Browsing the Bakeries
generally fresh and tasty, and a heckuva lot better than what you’d get at Macdonald’s. Formules and sandwiches are usually only available from 11am–2pm. For more innovative picnic fare, consider one of Paris’s many upscale sandwich shops (see box, above). Note: Picnicking is verboten on the pristine lawns of many of the larger parks, though some, like the Jardin du Luxembourg have opened up a few select areas for legal lounging; lawns aside, you can always set up camp on a bench.
BROWSING THE BAKERIES If you see a line outside a Parisian boulangerie, chances are, you’re in for something good. Often doubling as a pâtisserie (pastry shop) these usually family-run shops are the place to pick up great bread, pastries, and sandwiches (lunchtime only). As bread is the staff of life in France, bakeries are just about everywhere, and your nose will generally tell you which are good, but here are a few ideas to get you started. Moisan (2 rue de Bazeilles, 5th arrond.; % 01 47 07 35 40; no credit cards; 7 rue Bourdaloue, 9th arrond; 5 place d’Aligre, 12th arrond; 4 av. du Général Leclerc, 14th arrond; 59 rue Fondary, 15th arrond.; 74 rue de Lévis, 17th arrond.).
Proof that organic bread doesn’t have to taste excessively virtuous (i.e., heavy and bland). Some of the best bread in town (and the pastries aren’t bad either). Eric Kayser (www.maison-kayser.com). This incredibly successful young baker now has shops all over the city (10 and counting), all as good as the two originals on rue Monge (8 Monge, 5th arrond; % 01 44 07 01 42; 14 rue Monge, 5th arrond., % 01 44 07 17 81; MC, V). Though the main draw is the bread (in all shapes, forms, and grains), the pastries are also excellent. Some locations also serve light lunches. Poilâne (8 rue du Cherche-Midi, 6th arrond.; % 01 45 48 12 59; www.poilane. fr; Métro: St-Sulpice; 49 blvd. de Grenelle, 15th arrond.; % 01 45 79 11 49; Métro: La Motte Picquet; AE, DC, MC, V). This legendary bread gets shipped all over
the world. Chewy, firm, and dark, it’s best when fresh. You can buy it by the slice or by quarters if you don’t want to take an entire wheel-like loaf. Le Boulanger de Monge (123 rue Monge, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 37 54 20; www.leboulangerdemonge.com; Métro: Gobelins; MC, V). The permanent line out
the door is the first tip off—the breads and pastries here are to die for. Another organic bakery (that also serves sandwiches), this one has a wide selection of nontraditional breads, like the excellent multi-grain fig bread, and the twisted spelt tourte. Aux Désirs de Manon (129 rue St-Antoine, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 32 91; Métro: St-Paul; MC, V). Not in the least bit famous, just a personal favorite that
has a wonderful selection of breads and terrific sandwiches. A great place to get a picnic for the place des Vosges. Jean Millet (103 rue Saint Dominique, 7th arrond.; % 01 45 51 49 80; Métro: La Tour Maubourg; AE, MC, V). The exquisite pastries and chocolates have garnered
such a reputation that they now have an outpost in Tokyo. The small shop has a few tables where you can indulge in comfort; soups and salads are on offer at lunchtime.
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Dining Choices
Gérard Mulot (76 rue de Seine, 6th arrond; % 01 43 26 85 77; www.gerardmulot.fr; Métro: Odéon; no credit cards). Watch the impeccably-dressed clientele
try not to drool over the intoxicating pastries (say, Le Mabillon: caramel mousse with candied apricots and almond biscuits) and macarons (light, frothy cookies filled with cream). They have fabulous, if expensive, salads as well. Pierre Hermé (72 rue Bonaparte, 6th arrond.; % 01 43 54 47 77; www.pierre herme.com; Métro: St-Germain-des-Prés; AE, DC, MC, V). The current superstar of
pastry chefs thrills the crowds with his sublime pastries and tarts like the Mogador (chocolate cream, passion-fruit, pineapple and caramel) and his exotic chocolates like the Instant (filled with chocolate ganache and white Earl Grey tea jelly).
CHOOSING THE RIGHT RESTAURANT Now, on to the main course. Below is a very selective list of restaurants, wine bars, and tea rooms that serve good, honest food. But seeing as how there are thousands of restaurants in Paris, you just might wander into something wonderful and unexpected on your own. Nosing out a good restaurant is an extremely subjective affair, taking into account any number of variables and a good dose of what the French call “le feeling.” That said, we recommend you take some precautions. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to waste time and money on tourist restaurants that shovel out food that is at best, unmemorable, and at worst, indigestible. Here are some things to be highly suspicious of: u u
u u
Restaurants with menus translated into multiple languages Restaurants with life-sized statues of smiling chefs or country bumpkins holding out the menu Restaurants with tour buses parked outside Restaurants with a clientele that is mostly foreign (unless you are in a museum) Any restaurant right next to a top ten tourist attraction. Even if the food is good, which is unlikely, the prices are bound to be exorbitant. Restaurants with front doors plastered with stickers from every guidebook on the face of the earth (except this one, of course). They could still be good, but they might just be riding on reputation. Check for the above.
Let’s do lunch. As you may have noticed, many, if not most restaurants in Paris serve a set-price menu at lunch that is considerably cheaper than the same food served at dinnertime. It is not at all unusual to find a two- or three-course lunch prix fixe, called alternately a formule or a menu for 12€–15€, or less. If you want to eat well, and you are on a limited budget, I strongly recommend taking advantage of this lovely lunchtime tradition. Example: at the highly regarded Pré Verre, a wine bar and bistro with top-notch chefs at the helm, you can eat a three-course meal at dinner for 25€ (already quite a bargain) or a two-course meal with a glass of wine at lunch for only 12€. The only down side is that your choice of dishes will usually be limited on the formule. Note: Lunch formules, unless otherwise noted, are only served Monday through Friday.
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Eating Hours In Paris, unless you see a sign that says SERVICE NONSTOP, meals are usually restricted to a service that lasts only a few hours, which is one of the reasons it’s a good idea to reserve, if you can (the other is that dining rooms tend to be small). I’ve noted in the reviews where reservations are necessary. Lunch is generally served between noon and 2pm (sometimes 2:30pm), and dinner is served from 8pm to 10:30pm (sometimes 11pm). When that is not the case, I’ve listed opening hours. Many restaurants are closed on Sundays and/or Mondays; some have started serving brunch on Sundays, which is served from 11am–2pm.
THE QUEST FOR GOOD MEALS As elsewhere in this book, I’ve grouped my selections geographically, starting with the center of the city center and extending outward, more or less following the numerical progression of the arrondissements, or districts, of Paris. Helpful symbols will appear next to the names the restaurants, with euro signs indicating the general cost: €: Main courses for 9€ or less €€: Main courses for 10€ to 14€ €€€: Main courses for 15€ to 22€ €€€€: Main courses 23€ and over
and stars for those selections deemed to have special merit: No stars=Good
5 Very good 55 Excellent 555 Not to be missed Within each neighborhood, restaurants are listed in ascending order of cost, starting with the cheapest, so that you can quickly choose a restaurant in your price range. If all you crave is a simple meal, start with the opening selections. When you’re ripe for something more elaborate, move down the text. Note: In the reviews below, I’ve often listed examples of dishes; keep in mind that menus tend to be seasonal here and change frequently, so these examples are simply to give you an idea of what kind of food is served.
LOUVRE–CHATELET (1ST ARRONDISSEMENT) Dining near the Louvre can be an expensive and frustrating affair; since almost every tourist visiting the city comes to this part of town, it’s rife with overpriced, mediocre tourist restaurants boasting menus in at least five languages. However, if you poke around some of the smaller streets, there are dozens of neighborhood restaurants where you can eat well without blowing a royal budget.
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Where to Dine on the Right Bank
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08_052396 ch04.qxp
Piccolo Teatro 38 Pooja 6 Restaurant du Palais Royal 18 Sapporo Ramen 16
Sacha Finkelsztayn’s Boutique Jaune 37 Toraya 21 Willi’s Wine Bar 17
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Dining Choices
€ After a long stroll down chic rue St-Honoré towards the Palais Royal, Cafés Verlet (256 rue St-Honoré, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 60 67 39; closed Sun; Métro: Palais Royal–Musée du Louvre; MC, V) is a good place to stop in for a suitably ele-
gant coffee and nosh. In the same family since 1880, this coffee roasting enterprise has been spiffed up to include a cozy cafe where you can sip a cup of heady (if expensive) Jamaica Blue Mountain (3.50€ per cup) or the more humble Moka Harrar (2.70€), or one of the other exotic brews on the menu. There are also cappuccinos (rare in Paris) and, heaven help us, frappucinos (6.40€). You could have a light lunch here (salads, quiches, croque monsieur), but most stick to the excellent pastries (5€). €–€€
Of the clutch of old-fashioned, Mom and Pop bar/restaurants that once thrived on this street, Au Petit Bar (7 rue de Mont Thabor, 1st arrond; % 01 42 60 62 09; closed Sun and Aug; Métro: Tuileries; no credit cards) is the sole survivor. A testament to another era before the working class was banished to the suburbs, this tiny place proudly sticks to its proletarian roots, while its neighbors now rub shoulders with the bourgeoisie. Mom and Pop are really in the kitchen, while their son is behind the bar bantering with the customers, most of whom he knows by name. A regular wanders into the kitchen and asks what’s on for lunch. “Roast veal, Henri” comes the reply. The food is simple and solid—you might start with mackerel in white wine (3€), followed by steak frites (10€), for example. Prices are extremely reasonable, considering the close proximity to the ritzy place Vendôme; in fact, at 1.10€ it’s one of the cheapest cups of coffee in Paris. €€–€€€ Is it a bar, a cafe, a restaurant, or a library? Whatever it is, with its high ceilings, subdued lighting, and large windows, the understatedly hip Le Fumoir 5 (place du Louvre, 6 rue de l’Amiral-Coligny, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 92 00 24; www.lefumoir.com; Métro: Louvre–Rivoli; AE, MC, V) is a good place to
regroup. Open from 11am to 2am, the mood changes depending on the hour. During the day, dawdling is encouraged; magazines and newspapers are available at the front entry, there’s a small lending library/book exchange in the back room. At night, well-dressed 30-somethings crowd around the magnificent wood bar— which in a former life stood in a Philadelphia speakeasy—as they wait for their table. (Happy hour every night from 6pm–8pm features half-price drinks.) The menu changes with the season, but the style remains international-eclectic: a creamy risotto with preserved lemons and rosemary is paired with fried sweet breads (17€); the luscious roast duck is seasoned with a touch of licorice (22€). The evening three-course menu for 29€ is a good value; at lunch it’s even better— two courses for 18€, or three for 21€ (available Mon–Sat). On Sundays, brunch is served from noon to 3pm for 21€). Despite the name, there’s not much smoke here; cigar smoking is restricted to the bar. €€–€€€ Amongst the many cute restaurants with sidewalk tables on the “street of the washerwomen of Saint Opportune,” La Robe et Le Palais 55 (13 rue des Lavandières Ste-Opportune, 1st arrond.; % 01 45 08 07 41; www. robe-et-palais.com; Métro: Châtelet; AE, MC, V) stands above the crowd. First and
foremost a wine bar, with a voluminous wine list encompassing every possible
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Mini Food Glossary The following terms will crop up in this section: plat du jour—today’s special formule or menu—a fixed price meal, consisting of two to four courses salade composée—a meal-sized salad with a variety of vegetables, meats, etc. tarte salée—quiche confit de canard—a southwestern specialty: duck preserved in its own fat, then pan-sizzled to perfection (which in theory eliminates most of the fat and leaves just a crispy skin) magret de canard—duck breast, but you would swear this lean, red meat was lamb or beef blanquette de veau—veal stew with a mild white sauce steak frites—steak with fries. This can come in many forms: entrecôte, bavette, faux-filet, etc. bistro—literally, a small, neighborhood restaurant and bar with a simple, common-man menu (steak-frites, roast chicken, blanquette de veau, etc.). Nowadays, it can mean many things, but it’s usually small and not overly expensive. Neo-bistro—a new trend where top chefs take over a traditional bistro and freshen up both the decor and the menu, serving a smartened up version of traditional classics. Another important distinction to make: in French, an entrée is an appetizer. A plat, or plat principal is what we would call an entrée, or main dish.
wine region of France, it is also an excellent restaurant, serving updated bistro fare long before it became fashionable. Magret de canard, otherwise known as duck breast, is served with poached pears; a delectable slice of lamb comes with white beans from Tarbes (both 17€). The chef is big on promoting regional ingredients: the smoky terrine, or pâté, is made from the black pig of Bigorre (6€), and the incredibly tender hunk of veal (11€) is in a sauce delicately flavored with Corsican figatelle sausage. The lunch menu is a real value; two courses for 15€ or three for 18€. If you are wine-challenged, the waiters will gladly help you choose from the formidable selection. The owners have opened another establishment in the neighborhood, also playing on the double meaning of the word “robe” (both “dress” and the flavor of wine) Le Garde-Robe (41 rue de l’Arbre Sec, 1st arrond.; % 01 49 26 90 60; Métro: Louvre-Rivoli or Pont Neu; closed Sun; MC, V), a wine store and tasting room. Reservations are a must. €€–€€€ At the other end of the street, just behind the U.S. embassy (hence the barricade and paddy wagon) is another old family enterprise, albeit a bit more
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5 (7 rue de Mondovi, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 60 18 91; closed Sat–Sun; Métro: Concorde; MC, V) has been serving generous portions of French country classics since 1919: poule au pot (chicken stew, 12€), boeuf bourguignon (13€), and coq au vin (14€) are all on the menu, along with some upscale. Since 1919 Lescure
Limousin (the family hails from this region around Limoge) specialties like the regional version of duck confit (15€). The homey atmosphere—braided garlic hangs from the low ceiling, straw hats decorate the walls—is enhanced by friendly service that goes against the Parisian stereotype. If you are really hungry, there is a three-course menu at lunch that includes wine or beer for 22€, but most will be happy with a main course and a drink. Come early or be prepared to wait— reservations are not accepted.
Finding a place to eat on the Ile de la Cité that is not a) expensive or b) mobbed with tourists, is a challenge, but one option for a light meal is tucked into a pretty place Dauphine. Next door to its pricey main restaurant, Le Caveau du Palais, is the Bar du Caveau (17 place Dauphine, 1st arrond.; % 01 43 54 45 95; Métro: Cité; Closed Sun year-round, Sat Nov–Apr; no credit cards), where a handful of tables are available for nibbling on tartines (Poîlane bread and ham or dried sausage, 4€–6€), filling salads (grilled chevre cheese and smoked ham, 8.80€), or perhaps a Croque Provençale (8.50€) a flavorful combination of ham, tomato, melted cheese topped with a fried egg. And lets not forget the wine, which is served by the glass (2.50€), the “pot” (a small carafe, 10€–20€), or the bottle (13€–25€). In the warmer months, sidewalk tables offer a view of the tranquil place, a lovely spot to hide out from the crowds surrounding Notre-Dame. €€€ The Ile Saint Louis is even more expensive than Ile de la Cité, but it’s also less crowded. Just across the Pont St-Louis, which connects the two islands, is one of the city’s last independent brasseries, La Brasserie de l’Ile Saint-Louis 5 (55 Quai de Bourbon, 4th arrond.; % 01 43 54 02 59; closed Wed; Métro: Pont Marie; MC, V). Established in 1876, this brasserie does what brasseries are supposed to do:
serve healthy portions of classic Alsatian dishes, like choucroute garni—a small mountain of sauerkraut topped with slices of ham, sausage and other smoked meats (17€)—in a relaxed atmosphere. If sauerkraut isn’t your game, try more traditional fare such as the delicate sole belle meunière (26€) or the tender entrecôte (rib steak, 19€). The decor is rustic without being kitsch; despite the location, many of the diners are regulars. “Even the tourists are often return customers,” claims the manager. Eating’s not a requirement; outside of mealtimes you can just enjoy a Mutzig (Alsatian beer, 4€ for 25cl) on the terrace and soak up a splendid view of the Ile de la Cité and the buttresses of Notre-Dame.
OPERA–BOURSE (1ST & 2ND ARRONDISSEMENTS) The search for a good meal gets considerably easier as you move north of rue du Rivoli. The streets behind the Palais Royal are buzzing with restaurants, many frequented by the well-dressed businessmen and women who work in this area, which also encompasses the bourse, or stock exchange. As you work your way
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towards the Opéra Garnier, you’ll come across a surprisingly large Japanese neighborhood, crammed with noodle shops (see “Japantown, Parisian style box, p. 83)— a happy hunting ground for a good, cheap lunch.
I still can’t figure out why a restaurant with a clientele as classy as this one, with a beautifully preserved bistro decor and a nice menu, is so inexpensive. The main dishes at Bistrot les Victoires 5 (6 rue de la Vrillière, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 61 43 78; Métro: Palais Royal–Musée du Louvre; MC, V) are only 9€ at both lunch and dinner. The food is relatively simple, but portions are extremely generous for a French restaurant. Confit de canard, steak tartare, roast chicken, are all on the blackboard, but their signature dish is a tender entrecôte (steak) with fries and burnt wild thyme. Actually, the thyme is literally on fire, either smoking or in flames on its way to the table, and the fries are hand cut, home made and delicious. There are also enormous salads (8€), the Landaise, with two slices of cured ham, a small confit drumstick, a slice of foie gras and a mountain of gesiers (okay, they are sautéed gizzards but they are really good) is a salad for a true carnivore. Around the corner from the posh place des Victoires, the clientele here hails from both the well-heeled business crowd and the 30-something yuppie set. No reservations taken at lunch, but recommended for dinner. €–€€
There is a large Cambodian population in the Paris area, and though the best restaurants are to be found out in the distant suburbs, La Mousson (9 rue
Thérèse, 1st arrond.;
% 01 42 60 59 46; closed Sun; Métro: Pyramides; MC, V)
offers a good opportunity to try this aromatic cuisine, which falls somewhere between Chinese and Indonesian. Large origami storks float above the 10 tables; Cambodian music clangs softly in the background. On one wall hang carvings of dancing goddesses, on the other a large framed photo of the owner with Yves Montand. The no-smoking policy adds to the serene ambiance. The three-course lunch menu at 14€ is an excellent deal for this high-priced neighborhood; the chicken soup with bamboo shoots is both light and full of flavor, while the marinated roast pork is tender and subtly sweet. There is another more elaborate menu at 18€, while à la carte main dishes like hamok (stuffed fish with coconut milk and spices) and the cross-cultural frog-leg saté fall in the 11€–14€ range. €€–€€€ There are not many restaurants that offer a chance to purchase an art poster with dinner, but since it opened in 1980, Willi’s Wine Bar 55 (13 rue des Petits Champs, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 61 05 09; www.williswinebar.com; closed Sun; Métro: Pyramides; MC, V) has come out with an annual poster by a contemporary artist. Posters are not free (38€–150€ for an unsigned print) and they are
certainly not the only draw; this spacious, modern room is the setting for the Mediterranean-based cuisine of Chef François Yon, as well as a selection of over 250 wines. Casual and convivial, you can come here at any time of day to try the wines at the bar, or settle down at one of their large round tables at mealtimes. The three-course menu is 25€ at lunch and 34€ at dinner, though à la carte dining is also possible (roast lamb with spiced jus and couscous with olives is 17€; grilled sea bream with lime and ginger is 16€). Reservations recommended for the restaurant, but impromptu dining at the bar is encouraged.
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€€–€€€ Something about the soft lighting at Le Grand Colbert 5 (2 rue Vivienne, 2nd arrond.; % 01 42 86 87 88; Métro: Bourse; MC, V, DC) makes you
feel like you’ve just stepped into another century—the 19th, to be exact. This Belle Epoque beauty doesn’t show her age—polished brass glistens, mosaic floors dazzle, antique lamps glow—you wouldn’t be surprised to see Sarah Bernhardt waltz in with one of her many admirers. This is a classic brasserie, which means there’s lots of expensive shellfish on offer (a half-dozen oysters (12€), but then you might neglect some of the other main dishes like roasted Landes chicken with herbs, or steak tartare (both 18€). As the bill can add up quickly, the three-course menu (28€ at lunch, 34€ after 6:30pm) is a good way to go. Unlike most Parisian restaurants, service is “nonstop” from noon until 1am, so you can order a meal whenever you like. The final scene from the 2004 film Something’s Gotta Give was filmed here.
€–€€ It’s hard to pass by L’Arbre à Cannelle (57 Passage des Panoramas, 2nd arrond.; % 01 45 08 55 87; noon–6:30pm, closed Sun; Métro: Grands Boulevards; MC, V) without gawking at its fabulous carved wood facade, which dates from
1856. What was once an elegant chocolaterie is now a cozy tearoom that serves quiches, salads, and baked goods—all fabricated on the premises. If you are doing a tour of the passages in the area (p. 254), this is a good place to stop for a bite. The list of tartes salées (quiches, 7.20€) includes a tasty mushroom, spinach and leek number, or salades composées—meal-sized salads like the Frisée, which includes frisee lettuce, bacon and a poached egg (7€) or the more daring Chevre with crumbled goat cheese, shrimp and croutons (9.80€). The assiettes gourmands, cold plates, range from assorted cold meats and vegetable terrine (9.80€) to a smoked salmon plate (12€). And save room for dessert—those tantalizing tarts in the window are as good as they look. €–€€ Another tearoom tucked in a passage, albeit a terribly chic one, is A Priori Thé (35–37 Galerie Vivienne, 2nd arrond.; % 01 42 97 48 75; Mon–Fri 9am–6pm, Sat 9am–6:30pm, Sun noon–6:30pm; Métro: Pyramides; MC, V). The
surroundings are a bit more refined, as are the prices: the quiche and salad lunch special here is 13€; and a vegetarian chili is 13€. The atmosphere may be a bit less homey than the previous listing, but here you can have a full tea with scones (7€) featuring gourmet teas from the Maison Dammann (5€) with names like “Winter Moon” and “Lea Latté.” Salads are beautifully garnished and copious. The dining room is smokefree, but you can light up at the “outside” tables, under the lovely arches of the beautifully restored Galerie Vivienne. Tables on the passage are also a great option for parents with strollers or kids who want to run around. €€€–€€€€ Since Alain Ducasse took over the beautiful Belle Epoque Aux Lyonnais 555(32 rue St-Marc, 2nd arrond.; % 01 42 96 65 04; www.alainducasse.com; closed Sat lunch, Sun–Mon all day, the last week in July, and the first three weeks in Aug; Métro: Italiens or Richelieu–Drouot; AE, MC, V) this once
musty bouchon (a traditional Lyonnais bistro) has bloomed into a Parisian “musteat.” Not only do you dine in lovely surroundings (antique ceramic tiles, old bistro fixtures, floral ceiling moldings), but the young chef in charge gives a new,
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Japantown, Parisian Style You are wandering around the streets near the Opéra, when you take a sharp turn onto the rue Ste-Anne. Suddenly, everything is in Japanese, and there are noodle shops everywhere! Do you ponder the existence of an alternate universe, or do you just plunge into the nearest bowl of ramen? You decide . . . €–€€ Kunitoraya (39 rue Ste-Anne, 2nd arrond.; % 01 47 03 33 65; Métro: Pyramides; no credit cards). The best udon in the city—the long, fat noodles are rolled and pulled on the premises. Noodle soups 8€–15€. €–€€ Hokkaido (14 rue Chabanais, 2nd arrond.; % 01 42 60 50 95; closed Wed; Métro: Pyramides; MC, V). One street over from Ste-Anne, this noisy canteen serves excellent gyoza dumplings, fried noodles, and filling formules for under 11€. € Sapporo Ramen (37 rue Ste-Anne, 2nd arrond.; % 01 42 60 60 98; Métro: Pyramides; no credit cards). Here’s your chance to dive in to that ramen. Enormous, steaming bowls filled with meat, fish, vegetables, and long, lovely ramen noodles for 7€–9€. €€–€€€ Bizan (56 rue Ste-Anne, 2nd arrond; % 01 42 96 67 76; closed Sun; Métro: Pyramides; AE, MC, V) Maybe noodles aren’t your thing. Here is THE sushi bar of the expatriate Japanese community, who also come for top-notch sashimi. Prices are sushi-bar-like, but they offer an excellent lunch menu for 19€. And for dessert (a short walk down near the place de la Concorde): €–€€ Toraya (10 rue St-Florentin, 1st arrrond.; % 01 42 60 13 00; www.toraya-group.co.jp/paris; Métro: Concorde; closed Sun; AE, MC, V). The Parisian outpost of this traditional Japanese bakery/tea room. Jewellike pastries (2.90€–4.50€) and fine teas (4€–8€).
lighter spin on traditional Lyonnais classics such as quenelles de brochet (pike dumplings), and frog’s legs. Starters include Lyonnais charcuterie and escargot (snails) in a garlicky butter sauce; as you’re drifting off into Nirvana, remember to order the lighter-than-air pear-liqueur soufflé. Here’s the part that is truly staggering: you can experience three courses worth of pleasure for only 28€ at lunch or dinner. Reservations are a must (at least a week in advance).
THE MARAIS (3RD & 4TH ARRONDISSEMENT) You should have no trouble finding good things to eat in the Marais. Between its working-class roots and its more recent makeover there is a wide range of choices, from humble falafel joints to trendy brasseries. Unlike the shops here, which have
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become so hip it hurts, there are still a good selection of mid-range restaurants that attract both the sleek set and just regular folks. The old Jewish quarter, which has been pretty much reduced to a few blocks around rue des Rosiers, is a good bet for a quick, inexpensive meal; the tiny streets around rue Vielle du Temple are just brimming with cool cafes and slick eateries.
€ A Marais institution since it opened in 1979, L’As du Fallafel (34 rue des Rosiers, 4th arrond.; % 01 48 87 63 60; Sun–Wed 11am–midnight, Thurs 11am– 4pm, Fri 11am–3pm; Métro: St-Paul; DC, MC, V) has, without a doubt, the best
falafel in Paris. And they’re kosher, yet. True, falafel joints are scarce in this city, but that doesn’t take away from the excellence of these overstuffed beauties, brimming with cucumbers, pickled turnips, shredded cabbage, tahini, and those crispy balls of fried chickpeas and spices (5.50€). For only .50€ more you can add on hummus and fried eggplant (the “special” 6€) a worthwhile investment. Other arrangements of similar ingredients can be found in the platters, like the “Assiette Israelienne,” (8.50€) a generous combo of hummus, tahini, and falafel. Service is fast and furious, but basically friendly—hoards of tourists and locals crowd in here for one of the cheapest meals in town. € Most people don’t come to Paris for strudel, but if they knew about Sacha Finkelsztayn’s Boutique Jaune 5 (27 rue des Rosiers, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 78 91; www.laboutiquejaune.com; 10am–7pm, closed Tues; Métro: St-Paul; MC, V),
they might. The Romanian-style version is a roll of dough stuffed with a heavenly purée of raisins and almonds (2.90€) that would put your Bubbie’s to shame. But let’s not put the cart before the horse. Before embarking on one of their delicious desserts (Mandelbrot, poppyseed cake, babka, etc.), you can pick out a filling (pastrami, tuna salad, smoked turkey, etc.) for a “Yiddish Sandwich,” slathered with eggplant spread and served on a pletzel roll with tomatoes and cucumbers (5.90€). Other sandwiches are on offer, as well as a multitude of spreads (chicken liver, roasted peppers, hummus, etc.) and other interesting Eastern-European treats like eggplant pirogis or Bulgarian böreks (puff pastry stuffed with sheep cheese and spinach). There are just a few tables, but they do takeout—perhaps a picnic in pretty place des Vosges is in the offing?
€–€€ A couple of years ago, crusty old La Tartine (24 rue de Rivoli, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 76 85; Métro: St-Paul; MC, V) had a makeover. Gone are the
stone-faced waitresses and the authentic carmel-colored patina on the ceiling and walls—a testament to umpteen million cigarettes smoked by wrinkled regulars and would-be Hemingways. Today the air is relatively clean, the service is efficient, and the Art Deco decor sparkles. If the ambiance has lost a certain je ne sais quois, it must be said that eating here is now a more pleasant experience. The dining area has been expanded, as has the menu: still a serious wine bar, with dozens of wines by the glass (3€–5.50€), there is now a much more elaborate selection of tartines (open-faced sandwiches). Prices range from 5.50€ for a few slices of ham or salami on a slice of country bread to 7.50€ for the much more filling “Croquantes” which are toasted and layered with compelling combinations like
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smoked duck, goat cheese, and walnuts (the Quercy) or eggplant, bell peppers, and mozzerrella (the Provençal). Though the tartines are probably your best bet here, meal-sized salads and cold plates (9.50€–13€), as well as soups and omelets are also on hand. This is a nice, relaxed place to bring the kids. €€–€€€ You many wonder, when you pass Chez Omar 55 (47 rue de Bretagne, 3rd arrond.; % 01 42 72 36 26; Métro: Rambuteau; Closed Sun lunch; no credit cards), why so many Parisian hipsters are lined up for a table at this
somewhat shabby looking bistro. The answer, in a word, is couscous; Omar serves some of the best in town. A steaming mound of delicate, airy couscous will be set before you, accompanied by a savory, vegetable-rich broth and a variety of grilled meats, the combination of which will give you something to talk about for weeks. Needless to say, you should come here with an appetite, as well as a bit of patience; reservations are not taken, so unless you get here early, be prepared to wait in line. Couscous starts at 15€ for chicken and up to 24€ for the royal treatment; the Couscous Royal, with grilled lamb, chicken, merguez, etc. €€–€€€ Paris can be a difficult city for vegetarians, but just down the street from the rue des Rosiers is a delightful safe haven. Piccolo Teatro 5 (9 rue des Ecouffes, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 17 79; www.piccolo-teatro.com; Métro: StPaul; AE, MC, V) serves gourmet vegetarian food in a relaxed but elegant atmos-
phere (exposed stone walls, flickering candles, subdued jazz music), proving that it is possible to be simultaneously meat-free and chic. The menu is separated into dairy and nondairy dishes; the gratins, unusual combinations of vegetables (spinach, mint, mushrooms, cream and apples, anyone? 11€) topped with gruyere, are overall less satisfying than the milk-free offerings like the tempeh curry in silky coconut milk sauce (15€). The desserts are simple and light: yogurt with strawberry coulis (4.90€), apple crumble (6.40€), or for something entirely vegetable-based, fruit-infused agar-agar (4.90€). The three-course menus offer significant value here: 16€ and 24€ at dinner and 12€ and 16€ at lunch (weekdays only). Reservations strongly recommended.
€€–€€€ An excellent stop for weary culture vultures on museum overload is Café des Musées 55 (49 rue de Turenne, 3rd arrond.; % 01 42 72 96 17; Métro: Chemin Vert; MC, V). In keeping with the “Neo-Bistro” trend, the owners have
taken over an old bistrot, polished up its antique fixtures, and put a hot young chef in the kitchen. The result is classic bistrot cuisine with a dash of modern living: Stewed free-range chicken with morilles (wild mushrooms) (15€); Entrecôte (ribsteak) with béarnaise sauce and house fries (17€); or rognons de veau (veal kidneys—sounds better in French, just pretend you don’t know) in sherry (15€) might show up on the blackboard, which changes with the seasons. Desserts stray farther from the bistrot norm; the pineapple cream with coriander (7€) is interesting, but the crème brulée with orange, vanilla and saffron (6€) is a delight. The lunchtime-only menu express is a real bargain—you’ll get the chef ’s selection of one appetizer and main course for only 13€. Reservations recommended.
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€€ It’s easy to walk right by Le Felteu 55 (15 rue Pecquay, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 14 51; closed Sat lunch, all day Sun and Aug; Métro: Rambuteau or Hôtel de Ville; no credit cards) without realizing that it’s there, since the modest
entrance and low-key signage make no attempt to draw in customers. They don’t have to. Locals in-the-know crowd into this unassuming restaurant near the Hôtel de Soubise for its healthy portions of excellent food. You’ll usually find either Brigitte or her husband Jerry, the long-time owners, behind the bar chatting with the regulars and escorting diners to their tables in the aging, utterly un-chic dining room. Meanwhile in the kitchen, their intense young chef will be doing magical things with grilled sea bass and fennel seeds (12€), or blood sausage and sautéed apple and potato cubes (11€) or some other traditional bistro fare. First courses (all at 6.50€) include a classic, and delicious, soupe à l’onion, as well as a more contemporary salade de chevre chaude (goat-cheese salad). But you really don’t need a starter here; the portions are copious and each dish is garnished with the vegetable du jour and a potato gratin. Reservations recommended.
€€ In the Marché des Enfants Rouges, hidden behind the vegetable stalls and takeout stands, is a small temple to Dionysus called L’Estaminet (39 rue de Bretagne, 3rd arrond.; % 01 42 72 28 12; www.aromes-et-cepages.com; Tues–Sat 9am–8pm, Sun 9am–2pm; Métro: Temple or Filles du Calvaire; DC, MC, V).
Intimately connected to the wine stall next door (the manager runs out to help customers), this high-ceilinged, light-filled wine bar offers gourmet nibbles and light meals to go with your glass of Côtes de Castillon. Though the atmosphere is relaxed, this is a haunt of serious wine drinkers; the house specializes in “natural” wines, not necessarily organic, but coming from vineyards that respect their terroir (i.e., the land, soil, and general essence of the place where the grapes are grown) and reject the industrial approach to agriculture. This respect extends to the food on the menu—the cheese plates and charcuterie platters (small 6€, large 12€) are made up of top quality products; the ever-changing plat du jour (12€, the only hot food on offer other than the soupe du jour, 8.50€) is also elegantly crafted, say, stuffed veal with prunes and dried figs, for example. Sunday brunch is 20€. Reservations recommended for lunch. €€ If you’ve never tried Basque food, head straight for Au Bascou 55 (38 rue Réaumur, 3rd arrond.; % 01 42 72 69 25; closed Sat–Sun, Aug, and the week between Christmas and New Year; Métro: Arts et Métiers; AE, MC, V) to sample the
best of this full-flavored cuisine, which hails from the most southwestern corner of France. The mustashioed owner-chef, Jean-Guy Loustau, will be happy to explain the finer points of axoa de veau (veal ragout, simmered for hours with smoked ham and the famed Espelette peppers—you’ll see dried ones hanging on the wall) or ttoro (a soup/stew of fresh tuna, cod, prawns, salmon seasoned with spices and more piment d’Espelette—sort of a Basque version of bouillabaisse). If you’re really hungry, start off with stuffed pimentos, or a piperade (eggs scrambled with tomatoes and green peppers), but save room for dessert—the flaky, armagnac-doused tourtière with apples and prunes is a delight. Don’t even try to pronounce it, but do try a glass of full-bodied Irouleguy wine with your meal. All appetizers are 9€, main dishes 16€, and desserts 8€; there is a two-course menu at lunch for 18€. Reservations strongly recommended.
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The Marais
Eating Vegetarian in Paris France is a meat-loving, carnivorous country. The most common reaction to those announcing a non-meat-eating status will be a blank stare of amazement mixed with horror. That said, there are many ways of getting around the problem. Scan menus for salades composées, meal-sized salads that often come in meat-free versions. If you eat fish, most restaurants offer at least one or two selections. Asian restaurants usually have vegetarian offerings, but quality varies; be wary of the “traiteurs asiatiques” that are the Parisian equivalent of fast food. And there are vegetarian restaurants here. I’ve listed a couple (Piccolo Teatro, p. 85, Aquarius, p. 116) but space limitations make it hard to go in depth. For some good listings compiled by local vegetarians, try the French food sites Où Bouffer (www.ou bouffer.com, search under the specialty “bio/vegetarienne”) and Ma Cuisine Vegetarienne (www.cuisine-vegetarienne.com, search under the heading “Bonnes Adresses”)
In this increasingly chic corner of the Marais, where hip boutiques and restaurants are not-so-slowly replacing local shops and cafes, Chez Nenesse 5 (17
rue de Saintonge at the corner of rue de Poitou, 3rd arrond.; % 01 42 78 46 49; closed Sat–Sun; Métro: Filles de Calvaire or Oberkampf; MC, V) is a breath of fresh
air. Well, not exactly—there’s quite a bit of smoke in here in this bit of old-fashioned Paris, but the high ceilings and general good cheer largely compensate. This is one of the rare places in town where you can see a roomful of happy Parisians— the smiles of the genial owners, the Leplu family, and the high quality of the food would put anyone in a good mood. At lunchtime, the chef sends out healthy portions of traditional bistro fare (like blanquette de veau, 9.50€, or rumpsteak, 10€) into the busy dining room, while dinner comes with a change in menus and ambiance—the checked plastic tablecloths are traded for white linen, and magret de canard au cassis (duck breast with cassis liqueur, 14€) and filet d’agneau a l’estragon (lamb steak with tarragon, 16€) take center stage. Thursday is steakfrites day, regulars crowd in at lunch for their weekly dose of the crispy house fries. Reservations strongly recommended for dinner.
€–€€ I’ll admit it. Le Temps des Cerises 55 (31 rue de la Cerisaie, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 08 63; closed Sat–Sun; Métro: St-Paul; no credit cards) is one of my
favorite restaurants. It’s not only friendly and unpretentious, a place where the owner behind the authentic zinc bar is on a first-name basis with a good chunk of her clientele, but it also has truly great food at equally great prices. The rump steak in pepper sauce (12€) is meltingly tender; the moist pintade (guinea hen, 10€) comes with an almost sweet vegetable fricassee (who knew Brussels sprouts could taste so good?). “Our chef is a trained saucier,” explains the owner, meaning he studied the art of sauce-making at length in one of the city’s mighty cooking schools. Come early, the tiny dining room fills to capacity at lunchtime when
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there is a three-course formule for 14€. In fact, lunch is the only meal served, though the bar is open into the evening (live music the first and third Fri of the month).
LATIN QUARTER (5TH ARRONDISSEMENT) For over 700 years, this lively neighborhood has been overrun with students, a population that is forever on the lookout for a good cheap meal. As a result, the area is full of cheap international snack shacks, of varying quality, from souvlaki huts to Vietnamese noodle shops, to Briton creperies. In a more recent century, tourism has made its indelible mark on Latin Quarter cuisine: steer clear of the unbearably touristy area around rue de la Huchette, where you are bound to pay too much for mediocre product, and be wary of rue Moufftard, which was once a good bet for good food, but has since become a victim of its own success. If you want to eat well, head towards rue Monge, and the warren of streets behind the College de France. There you will find small restaurants under innovative ownership which have been cultivating a knowledgable mid-range clientele (i.e., the professors and professionals who work at the university).
While no one could tell me why this restaurant is called “The Flying Ant,” they did explain that La Fourmi Ailée (8 rue de Fouarre, 5th arrond.; % 01
43 29 40 99; www.parisresto.com; noon–1am, kitchen closes at 11:30pm; Métro: St-Michel; DC, MC, V) is housed in what was once an old-fashioned bookstore,
explaining the 7.5m (25-ft.) ceilings (the mezzanine has been removed), the huge windows, and the literary-themed decor. The books lining the wall are now decorative, but the atmosphere is suitably subdued, good for novel-writing or reading between meal times, when the restaurant functions as a tea room. The menu is accordingly long on drinks (teas, wines, fruit juices) and short on meal choices, though what’s on offer is of high quality. For something light, there are quiches (7.50€), salads (11€) and a rather glamorous tartine of St-Pierre goat cheese on toast with figs marinated in tea and rose hips (11€); more serious eaters can opt for an old fashioned blanquette de veau (sautéed veal in white sauce, 12€), or the delectable house special: half of a duck baked in a delicate salt crust, stuffed with fruit and served on a prune-cream slathered crepe (19€).
€€–€€€ Very possibly the one of the best dining values in Paris, Le Pré Verre 555 (8 rue Thénard, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 54 59 47; closed Sun–Mon and the first 3 weeks of Aug; Métro: Maubert Mutualité; MC, V) manages to serve a threecourse, top-grade gourmet meal for a mere 25€. How do they do it? I have no
idea. The place is continually packed with fans, who range from students feeling flush, to wine aficionados (this is a wine bar too) looking for a new thrill, to diehard foodies aching for a taste of the Delacourcelle brothers’ intriguing aromatic cuisine. These adventurous restaurateurs have concocted a brilliant blend of traditional French and exotic ingredients that is not particularly flashy or trendy, or even spicy, but just deliciously unexpected. Your main course could be a meltingly tender cochon de lait (milk-fed pork) served with a smooth cinnamon-infused sauce and a delectably crunchy mass that turns out to be cabbage. Or it might be
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Latin Quarter
Chain Restaurants In a city where wonderful restaurants abound, why would anyone bother with a chain restaurant? Well, chains tend to keep more flexible hours than your average Parisian bistro (as in they serve nonstop until midnight or 1am), and cater to children, which is not always the case elsewhere. The best for overall food quality and ambiance is Chez Clement (9 place StAndré-des-arts, 6th arrond.; % 01 56 81 32 00; www.chezclement.com; Métro: St-Michel; AE, MC, V), which you’ll recognize by its bouquet of copper pots hanging outside the door. They have 12 locations in Paris, each serving classic bistro cuisine in a faux-traditional atmosphere. You’ll see Bistro Romain (122 av. Champs Elysées, 8th arrond.; % 01 43 59 93 31; www.bistroromain.fr; Métro: Georges V, AE, DC, MC, V) in most chain-heavy areas, which offers Italian dishes in a “Roman” decor—lots of purple and burgundy fabric and reproductions of Italian masters of the 16th to 19th century. Hippopotamus (29 rue Berger, 1st arrond.; % 01 45 08 00 29; www.hippopotamus.fr; Métro:Châtelet, RER: Châtelet–Les Halles; AE, MC, V) serves surprisingly good French food and grilled dishes in a bright red decor. Finally, Léon de Bruxelles (131 blvd. St-Germain, 6th arrond.; % 01 43 26 45 95; www.leon-de-bruxelles.fr; Métro: St-Germain des Prés; AE, MC, V) is a no-brainer for mussels: they have an entire menu full of variations on the moules-frites theme, as well as a nice selection of Belgian beers, and of course, Belgian waffles. All of the above have multiple locations, for specifics, visit their websites.
bark-roasted cod with delicately smoked mashed potatoes. Dessert could follow with black-currant mousse with almonds and celery root, or strawberries marinated in parsley. It may sound weird, but I tell you, it’s terrific. The menu changes with the seasons, but the prices stay the same: appetizers are 8.50€, main courses are 16€, desserts are 5.50€, and a combination of any three is 25€. This is a joyfully noisy place, delightfully lacking in attitude (though you should dress decently, of course). Smokers are relegated to the basement, where there is a pleasant, if windowless dining room; nonsmokers can enjoy the light-filled main floor. The weekday lunch menu is another great deal: appetizer and main dish (chef ’s choice) plus a glass of wine and coffee for 13€. Reservations necessary. €€–€€€ On a tiny medieval street creeping up the slope of the Montagne StGeneviève, Le Petit Prince de Paris 55 (12 rue Lanneau, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 54 77 26; Métro: Maubert Mutualité; MC, V) is a lovely place for a romantic tête à tête that won’t leave your wallet screaming in pain. The overall ambiance is elegantly eclectic; the cozy decor includes old posters, bric-a-brac, plants and tinkling fountain. Service is kind and caring, even if it can’t always keep up with the demand (so this is not a place to come for a quick pretheater dinner). Though the management is openly gay (rainbow flags are in evidence) the clientele is
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Where to Dine on the Left Bank
rue des Saints Pères
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Aquarius 19 M Au Bon SULLY Coin MORLAND 33 Au Rendez-Vous des Camionneurs 18 Bistrot du Dôme 22 Bouillon Racine 8 Café de Flore 1 Café de la Mairie 12 Café MaureMosquée de Paris 31 Café de la Tourelle 5 ChantAirelle 28 Closerie des Lilas 24 Foyer Vietnam 32 q ua La Coupole i St- 21 B er nar 29 La Crêpe Carée d La Cuisine de Bar 13 La Fourmi Ailée 25 L’Epi Dupin 14 Le Chartreux 23 Le Comptoir du Relais 7 Jardin des Plantes Le Jardin des Pâtes 30 Le Nemrod 15 La Palette 3 Le Petit Prince de Paris 27 Le PetitMuseum Vatel 10 National Le Pré d’Histoire Verre 26Naturelle Le Rendez-Vous du Marché 11 Les Bouquinistes 4 Les Deux Magots 2 Pâtisserie Viennoise 6 Polidor 9 Tavern de la Forge 16 Tí Jos 20 Ty Breiz 17
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decidedly mixed—diners of all stripes are welcome. This is a dinner-only restaurant, however, with two two-course formules at 18€ and 24€. Whereas the lessexpensive option might include quenelles of chevre with fig chutney, or blanquette de veau (veal stew) with Reblochon cheese, the higher end formule includes more elaborate dishes such as lamb with roasted pears and Sichuan pepper. Either way it’s delicious. Reservations highly recommended. €€€ Though it may look like a tourist office for the forests of Auvergne, ChantAirelle 5 (17 rue Laplace, 5th arrond.; % 01 46 33 18 59; www.chant airelle.com; closed Sat lunch and all day Sun; Métro: Cardinal Lemoine; MC, V) is
actually a gourmet restaurant. A cow moos when you enter, on your right is a display of pamphlets for the Livradois-Forez regional park, and on the left is a small waterfall. But further on, amidst the sounds of chirping birds, are wood tables and a leafy terrace where you can sample the hearty cuisine of this mountainous region in the center of France. Start with a slice of pounti, a scrumptious country pâté with chard and prunes (8€), and move on to a truffade, sliced potatoes baked with Cantal cheese and served with smoked ham, or potée a tureen filled with pork, cabbage, potatoes, turnips and leeks in broth. A lighter option is the salmon trout served with smoked ham and the famed green lentils of Puy (all main courses are 17€). Given the size of the servings, you probably won’t need to indulge in the three-course menu (32€), but at lunch you can choose two courses from a more limited menu for 16€ (includes a glass of wine, same deal with three courses is 21€). If you like mineral water, ask for the “water list”—Auvergne is known for its excellent springs. Not only do you eat well here, but the kind management and relaxed ambiance make it a nice place to bring the kids. Reservations recommended (you can reserve online).
Busy rue Monge may not be the most beautiful street in Paris, but it does have some great places to eat on a budget. One of them, Foyer Vietnam (80 rue
Monge, 5th arrond.; % 01 45 35 32 54; closed Sun; Métro: place Monge; no credit cards) is easy to miss because its only sign is a small one on the door (look for big
windows with white curtains). Something of a local institution, this humble restaurant is usually crammed with students, professors and working stiffs who come for the generous portions of Vietnamese classics. There are several formules, ranging from 8.20€ to 13€ for two to three courses (beverage included), but many head straight for a big bowl of bòbún (6€), a heap of rice vermicelli with sliced beef and a tangy sauce. Other versions include bún chà giò (vermicelli and nem, Vientamese spring rolls, 6€) and a personal favorite, bòbún chà giò (vermicelli, nem and beef, 7.90€). If it’s cold out, a steaming bowl of pho (meat broth with vermicelli and vegetables) might do the trick (small 4.50€, large 6.50€).
€ Real crepes come from Brittany, but La Crêpe Carrée (42 rue Monge, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 26 99 98; closed Sun–Mon; Métro: place Monge or Cardinal Lemoine; no credit cards) is the next best thing. With sturdy Arnaud Le Scouarnec
(who hails from Finistère) behind the grill, you can count on an authentic specimen, be it a lacey-edged galette (made with buckwheat flour and used for main-course crepes, like the classic complete with ham, cheese, and egg, 5€) or a smooth-
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Latin Quarter
skinned crêpe sucrée (made with wheat flour and used for sweet crepes), with jam, for example (3€), or just butter and sugar (2.50€). Though traditional crepes are simple combos of two or three ingredients, there are also some more elaborate offerings on the menu, like the Auvergnat, with blood sausage and apple compote, or the Broceliande, with goat cheese and home made fig jam (both 5.80€). Don’t forget to order a bowl of cider (brut is 5% alcohol, doux just 2%) to wash down your crepe—that’s how it’s done back in Brittany. €€–€€€ As its name indicates, Le Jardin des Pâtes 5 (4 rue Lacépède, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 31 50 71; Métro: place Monge; AE, MC, V) specializes in pasta.
But this is no ordinary pasta—not only are the rice, wheat, rye, and barley noodles made fresh every day, but the organic flour that goes into them is ground daily on the premises. The stress on wholesome ingredients is menuwide; even the ice cream is 100% natural. If the atmosphere is almost too healthy to be French, with lots of white walls and natural light, the food more than lives up to national standards. The rye pasta with not-too-salty, nitrate-free ham, cream, sweet onions, white wine and Comté cheese (11€) is surprisingly light, considering the ingredients. A less caloric choice is the barley pasta with fresh salmon, leeks, seaweed and crème fraiche (14€). The rice pasta is vegetarian, with stir-fried vegetables, tofu, and ginger (9.50€). Pastas are made to order, so don’t be in a hurry. There are several organic choices on the wine list (of course), as well as some interesting digestifs like a biodynamic pear eau-de-vie, and a delightful thyme-flavored liqueur from Provence called Farigoules (both 6€). There’s another branch in the 13th arrondissement at 33 blvd. Arago. € It might not be the first place you think of for a nosh, but the Mosquée de Paris (Paris Mosque, 39 rue Geoffroy St-Hilaire, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 31 18 14; Métro: place Monge or Censier-Daubenton; MC, V) has a lovely tea room, the Café Maure, that makes a great “time out.” Suddenly you’re no longer in Paris, but
somewhere in the Casbah, as you walk through the arched doorways of this mosaic-bedecked cafe, just across the street from the Natural History Museum. If it’s a nice day, sip your mint tea and nibble your corne de gazelle (a crescentshaped, powdered sugar-covered pastry (2€) outside on the shaded terrace while you listen to the fountain tinkle and pretend you’re visiting a caliph. Meals are also served here, but better couscous can be found elsewhere. Note: the entry to the tea room is not the main entrance to the mosque.
Instead of eating an insipid meal at one of the overpriced tourist restaurants on rue Moufftard, wander over a block or two to Au Bon Coin (21 rue de la
Collégiale, 5th arrond.; closed Sun and 3 weeks in Aug; Métro: Gobelins; MC, V)
for a more authentic eating experience. Though the decor goes a little overboard trying to be “typically Parisian,” with red-checked table cloths and hanging plastic grapes, real Parisians do eat here, as original and quirky as the artwork on the walls. If the clientele seems to be heavily male, blame it on the sly charm of Sylvie, the svelt, blonde owner, who trades barbs with the regulars with a panache only French women can muster. The menu covers all the traditional bases: soupe à
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l’ognion (6€), steak-frites (16€), sole meunière (16€), and the food is correct, i.e., it fulfills expectations without surpassing them. The menu is the way to go here, offering a significant reduction—the weekday three-course lunch menu is only 12€ (14€ weekday evenings); two others offer three more elaborate courses for 13€ and 19€. Reservations recommended.
SAINT GERMAIN (6TH ARRONDISSEMENT) Saint Germain is a mix of expensive eateries that only the lucky few can afford, and stalwart holdouts from the days when poverty-stricken intellectuals and artists frequented the Café de Flore. Overpriced tourist restaurants cluster around Blvd. St-Germain near the Carrefour de l’Odéon; as you head south and north of this major boulevard, your choices will expand. Though the Marché St-Germain has been transformed into a type of mall, the restaurants hugging its perimeter offer a wide range of possibilities.
If you ask the owner of this tiny mom-and-pop bar and restaurant how she and her husband have survived in this branché (“in”) neighborhood, she’ll tell you: “by doing things well.” And they do. Le Rendez-Vous du Marché (9 rue Lobineau,
6th arrond.; % 01 43 26 71 95; lunch only, bar open in evenings, closed Sun and Aug; Métro: Mabillon; no credit cards) may not be chic, but it’s honest. A true
hole-in-the-wall, with just a few tables and a handful of habitués attached to the little zinc bar, meals here resemble something your aunt Thelma might have cooked up on a Sunday afternoon. You may be put off by the size of the kitchen, which consists of a couple of burners in a sort of corridor that links the two small dining areas (the one in back is no-smoking), but Eliane manages to concoct some very tasty food there, in between refilling wine glasses and handling the cash register. The incredibly inexpensive lunch special (6.50€) might be a lightly seared steak with sautéed potatoes (if you don’t like very rare, you’d better ask for à point) or boudin (blood sausage) with homemade mashed potatoes. A quarter liter of vin ordinaire is only 1.10€ and dessert (a very decent apricot tart, for example) is 2€. With what you saved on lunch, you can probably afford to have your coffee at the Café Flore down the street. €€ Another pocket-book-friendly restaurant on the same side of the Marché is Le Petit Vatel (5 rue Lobineau, 6th arrond.; % 01 43 54 28 49; closed Sun–Mon and 3 weeks late Feb–early Mar; Métro: Mabillon; no credit cards). More modern
in both look and menu than its neighbor, this postage-stamp of a dining room seats only 16 hungry souls, so come early to avoid the wait. The emphasis here is on healthy eating with a Mediterranean touch; ingredients are fresh and “noble,” i.e., of high-quality and direct from the source. The plump and delicious Diot sausage is from Savoy (as is one of the owners) and served in a light white wine sauce (all main dishes are 10€); the pamboli platter includes slices of Catalonian ham and cheese and a fresh tomato sauce. A nice alternative for non-meat eaters is the assiette vegetarienne: an assortment of roasted eggplant, lentils, rice, and vegetables. The weekday lunch formule includes two courses and coffee for 12€. Service can be a little curt; smoking is most definitely not allowed.
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Saint Germain
€ Squeezed between two medical schools, Pâtisserie Viennoise 5 (8 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, 6th arrond.; % 01 43 26 60 48; closed Sat–Sun and midJuly to Aug; Métro: Odéon or Cluny La Sorbonne; no credit cards) gets its share of
students and professors in need of a nosh. And this is a nosher’s heaven: there’s a huge selection of pastries (2.60€–3.30€), including Viennese classics like Linzer torte and strudel, and the hot chocolate has got to be the best in the city (3.10€–3.60€). It’s thick and dark and bitter—sugar cubes are provided so you can adjust the sweetness—and if you ask for it à la viennoise, it will come with a dollop of real whipped cream. The tiny dining area looks like it hasn’t changed in at least 50 years: a collection of wooden booths and small tables that might have been shipped in from Vienna. Inexpensive meals are also served, including basic sandwiches, quiches, and pasta doused with a variety of sauces (5.50€–6.50€). €€ An unofficial historic monument, Polidor 5 (41 rue Monsieur le Prince, 6th arrond.; % 01 43 26 95 34; http://restaurantpolidor.info; Métro: Odéon; no credit cards) is not so much a restaurant as a snapshot of a bygone era. The decor
has not changed substantially for at least 100 years, when Verlaine and Rimbaud, the bad boys of poetry, would come here for a cheap meal. The bistro would continue to be a literary lunch room for decades: in the 1950s it was dubbed “the College of Pataphysics” by a rowdy group of young upstarts that included Max Ernst, Boris Vian, and Eugene Ionesco; André Gide and Ernest Hemingway were reputed regulars. Though the long tables are still covered with checked tablecloths, and the kitchen still cranks out boeuf bourguignon (11€) and blanquette de veau (veal in white sauce, 13€), today your tablemates will probably be other tourists, along with a dose of locals who come for the 12€ three-course lunch menu. Though the food is not particularly memorable, the ambiance is unique; a good place to taste a bit of history. €€€–€€€€ The brainchild of super chef Yves de Camdeborde, Le Comptoir du Relais 555 (9 carrefour de l’Odéon, 6th arrond.; % 01 44 27 07 97; Métro: Odéon; AE, MC, V) has le tout Paris all a-twitter. It’s being hailed as the best restau-
rant in town, and for good reason: the excellence of the food here will truly give you something to write home about. What’s more, it’s not that outrageously expensive. During the day, it’s a bistro, serving relatively traditional fare that induces lots of involuntary oohs and ahhs: say, a slice of lamb with thyme sauce (19€) or maybe the panier de cochonaille (20€), a basket of the Camdeborde family’s own brand of sliced smoked ham, dried sausage, and other pork-based delectables. On weeknights, it’s a temple to haute cuisine, with a tasting menu that might include as many as seven different dishes. This 40€ meal changes every night and is non-negotiable, as in the chef decides what you are going to eat. But with a chef like this, you don’t need to worry. Your evening might start with sautéed fresh foie gras with a green lentil sauce, move on to a ginger-infused seafood mousse, be followed by free-range veal with an artichoke poivrade, and finish up with a waffle with wild strawberries from Malaga. Despite the hype, the atmosphere is refreshingly relaxed; the decor is simple and non-threatening. There are no reservations at lunch, or on the weekends when the bistro menu is served from noon to 10pm, so arrive early or be prepared to wait; reservations for weeknights should be made at least 2 weeks in advance.
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€€ Housed on the ground floor of one of the oldest residences in Paris (dating from the 13th century), Café de La Tourelle (5 rue Hautefeuille, 6th arrond.; % 01 46 33 12 47; closed Sat lunch, Sun, and Aug; Métro: St-Michel; MC, V) gets its name from the small tower hanging off of one side of the building. Cute
and cozy, with low ceilings and wood wainscoting, this friendly place draws lots of editors and graphic artists from nearby publishing houses at lunch time, and young urban types at night. The menu is about half classic French (steak tartare, steak frites, and ouillette) and half modern (cumin-flavored lamb brochettes, scallops with basil), all well-executed and sometimes quite good, like the fish and vegetable loaf with aioli. The two-course lunch formule is only 11€, three courses at lunch or dinner is 18€, and main courses à la carte are 10€. €€€€ Just a few blocks away, but in another culinary galaxy, is Les Bouquinistes 55 (53 Quai des Grands Augustins, 6th arrond.; % 01 43 25 45 94; www.lesbouquinistes.com; closed Sat lunch and all day Sun; Métro: St-Michel or Odéon; AE, DC, MC, V). Subtitled “a restaurant with Guy Savoy,” this tony quai-
side retreat was conceived by the Michelin three-star chef, who then handed over the reins to one of France’s rare woman chefs, Magdala de Beaulieu Caussimon. Though most tables do not look out directly on the Seine, the enormous windows and high ceilings offer lots of light and space; an effect that is amplified by the sleek lines of modern decor. Like the decoration, the seasonal menu is modern and innovative without going overboard, as in lamb chops with persillade (parsley and garlic) (28€), or cod with shellfish tarragon butter (27€), or the more daring fresh foie gras with French toast, pineapple and exotic fruit (30€). Once again, for cost-cutting, lunch is the way to go: there is an excellent menu du marché, two courses for 25€ or three for 28€, and both come with a glass of wine and coffee. Reservations strongly recommended.
€–€€ Making the most of its next door neighbor, the legendary Poilâne bakery, La Cuisine de Bar (8 rue du Cherche-Midi, 6th arrond.; % 01 45 48 45 69; service nonstop 8:30am–7pm, closed Sun–Mon; Métro: Sèvres-Babylone or StSulpice; MC, V) serves delicious open-faced sandwiches (tartines) on their famous
bread. Get here early for a light lunch as the sleek dining room fills up quickly with impeccably-dressed locals lusting after the tartine of sardines with olive oil and sea salt, or chicken with garlic mayonnaise and capers (both 8.50€). A formule including a tartine, a small salad, a glass of wine, and coffee is 13€. €–€€
When you just can’t take any more shopping in the discount stores on (51 rue du Cherche-Midi, 6th arrond.; % 01 45 rue St-Placide, Le Nemrod 5 48 17 05; closed Sun; Métro: Sèvres-Babylone; MC, V) is the perfect place to sit down and have a bite. At the intersection of rue du Cherche-Midi, in warm weather it has wraparound sidewalk seating (great for strollers) and for once, there’s not a lot of traffic to stink up your lunch. This place is always packed, and for good reason: the food is good, portions are generous, and the service is excellent (if not particularly smiley). The owners are from Auvergne and regional specialties figure prominently on the menu, like pounti (country pâté with prunes,
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Invalides–Eiffel Tower
6€) and truffade (a mix of gratin potatoes and smoked ham, 15€). Lots of other dishes are on offer, including a plat du jour, often fish, for 13€–14€ and if you’re looking for a good salad, look no further. They are big, they are fresh, and they are delicious. The Perigourdienne is a personal favorite, heaped with duck confit, smoked maigret (duck breast), chicken livers, and green beans (12€). They also make a killer croque-monsieur on Polâine bread that comes with a small salad (7.80€). If you still have room, indulge in the tarte tatin, it’s worth the 5€. €€–€€€ Here is another opportunity to eat inventive, gourmet food without breaking the bank. On a small street near the Bon Marché department store lies L’Epi Dupin 55 (11 rue Dupin, 6th arrond.; % 01 42 22 64 56; closed Sat–Sun, Mon lunch, and Aug; Métro: Sèvres-Babylone). It’s clear that the food is what
counts here—there’s no fancy decor, no model wannabe waiters, and you’re not even allowed to smoke. You are here to eat, and eat you will: In the evening, the three-course, 31€ menu is obligatory (at lunch you can get away with two courses with a glass of wine for 22€). But that’s okay, you have a choice of six superb appetizers, main courses, and desserts, each lovingly created by chef François Pasteau (even the bread is made in-house here). How about a vegetable fricassee with asparagus and candied ginger? Or sautéed scallops with leeks and a citrus vinaigrette? The menu changes with the seasons, so this is just to give you an idea, but who knows, you might have a chance at the filet mignon of pork with rosemary— it’s to swoon over. Reservations recommended.
€€–€€€ Around the corner from the Luxembourg gardens, in a quiet neighborhood near the University of Paris, is a restaurant that looks like a setting for a 1960s Truffaut movie. You almost expect to see a young Jeanne Moreau sitting at the Formica-topped bar of Le Chartreux 5 (8 rue de Chartreux, 6th arrond.;
% 01 43 26 66 34; RER: Port Royal; closed Sat night, all day Sun, and the first three weeks of Aug; MC, V), gazing at the tiles painted with pictures of kids doing
the twist. There are photos of French film stars of the era, as well as a real vinyl banquette. This isn’t a theme restaurant, the decor is authentic, as is the food, which is fresh and simply served in copious portions. Classics like duck confit are on the menu, as well as grilled salmon with couscous and eggplant caviar (both 14€). The salads are nice here too (the chicken and arugula is delicious, 11€). Though you won’t see Moreau, you may see some contemporary French film stars who live in the neighborhood, like Jean-Pierre Bacri, munching their croissants in the morning. Most Thursday nights the owner shows ’60s Scopitones, old jukebox films that were the predecessors of music videos.
INVALIDES–EIFFEL TOWER (7TH ARRONDISSEMENT) Crowded with ministries and important people, this neighborhood is so grand, you half expect to hear trumpets blowing each time you turn a corner. Eating here on a budget takes some skill, or at least a bit of insider knowledge. Though there aren’t exactly oodles of dining choices, there are a few streets that are fairly lively, namely rue Cler, a pretty market street, and rue St-Dominique, home to some of
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the best restaurants on this side of the Seine. You’re likely to get fleeced if you insist on eating right next to the Eiffel Tower—that is, if you can find a restaurant, as the pickings are pretty slim in the Iron Lady’s immediate vicinity.
Once you’ve visited the plush department store Bon Marché, you will be bound to be feeling a bit peckish. Now is the moment to visit the store’s equally smart cousin next door: La Grande Epicerie de Paris (38 rue de Sèvres, 7th
arrond.; % 01 44 39 81 00; www.lagrandeepicerie.fr; Mon–Sat 8:30am–9pm; Métro: Sèvres-Babylone; AE, MC, V). It is most certainly grand, in both the French
and English senses of the word. Dean & Delucca could only dream of the heights this gourmet supermarket has reached, both in size and content: the bottled water selection alone includes an astounding variety of international brands. If you have had enough of trying to decipher the difference between Fijian mineral water and Sparkletts, skip over the designer mangos and the Japanese tea crackers and head straight for a table at Le Comptoir Picnic, (next to the amazing takeout delicatessen). For no particular reason, drinks are significantly cheaper than the same bottles on the shelves (juices 1.80€; waters 1.35€–1.65€); custom-made sandwiches are a bargain too, at 5.10€ a pop. Hot dishes are made in a wok, on a grill, or in a steamer and range from 7.70€–13€, using the same high-quality ingredients as on display nearby.
€–€€ Hipsters looking for a cheap lunch fix descend on Le Café du Marché 5 (38 rue Cler, 7th arrond.; % 01 47 05 51 27; closed Sun night; Métro: Ecole Militaire; MC, V), and for good reason: the portions are large and the food is great.
Taking up the corner of rue du Champ de Mars and rue Cler (a pedestrian market street), this busy place has one of the nicest sidewalk terraces in the area. If you want to eat there, arrive early, otherwise you might be relegated to one of the crowded back rooms, which are nonsmoking in theory only. A mixed crowd, including sleek office workers, trendy go-getters, and tourists come here to partake of the simple, but well executed bistro dishes like crispy duck confit and thick slabs of grilled lamb, as well as more modern turns like salmon brochettes with balsamic vinegar and ginger. All the main dishes, as well as the ever-changing plat du jour are 9€, all the huge salads are 8€ (add 1.50€ to these prices at dinner time), and if you have room for dessert, it’s 5.50€. €–€€ Tiny and old-fashioned with a large dose of French ambiance, Au Pied de Fouet (45 rue de Babylone, 7th arrond.; % 01 47 05 12 27; closed Sun; Métro: St-François Xavier or Vaneau; MC, V) has been in operation for 150 years, and has
lovingly conserved every historic detail, down to the menu, which though tasty, would certainly not win a “heart healthy” label. Main dishes are limited to sautéed chicken livers (7.90€), steak and mashed potatoes (11€), duck confit (11€), and a plat du jour, but at these prices, in this expensive neighborhood, a little cholesterol should be allowed for authenticity’s sake. There’s a wider selection of appetizers (including various salads, (3€–5€) and desserts (3€–4€), and if nothing else, the cheerful atmosphere will suit everyone’s diet. Reservations aren’t accepted so get here early.
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Where to Dine on the Left Bank
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Like its name, which means simply “The Bistro of the 7th Arrondissement,” Le Bistrot du 7eme 5 (56 blvd. de la Tour Maubourg, 8th
arrond.; % 01 45 51 93 08; closed Sat lunch and Sun lunch; Métro: La Tour Maubourg; MC, V) is a straightforward place. Elegant, but not trendy, this is the
type of place you would feel comfortable bringing your parents. In fact, judging from the older clientele, this is where people bring their parents. And why not? The food is simply, but beautifully executed and presented; basic bistro dishes like grilled lamb chops (11€) and poached salmon with olive oil (11€) take on a whole new meaning when made with high quality ingredients and care. The small dining room has a glassed-in terrace area that opens out onto the street in warm weather, when tables spill onto the sidewalk. The service is remarkably friendly for this fussy neighborhood, and the prices are reasonable, particularly if you go for the menu. I doubt if you can find a better three-course lunch menu around here for only 14€; at dinner it’s still only 19€. Save room for dessert—if the homemade apple tart is on the menu, grab it, it is terrific. Reservations recommended. €€ After making a huge splash with his gourmet upscale Violon d’Ingres down the street, super-chef Christian Constant did what every French chef seems to dream of doing: he opened a little corner cafe where he could cook what he felt
bd. St-G erm ain
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Dining Out on Art Though too many museum cafes are overpriced and tasteless (in both the design and gustatory sense), a few have restaurants that are almost worth the visit in themselves: u
€€–€€€ Peer up at the Tiepolo ceiling as you sip your coffee at the Café Jacquemart-André 5 (Musée Jacquemart-André, 158 blvd Haussmann, 8th arrond.; % 01 45 62 11 59; Métro: Miromesnil; AE, MC, V). Set in the dining room of the former private home of Edouard André and Nélie Jacquemart, this must be one of the most beautiful tearooms in the city. Light lunches are served from 11:45am to 3pm and tea and pastries from 3pm to 5:30pm. Though it’s not exactly a bargain—the 15€ lunch formule includes quiche and a pastry, 8.50€ will buy you tea and a pastry at tea time—what better way to finish off a visit to this 19th-century marvel. Access to the tearoom is independent of the museum; in summer there are tables outside in the lovely courtyard (but then you’ll miss the Belgian tapestries and the Tiepolo). €–€€ When its nice out, the vast terrace bridging the two wings of the Palais de Tokyo are filled with tables, but in fact there are two cafes here: On one side, Tokyo Idem (13 av. du President Wilson, 16th arrond.; % 01 47 20 00 29; open noon–midnight, closed Mon; Métro: Iéna; MC, V), the cafeteria for the wacky contemporary art space, Palais de Tokyo, stakes out its territory with hard tables, square chairs and artistic fusion food (quiches 4€–5€, salads 5.50€, plat du jour 9.50€). On the other side is the Café du Musée d’Art Modern de la Ville de Paris (11 av. du Président Wilson, 16th arrond.; % 01 53 67 40 47; open noon–midnight, closed Mon; MC, V), a little more cush, a little less innovative, with a choice of four salads going for 8.90€, two salads 5.90€, and the plat du jour 10.50€. What they both have is a delightful outdoor ambiance with a view of trees, the Seine, and off to one side, the Eiffel Tower. €–€€ The interior courtyard of the Petit Palais is endowed with
like cooking. Café Constant 555 (139 rue St-Dominique, 7th arrond.; % 01 47 53 73 34; closed Sun and Mon; Métro: Ecole Militaire, RER: Pont d’Alma; MC, V) is the result of this endeavor, and it is really and truly a relaxed kind of place, where you are quite likely to find the master himself at the bar smoking a cigar during his off hours. The decor is blissfully unpretentious, as is the service. The menu features the French version of comfort food: starting with appetizers like homemade terrine (country pâté) or pumpkin soup with gruyere, main dishes like rump steak with shallots and mashed potatoes, or croustillant de brandade de morue (a pastry filled with a creamy cod paste, a southern specialty), and desserts like rice pudding or crème caramel. All appetizers are 8€, all mains 12€, and desserts are
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Invalides–Eiffel Tower
one of the loveliest little gardens in Paris. Fountains burble, pools reflect, lush greenery soothes, and the majestic dome of the main building serves as a backdrop. What’s more, you can admire all this beauty while sipping your drink at Le Jardin du Petit Palais (ave. Winston Churchill, 8th arrond.; % 01 53 43 40 00); closed Mon; Métro: Champs Elysées–Clemenceau; AE, MC, V). Soft green velour upholsters the chairs, dark wood covers the walls, bringing the garden ambiance indoors (tables are set outside in warm weather). Since the hours are the same as the museum, breakfast and lunch are the only mealtime possibilities; there is a 14€ formule at lunch that includes the plat du jour and a dessert, as well as one at 10€ featuring a salad and dessert. €€ Starting in mid-April, the tables come out in the rustic garden of the Musée de la Vie Romantique 5 (16 rue Chaptal, 9th arrond.; % 01 40 16 16 28; open mid-Apr–mid-Oct 11:30am–5:30pm, closed Mon; Métro: Blanche; MC, V). Admire the foliage and listen to the birds chirp as you sip your tea and nibble on quiches and cakes—you’ll forget you’re in the city and imagine you’ve suddenly been dropped into a country setting from one of George Sand’s novels. The tearoom is run by Cakes de Bertrand (www.lescakesdebertrand.com; see p. 108) and offers an abbreviated version of their regular menu. In case of rain, you can take cover at a table in the greenhouse. €–€€ When it was still a train station, the Musée d’Orsay (62 rue de Lille, 7th arrond.; % 01 45 49 47 03; Closed Mon; Métro: Solférino, RER: Musée d’Orsay; AE, MC, V) contained a beautiful Belle Epoque hotel with a gorgeous, high-ceilinged, chandelier-bedecked restaurant. Guess what? The hotel is gone, but the restaurant is still there, providing refreshment and relief to tired museum-goers. Come here for lunch (2-course formule, 14.90€), or simply take tea (3:30pm–5:30pm, Tues, Wed, Fri–Sun). Dinner is served on Thursday nights, when the museum stays open late.
7€—a phenomenal deal for this level of quality. Reservations are not accepted, get here early (lunch starts at noon, dinner at 7pm) to avoid a wait. €€€ In a small square dominated by an enormous fountain of the Roman god of war (the surrounding buildings were once military barracks) is yet another Constant enterprise, Les Fables de La Fontaine 55 (131 rue St-Dominique, 7th arrond.; % 01 44 18 37 55; closed Sun and Mon; Métro: Ecole Militaire, RER: Pont d’Alma; MC, V). This small restaurant is a temple to fish, in all its many forms. In
fact, outside of desserts, that is all you find on the menu, which changes daily. The decor here is decidedly more stylish, as are the prices: here all appetizers are 10€,
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all main dishes 20€, and all desserts 8€. The dishes are more elaborate, though still relatively uncomplicated, and always exquisite—you might start with crayfish raviolis with fresh herbs, followed by braised hake with polenta and basil, or roast lotte, or monkfish, with asparagus and mushrooms. This place has gotten a lot of good press, making reservations essential.
€€€ For a romantic gourmet meal, you can’t really go wrong at Le Clos des Gourmets 55 (10 av. Rapp, 7th arrond.; % 01 45 51 75 61; www.closdes gourmets.com; Métro: Alma Marceau, RER: Pont d’Alma; closed Sun–Mon; MC, V).
High ceilings, creamy yellow paneling, and white linen tablecloths set the stage for the carefully crafted cuisine of Arnaud Pitrois, a talented up-and-coming chef. Dazzle your companion by ordering the beet raviolis with mild goat cheese and dates, baby spinach, and grilled sesame oil to start, and then slay them with your savoir-faire by ordering chopped rump steak tartare with sautéed foie gras. If he or she hasn’t swooned by the time you’ve finished your macaron (a large, light as a feather sort of cookie) filled with Tanzanian chocolate, passion fruit jelly and cacao bean cream, you can saunter out and take a stroll down the moonlit street to the foot of the twinkling Eiffel Tower. Fortunately, this extravaganza won’t eat your entire budget; the three-course dinner menu is just 33€ (at lunch the same three courses are 29€, and there is a two course option at 25€). The only catch is that you must take the menu (which offers a good range of choices); you can’t order just one dish. Reservations indispensable. €€€–€€€€ Subdued elegance reigns at Au Bon Accueil 55 (14 rue de Monttessuy, 7th arrond.; % 01 47 05 46 11; closed Sat–Sun; Métro: Alma Marceau, RER: Pont d’Alma; AE, MC, V), which has recently had a face lift. The
solemn beige upholstery, dark wood tables, and off-white walls are relieved by a large Impressionist-style painting of an outdoor scene. If the atmosphere is a little less hospitable than its name would make one expect (“The Warm Welcome”), the food does not disappoint: chef Jacques Lacipière knows his stuff. There are two different menus here, one where all starters are 8.50€, all mains 17€, and all desserts 8.50€, and all three for 27€ at lunch, and 31€ at dinner. The other, à la carte menu is more elaborate, and considerably more expensive, with main dishes running from 26€ (roast Bresse pigeon and baby vegetables with foie gras) to 35€ (filet of sole with champagne butter). Main dishes on the first menu are nothing to sniff at however: the thyme-roasted duck with celery root is delectable, as is the tender veal with sautéed leeks. If it looks like the weather is going to be nice, ask for an outdoor sidewalk table when you reserve (essential), and you’ll have a lovely view of the Eiffel tower.
CHAMPS ELYSEES–PARC MONCEAU (8TH & 17TH ARRONDISSEMENTS) Mobbed with tourists, oozing with opulence, the Champs-Elysées is a difficult place to find a good meal. Mediocre chain restaurants abound on the grand avenue itself, kebob joints mingle with frighteningly expensive gourmet palaces on the surrounding side streets. If you have no strings attached to your wallet, you can
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Where to Dine on the Right Bank
av. Franklin D. Roosevelt
explore dinners in the many two- and three-Michelin star restaurants in the area; if you are like the rest of us, consider splurging on lunch in one of these same eateries for half the price. As you head further away from the Champs, restaurants return to normal proportions, both physically and financially.
Strange as it may seem, right behind the opulent Palais de l’Elysées (where the French president lives and works) is an unassuming little restaurant with a great two-course menu for only 11.50€. At the Taverne de l’Elysées (3 rue
% 01 42 65 00 69; closed Sat–Sun and Aug; Métro: Champs
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Elysées–Clemenceau or Miromesnil; MC, V), you will share your meal with a odd
combination of three-piece-suited ministerial types, office staff, and maybe a couple of construction workers stopping in for a quick bite. All seem to agree that the laid back ambiance is just the thing for letting off steam at lunch (the only meal served), and the non-threatening menu (changes weekly, main dishes like risotto with haddock, pork roast with sage are all 9.50€) satisfies all parties. Smokers get the upper hand here; the non-fumeurs section is downstairs in the vaulted basement. €€–€€€ Since eating around the Champs Elysées generally requires either a fat wallet or a fondness for fast food, it is with great relief that hungry travelers stumble upon Le Liteau (12–16 rue Washington, 8th arrond.; % 01 42 89 90 43; closed Sun; Métro: George V; AE, MC, V). Nothing sensational going on here in terms of decor or concept, just good, traditional French food at startlingly reasonable prices. A mere half a block off away from the monster Louis Vuitton store on the Champs, this small brasserie offers a three-course dinner menu, including classic dishes like blanquette de veau and pot au feu for only 20€, which dips down to 16€ at lunch time. The only drawback is that at lunch you’d better come with an appetite, as you must take the complete menu (there are à la carte possibilities at dinner). €€–€€€ Say you’re strolling down the Champs Elysées and you are feeling a little peckish. Provided you’re dressed appropriately, why not indulge in an utterly Parisian experience at Ladurée 5 (75 av. des Champs Elysées, 8th arrond.; % 01 40 75 08 75; www.laduree.fr; noon–midnight; Métro: Franklin Delano Roosevelt; AE, DC, MC, V). Surely, you will find no better opportunity to bask in the glam-
orous glow of this over-hyped avenue without spending your children’s inheritance. Instead of dining on an overpriced sandwich (14€–19€) or plat du jour (27€), simply sip demurely on a cup of their legendary hot chocolate (6.10€), or one of their exquisite teas (6.30€–7.50€) while noshing on one of their delectable pastries or their heavenly marcarons (light, puffed cookies). The atmosphere is sublime; chandeliers and 19th century elegance abound. Other Paris locations: 16 rue Royale, 8th arrond.; % 01 42 60 21 79, and 21 rue Bonaparte, 6th arrond.; % 01 44 07 64 87. €€€–€€€€
Those searching for something a little more 21st century will be happy to know that the wildly successful Pourcel chef-twins, whose Michelinstarred restaurant in Montpellier spawned a succession of similar establishments in France and abroad, have finally landed in Paris. Just off the Champs Elysées,
Sens–La Compagnie des Comptoirs 55 (23 rue de Ponthieu, 8th arrond.; % 01 42 25 95 00; www.lacompagniedescomptoirs.com; closed Sat lunch, all day Sun, first 3 weeks in Aug; Métro: Franklin Delano Roosevelt; AE, DC, MC, V) is
appropriately hip—the entire two-level dining room is done in shades of grey and silver, relieved only by a few red cushions—the better to show off the smart togs of the Beautiful People. Fortunately, there is substance underneath all this style. Like the other Compagnie des Comptoirs, the cuisine here is basically southern French, with a large dose of Asian, Middle Eastern, and North African ingredients. So you could stick to something relatively traditional, like pork chops with
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Champs Elysées–Parc Monceau
A Word about Kids in Restaurants Many foreigners wonder how French people manage to make their kids behave so well in restaurants. While the ritual of long Sunday family lunches probably trains them to sit still at an early age, there’s also the fact that childhood rowdiness is not well tolerated in eating establishments. If the kids can’t sit still, the parents simply don’t eat out with them. It’s rare to find crayons, puzzles and other kid-friendly items in Parisian restaurants, though they usually have high-chairs (chaise-haute, shehz-OHT), if not booster seats (réhausseur, RAY-hoh-sur). Chain restaurants tend to be better prepared to handle toddlers. That said, by and large French people are kid-friendly, so small, family-owned restaurants will usually be pretty understanding. Ask if there’s a child menu (menu enfant). While not particularly nutritious, they’ll usually keep small ones busy with plenty of French fries. Below is a short list of some restaurants that are particularly amenable to the kid contingent: u
Le Nemrod (p. 96), with its wide outdoor sidewalk terrace, is a good bet for the stroller set; even inside it’s so noisy that no one will notice when the kids start to fight over dessert. La Table d’Hélène (p. 120) offers a small portion of any main dish for 3€, plus 1.60€ for every year of your child’s age. A Priori Thé (p. 82) is a tearoom located in a covered pedestrian passage with “outside” tables where kids can run free without risk to life and limb. La Crêpe Carrée (p. 92) has a laid back, easygoing atmosphere, and its yummy but simple crepes make ideal kid-food.
roasted potatoes and fruit “ketchup” (21€), or you could venture into more exotic climes and try cumquat-glazed grouper with mini fennel bulbs and grated raw artichoke (25€, the menu is seasonal, these are just examples). The desserts are equally delectable: the chocolate soup with fresh fruit is heavenly (11€). Reservations are a must. €€€€
Another self-replicating gourmet restaurant by an even more famous chef is Alain Ducasse’s Spoon Food & Wine 555 (Hôtel Marignan Champs-
Elysées, 12–14 rue de Marignan, 8th arrond.; % 01 40 76 34 44; www.spoon.tm. fr; closed Sat–Sun and three weeks in July–Aug; Métro: Franklin Delano Roosevelt; AE, DC, MC, V). Much ink has been spilt about this intensely modern restaurant,
and with good reason: the food is excellent, the concept is interesting, and the prices, if not exactly affordable, are within the realm of the possible. “Freedom and openness to new ideas” is the philosophy here, which translates into a mixand-match menu with an international roster of ingredients. Here, you are liberated from the restraints of ordinary menus; you are free to choose your main dish
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(roasted jumbo prawns, Australian Wagyu beef ), sauce (satay, mango rougaille), your accompaniment (stir-fried vegetables, potatoes “Maxim,”), even the green stuff in your salad (Romaine lettuce, asparagus). The combination of so many incredible flavors is positively dizzying, so you may need to steady your nerves with a chocolate pizza (14€) for dessert. With such a flexible menu, prices are a little hard to pin down, but main courses (a meat or fish, a sauce, and an accompaniment) are in the 25€–38€ range and at lunchtime “Spoon Sum” (Spoon’s version of dim sum), is also on offer, with sample servings ranging from 6€–8.50€, and a Spoon Sum menu of seven dishes for 45€. Another modern touch: the entire restaurant is nonsmoking. Reservations required at least a week in advance.
€–€€ Elegant and residential, the 17th is not exactly rife with affordable (75 av. de Villiers, 17th arrond.; restaurants—which is why Le Petit Villiers % 01 48 88 96 59; Métro: Wagram; AE, MC, V) is such a welcome haven. The atmosphere is relaxed and inviting, the dining room is usually crowded with regulars, and in the warmer months tables are laid on the wide sidewalk. The menu is as down-to-earth as the atmosphere; steak frites and grilled salmon are the main attractions at lunch—and the weekday lunchtime formule is a steal: 12€ for two courses and 15€ for three. The 20€ formule comes with more expansive choice (veal with sauce Normand, duck confit); main dishes à la carte run 12€–15€. Though the food will not knock you off your feet, the overall experience is a very pleasant one.
€€€ To heck with smiling waiters, you say, I want to get knocked off my feet. In that case, take a stroll down the avenue to Bistrot d’à Côté–Villiers 55 (16 av. de Villiers, 17th arrond.; % 01 47 63 25 61; www.michelrostang.com; closed Sat-Sun; Métro: Villiers; AE, MC, V). Yet another bistro created by a superchef, here’s
an opportunity to see how the mighty Michel Rostang interprets humble bistro cuisine. As to be expected, he does it with panache: you could stick to the basics, like a heavenly 300g rib steak with béarnaise, but why would you when you could try burbot (a delicious, firm white fish) roasted in a vermicelli crust with a garlicscented jus? In keeping with the neo-bistro trend, prices have been streamlined here—all appetizers are 12€, all mains 22€, and all desserts 12€. Or you could spring for the menu at 39€ for three courses, 34€ for two. Though the decor is homey, the staff will not let you forget that you are in the presence of a Michelinstarred chef. Reservations are necessary.
€–€€ One thing is for sure, you will not be hungry when you leave Chez Papa 5 (29 rue de l’Arcade, 8th arrond.; % 01 42 65 43 68; Métro: Madeleine; AE, DC, MC, V). Not only is southwestern French cooking particularly rib-sticking, but
also the size of the portions here are, well . . . manly. Even the salads are hard to finish; the Boyard, which includes lettuce, sautéed potatoes, cantal and bleu de brebis cheese, and dried ham (7.75€) will send you waddling out the door. Food here is not just cheap and filling—it is also quite good. The piperade (15€)—a
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Grands Boulevards to Canal Saint Martin
Basque specialty combining tomatoes, red bell peppers, eggs and onions—is a mouthful of flavor, and actually, not at all heavy. If you’ve got an appetite, a burbling pot of cassoulet—a scrumptious stew of white beans, sausage, and duck meat (18€)—will set you up for a long afternoon of site-seeing, if not a good hike in the Pyrenees. There are several formules here, from the “Papamule,” a limited choice of two courses and coffee (9.55€), to a three-course-plus-coffee number (24€) with pricier dishes like rump steak and magret de canard (duck breast). Given the dearth of affordable dining in the area, this place is almost always jam packed, so come early. There are five other Papa outposts: 101 rue de la Croix Nivert, 15th arrond., % 01 48 28 31 88; 6 rue Gassendi, 14th arrond., % 01 43 22 41 19; 206 rue Lafayette, 10th arrond., % 01 42 09 53 87; 125 av. Gambetta, 20th arrond., % 01 40 31 63 48; and 56 bis rue de Clichy, 9th arrond., % 01 42 81 41 37. Closed Sunday lunch.
GRANDS BOULEVARDS TO CANAL SAINT MARTIN (9TH & 10TH ARRONDISSEMENTS) There are no big tourist attractions to speak of in this area, which is probably why it harbors so many low-cost/high-quality eateries. Despite the popularity of the delightful Canal St-Martin, the restaurants lining this humble waterway have, for the most part, stayed true to the working-class roots of the neighborhood. Young artistic-types as well as bobos (bourgeois bohemians) live around here, and restaurants tend to reflect the youth and creative spirit of the area’s inhabitants.
At the top of the escalator that leads to the ninth floor of Printemps de la Maison (part of the clutch of buildings that makes up the Printemps department store) you’ll see the sky. That’s because the restaurant on the top floor, Le
(9th floor, Printemps de la Maison, 64 blvd. Haussman, 9th Deli-cieux arrond.; % 01 42 82 58 84; www.printemps.com; Métro: Havre–Caumartin, RER: Auber; MC, V) has entirely glass walls, the better to see the amazing 360 degree
view of the city. An even better view can be had from the huge rooftop terrace (great for families), where you can also nibble on healthy salads, soups, and generally lean cuisine. Service is cafeteria-style: you can choose your salad components (.50€–2€ per ingredient), then move on to the grill, where roast free-range chicken (12€) and steak (15€), among other things, are available for heartier appetites. Closed Sunday (the restaurant keeps the same hours as the store).
€€ On a street filled with a very international assortment of restaurants, La Taverne du Berbère (11 rue Rodier, 9th arrond.; % 01 45 26 30 57; closed Sun lunch; Métro: Anvers or Cadet; AE, DC, MC, V) makes its mark with North African
cuisine, Berber-style. The cuisine, as well as the young and friendly owners of this cheerful, plant-filled cafe, comes from Kabyle, a Berber region of Algeria. Standard North African dishes like couscous (10€–14€) and tagines (savory stews combining meat and vegetables and/or fruits, (13€) also come in Berber versions here, which are somewhat milder and use different ingredients. For a lighter meal,
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A Stroll along the Canal St-Martin Only recently “discovered” by young artistic types and their bobo (i.e., bourgeois bohemian) contemporaries, the quays of the Canal St-Martin are now blooming with lovely little restaurants, cafes, and bars. While there’s nothing particularly historic or spectacular about the architecture in this proletarian (at least, up until now) neighborhood, the canal’s arching bridges and leafy plane trees give a delightful touch of country charm to this otherwise urban scene. Here are a few quayside restaurant options (that is, if you don’t decide to picnic under the trees): €€ A local hang-out with an artistic flair, the green and yellow walls of Poêle Deux Carrottes (177 quai de Valmy, 10th arrond.; % 01 46 07 69 40; closed Sun; Métro: Louis Blanc; MC, V) harbor a cozy cafe where you can dine on simple, reliable fare like steak-frites or toasted goat-cheese salad, or just have a beer at the red linoleum bar. At lunch, all main dishes are 10.50€ and all salads 9.50€; prices go up 1.50€ at dinner. €€ Slightly more upscale, at least where the cuisine is concerned, is La Chaland 5 (163 quai de Valmy, 10th arrond.; % 01 40 05 18 68; closed Mon; Métro: Louis Blanc or Château Landon; MC, V). On nice days, this lovely cafe with a wood bar and mosaic-tile floor opens out onto the sidewalk. The always-interesting plat du jour, which might be a shark lasagna or sautéed duck with honey, is only 9.50€, the weekday lunch formule for 12€ includes the above plus dessert. Otherwise, main courses like tandoori chicken brochettes run around 13€, and salads are 9.50€.
consider one of their delicious bricks—the Berber version includes chopped chicken, bell peppers, potato, onion, and egg wrapped in a crispy crust and served with salad (9.50€). Given the small size of the restaurant, reservations are recommended for dinner. €€ In the adorable tea room category, Les Cakes de Bertrand 5 (7 rue Bourdaloue, 9th arrond.; % 01 40 16 16 28; Mid-Apr to mid-Oct Mon–Fri noon– 3:30pm, Sat 9am–7pm, Sun noon–6pm; mid-Oct–mid-Apr noon–7pm; Métro: Nôtre-Dame-de-Lorette; MC, V) takes the . . . well, cake. With its 19th-century
woodwork and its 1940s kitsch wall collages, this tiny restaurant is at once oldfashioned and retro-modern, like the food it serves. The main event here is loaf cake, which in France can be either sweet or salty, as in their cake with figs and ham, or that with sun-dried tomatoes. The 13€ formule includes a slice of the “salty” cake du jour or a piece of quiche plus salad and a drink; for the same price, you can have the plat du jour (usually something Italian, like pasta with eggplant)
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Grands Boulevards to Canal Saint Martin
€€–€€€ Despite its name, Le Poisson Rouge 5 (112 quai de Jemmapes, 10th arrond.; % 01 40 40 07 11; www.le-poisson-rouge.com; Métro: Château Landon or Jacques Bonsergent; MC, V) is not a fish restaurant, though they do have some nice selections on the menu (seared tuna brochette marinated in ginger, 17€). “Our specialty is not to have a specialty,” declares the owner, whose ever-changing menu includes plenty of meat, like the thick steak sautéed with mushrooms and zucchini (17€). The food is a tad more gourmet here; the wine list is particularly fine, with many selections coming from small, quality vineyards. At lunch, the plat du jour is only 10€, and a two-course formule is 13€. €€–€€€ One of the first cafes to open on the canal, and the most well-known, Chez Prune (21 quai de Valmy, 10th arrond.; % 01 42 41 30 47; Métro: Jacques Bonsergent or République; MC, V) has become a victim of its own success. Though this is still a fun place to come for lunch (main courses around 15€) or a drink in the afternoon when things are calm, it is to be avoided in the evenings when the testy servers become even more so and the trendy crowd is impossibly noisy. €€ A calmer option for a drink, Múkura 5 (79 quai de Valmy, 10th arrond.; % 01 42 01 18 67; closed Mon; Métro: Jacques Bonsergent; no credit cards) is a tiny Columbian cafe serving delicious fruit cocktails as well as spiced coffee and Columbian chocolate. The serene atmosphere is heightened by the nonsmoking policy. You can also eat here; prices for almost all of the savory dishes and meal-sized salads hover around 12€. The Chanchito (roast pork in coconut milk) is delicious.
plus a drink. Add dessert, and the same formule is 16€. The salad, by the way, is not just lettuce—the Amina, for example, sports chickpeas, lemon, carrots and coriander, and the Charlotte includes romaine lettuce, apricots, figs and grilled hazelnuts. If tea is what you’re after, there is a long list of gourmet selections, and for 10€ you can have yours with a piece of cake—the sweet kind, of course. The cute, but expensive purses, boxes, and notebooks on sale, which are decorated with 1930s photos, are the creations of one of the owners. Reservations recommended.
Two lovely restaurants, both the offspring of top chef Thierry Breton, are tucked behind the church of St-Vincent-de-Paul. The first, Chez Michel 55
(10 rue Belzunce, 10th arrond; % 01 44 53 06 20; Métro: Gare du Nord; closed Sat–Sun all day and Mon lunch; MC, V) is for haute cuisine at a petit prix (good
price). In an unassuming dining room, whose only hint of the chef ’s Brittany roots is a little lighthouse on the door, simple but succulent culinary wonders like
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tender, white-fleshed rascasse (fish) with eggplant caviar, are set down before grateful customers, who happily wolf down the entire 30€ three-course menu (there’s no à la carte ordering here) without a second thought. The menu is seasonal, but not particularly Breton, with the exception of the occasional appearance of Breton lobster, and the permanent presence of Kouign Amann (an intensely buttery cake) on the dessert list. If you come in autumn, for example, there is bound to be a good dose of game on the menu, like the baby wild boar with cèpes (much-cherished wild mushrooms). With food like this at these prices, tables fill quickly; reservations are recommended. €€ Even less expensive, if a little less gourmet, is Breton’s restaurant-next-door, Chez Casimir 5 (6 rue de Belzunce, 10th arrond.; % 01 48 78 28 80; closed Sat– Sun and 3 weeks in Aug; Métro: Gare du Nord; MC, V). This relaxed, old-fashioned
bistro, complete with zinc bar, serves up solid, savory dishes like the rabbit thighs with sautéed potatoes and wild mushrooms (15€) and roasted free-range chicken with peas and carrots (13€). There’s no formule here, but you really don’t need one; the portions are generous. Reservations recommended.
€€–€€€ Something’s wrong here. The waiters, for example. They’re . . . smiling! They’re joking around! Are we really in Paris? Well, not entirely. Just about the entire staff of J’Go 55(4 rue Drouot, 9th arrond.; % 01 40 22 09 09; www.lejgo.com; closed Sat lunch and Sun all day; Métro: Richelieu Drouot or Le Peletier; AE, MC, V) pronounced zhee-go, as in gigot, as in leg of lamb) as well as
the cuisine, have been imported from southwest France, land of the bon-vivant. But don’t let the light-hearted ambiance at this casual-chic restaurant make you think that they are not serious about their food: Not only is it delicious, but it is also made with the finest ingredients, like free-range Quercy lamb, and porc noir (black pig) from Bigorre. Even the vegetables are brought in from the southwest—almost all come from the same carefully tended farm. The resulting dishes are simple but succulent: sautéed lamb with parsnips (11€), grilled sliced duck breast in Madiran wine (17.50€), or homemade sausage with mashed potatoes (11€). The lunch formule “bistr’O” (served Mon–Sat) is a good value at 15€ for two courses and 19€ for three courses; the formule J’Go (28€, two courses) and Rest’O (20€, two courses) both offer more gourmet choices.
BASTILLE & FAUBOURG SAINT ANTOINE (11TH & 12TH ARRONDISSEMENTS) Delightfully free of must-see tourist sights, this is a nice area for pottering around and experiencing a more low-key side of Paris. Bastille, which was really hot in the late ’90s, has lost some of its cachet; the hip crowd now wanders up rue de Charonne and rue Oberkampf towards Menilmontant. A multitude of cute restaurants have sprouted up in the wake of this migration. Further east, towards the Gare de Lyon, is a mostly residential area with neighborhood cafes packed with locals who know where to go to find la bonne bouffe (the good grub).
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Where to Dine on the Right Bank
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At last, a place to get just a bowl of soup. A new concept in France, where soup is regarded as either a first course or something you eat at home late at night,
Le Bar à Soupes 5 (33 rue de Charonne, 11th arrond.; % 01 43 57 53 79; www. lebarasoupes.com; closed Sun; Métro: Bastille or Ledru-Rollin; MC, V) is just what
it sounds like, a soup bar where you can get a big bowl of soup, a fresh roll, and a small salad, if need be. And this being France, these are no ordinary soups. The owner, Anne-Catherine Bley, has published her own cookbook, revealing the
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A Different Kind of French Restaurant You may have noticed: many Parisians do not look very French. This is because large communities from former French colonies in Southeast Asia and Africa have flourished in recent years, bringing a whole new dimension to local culture, not to mention local cuisine. If you’ve had enough of France in your dinner plate, take a quick side trip to Algeria, Africa, or Vietnam, and feast on couscous, poulet yassa, pho, or any number of dishes that put a whole new spin on the idea of “French cuisine.” While the best ethnic restaurants are in some of the more far flung arrondissements (the 13th, 18th, and 20th for example), the 11th and 12th have probably the best selection of choices closer to the center of town.
ingredients of the luscious concoctions listed on the blackboard (which changes daily). If it’s hot out, cold carrot soup with coconut milk or fresh green pea with mint might be on offer; for cold days Portuguese haddock soup or Indian yellow lentil soup might hit the spot. A naked, but plentiful bowlful runs 5.10€–5.30€; the lunchtime formule includes a bowl of soup, either a salad, or a cheese plate, or a dessert, plus a glass of wine or a cup of coffee for 9€. €
If you’re looking for a full meal in the same minimalist price range, head on to Le Dallery (6 passage Charles Dallery, 11th arrond.; % 01 47 00 11 72; closed Sun and Aug; Métro: Ledru Rollin; MC, V). This tiny, old-fashioned restaurant has gotten a fresh coat of paint and some new modern art from its most recent owners, who hail from Algeria. That’s about all that has changed, however—aside from the excellent couscous served on Fridays, the menu is typically French, featuring grilled lamb chops, roast chicken, and the ever-popular steak-frites. Even the prices hail from another era: main dishes (with fries or veggies) are only 7€, and the three-course-plus-drink formule is a mere 10€. If that’s too much for you, a main course, dessert, and coffee combo is only 8.50€. The only down side is that these tasty meals are only served at lunch time, in the evenings the ancient zinc bar serves drinks only. The ambiance is relaxed and blissfully nonhip; the place is crowded with happy locals who are on a first name basis with the owner/ waiter/barman. €
Farther down rue de Charonne is a little Vietnamese restaurant with a seemingly permanent line outside (at least at dinner time), Paris-Hanoi 5 (74 rue de
Charonne, 11th arrond.; % 01 47 00 47 59; closed Sun lunch; Métro: Charonne or Ledru Rollin; no credit cards). Hungry Parisians young and old (but mostly
young) crowd in here to partake in large portions of yummy food at ridiculously low prices. The majority of the main dishes run 6.60€, including heaps of lemon grass chicken, steaming bowls of pho (noodle soup with meat and vegetables), and healthy servings of bò bun (cold noodles with sautéed beef ) as well as a variety of meal-sized salads. A nice place to start an evening of bar hopping. Success has been such that the restaurant has opened a second branch at 9 rue Mont-Louis
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Bastille & Faubourg Saint Antoine (11th arrond.;
% 01 46 59 01 40; closed Sun; Métro: Philippe Auguste).
Reservations accepted at both locations and strongly recommended. €€–€€€ Around the corner is you can take another gastronomic voyage, this time to Africa. Waly Fay 5 (6 rue Godefroy Cavalgnac, 11th arrond.; % 01 40 24 17 79; Mon–Sat 8pm–12:30am and brunch on Sun 11am–5pm; Métro: Charonne; MC, V) offers a delicious combination of Sub-Saharan African and Creole cuisine. Cool music and candlelight set the scene for some of the best poulet yassa (12€, chicken marinated in lime and onions) in Paris; n’dolé mixte (15€, smoked fish
with shrimp) is another star attraction. Less adventurous eaters might like the marinated brochettes (15€), which are grilled over a wood fire. Fill out the meal with a side order of fried plantains or miondo (steamed manioc, both 5€). Reservations recommended.
Several small mountains of exquisite Algerian pastries are lined up on the long counter as you enter La Bague de Kenza (173 rue du Faubourg St-Antoine,
12th arrond; % 01 43 41 47 02; open Sat–Thurs 8:30am–8pm, Fri 2:30pm–9pm; Métro: Faideherbe–Chaligny; MC, V), a lovely tearoom east of Bastille and close to
one of the city’s largest outdoor markets, the Marché d’Aligre. The way it works is this: you choose your pastries downstairs (that way you can simply sigh and point, instead of trying to figure out which one is which) and then you head upstairs to where you will be served at your table. You can then choose your tea— there’s quite a variety, including the traditional pot of mint tea, which goes so well with these delicacies. Light lunches are also served; there is a range of formules, each including tea and pastry, for 6.40€–8.50€. There are two other tea room locations, 84 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud (11th arrond.) and 233 rue de la Convention (15th arrond.), as well as the original bakery at 106 rue St-Maur (11th arrond.). €€–€€€ In a quiet neighborhood off the busy blvd. St-Antoine, tiny Le Temps au Temps 55 (13 rue Paul Bert, 11th arrond.; % 01 43 79 63 40; closed Sun and Mon; Métro: Faidherbe–Chaligny; MC, V) offers upscale cuisine at afford-
able prices, with virtually no attitude. A smiling waitress takes your order as the restaurant fills up with locals from this up-and-coming neighborhood. Portions are small but delectable and exquisitely presented. A construction of caramelized endives and balsamic vinegar sits atop a luscious cut of pollack (a white fish), an appetizer of eggplant caviar and smoked salmon is crowned with a curly mass of glistening alfalfa sprouts. The limited-choice lunch formule is priced according to your appetite, a main dish and coffee or wine is 11€, a main dish with either an appetizer and dessert is 13€ and all three courses is 16€. If you’re willing to spend 27€ you’ll have a choice of three courses from the other chalkboard (which changes daily) honey-glazed lamb with wild mushrooms, or ray stew with curry, wild black mushrooms, and zucchini might be a couple of your options. Reservations recommended. €€€ Yet another fabulous cuisine from an ex-French colony is that of Morocco, and there are few places north of Fez where you will find as excellent
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an example as Mansouria 555 (11 rue Faidherbe, 11th arrond.; % 01 43 71 00 16; closed Mon–Tues lunch, Sun all day, and the week of Aug 15; Métro: Faideherbe–Chaligny; MC, V). Generally accepted as the queen of Moroccan cook-
ing (she’s published five cookbooks), Fatéma Hal rules supreme in the kitchen of this elegant restaurant, which sends out platters of perfumed dishes such as kmama, a chicken tagine, or stew, cooked with tomato jam and rose petals. Hal goes to the roots of this illustrious cuisine: one dish, La Mourouzia, is a 12th-century recipe featuring lamb seared in real ras al hanout—an intense mixture of 27 spices—and stewed in honey, raisins and almonds. Both of these are 19€, the terrific couscous variations are in the same range. Though the individual dishes are quite filling, the three-course 30€ Diaffa menu is a good value if you are really hungry, and comes with coffee or mint tea. Reservations are a must. €€€ Getting back to France . . . you’ll feel like you’ve walked into the 19th century when you pass through the doors of Chardenoux 55 (1 rue Jules Vallés, 11th arrond; % 01 43 71 49 52; Métro: Faidherbe–Chaligny; MC, V), possibly the quintessential Parisian bistro. It’s not just the swirling floral decorations on the ceiling, the old wooden tables and chairs, or the dozens of bottles lined up behind polished zinc bar, but also the waiters, with their white starched shirts and black pants covered by the archetypal long white apron. The menu, however, does not restrict itself to Paris; you’re liable to find a southern aioli (garlic mayonnaise) of fresh cod, or tuna steak with ratatouille (sautéed vegetable stew), both 19€ alongside a roasted slice of lamb with potatoes gratin Dauphinoise (22€). Reservations strongly recommended.
€–€€ One of the last of a dying breed, Le Gave de Pau–Chez Yvette 55 (147 rue de Charenton, 12th arrond.; % 01 43 44 74 11; closed Sun; Métro: Gare de Lyon or Reuilly–Diderotl; MC, V) is one of those one-man-show (or in this case, one
woman) bar-cafes where patrons come as much for the personality of the owner as the food. Hailing from the region around Pau (pronounced po) in the French Southwest, Yvette serves up regional specialties with a large helping of southern hospitality and general good cheer. Regulars crowd in to the tiny dining room to partake in the savory magret de canard and duck confit (both 10€), or other items (like a piperade, a luscious mix of egg, red bell peppers and ham, 8€) appearing on the ever-changing blackboard menu. Whatever it is, it’s bound to be good, especially if it’s washed down with a glass of Madiran or one of the other featured regional wines. A three-course formule is 13€ at lunch and 15€ at dinner. For something lighter, there is a good selection of meal-sized salads as well (8€–9€). Yvette cooks everything herself in between waiting tables and manning the bar (where her daughter helps out when she can). Come here soon—Yvette is building herself a house in the Pyrenees, where she plans to retire. €€–€€€ Not even a block away (and still only 10 min. max to the station) is another welcoming place, Comme Cochons . . . 5 (135 rue de Charenton, 12th arrond.;
% 01 43 42 43 36; Métro: Gare de Lyon or Reuilly–Diderot; MC, V).
Contrary to what you might gather from the name, which translates literally as “like pigs,” this is not a pork-based restaurant, nor a place where you can eat like
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a slob; the name actually comes from a proverb and refers to having loads of friends. Which says something about the atmosphere—this is a relaxed place that is low on attitude and high on culinary values. More modern than its neighbor, the cozy room greets locals who come for the traditional dishes with a contemporary touch, like the roast bass with fennel (16€) or the faux-filet bordelaise (steak in wine sauce, 17€). Though dinner is more fun (and on Thursday nights there’s live jazz), lunch is easier on the budget; a three-course formule with wine is only 15€, and two courses is 12€. The honey-almond mousse makes a great finish. €€€€
Eating at the train station is usually a somber affair, consisting of a soggy sandwich and lukewarm coffee before running to catch the 11:51. Not so at Le Train Bleu 55 (Gare de Lyon, 12th arrond.; % 01 43 43 09 06; www. le-train-bleu.com; Métro: Gare de Lyon; AE, DC, MC, V). Built for the Exposition of 1900, the Gare de Lyon is one of the last gasps of the Second Empire, and the Train Bleu is a souvenir of its glorious past. Gilt moldings, swirly stucco, carved woodwork, and soaring ceilings frame opulent murals of the southern destinations of the Paris-Lyon-Mediterranée train line. History seeps out of every gilded curlicue: Sarah Bernhardt used to dine here, as well as Coco Chanel, Colette, and Jean Cocteau. Crystal chandeliers shine down on classy place-settings; waiters rush around in formal penguin attire. Oh yes, the food, that’s good too. The menu covers a variety of classics, including blanquette de veau with a bourbon vanilla sauce (27€), steak tartare (25€), and gigot d’agneau (roast lamb, 29€). If the prices are too steep, there is also a Sunday brunch buffet for 30€. Otherwise, you can just sip on a coffee (4.50€) in the adjoining Big Ben Bar while you look down and watch the TGV slide out towards Marseilles.
MONTPARNASSE (14TH ARRONDISSEMENT) The famous cafes (Le Dôme, Le Select, La Coupole, etc.) where struggling writers and artists like Picasso, Hemingway, and Chagall, once hung out are now much too expensive for most ordinary mortals, much less struggling artists, and having a drink and soaking up the atmosphere is probably the most affordable way to enjoy them. But the history of this quarter is not just about art—it is also the most Breton (i.e., from Brittany) section of Paris. The trains from Brittany arrive and depart from Montparnasse, and the story goes that between the Wars, fresh-off-the-train Bretons, not knowing where else to go, settled in the immediate vicinity. Hence the high density of creperies (the crepe having its origins in Brittany).
€ One of the oldest creperies in Paris, Tí Jos 5 (30 rue Delambre, 14th arrond.; % 01 43 22 57 69; closed Tues night, Sat and Sun lunch, and the last 2 weeks of Aug; www.restaurant-tijos.com; Métro: Edgar Quinet or Vavin; AE, MC, V)
serves excellent galettes (made with a slightly salty, buckwheat batter and used for meal-type crepes) and crepes (a sweeter wheat-based batter, used for dessert crepes), ranging from a simple cheese crepe (5€) to a super-complète with egg, ham, cheese, and mushrooms (7.90€). The menu sticks close to the traditional line; no guacamole-goat cheese concoctions here and includes a good list of mildly alcoholic ciders (the traditional accompaniment) as well as a few hot dishes.
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Should you show up on a Thursday night in wintertime, you can try a plate of kig ha farz (15€) a Breton specialty involving a crumbled buckwheat dumpling and a hearty slice of smoked bacon. The far is on the dessert menu year-long, a creamy, custardy slice of tart, sometimes made with prunes. Informal Celtic music concerts have been known to happen on Friday nights. €–€€ Just across the street is an opportunity to visit another French province, this time Alsace. Decked out with a traditional wooden interior and a wood-burn(63 blvd. de Vaugirard, 15th arrond.; % 01 43 ing oven, Tavern de la Forge 5 20 87 10; closed Sun; Métro: Montparnasse–Bienvenüe; MC, V) serves up delicious flammekueches, the Alsatian version of pizza. The delicate, thin crust is spread with a sinful mix of crème fraîche (a kinder, gentler sour cream) and fromage blanc (another mild and creamy dairy product) and then dotted with sautéed onions, smoked ham, mushrooms, or a variety of other goodies like potatoes, or smoked salmon. Strange as it sounds, flammenkueches are not unbearably heavy, due to prudent dosing of fatty ingredients. Prices range from 7.90€ for simple versions to 12€ for the full monty. Other Alsacian specialties include variations on the melted-Munster-cheese-on- potatoes theme, as well as choucroute, smoked meats on a heap of cooked and shredded cabbage.
€€ One of the best vegetarian restaurants in Paris, Aquarius 5 (40 rue de Gergovie, 14th arrond.; % 01 45 41 36 88; closed Sun; Métro: Pernety; AE, DC, MC, V) is nestled in a pretty neighborhood with nothing much to say for itself
aside from the fact that it’s charming. Using as many organic ingredients as possible, this brightly colored, slightly hippyesque restaurant cooks up tasty meat-free dishes such as a hearty vegetarian lasagna and a divine roti aux noix (nut roast) with cassis jelly (both 12€). The three-course weekday lunch menu is only 11€ and includes a choice from the ever-changing blackboard menu; the same menu in the evenings is 15€. There is a nice selection of generously portioned salads (all between 10€–11€), like the salade orientale which comes with tabouli, veggie pâté, eggplant caviar, hummus, greek-style mushrooms, seaweed, and vinaigrette. The wine lists includes lots of organic options, and there is a selection of fresh squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. Reservations recommended.
TROCADERO & PASSY (16TH ARRONDISSEMENT) The 16th arrondissement is generally considered the Beverly Hills of Paris. Stately mansions abound, toney shops beckon, and restaurant prices make one’s eyes roll back in their sockets. For a romantic evening or a special event, however, you can’t beat dinner and a stroll to the place du Trocadéro: the view of the glittering Eiffel Tower from esplanade of the Palais de Chaillot is simply unforgettable.
€€€ If you’ve had your fill of wacky contemporary art at the Palais de Tokyo (p. 158), and are in need of a good dose traditional French ambiance, head down a steep street on the side of the palace to Aux Marches du Palais 5 (5 rue de la
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Trocadéro & Passy
Manutention, 16th arrond.; % 01 47 23 52 80; Métro: Iéna; AE, DC, MC, V). The classic bistro decor will relieve any jangled nerves; if that doesn’t do it, the high quality cuisine certainly will. Here you will find French favorites with a contemporary twist: while the filet de boeuf (beef steak, 19€) is garnished comme il faut with green beans and roasted potatoes, the seared tuna (18€) comes with cumininfused carrots. About half of the menu is served in verrines, glass jars used for making preserves. These pleasing dishes cost a bit less, but the portions are also smaller. The weekday lunch menu is a bargain in this neighborhood at 21€ for two courses with wine; at press time a Sunday brunch menu was in the works. If it’s sunny, try to nab a sidewalk table; the street is quiet and if you look down the hill past the leafy trees you’ll see the Seine. Reservations recommended. €€€–€€€€
Forget about all those other Lebanese places around the Champs Elysées—this is the real deal. Fakhr el Dine 55 (30 rue de Longchamp, 16th
arrond.;% 01 47 27 90 00; www.fakhreldine.com; Métro: Trocadéro; AE, DC, MC, V) has been a temple of gourmet Lebanese food for over 20 years, and it has the
medals to show for it. Sure, we’ve all had hummus, but not this hummus—who knew the humble chickpea could be transformed into this creamy elixir? Same goes for the baba ganoush, the tabouli, the kibbe, and all the rest of the many delicacies served on the generous assiette de hor d’oeuvres (17€). Aside from the extensive list of both hot and cold mezzes, or appetizers (6€–9€), 2 or 3 of these make a meal), there is also a wide selection of grilled meats (the juicy, tender lamb on the brochettes bears no relation to the chewy substance usually found on a skewer, 16€) and a rotating plat du jour. The lunch menu includes a nice assortment of mezzes and brochettes, plus dessert and coffee for 19€, and a larger assortment is available for 28€. Service is both professional and friendly (a rare combination); reservations only needed for large parties. There is another branch at 3 rue Quentin Bauchard, 8th arrond.; % 01 47 23 44 42; Métro: Georges V. €€€–€€€€
And now for something more subdued. With the same underplayed elegance as it’s sister restaurant, Les Bouquinistes, La Butte Chaillot 55
(110 bis av. Kléber, 16th arrond.; % 01 47 27 88 88; www.guysavoy.com; closed Sat lunch; Métro: Trocadéro; AE, DC, MC, V) serves simply, but beautifully executed
gourmet fare in a classy, modern environment. Waiters flutter gracefully around the tables like butterflies; the atmosphere is calm and quiet. The lunch crowd is mainly upscale professionals in suits—dinner brings a dressier clientele. The signature dish is the thyme-roasted free-range chicken with mashed potatoes (19€), the sautéed bass with asparagus tips and tomatoes makes an excellent second choice (27€). A great place for a classy dinner before a night at the theater at the Palais Chaillot.
€€–€€€ After quenching your literary thirsts at the Maison de Balzac, a quick stroll to Le Bistrot des Vignes 5 (1 rue Jean Boulogne, 16th arrond.; % 01 45 27 76 64; www.bistrodesvignes.fr; closed first 3 weeks in Aug; Métro: Passy or La Muette; AE, MC, V) will satisfy your hunger for more basic needs—lunch, perhaps.
A pleasant corner “neo-bistro” with mustard-colored walls and a Mediterranean air, this is a relaxed environment for enjoying refined bistro fare, like an appetizer
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of foie-gras with green lentils (all starters 6€), or a main dish such as magret de canard (duck breast) with honey and roasted sesame oil (all mains 16€). There’s a hint of the south in the menu; tomatoes, eggplant, and olives tend to show up in many dishes. Around here, the 20€ two-course lunch menu is a deal; three courses go for 26€, and a single main dish is 14€. Add 2.50€ to these prices for the same menu at dinner. They are known for their wine list; many offerings are available by the glass.
MONTMARTRE (18TH ARRONDISSEMENT) The great thing about Montmartre: you need only walk in the opposite direction of the tourist traps (which are concentrated around the Sacré Coeur and the place du Tertre), to find yourself in some lovely little neighborhood that looks like it belongs in a painting by Utrillo. To the north and west of the basilica is where you will find the villagey atmosphere you’ve heard so much about; to the east and south Montmartre gives way to Barbès, a lively immigrant neighborhood where you are just as likely to see women in Indian saris and African prints as in smart Parisian apparel. Either way, you’re bound to come across good food.
€€–€€€ A short walk up this restaurant-crammed street is an excellent spot for a bit of fondue. La Grolle de Montmartre 5 (31 rue des Trois Frères, 18th arrond.; % 01 42 57 36 15; Métro: Abbesses; MC, V), specializes in the cuisine of Savoy, an Alpine region that produces lots of great fromage, and, not surprisingly, is known for its cheese-based dishes. Aside from the terrific fondue (made with a blend of three cheeses, 15€ per person, 2-person minimum), they also proffer a delightful raclette (19€ per person, 2-person minimum), another group cheeseeating activity, in which each person scrapes (racler) off a slice of slowly melting cheese and eats it with boiled potatoes and gerkins (it tastes much better than it sounds). Another yummy, if not exactly fat-free, cheese treat is a tartiflette (served with salad, 11€), another Savoyard specialty, which involves sliced potatoes, sautéed onions, cubed ham, and, you guessed it, lots of gooey, delicious, cheese. It is open for dinner only and closed on Wednesday. €€€ Just a short walk from the tourist hoards hovering around Sacré Coeur is a remarkably authentic restaurant called A La Pomponnette 55 (42 rue Lepic, 18th arrond.; % 01 46 06 08 36; closed Mon lunch, Sun all day, and Aug; Métro: Abbesses; AE, DC, MC, V). In the same family for several generations, this grace-
fully aging bistro dates from around 1900, attested to by the gently yellowing photos and etchings on the walls, which also frame several beautiful canvases by local artists. Red-checked linens cover the tables, polished fixtures gleam on the beautiful old wood bar. On the menu, superb renditions of French classics: rognons de veau in Armagnac, roast young duck au jus (both 20€), roast leg of lamb in herbs (18€), all served in generous portions, and beautifully presented. At lunch there is a two-course menu for 18€, otherwise, the three-course menu at 32€ is available at both lunch and dinner. On the third Saturday of every month there is a “soirée chanson” after 10:30pm where guests are invited to sing along to French cabaret standards. Reservations essential.
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Where to Dine in Montmartre
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If you wander down the east side of the hill from Sacré Coeur, in a matter of minutes you are in relatively quiet neighborhood with outdoor cafes, the nicest of which is L’Eté en Pente Douce 5 (23 rue Muller, 18th arrond.; % 01 42 64 02 67; www.parisresto.com; Métro: Anvers or Château Rouge; MC, V). The outdoor terrace is one of the prettiest in town; a lovely place to have a salad (niçoise, or goat cheese with figs, 11€) or a quiche (vegetable or mushroom, all served with small salad, 7.50€) on a hot day. They serve excellent hot food as well, like the blanquette de veau with mushroom rice (12€), or if you really want to go all out, the house specialty is a half of a duck in a salt crust stuffed with vegetables and fruits (19€), if the menu sounds familiar, it might be because this is the sister restaurant of La Fourmi Ailée (p. 88). If the weather refuses to cooperate (when doesn’t it?) don’t despair, original mosaics and huge windows make indoors as pleasant as out. €–€€
On the other side of the hill is a mixed neighborhood where regular folks live and eat or drink at places like Aux Négociants 5 (27 rue Lambert, 18th
arrond.; % 01 46 06 15 11; Métro: Lamarck–Caulaincourt or Château Rouge; closed Sat–Sun and Aug; AE, MC, V). Well, I guess I shouldn’t say just anyone—
famed photographer Robert Doisneau used to hang out here way back when— but for the most part, this tiny, traditional wine bar has kept it’s neighborhood
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clientele, even if more and more bobos (bourgeois bohemians) keep dropping in. If you’re here to sample the wine, you’ll find terrific homemade terrine and rilletes (both variations on the pâté theme, both 6.80€ for a generous serving) to accompany your glass of pinot d’Aunis. The owner is an ex-charcutier, which is another way of saying he knows his pâtés and sausages. If you want something more substantial, a selection of traditional French comfort food is proffered. Main courses run 12€–14€, and might include a parmentier de morue (a sort of Shepherd’s pie with cod) or andouillette sausage. €€–€€€ For a sharper focus on food, as opposed to wine, try La Table (14 rue Duc, 18th arrond.; % 01 46 06 49 68; closed Sun–Mon d’Hélène 55 and mid-July to first week in Aug; Métro: Jules Joffrin; MC, V), a small, unpreten-
tious restaurant that serves excellent modern versions of traditional dishes. The cafe is subdued, the service is discrete and polite, and the food is exquisite: the ever-changing menu might include caramelized guinea hen with dried fruits, salmon filet with cinnamon, or a seafood casserole in a pastry crust (main dishes between 14€–18€). The entire restaurant is smokefree, not to mention kidfriendly: a small portion of a main dish is 3€ plus 1.60€ for every year of your child’s age. The two-course, reduced-choice lunchtime menu is a mere 13€, the full three-course affair is 27€, quite a bargain for this kind of quality. The art on the walls is by local artists and for sale. Reservations recommended.
€€ One of the rare Parisian restaurants with a plant-filled, smogfree patio, Bistrot des Dames 5 (18 rue des Dames, 17th arrond.; % 01 45 22 13 42; www.eldoradohotel.fr; Métro: place de Clichy; AE, MC, V) is a pleasant oasis for
bobos (bourgeois bohemians), artists, and just plain folks. In theory, this is a wine bar, which explains the emphasis on cheese and charcuterie platters—the classic accompaniment for the fruit of the vine—as well as an excellent, if sparse, wine list featuring the house favorites. But most come here to linger over a meal outdoors, under the trees. If you’re not up for one of the platters (6€–12€,), there are some other perfectly acceptable main dishes, like chicken breast with lemon and chutney (14€,) or sautéed cod with fava beans and wild mushrooms (16€). Salads are a good way to go here; their copious chicken Caesar (13€) is an excellent choice on a hot summer night.
€€ Be prepared to be stared at when you enter Mini-Resto 5 (rue des Poissoniers, 18th arrond.; % 01 42 54 97 11; Métro: Château Rouge or Marcadet– Poissoniers; MC, V), one of the best places in town to eat n’dole, a delicious African
stew made with a spinach-like vegetable, peanuts, spices and either meat or fish. Don’t worry, once the initial questioning looks have passed, you will be very welcome in this homey restaurant, known for its excellent Cameroon cuisine. Located in a primarily African neighborhood, and frequented by locals, you can be sure that you are getting the real thing. Aside from the variations on n’dole (11€–15€), there is also a range of gombos (12€, an okra stew with chicken or fish, the ancestor of gumbo), as well as braised fish for 15€.
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Cafe Culture
If you’re not up to the challenge, regular old French food can be found down the street at Rendez-vous des Chauffeurs 5 (11 rue des Portes Blanches,
18th arrond.; % 01 42 64 04 17; closed Sun–Mon; Métro: Marcadet–Poissoniers; MC, V). In fact, it doesn’t get much more typical than this adorable old bistro, with
its mustard colored walls, yellow-checked tablecloths, red leatherette banquettes and enameled metal advertisements on the walls. Older regulars kid with the owner behind the bar; a mix of ages gathers around the scattered tables to savor the classics on the menu, like blood sausage with apples and potatoes, duck with pears, sautéed veal Marengo, and bavette with fries. At lunch, a two-course formule is only 10€ and three-courses and wine is 15€. The same holds true in the evening up until 8:30pm, after which it’s à la carte only from the somewhat sexier main menu (rib steak in wine sauce 15€, medallions of monkfish “à l’americaine” i.e., in a lobster bisque sauce, 14€). Reservations strongly recommended—the word has gotten out about this hidden gem, and the small dining room fills up fast.
CAFE CULTURE It would be a crime to come to Paris and not stop to have a coffee (or other drink) in a cafe. Cafe life is an integral part of the Parisian scene, and it simply won’t do to visit the capital without at least participating once. Important note: cafes are not bars, in the North American sense—though they generally serve alcohol, they are not places where people come to get smashed. They are places where people come to just “be,” to sip a drink, to take a break, to read a book, or to simply watch the world go by. Perhaps that’s why the great Existentialist himself, JeanPaul Sartre, spent so many of his waking hours in cafes. If you have any interest in discovering what real Parisians are like, cafes are a great place to watch them in their natural habitat. Naturally, for authenticity’s sake, you should stay away from those right next to tourist hotspots (the high prices and the multilanguage menu should be your first tip-off ); cafes in “uninteresting” residential neighborhoods are best. By the way, most cafes (and all those listed) are open until around 2am. There must be thousands of cafes in Paris, and a thorough run down would easily fill a book. Though you could probably have a primal cafe experience in just about any corner operation, here are a few ideas for your own personal cafe tour.
CAFES WITH HISTORY A monument to the St-Germain quarter’s intellectual past, Café de Flore
(172 blvd. St-Germain, 6th arrond.; % 01 45 48 55 26; www.cafe-de-flore.com; Métro: St-Germain-des-Prés; AE, DC, MC, V) is a must-sip on the cafe tour circuit.
Seemingly every great French intellectual and artist seems to had their moment here: Poets Apollinaire and André Breton cooked up Dadaism; Zadkine, Picasso and Giacometti came to take refuge from Montparnasse; literary and theatrical stars came to preen; and of course, philosophers gathered to figure out the meaning (or nonmeaning) of life. During the war, Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre more or less moved in, and Sartre is said to have written his trilogy Les Chemins de la Liberté (The Roads to Freedom) here. The atmosphere now is less thoughtful and more showbiz, but it still may be worth an overpriced cup of coffee just to come in and soak it up.
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Coffee Talk Ordering a cup of coffee in Paris is not quite as simple as it sounds. There is a multitude of delightful caffeinated (and decaffeinated) java possibilities at most any cafe. Here is a miniglossary to help you navigate once your waiter makes it over to your table. Café—(ka-FAY) coffee. This is pure, black espresso, albeit lighter than the Italian version, served in a small demi-tasse cup. Always served with sugar on the side. Décaf—(DAY-ka) decaf, or decaffeinated coffee. An unleaded version of the above. Noisette—(NWA-zet) a café with a dash of steamed milk (my favorite). Café crème—(crem) a café with an equal amount of steamed milk, served in a larger cup. Café au lait—(ka-FAY oh lay) virtually identical to the above, sometimes with a bit more milk. The biggest difference is the time of day; in the morning they call it a café au lait, in the afternoon a crème. Cappuccinos, by the way, are rare in Parisian cafes, and when you do get one, chances are it won’t resemble anything you’d get in Italy. Important tip: drinks at the bar (coffee or otherwise) can cost half what you will pay sitting down at a table.
After the war, de Beauvoir and Sartre picked up and moved to Les Deux Magots 55 (6 place St-Germain-des-Prés, 6th arrond.; % 01 45 48 55 25; www. lesdeuxmagots.fr; Métro: St-Germain-des-Prés; AE, DC, MC, V), where they continued to write and think and entertain their friends for a good chunk of the rest of their lives. The literary pedigree here is at least as impressive as that of its neighbor: poets Verlaine and Rimbaud camped out here, as did François Mauriac, André Gide, Paul Eluard, Albert Camus, and Ernest Hemingway. Since 1933, Les Deux Magots has been handing out a literary prize (in 1994 the Flore came up with its own). The outdoor terrace is particularly pleasant early in the morning before the crowds wake up. The artistic legacy of La Coupole 5 (102 blvd. Montparnasse, 14th arrond.; % 01 43 20 14 20; www.lacoupoleparis.com; Métro: Vavin; MC, V) is almost as vast as this enormous brasserie’s square footage: Soutine, Chagal, Josephine Baker, Henry Miller, Salvador Dalí, and Ernest Hemingway are just some of the stars that lit up this converted charcoal depot. One of the largest restaurants in France, this Art Deco mastodon first opened in 1927, and has been hopping ever since. Thirtythree immense painted pillars hold up the ceiling; huge murals and paintings cover the walls. Though the food is good (the lamb curry is the signature dish), you can also just come here for a drink, grab a table by the windows, and watch the world go by. The downstairs dance hall is still in operation: Tuesday and Friday are salsa nights, Saturday hip-hop and R&B.
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Cafe Culture
CAFES WITH A VIEW Few experiences are as delicious as having a drink on the terrace of the Café Marly
5 (93 rue de Rivoli, 1st arrond.; % 01 49 26 06 60; Métro: Palais Royale–Musée du Louvre; AE, DC, MC, V) after a long day at the Louvre. Tucked into the Richelieu
wing, you can sip your pricey espresso while gazing out on I.M. Pei’s glass pyramid and the Denon wing on the opposite side of the vast courtyard. Don’t be in a hurry; though the tall, perfect waiters bustle about with great purpose, they seem to ignore all but the most glamorous customers. Surely one of the best views of the Eiffel Tower is to be had from the terrace of the Café de l’Homme (Palais de Chaillot, 17 place du Trocadero, 16th arrond.; % 01 44 05 30 15; www.cafedelhomme.com; Métro: Trocadero; AE, DC, MC, V). If you can stomach the price of a cocktail (12€), this is the place to come to see and be seen, lesser mortals can sip a cup of coffee (4€) and enjoy the same view. Service is distinctly snobby; be prepared to be ejected at mealtimes when the restaurant takes precedence.
An old cafe that’s had a modern makeover, La Fourmi 5 (74 rue des Martyrs, 18th % 01 42 64 70 35; Métro: Abbesses or Pigalle; MC, V) is now a neighborhood nerve-center in lower Montmartre and is generally bubbling with bobos (bourgeois bohemians) and other customers from the cool crowd. Not only does the clientele make good people watching, but the cafe’s proximity to place Pigalle means you’re bound to see something interesting through the floor-to-ceiling windows as well. A cool, modern cafe under the vaulting arches of the Viaduc des Arts (a length of arts and crafts galleries) Viaduc Café (43 av. Daumensil, 12th arrond.; % 01 44 74 70 70; www.viaduc-cafe.fr, Métro: Gare de Lyon; AE, DC, MC, V) is a great spot to take a break from window shopping. In good weather, sit at one of the many tables on the vast sidewalk and watch the world go by, if it’s raining, then sink in to a plush velour chair indoors. Salsa nights every Friday.
CAFES FOR PEOPLE WATCHING An old fashioned cafe complete with antique ceiling cornices and a huge mirror behind the bar, La Palette 5 (43 rue de Seine, 6th arrond.; % 01 43 26 68 15; Métro: Mabillon; closed Sunday; MC, V) gets a heavy art-world clientele—it’s that kind of a neighborhood. Gallery owners, would-be artists, and more or less regular folk come here to chat and look at each other; in nice weather tables clutter the entire corner—a great place to hang on a summer’s evening. What could be nicer than sitting in a wicker chair at a sidewalk table at the Café de la Mairie 5 (8 place St-Sulpice, 6th arrond.; % 01 43 26 67 82; Métro: Mabillon or St-Sulpice; no credit cards) on the place St-Sulpice? Relatively car-
exhaust free (there is one lane of traffic between you and the place), in good weather tables on the wide sidewalk are much in demand; you may have to hover a while to get one. Indoors, it’s a 1970s archetype: Formica bar, boxy chairs, too much smoke, and an odd assortment of pensioners, fashion victims, students, and would-be novelists. In short, it’s perfect.
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Remarkable Sights & Attractions
Let’s rank the ones you definitely should see WITH
non-museum attractions, with architecture to swoon over and atmosphere that intoxicates the senses, Paris is an endless storehouse of delights. Quelle ville (What a city)! But where do you start? What do you omit? To begin with, a very good case can be made for allocating some of your time to just plain roaming without a plan. Lolling on a park bench, dreaming over a drink at a sidewalk cafe, watching the Parisians, can produce some of your best travel memories. That being said, there are 10 must-see attractions, 10 iconic places (like the Eiffel Tower, like Notre Dame, the Louvre and Musée d’Orsay) with which I’ll start this chapter. And then I’ll list a secondary set of 12 marvelous museums and monuments that may not be household words but are well worth your time. Depending on your own personal tastes, these “secondary” ten may be more important than the “top” ten (who’s to say that smaller, theme-focused museums like the Musée Carnavalet and Musée Jacquemart-André are any less enjoyable than the Louvre?). I’ve then grouped everything else into separate sections and listed them in what I regard as order of importance, a task requiring much hair pulling and teeth gnashing, to help you trouver votre bonheur (find your happiness), as they say in France. In later chapters, you’ll find discussions of Paris’ outdoor spaces and activities (p. 213), nightlife (p. 276), and historic walks (p. 229). Finally, don’t forget to look at our “Other Paris” chapter, (p. 199) for sights and activities that should help you get “under the skin” of the city and allow you to actually meet Parisians and see how they work, play, and learn. From philosophy discussion groups to rollerblade rallies, from shopping in open-air markets to visiting artists’ studios, these are the types of experiences we’ll detail that will help give your vacation depth and flair. A final note for younger travelers—while many of the sights and museums symbol to help you below are appropriate for kids (we’ve marked them with our find them), there are many other kid-friendly activities hiding out in Paris’ parks and green spaces, like zoos, amusement parks, and puppet shows, which you’ll find in the Paris Outdoors chapter.
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Making the Most of your Time
MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR TIME Your biggest challenge will be trying not to spend the whole day wishing you had more time. First, put on a good pair of walking shoes and make a beeline for the Eiffel Tower. Hopefully you’ve gotten there early on a weekday and it won’t take too long to go up and take a gander at the splendid view of the city from the second floor. If lines are long, skip the view and cross the bridge (Pont d’Iéna), heading up to the esplanade at the Palais de Chaillot, where you can admire the Iron Lady in all her splendor. Now hop on the no. 63 bus at the place de Trocadéro (direction Gare de Lyon), which will cruise past Les Invalides, and bring you straight into the center of the StGermain quarter. Get off at the church of St-Germain des Prés and find a nice spot for lunch, then mosey down rue Dauphine to the Pont Neuf, which will lead you to the Ile de la Cité. Follow the quays around the southern edge of the island until you find yourself before the towers of Notre Dame. After visiting the cathedral, take a bus or a Métro to the Louvre (you could walk, but by this point you’ll be losing steam) and spend what’s left of the afternoon admiring the outsides of the buildings (save the museum for the next trip) and wandering through the Tuileries Garden. At the western edge, you’ll find yourself on the place de la Concorde, where you see the Arc de Triomphe in the distance at the end of the Champs Elysées. If you still have energy in the evening, finish your visit with an evening cruise along the river; from which you can admire just about all of the above gussied up in elegant lighting effects. If you have just 1 day in Paris
If you have 2 days Start the itinerary off the same way, but this time wait in line to go up the Eiffel Tower. This should take at least a couple of hours, so by the time you’ve come back down you’ll be ready to eat. Take the RER directly to St-Michel and look for lunch in the Latin Quarter. Now you can easily cross over one of several bridges to Notre Dame. If you are feeling ambitious, you could follow up the cathedral with the Sainte Chapelle, also on the Ile de la Cité; otherwise, you could immediately cross over to the Right Bank and spend the afternoon shopping and strolling around the Marais. Around sunset, stop by place des Vosges for a predinner aperitif before you hunt down a restaurant, after which, feet willing, you could put on your cool duds and head towards the bars and clubs on rue de Charonne, near the place de la Bastille. Day two should start with the Louvre, which will keep you going until at least lunch, when you can either call it quits or simply take a nice long break and eat at one of the restaurants around the Palais Royal. After lunch, if you aren’t returning to the museum, you can relax in Tuileries Gardens, ambling down to the western end to admire the place de la Concorde and the view of the Arc de Triomphe down the Champs Elysées. Cross over the bridge and end your day in the St-Germain quarter, where you can easily find dinner and maybe even take in an evening of theater at the Théâtre de l’Odéon (p. 276). If you have 3 days Now you can afford to take a bit more time to savor the city. Devote each day to a different section. Day one is for the Left Bank, starting with the Eiffel Tower and either the Musée d’Orsay or the Musée du Quai Branly. Lunch at a restaurant in St-Germain, after which a leisurely ramble in the Jardin
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Top Paris Attractions
Musée Carnavalet 16
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Musée d’Orsay 7 Va
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Page 126
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See “12th, 19th & 20th” Map
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Page 127
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du Luxembourg will probably be in order. Finish the day exploring and dining in the Latin Quarter, ending the evening with a stroll along the Seine on the quai St-Bernard. Day two could start on the Ile de la Cité, with visits to Notre Dame and Sainte Chapelle. Then amble over to the Ile St-Louis, from which you can cross the Pont Marie for lunch in the Marais. Spend the afternoon alternating window shopping with museum hopping, choosing between Musée Carnavalet, Musée Picasso, and the Musée de l’Art et de l’Histoire de Judaisme. Around sundown, head up to Montmartre for the view in front of Sacré Coeur, and dinner. Spend the evening lounging in the bars and cafes around place des Abbesses. By day three, it will be time to get serious, so you could devote most of the daylight hours to the Louvre, leaving time for a look at the place de la Concorde and place Vendôme. After finding a good place to eat dinner, you could end your visit with a long stroll up the Champs Elysées to the Arc de Triomphe, where you can say goodbye to Paris from the panoramic terrace on the top. If you have 4, 5, 6, or 7 days Follow our itinerary for 3 days, and work in more museums and sites that appeal to you, as well as a stroll in one of the lesserknown neighborhoods, like Nouvelle Athens in the 9th arrondissement or the Canal St-Martin in the 10th (see “Lay of the Land,” p. 7, for descriptions). You might want to commit a good part of one day visiting one of the grand châteaux outside the city limits, like Versailles or Fontainbleau, or the magnificent cathedral in Chartres. Set aside an evening or two for theater, or dancing, or a long nocturnal stroll, and don’t forget to scan chapter 6, “The Other Paris,” for ideas on more idiosyncratic ways to fill your time.
PARIS’ 10 ICONIC SIGHTS Of all the sights in Paris, here are 10 that are must-sees: THE IRON LADY In his wildest dreams, Gustave Eiffel probably never imagined that the tower he built for the 1889 World’s fair would become the ultimate symbol of Paris, and for many, of France. Originally slated for demolition after its first 20 years, the Eiffel Tower 555 (Champs de Mars, 7th arrond.; % 01 44 11 23 23; www.tour-eiffel.fr; first level 4.20€ 12 and over, 2.30€ ages 3–11; second level 7.70€ 12 and over, 4.20€ ages 3–11; third level 11€ 12 and over, 6€ ages 3–11; stairs to the first and second levels 3.80€ over 25, 3€ under 25; Jan–June 15 and Sept–Dec 9:30am–11pm; June 16–Aug 9am–midnight, stairs close at 6:30pm; Métro: Ecole Militaire or Trocadéro, RER: Champs de Mars) has survived
over a century and is one of the most visited sites in the nation. No less than 50 engineers and designers worked on the plans, which resulted in a remarkably solid structure that despite its height (324m/1,063 ft., including the antenna) does not sway in the wind. But while the engineers rejoiced, others howled. When the project for the tower was announced, a group artists and writers, including Guy de Maupassant and Alexandre Dumas fils, published a manifesto that referred to it as an “odious column of bolted metal.” Others were less diplomatic: novelist Joris-Karl Huysmans called it a “hole-riddled suppository.” Despite the objections, the
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Paris’ 10 Iconic Sights
tower was built—over 18,000 pieces of iron, held together with some 2.5 million rivets. In this low-tech era, building techniques involved a lot of elbow grease: the foundations, for example, were dug entirely by shovel, and the debris was hauled away in horse-drawn carts. Construction dragged on for 2 years, but finally, on March 31, 1889, Gustave Eiffel proudly led a group of dignitaries up the 1,710 steps to the top, where he unfurled the French flag for the inauguration. Over 100 years later, the tower has become such an integral piece of the Parisian landscape that it’s impossible to think of the city without it. Over time, even the artists came around—the tower’s silhouette can be found in the paintings of Seurat, Bonnard, Duffy, Chagall, and especially those of Robert Delaunay, who devoted an entire series of canvases to the subject. It has also inspired a whole range of stunts, from Pierre Labric riding a bicycle down the stairs from the first level in 1923, to Philippe Petit walking a 700m long (2,296 ft.) tightrope from the Palais de Chaillot to the tower during the centennial celebration in 1989. Eiffel performed his own “stunts” towards the end of his career, using the tower as a laboratory for scientific experiments. By convincing the authorities of the tower’s usefulness in studying meteorology, aerodynamics, and other subjects, Eiffel saved it from being torn down. The most dramatic view of the tower itself is from the wide esplanade at the Palais de Chaillot (Métro: Trocadéro) across the Seine. From there it’s a short walk down through the gardens and across the Pont d’Alma to the base. Though several elevators whisk visitors skyward, they do take time to come back down, so be prepared for a wait. Personally, I think the view from the second level is the best; you’re far enough up to see the entire city, yet still close enough to clearly pick out the various monuments. But if you are aching to get to the top (and unlike me, don’t get vertigo), an airplane-like view awaits. The third level is, mercifully, enclosed, but thrill-seekers can climb up a few more stairs to the outside balcony (entirely protected with a grill). On the way back down to Earth, consider stopping on the first floor to visit the exhibits about the tower and its history, including a short film. Now your only problem will be squeezing into the crowded elevator when you are ready to go down (Tip: Climb the short flight of stairs to the two-tiered elevator’s upper waiting deck, where fewer people wait). QUASIMODO SLEPT HERE Crowning the Ile de la Cité is one of France’s most brilliant expressions of medieval architecture—the Cathedral of NotreDame de Paris 555 (Parvis Notre-Dame, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 34 56 10; www. cathedraledeparis.com; cathedral free admission; treasury 3€ adults, 2€ students, 1€ under 12; cathedral 7:45am–6:45pm; treasury: Mon–Fri 9:30am–6pm, Sat 9:30am–7pm, Sun and religious holidays 1:30pm–5:30pm; Métro: Cité or SaintMichel, RER: Saint-Michel Notre-Dame). This remarkably harmonious ensemble of
carved portals, huge towers, and flying buttresses has survived close to a millennium’s worth of French history and has served as a setting for some of the country’s most solemn moments. Napoléon crowned himself and Empress Josephine here, Napoléon III was married here, and some of France’s greatest generals (Foch, Joffre, Leclerc) had their funerals here. In August 1944, the liberation of Paris from the Nazis was commemorated in the cathedral, as was the death of General de Gaulle in 1970.
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Avoiding Lines Though long lines at major monuments are an unfortunate fact of Parisian life, there are a few things you can do to ease the pain. u
Visit the most popular sights on weekdays. You’ll still have plenty of company, but at least the locals won’t be as abundant (French tourists generally swarm on the weekends, particularly on Sun). If you can, get there early, before 11am, when even the late sleepers are up and in line. The only problem with this strategy is that you might run into tour groups, who tend to rise at dawn. Your other option is to visit around 5 or 6pm, when the buses are gone and the monuments and museums empty out. Double check hours to make sure you have enough time left for your visit. Buy or reserve your ticket in advance. You may have to pay a small reservation fee, you’ll usually have the right to a coup fil, (to go through a special entrance where you won’t have to wait in line). Check to make sure you get this benefit when reserving.
The story of Notre Dame begins in 1163, when Bishop Maurice de Sully initiated construction, which lasted over 200 years. (The identity of the architect who envisioned this masterpiece is a mystery.) The integrity of the building was relatively untouched up until the end of the 17th century, when Louis XIII, who had sworn to build a new altar if he would ever have a son, finally got his wish (the future Louis XIV) and implanted vast changes to the medieval chancel. More unfortunate changes were made in the 18th century when the stained glass windows were replaced with clear glass, and the walls whitewashed. By the time the Revolutionaries decided to convert it into a “Temple of Reason,” the cathedral was already in a sorry condition—the pillaging that ensued didn’t help. The interior was ravaged, statues were smashed, the cathedral was a shadow of its former glorious self. We can thank the famous “Hunchback” himself for saving Notre Dame. Victor Hugo’s novel the Hunchback of Notre Dame drew attention to the state of disrepair, and other artists and writers began to call for the restoration of the edifice. In 1844, Louis-Phillipe hired Jean-Baptiste Lassus and especially architect/archeologist/writer/painter Viollet-le-Duc to restore the cathedral, which they finished in 1864. Though many criticized Viollet-le-Duc for what they considered to be overly romantic and unauthentic excesses, he actually took extreme care to remain faithful to the historic gothic architecture. His addition of a 45m (148-ft.) spire, for example, was in fact a recreation of one that existed in the 13th century. Made out of lead-covered oak (chene), it weighs 750 metric tons (827 U.S. tons). Begin your visit at Point Zéro, just in front of the building on the parvis (the esplanade). It is literally the epicenter of French life, the official center of Paris and
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the point from which all distances relative to other French cities are calculated. Before you are three enormous carved portals depicting (from left to right) the Coronation of the Virgin, the Last Judgment, and scenes from the lives of the Virgin and St-Anne. Above is the Gallery of the Kings of Judah and Israel— thought to be portraits of the kings of France, the original statues were chopped out of the facade during the Revolution; some of the heads were eventually found in the 1970s and now are in the Musée National de Moyen Age/Thermes de Cluny. Above this is the superb rose window, which you will better appreciate from the inside, over which soar the two bell towers of Quasimodo fame. Upon entering the cathedral you’ll be immediately struck by two things: the throngs of tourists clogging the aisles, and then, when you look up, the heavenly dimensions of the pillars holding up the ceiling. Soaring upward, these delicate archways give the impression that the entire edifice is about to take off into the sky. Up there in the upper atmosphere are the three remarkable stained-glass rose windows, one for each of the west, north, and south ends of the church. The north window retains almost all of its 13th-century stained glass; the other two have been heavily restored. There is an impressive treasury filled with relics of various saints including the elaborate cases for the Crown of Thorns, brought back from Constantinople by Saint Louis in the 13th century. The crown itself is not on display; however, it can be viewed, along with a nail and some pieces of the Holy Cross, on the first Friday of the month (3pm), every Friday during Lent
The Two Towers The lines are long and the climb is longer, but the view from the rooftop balcony (% 01 53 10 07 00; www.monum.fr; 7.50€ adults, 4.80€ under 25, free under 18 and the first Sun of month; no credit cards; Apr–June and Sept 9am–7:30pm, July–Aug Mon–Fri 9am–7:30pm, Sat–Sun 9am– 11pm, Oct–Mar 10am–5:30pm) at the base of the cathedral’s towers is possibly the most Parisian of all views. After trudging up some 255 steps (a narrow winding staircase with a handrail—not for small children or anyone with mobility concerns) you’ll be rewarded with a panorama that not only encompasses the Ile de la Cité, the Eiffel Tower, and Sacré-Coeur, but is also framed by a collection of photogenic gargoyles. These fantastic monsters, composed of various portions of apes, birds, and even elephants, came directly from the imagination of Viollet-le-Duc, who placed them during the restoration of the cathedral. One of the most famous is the Stryga, a horned and winged beasty holding his head in his hands, pensively sticking his tongue out at the city below. Squeeze around the narrow first balcony to the entrance to the belfry, Quasimodo’s old haunt; its massive wood beams hold up a 14-ton bell. Another 147 steps up another narrow stairway lead up to the summit of the south tower, from which there is an endless view of Paris. To minimize the wait, come in the morning before the crowds get thick, and avoid weekends.
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(3pm) and Good Friday (10am–5pm). For a detailed look at the cathedral, take advantage of the free guided tours in English (Wed–Thurs 2pm, Sat 2:30pm) or rent an audioguide for 5€. When you leave, be sure to take a stroll around the outside of the cathedral to admire the other portals and the famous flying buttresses. AN EMPORER’S LEGACY If there is one monument that symbolizes “La Gloire,” or the glory of France, it is the Arc de Triomphe 555 (Place Charles de Gaulle, 8th arrond.; % 01 55 37 73 77; www.monum.fr; 8€ adults, 5€ 18–25, free under 18 when accompanied by adult; Apr–Sept 10am–11pm; Oct–Mar 10am–10:30pm; Métro and RER: Charles de Gaulle-Etoile). This mighty archway
that crowns the Champs-Elysée both celebrates the military victories of the French army and memorializes the sacrifices of its soldiers. Over time, it has become an icon of the Republic and a setting for some if its most emotional moments: the laying in state of the coffin of Victor Hugo in 1885, the burial in 1921 of the ashes of an unknown soldier who fought in World War I, and General de Gaulle’s pregnant pause under the arch before striding down the Champs Elysées before the cheering crowds after the Liberation in 1944. It took a certain amount of chutzpah to come up with the idea to build such a shrine, and sure enough, it was Napoléon who instigated it. In 1806, still glowing after his stunning victory at Austerlitz, the Emperor decided to erect a monument to the Imperial Army, along the lines of a Roman triumphal arch. He handed this project to architect Jean-François Chalgrin, who promptly began building an arch measuring 50m (163 ft.) high and 45m (147 ft.) wide, the largest of its type on the planet. Unfortunately, the defeat at Waterloo put an end to the Empire before the arch was finished and construction came to an abrupt halt. It wasn’t until 1823, when Louis XVIII wanted to celebrate his army’s victory in Spain, that building got going again. The arch was finally finished in 1836 by Louis-Philippe. The arch is covered with bas-reliefs and sculptures, the most famous of which is the enormous Depart of the Volunteers of 1792, better known as the Marseillaise, by François Rude, showing winged, female Liberty leading the charge of Revolutionary soldiers. Just above is one of the many smaller panels detailing Napoleonic battles—in this case, Aboukir—wherein the Emperor trods victoriously over the Ottomans. At the base of the arch is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, over which a flame is relit every evening. The inscription reads ICI REPOSE UN SOLDATE FRANÇAIS MORT POUR LA PATRIE, 1914–1918 (“Here lies a French soldier who died for his country”). Don’t even think about crossing the traffic circle—the busiest in Paris—to get to the arch, instead take the underpass near the Métro entrances. Though not as heart-stopping as the view from the Eiffel Tower, the panorama from the roof-top terrace is quite impressive. Directly below you will see the 12 boulevards that radiate from the star-shaped intersection (hence the moniker “Etoile”), most of which are named after Napoleonic battles (Friedland, Wagram, Iéna, etc.). Out front is the long sweep of the Champs-Elysées, ending at the obelisk of the place de la Concorde, behind which lurks the pyramid of the Louvre. In the other direction you will get a good gander at the modern Grande Arche de la Défense, a huge, hollow cube-like building that could fit Notre-Dame under its arch.
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Statue of Louis XIV
u l ator
Notre-Dame de Paris
Pietà High Altar
Statue of Louis XIII
To Treasury Chancel Statue of Virgin & Child Virgin & Child St. Denis (14th cent.) (13th cent.) Portal of the South North Transept Cloisters Transept Transept North Rose Window
Portal of St. Stephen South Rose Window
Entrance to the Towers West Rose Window Portal of the Virgin
Portal of the Last Judgment
Portal of St. Anne
THE JEWEL IN THE CROWN A wall of color greets the visitor at Sainte Chapelle 555 (4 blvd. du Palais, 1st arrond.; % 01 53 40 60 80; www. monum.fr; 6.5€ adults, 4.5€ students under 26, free under 18 accompanied by an adult; or use the combined ticket with Conciergerie: 9.50€ adults, 7€ students under 26; Mar–Oct 9am–6pm; Nov–Feb 9am–5pm; Métro: Cité or St-Michel, RER: St-Michel). Stained-glass windows make up a large part of the walls of the upper level of the church, giving worshippers the impression of standing inside a jewelencrusted crystal goblet. What isn’t glass is elaborately carved and painted in gold leaf and rich colors: vaulting arches, delicate window casings, and an almost oriental wainscoting of arches and medallions. The 15 windows recount the story of the Bible, from Genesis to the Apocalypse, as well as the story of St-Louis, who
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was responsible for the chapel’s construction. Back in the early 13th century, Louis IX (who was later canonized) spent two years bargaining with Emperor Badouin II of Constantinople for some of the holiest relics in Christendom: the crown of thorns and a piece of the Holy Cross. The relics were finally purchased for a princely sum, and Louis decided that they should be housed in an appropriately splendid chapel in the royal palace (the relics are now in the treasury of Notre-Dame). The record is not clear, but the architect may have been the illustrious Pierre de Montreuil, who worked on the cathedrals of St-Dennis and Notre-Dame. Whoever it was was a speed-demon; the chapel was built in record time for the Middle Ages, from 1241–1248. He was also quite brilliant, as he managed to support the structure with arches and buttresses in such a way that the walls of the upper chapel are almost entirely glass. The lower chapel, which was meant for the servants, has a low, vaulted ceiling painted in blue and red and gold and covered with fleur-de-lys motifs. Up a small staircase is the upper chapel, clearly meant for the royals. This masterpiece suffered both fire and floods in the 17th century and was pillaged by zealous Revolutionaries in the 18th. By the mid-19th century, the chapel was being used to store archives—2m (61⁄2 ft.) of the bottom of each window was removed to install shelves. Fortunately, renewed interest in Medieval art staved off plans for Ste-Chapelle’s demolition, and eventually led to a conscientious restoration by a team that was advised by master restorer Viollet-le-Duc. The quality of the work on the windows is such that it is almost impossible to detect the difference between the original and the reconstructed stained glass (which makes up about one third of what you see). There are free guided tours daily in French (and occasionally English) at 11am and 3pm; or pick up a free English brochure at the entrance. GUILLOTINES AND GLORY Like an exclamation point at the end of the Champs-Elysées, the place de la Concorde 555 (8th arrond.; Métro: Concorde) is a magnificent arrangement of fountains and statues, held together in the center by a 3,000 year-old Egyptian obelisk (a gift to France from Egypt in 1829). When it was inaugurated in 1763 during the reign of Louis XV, this vast plaza was on the outer edges of the city, and its gardens and fountains opened out onto the countryside. Today, though it’s part of an urban landscape, it still gives the impression of open space, as it’s bordered by the gardens of the Tuileries and the Champs Elysées on two sides, and the Seine on the third. If it wasn’t for the cars hurtling around the obelisk like racers in the Grand Prix, this would be a delightful spot for a breath of fresh air (whatever you do, don’t try to cross to the obelisk). Regardless, the place de la Concorde is a splendid sight: the best view is from the Tuileries Gardens, from which you can see not only the plaza but also the long view down the Champs Elysées all the way to the Arc de Triomphe, with the Grande Arche de la Défense hovering in the distance. It’s hard to believe that this magnificent square was once bathed in blood, but during the Revolution, it was a grisly stage for public executions: King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie-Antoinette, both bowed down to the guillotine here, as did many prominent figures of the Revolution, including Danton, Camille Desmoulins, and Robespierre. Once the blood stopped flowing, and the monarchy was back in place, the plaza hosted less lethal public events like festivals and
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trade expositions. In 1835 the place was given its current look: two immense fountains, copies of those in St-Peter’s Square in Rome, play on either side of the obelisk; 18 sumptuous columns decorated with shells, mermaids, sea horses and other sea creatures each hold two lamps; and 8 statues representing the country’s largest cities survey the scene from the edges of the action. On the side facing the Champs Elysées are the famous Marly Horses, actually copies of the originals, which were suffering from erosion and have since been restored and housed in the Marly Court at the Louvre. On the north side of the square are two palatial buildings that date from the square’s 18th-century origins: on the East side is the Palais de Gabriel, now the home of the Naval Ministry, and on the West side is the Hôtel Crillon, where on February 6, 1778, a treaty was signed by Louis XVI and Benjamin Franklin, among others, wherein France officially recognized the United States as an independent country and became its ally. Speaking of the United States, that building surrounded by barricades next to the Crillon is the American Embassy. TILTING AT WINDMILLS There are few places in this city that will fill you with the urge to belt out sappy show tunes like the Butte Montmartre 555 (18th arrond.; Métro: Abbesses). Admiring the view from the esplanade in front of the oddly Byzantine Basilique du Sacré-Coeur, you’ll feel like you have finally arrived in Paris, and that you now understand what all the fuss is about. High on a hill overlooking the city, Montmartre has always stood a little bit apart from the rest of Paris—and vestiges of the village-like atmosphere are still to be found, if you know where to look. Try to ignore the tour buses and crowds mobbing the church behind you and wander off into the warren of streets towards the place des Abbesses, or up rue Lepic where you’ll eventually stumble across the Moulin de la Galette and Moulin du Radet, the two surviving windmills (there were once 30 on this hill). As you move away from Sacré-Coeur and the hideously touristy place du Tertre, the crowds thin dramatically, and before you know it you’ll feel like you are in a scene from Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s film Amélie. Cobbled streets, corner cafes, and arty boutiques beckon; historic apartments and studios of artists and writers pepper the streets. What started out as a sacred hill, dedicated to the Roman god Mercury, became the home of Benedictine monks in the Middle Ages. According to legend, St-Denis was martyred here, and in the 9th century the hill was dubbed Mons martyrium, which time transformed into Montmartre. The usually peaceful activities of its inhabitants did not take away from its strategic value, however, and several decisive battles were played out on these heights from the Renaissance up to the 19th century, when the hill was annexed to the city of Paris. In 1871, Montmartre was a stronghold of the Paris Commune—a ground-breaking socialist movement that ruled Paris for a few short months before it was brutally crushed by the French government. Towards the end of the century, artisans and workers, chased out of the center of Paris by the urban renewal schemes of Baron Haussmann, moved up here to take advantage of the low rents, good wine (there are 2 remaining vineyards) and country atmosphere, which created a unique village ambiance. In time, artists and poets, always in search of cheap lodgings and a convivial atmosphere, would follow, and the legendary Montmartre art scene was born. Renoir and Utrillo painted street life, and the Bateau Lavoir (13 place
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Emile Goudeau), an old wash-house converted into artists’ studios, overflowed with talent: Max Jacob, Matisse, Apollinaire, and Braque all worked here, as did Picasso, who created Les Demoiselles d’Avignon on the premises in 1907. The best way to visit this area is by foot; an itinerary is described in “Walkabouts,” p. 245. And what about that church? Poised at the apex of the hill like a grande dame in crinolines is Sacré-Coeur 55 (35 rue du Chevalier-de-la-Barre, 18th arrond.;
% 01 53 41 89 00; www.sacre-coeur-montmartre.com; cathedral: admission free, dome: 5€; cathedral: daily 6am–11pm; dome and crypt: daily 9am–6:30pm; Métro: Anvers or Abbesses, at street level follow signs to the funiculaire, which will bring you all the way up to the church for an extra Métro ticket; no credit cards). After France’s defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, prominent Catholics vowed to build a church consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Christ as a way of making up for whatever sins the French may have committed that had made God so angry at them. Since 1885, prayers for humanity have been continually chanted here (the church is a pilgrimage site, so dress and behave accordingly). Inspired by the Byzantine churches of Turkey and Italy, construction of this multidomed confection began in 1875. It was completed in 1914, though it wasn’t consecrated until 1919 due to World War I. The white stone was chosen for its self-cleaning capabilities: when it rains, it secretes a chalky substance that acts as a fresh coat of paint. The interior of the church includes a somewhat garish mosaic ceiling, installed in the 1920s. Most visitors climb the 237 stairs to the dome, where the splendid view of the city extends over 48km (30 miles). FOUNTAINS AND FANTASY Out of the many parks and gardens in Paris, (6th arrond.; % 01 42 34 23 62; free the Jardin du Luxembourg 555 admission; 8am–dusk; Métro: Odéon, RER: Luxembourg) is one that shouldn’t be missed. Rolling out like an exotic oriental carpet before the Italianate Palais du Luxembourg (the seat of the French Senate since 1958, not open to the public), this vast expanse of fountains, flowers, lush lawns, and shaded glens is the perfect setting for a leisurely stroll, a relaxed picnic, or a serious make-out session, depending on who you’re with. At the center of everything is a fountain with a huge basin, where kids can sail toy wooden sailboats (2€ for a half-hour) and adults can sun themselves in the green metal chairs at the pond’s edge. Sculptures abound: at every turn there is a god, goddess, artist, or monarch peering down at you from their pedestal—Vulcan, Venus, George Sand, or Anne de Bretagne, to name but a few. The most splendid waterwork is probably the Medici Fountain (most easily reached via the entrance at place Paul Claudel behind the Odéon), draped with lithe Roman gods sculptured by Auguste Ottin, and topped with the Medici coat of arms, in honor of the palace’s first resident, Marie de Medicis. In 1621, the Italian-born French queen, homesick for the Pitti Palace of her youth, bought up the grounds and existing buildings and had a Pitti-inspired palace built for herself as well as a smaller version of the sumptuous gardens. She moved in in 1625, only to be banished in 1630 for taking the wrong side against powerful Cardinal Richelieu. The palace passed on to various royals until the Revolution, when it was turned into a prison. American writer Thomas Paine was incarcerated there in 1793 after he fell out of favor with Robespierre; he narrowly escaped execution. On the plus side, the Revolutionaries increased the size of the garden and made it a public institution. The orchards of the neighboring
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Attention Bored Kids & Tired Parents Frazzled parents take note: there are lots of activities in the Jardin de Luxembourg for kids who need to blow off steam. First off, there is the extra-large playground (1.50€ adults, 2.50€ under 16) filled with all kinds of things to climb on and play in. Then there are the wonderful wooden sailboats (2€ per half-hour) to float in the main fountain, as well as an ancient carousel (1.50€, next to the playground) At the marionette theater (in French only, 4.20€ each for parents and children; Wed, Sat, Sun and public holidays, as well as school vacations; show times vary but usually start after 3pm, Sat–Sun additional shows at 11am), you can see Guignol himself (the French version of Punch) in a variety of puppet shows. If that doesn’t do it and you really need a break, there is a daycare center for tots (near the marionette theater; % 01 43 25 55 87; Mon–Sat), which takes kids 18 months to 6 years old. Rest assured, this is a municipal garderie that must live up to the same high standards as all other French public day care centers, to which I have entrusted my own son and give a solid thumbs up. The way it works is this: you show up at 2pm with something official indicating your child’s vaccination history and you can leave him or her there to play and have a snack (bring the snack) until 6pm for a mere 9€ per child (let’s hear it for subsidized child care). There are no reservations in advance, so come early (around 1:45pm), and there is a 9€ inscription fee that is good for the entire season the garderie is open, which is May 2 through August 9.
charterhouse were annexed, the remnants of which can still be visited at the southwest corner of the gardens. There, visitors can visit a horticulture school where pear trees have been trained into formal, geometric shapes, as well as beehives (yes, beehives) that are maintained by a local apiculture association. After the Revolution, the palace and grounds stayed in government hands up until today, with the exception of the Orangerie, which now houses the Musée du Luxembourg (19 rue de Vaugirard, 6th arrond.; % 01 42 34 25 95; www.museedu luxembourg.fr; hours vary with expositions, check listings guides; Métro: Odéon, RER: Luxembourg) which is only open for its excellent temporary exhibits.
THE ELYSIAN FIELDS Once considered “the most beautiful avenue in the (8th arrond.; Métro: Champs Elysées– world,” the Champs Elysées 55 Clémenceau or Franklin Delano Roosevelt, RER: Charles de Gaulle–Etoile) is still a looker, even if it has suffered the slings and arrows of rampant commercialization in recent years. An odd combination of flashy megastores and high-end boutiques line the upper reaches of the avenue, as if the street can’t decide if it’s in Paris or Las Vegas. Mid-way down the tone changes as you slide by the opulent Grand Palais and elegant Avenue to Montaigne. Down towards the place de la Concorde, grandeur gives way to greenery as lush gardens unfold on both sides of
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the boulevards; there is a small playground, a merry-go-round, and a marionette theater on the north side of the street. As its name suggests, the champs, or fields, was once open countryside on the outskirts of the city. In the 17th century, an avenue was laid down whose primary purpose was to extend the perspective of the Tuileries Gardens. For decades, there were barely any houses along the road; in 1777 a colonel in the Swiss Guard noted in his report that the cows grazing in the middle of the avenue were blocking pedestrian traffic. It wasn’t until the Second Empire (mid-to-late 1800s) that elegant apartment buildings sprung up and the wide boulevard became the height of elegance. In the late 20th century, the avenue was invaded with movie theaters and fast food joints, prompting cries of outrage and finally, a major renovation that was finished in 1994. Crass commercialism has been reigned in, and the avenue has regained a bit of its elegant aura, but the many huge stores flaunting brand names (Renault, Disney, Vuitton, Virgin) and shopping complexes give at least the western end of the boulevard a bit of a theme-park ambiance. Some find it appealing, others find it appalling, but in any event the Champs Elysées is worth a stroll, even if it won’t be the most authentically Parisian experience.
The Museum as Work of Art What started out as a gloomy 12th-century fortress on the outskirts of the city had a complete make-over during the Renaissance, when François I began a construction project that would last for several centuries. The fortifications came down and a fabulous pleasure palace went up, increasing in size and grandeur with each succeeding monarch. In the 1660s, Louis XIV started work on a number of projects, including the Colonnade, the monumental eastern facade of the Cour Carrée fronted by a splendid row of double columns. He subsequently moved himself and his entire court to his new palace in Versailles, ending all work on the Louvre and leaving the buildings of the Cour Carrée roofless and exposed to the elements. They stayed that way for over a century; in the 18th century squatters moved in, building fires in the middle of galleries to stay warm and draping the walls with drying laundry. In 1793, in the aftermath of the Revolution (which did away with the monarchy altogether...at least temporarily), the Louvre became one of the world’s first public museums. When the royals came back to power, they didn’t move back in—but they did finally finish building the palace, and in 1857, Napoleon III oversaw the finishing touches to the enormous central courtyard. Not long after, in 1871, the nearby and connected Tuileries palace burned down—the surviving Pavilion de Flore and the Pavilion de Marsan are the only remnants of that building. The finance ministry moved into what’s now the Richelieu wing (it became part of the museum in 1993), and slowly the nascent museum filled the endless rooms of this mighty structure.
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ICONIC MUSEUMS As I’ve noted before, there are scores of museums in Paris. But two are so grand in scope and ambition, so profound in their impact upon the visitor that they have to be counted as iconic experiences. CULTURE AND KINGS The best way to thoroughly visit The Louvre 555, (34 quai du Louvre, 1st arrond.; % 01 40 20 50 50; www.louvre.fr; permanent collection: 8.50€ adults, after 6pm 6€; temporary exhibits: adults 8.50€; combined ticket 13€, after 6pm 11€; free under 18; tickets to the permanent collection also include entrance to the Musée Eugène Delacroix; Mon, Thurs, Sat–Sun 9am–6pm, Wed and Fri 9am–9:45pm; Métro: Palais Royal–Musée du Louvre) would be to move in for a month. Not only is it one of the largest museums in the world, with over 35,000 works of art displayed over 60,000 sq. m (645,835 sq. ft.), but it’s packed with enough artistic masterpieces to make the Mona Lisa weep. Rembrandt, Reubens, Botticelli, Ingres, and Michelangelo are all represented here; subjects range from the grandiose (Antoine-Jean Gros’ gigantic Napoleon Bonaparte Visiting the Plague-Stricken in Jaffa) to the mundane (Vermeer’s tiny, exquisite Lacemaker). You can gape at a diamond the size of a golf ball in the royal treasury, or marvel over exquisite bronze figurines in the vast Egyptian section. There’s something for everyone here, even the crankiest member of your party who insists he or she “doesn’t like art.” Today, the building is divided into three wings, Sully, Denon, and Richelieu, each one with its own clearly marked entrance, found under I.M. Pei’s glass pyramid. Get your hands on a museum map (there’s an excellent interactive map on the museum’s website), choose your personal “must-sees,” and plan ahead. There’s no way to see it all, and you’ll be an instant candidate for early retirement if you try. Mercifully, the museum is well-organized and has been very reasonably arranged into color-coded sections. If you’re really in a rush, or you just want to get an overall sense of the place, you can take the introductory guided tour in English (11⁄2 hr.; 11am, 2pm and 3:45pm daily; 5€). You won’t see as much as you would on your own, but at least you’ll know what you are seeing. The museum’s three biggest stars are all located in the Denon wing. La Joconde, otherwise known as the Mona Lisa (see the “Men Have Named You . . .” box, below), now has an entire wall to herself, making it easier to contemplate her enigmatic smile. Visitors are funneled towards the painting so that everyone has a chance to get a closer look without getting an elbow in the eye. Another inscrutable female in this wing is the Venus de Milo, who was found on a Greek Island in 1820. Possibly the most photographed woman in the world, this armless marble goddess gives no hint of the original position of her limbs or her exact identity. The Winged Victory of Samothrace, another magnificent Greek sculpture, is the easiest to locate. Standing at the top of a majestic flight of stairs, her powerful body pushing forward as if about to take flight, it’s easy to imagine this headless deity in her original location: overlooking the Sanctuary of the Great Gods on the island of Samothrace. Because a complete listing of the Louvre’s highlights would fill a book, below is a decidedly biased selection of favorite areas:
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13th–18th century Italian Painting The immense Italian collection is conveniently arranged in chronological order so that you walk from the iconic, twodimensional art of the early Renaissance into the ever increasing realism and perspective of later artists. A few standouts include the delicate fresco by Botticelli Venus and the Three Graces Presenting Gifts to a Young Woman, Veronese’s enormous Wedding Feast at Cana, and of course, the Mona Lisa. The Divine Miss M is in a room packed with wonders, including several Titians and Tintorettos. Once you’ve digested this rich meal, stroll down the endless Grande Galerie, past more da Vincis (Saint John the Baptist, The Virgin of the Rock), as well as works by Raphael, Caravaggio, Gentileschi, etc.
While the Winged Victory of Samothrace and the Venus de Milo are not to be missed, the Salle des Caryatides (the room itself is a work of art) boasts marble masterworks like Artemis hunting with her stag and the troubling Sleeping Hermaphrodite, an alluring female figure from behind—and something entirely different from the front.
Greek and Roman Sculpture
The Galerie d’Apollon Recently restored, this gold-encrusted room is an excellent example of the excesses of 17th century French royalty. Commissioned by Louis XIV, aka “The Sun King,” every inch of this gallery is covered with gilt stucco sculptures and flamboyant murals invoking the journey of the Roman sun god Apollo (ceiling paintings are by Charles Le Brun). The main draw here is the collection of crown jewels. Amongst necklaces bedecked with quarter-sized sapphires and tiaras dripping with diamonds and rubies are the jewel-studded crown of Louis XV and The Regent, a 140-carat diamond that he used to decorate his hat.
The largest collection outside of Cairo, thanks in large part to Jean-François Champollion, the 19th century French scientist and scholar who first decoded Egyptian hieroglyphs. Sculptures, figurines, papyrus documents, steles, musical instruments, and of course, mummies, fill numerous rooms in the Sully wing, including the colossal statue of Ramses II, and the strangely moving Seated Scribe. He gazes intently out of intricately-crafted inlaid eyes: a combination of copper, magnesite, and polished rock crystal create a startlingly life-like stare.
The Egyptians
There’s an entire floor full of French paintings in the Sully wing, but these three rooms (rooms 75, 76, and 77) pack the biggest punch. Enormous floor to ceiling (and these are high ceilings) paintings of monumental moments in history cover the walls. The overcrowded and legendary Coronation of Napoléon by Jacques-Louis David depicts the newly minted Emperor crowning Josephine, while the disconcerted pope and a host of notables look on. On the facing wall, Madame Récamier (also by David), one of Napoleon’s loudest critics, reclines fetchingly on a divan. Farther on are several tumultuous canvases by Eugène Delacroix, including Liberty Guiding the People, which might just be the ultimate expression of French patriotism. In the painting, which evokes the events of the revolution of 1830, Liberty—breast exposed, a rifle in
Large-Format French Paintings
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The Louvre to Richelieu
audiovisual restaurants rooms
to Carrousel, Hall Charles V, parking, Métro
to Sully
guided visits workshops “Accueil des groupes”
bookshop boutique
to Denon
rue de Rivoli
RICHELIEU Marly Horses (ground floor)
Cour Napoléon
SULLY Cour Carrée
Winged Victory (first floor) Venus de Milo (ground floor)
Mona Lisa (first floor)
one hand, the French flag in the other—leads the crowd over a sea of dead bodies. High ideals and gore sort of sums up the French revolutionary spirit. NEXT STOP—IMPRESSIONISM What better setting for a world-class museum of 19th-century art than a beautiful example of Belle Epoque architecture? The magnificent Gare d’Orsay train station, built to coincide with the 1900 World’s Fair, has been brilliantly transformed into the Musée d’Orsay 555 (62 rue de Lille, 7th arrond.; % 01 40 49 48 14; www.musee-orsay.fr; museum and temporary exhibits 9€ adults, 7€ 18–25, free under 18; permanent collection only 7.50€ adults, 5.50€ 18–25, free under 18; Tues–Wed, Fri–Sun 9:30am–6pm; Thurs 9:30am–9:45pm; Métro: Solférino, RER: Musée d’Orsay), a true pleasure to
visit. The huge, airy central hall lets in lots of natural light, which has been artfully combined with artificial lighting to illuminate a collection of treasures that were once scattered among the Louvre, the Jeu de Paume, and the Musée National d’Art Moderne. The collection spans the years 1848–1914, a period that saw the birth of many artistic movements, such as the Barbizon School and Symbolism, but today it is best known for the emergence of Impressionism. Seeing them all together in one place makes it instantly obvious what a fertile time this was. All
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Men Have Named You... Everything about the Mona Lisa is mysterious—the identity of the sitter, how long it took to paint, and how it got into the French royal collection, among other things. Most scholars agree that it is a portrait of Lisa Gheradini, the wife of one Francesco del Giocondo, but Ms. Lisa could also be Isabella of Aragon (as suggested by the patterning of her dress) or simply be an embodiment of beauty and happiness (hence the smile), as suggested by the Italian word, gioconda. Recently, researchers did a three-dimensional scan of the painting, and discovered evidence of a fine, translucent veil around the subject’s shoulders, a garment women in Renaissance Italy wore when they were expecting, provoking an onslaught of speculation that her secret smile had to do with her being pregnant. What’s certain is that the painting created a sensation. The overall harmony of the composition, the use of a distant landscape in the background, the lifelike quality of the subject (enhanced by Leonardo’s use of sfumato, a technique that replaces distinct outlines with blurred transitions from light to dark) had a huge impact on early 16th-century Florentine art. As Giorgio Vasari, a Renaissance painter and biographer lamented, “it may be said that it was painted in such a manner as to make every valiant craftsman, be he who he may, tremble and lose heart.” The painting’s fascinating history doesn’t stop there. One morning in 1911, a Parisian artist name Louis Béroud came in to the museum to sketch a copy of the famous portrait. What he found was a bare spot with four hooks in the wall where the Mona Lisa usually hung. When he alerted the guard, the latter replied that it was probably just upstairs being photographed and took no further action. After a few hours, Béroud finally bribed the guard to go up to the photo studio to find out what happened. It wasn’t until the guard found out that the painting wasn’t upstairs that anyone realized it had been stolen. The thief had entered the museum posing as a visitor, hid in the building overnight, and in the morning disguised himself as a workman and made off with the painting while the
the superstars of the epoch are here, including Monet, Manet, Dégas, and Renoir, not to mention Pissaro, Cézanne, and Van Gogh. Paintings are organized both chronologically and according to artistic trends. The ground floor is devoted to the era leading up to 1870, when artists like Ingres, Delacroix, and Millet set the stage for the first steps of Impressionism, like Edouard Manet’s masterpiece, Le Déjeuner sur l’Herbe. Though Manet’s composition of bathers and friends picnicking on the grass draws freely from those of Italian Renaissance masters, the painting shocked its 19th century audience, which was horrified to see a naked lady lunching with two fully-clothed men. Manet got into trouble again with his magnificent Olympia, a seductive odalisque stretched out on a divan. There was nothing new about the subject; viewers were
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guard went out to smoke a cigarette. Needless to say, panic ensued. Not only was there a nationwide investigation, but the borders were sealed. What the police didn’t realize is that the painting was at first hidden only a mile from the Louvre. Conspiracy theories spread through the newspapers—some thought it was merely a publicity stunt on the part of the museum. There was a lot of criticism about the Louvre’s lax security, in particular from poet Apollinaire. He soon found himself arrested as a suspect, and his friend Pablo Picasso was also brought in for questioning after they were caught in possession of some other art objects of dubious origins. After they both broke down in tears before the bench, the judge let them go with a slap on the wrist. After two years of false leads and bungled investigations, the Mona Lisa was finally found when the thief, Vincenzo Perugia, tried to sell it to an art dealer in Florence. What was the motive for the crime? It seems that Perugia, an Italian patriot who had once worked at the museum, simply felt that the Mona Lisa belonged in her country of birth, Italy. During his trial, Perugia claimed to have been bewitched by the painting—and indeed, who hasn’t been? The life of a superstar certainly isn’t easy. With millions of admirers around the world (and even more since the publication of The Da Vinci Code), at least a couple are bound to have a few screws loose. Once she was back at the museum (under increased security, of course), things calmed down until 1956, when a deranged visitor threw acid on the painting, severely damaging its lower half (restoration would take several years). A few months later, someone threw a rock at her. The painting is now covered with bullet-proof glass, and a full time guard stands at the ready. So try to be patient with the lines and the velvet ropes—if the Mona Lisa gets the kind of security usually reserved for rock stars or heads of state, she has certainly earned it.
rattled by the unapologetic look in her eye—this is not an idealized nude, but a real woman, and a tough cookie, to boot. The upper floors get into the major Impressionist period. There are so many highlights here that you might feel the need to put on sunglasses. A few standouts: u
Renoir’s Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, Montmartre—the dappled light and the movement of the crowd in this joyous painting are such that you wonder if it’s not going to suddenly waltz out of its frame. The blurred brushstrokes that created this effect rankled contemporary critics. Monet’s La Gare St-Lazare—here is another train station when steam engines were still pulling in on a regular basis. The metallic roof of the station frames
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Scaling the Pyramid There are several ways to avoid the lines that often snake around the glass pyramid that serves as the primary entrance to the Louvre. You can enter directly from the Palais Royal–Musée du Louvre Métro stop. If you are above ground, there are two staircases on either side of the Arc du Carrousel that lead downstairs to the ticketing area. Two other accesses, one at 99 rue du Rivoli and the other at the Porte des Lions (in the Denon Wing), include elevators for wheelchairs and strollers. The addition of ticketing machines (cash only) and advanced ticket sales (online or by phone at Fnac (% 08 92 68 36 22; www.fnac.com; in person in any Virgin Megastore; and on the Louvre website, www.louvre.fr) has diminished the lines at the ticket windows, and even at the Pyramid entrance. So you might end up passing easily through I.M. Pei’s intriguing geometry after all.
an almost abstract mix of clouds and smoke; rather than a description of machines and mechanics, this painting is a modern study of light and color. u Van Gogh’s Church at Auvers-sur-Oise—after spending time in an asylum in Provence, the artist moved to this small town north of Paris, where he painted this ominous vision of the town church—one of some 70 paintings he produced in the two months leading up to his suicide. There are also sculptures and decorative arts on display here, including a remarkable collection of Art Nouveau furniture and objects. Photo fans will appreciate the fine examples of early photography, including Félix Nadar’s portrait of Charles Baudelaire; there are also some interesting works by nonphotographers like Edward Dégas and Emile Zola.
Nocturnes Consider an evening visit to the Louvre. Not only are tickets 1.50€ to 2€ cheaper after 6pm, but the tour buses have all left and the crowds thin dramatically. On Friday nights, the museum is free if you are under 26 and there are a number of thematic tours and workshops (4.50€–8.50€; see website or ask for a brochure; all activities in French only) for young people. You’ll also get to see one of most magical sights in Paris when you leave the building: the Louvre lit at night. Be sure to pass through the Cour Carrée—the eerie, yet elegant lighting makes you half expect to see gilded carriages with ethereal footmen passing under the archways.
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Touring the Station Confronted with so many famous paintings, even the most stalwart museum-goer is likely to feel a little overwhelmed. Fortunately, there are a variety of guided tours (6.50€ adults, 4.70€ 13–17) in English; ask for the brochure at the entrance, or look at the one on the website). For a good overview, try “The Masterpieces of the Musée d’Orsay” (11⁄2 hr., Tues– Sat 11:30am), and for a closer look at the Impressionists pick “In-Depth Tours: 19th Century Art” (Impressionist tours usually last 11⁄2 hours, Tues–Sat 2:30, Thurs 4pm.) If you want to go it on your own, but with a bit of help, multilingual audioguides rent for 5€.
TWELVE RUNNERS-UP TO THE ICONIC SIGHTS The following 12 museums and sights might not be considered iconic, but they could make just as big an impact on your visit as the 10 listed above. If you have the time, try to supplement the “iconic” sights with these “runners-up.” A LEGEND IN SCULPTURE There are not many museums that draw visitors who never even go inside. The grounds of the Musée Rodin 555 (79 rue de Varenne, 7th arrond.; % 01 44 18 61 10; www.musee-rodin.fr; 6€ adults, 4€ students over 18, free under 18; park only: 1€; audioguides 4€; museum: Oct– Mar Tues–Sun 9:30am–4:45pm; Apr–Sept Tues–Sun 9:30am–5:45pm; park: Oct–Mar Tues–Sun 9:30am–5pm; Apr–Sept Tues–Sun 9:30am–6:45pm; Métro: Varenne, RER: Invalides) are so lovely that many are willing to pay 1€ just to stroll
around. Behind the Hôtel Biron, which houses the museum, is a formal garden with benches, fountains and even a little cafe (no picnics allowed, unfortunately). Of course, it would be foolish not to go inside and drink in the some of the 6,600 sculptures of this excellent collection (don’t worry, not all are on display), but it would be equally silly not to take the time to admire the large bronzes in the garden, which include some of Rodin’s most famous works. Take for example, The Thinker. Erected in front of the Panthéon in 1906 during an intense political crisis, Rodin’s first public sculpture soon became a Socialist symbol and was quickly transferred to the Hôtel Biron by the authorities, under the pretense that it blocked pedestrian traffic. Other important sculptures in the garden include the Burghers of Calais, Balzac, and the Gates of Hell, a monumental composition that the sculptor worked on throughout his career. Indoors, marble compositions prevail, although there are also works in terracotta, plaster, and bronze, as well as sketches and paintings on display. The most famous of the marble works is The Kiss, which was originally meant to appear in the Gates of Hell. In time, Rodin decided that the lovers were too happy for this grim composition, and he explored it as an independent work. The sculpture was inspired by the tragic story of Paolo and Francesca, in which a young woman falls in love with her husband’s brother. Upon their first kiss, the husband discovers them and stabs them both. As usual with Rodin’s works, the critics were shocked
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by the couple’s overt sensuality, but not as shocked as they were by the large, impressionistic rendition of Balzac, exhibited at the same salon, which critic Georges Rodenbach described as “less a statue than a strange monolith, a thousand-year-old menhir.” There are hundreds of works here, many of them legendary, so don’t be surprised if after a while your vision starts to blur. That’ll be your cue to head outside and enjoy the garden. AN ART FILLED MANSION The love-child of a couple of passionate art collectors, the Musée Jacquemart-André 555 (158 blvd. Haussmann, 8th arrond.;
% 01 45 62 11 59; www.musee-jacquemart-andre.com; 9.50€ adults, 7€ students under 26 and children 7–17, free under 7; 10am–6pm) is a gem—a 19thcentury mansion filled with fine art and decorative objects. One of the best things about this museum is that it is of a blissfully reasonable size—you can see a wide range of beautiful things without wearing yourself to a frazzle in about an hour and a half. The house itself is a work of art: at its inauguration in 1875, the marble Winter Garden with its spectacular double staircase was the talk of the town. Nélie Jacquemart and Edouard André devoted their lives to filling this splendid dwelling with primarily 18th-century French art and furniture. The paintings of Fragonard, Boucher, and Chardin are in evidence, as is an impressive assortment of Louis XV- and Louis XVI-era decorative objects. There are many superb
The Man of Stone Born in 1840, Auguste Rodin was 15 years old when he discovered sculpture. At 17 he applied to admission to the renown Ecole des Beaux Arts; he was rejected three times, which should comfort anyone who’s ever applied to art school. To make a living, he did decorative stonework. When his sister died, he spent a year in a monastery before leaving to study and collaborate with sculptor Carrier-Belleuse. About this time he met Rose Beuret, who became a life-long companion and a model for many of his works. A trip to Italy inspired The Age of Bronze, which caused a scandal because of the naked figure’s realism—the first of many scandals sparked by Rodin’s originality, sensuality, and stubborn disregard for what other people thought. These qualities came up in his personal life: at age 43 he started a relationship with sculptor Camille Claudel, who at the time was only 19 years old. The long-suffering Rose dutifully ignored their affair, (which lasted over a decade) during which Rodin refused to break with his devoted helpmate. In the end, Rose’s staying power paid off. Claudel, however, did not fare so well—she slowly went insane after the breakup. Despite his unconventional ways, his talent was such that it couldn’t go unrecognized—over the years he collected as many honors as criticisms, and towards the end of his life he was named a grand officer of the Legion of Honor. The year of his death, at 77 years old, he married Rose Beuret. She died a month later, and he not long after.
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portraits, including that of an officious-looking Comte Français de Nantes by David. To honor the artists that influenced these French painters, the couple also amassed a number of 17th-century Dutch paintings, including Rembrandt’s Pilgrims at Emmaus. The play of light in this enigmatic tableau is incredibly evocative; Christ is shown only in silhouette, while his dining companion, at the center of the composition, provides the “reaction shot.” Is he afraid? Has he recognized his tablemate? Rembrandt lets the viewer decide. The peripatetic couple, who traveled frequently in search of new items for their collection, also took an interest in Renaissance Italian art; though at the time considered “primitive” by most art fans, that didn’t stop Jacquemart and André from snapping up Quattrocento masterpieces like Botticelli’s Virgin and Child. Personally, I think the Italian collection (on the second floor) is the most aweinspiring part of the museum—not only are there works by masters like Bellini, Uccello, and Mantegna, but they are presented in an intimate space with excellent lighting. You feel like you are walking into a felt-lined jewel-box. Leave time to eat a light lunch or have tea in the lovely restaurant here—see box, “Dining Out on Art,” p. 100), and don’t neglect to pick up a free audioguide when you enter the museum—you’ll find it helpful in a home packed with this much history. A ROYAL RETREAT Possibly the prettiest square in the city, the place des Vosges 555 (4th arrond.; Métro: St-Paul or Bastille) combines elegance, greenery, and quiet. Nowhere in Paris will you find such a unity of Renaissance-style architecture; the entire square is bordered by 17th-century brick town houses, each conforming to rules set down by Henri IV himself, under which runs arched arcades. In the center is a garden with a geometric arrangement of lush lawns, fountains, and trees. At the epicenter is a huge equestrian statue of Louis XIII, during whose reign (1610–1643) the square enjoyed a golden age of festivals and tournaments. But it was a tournament in a previous century that proved pivotal to the creation of this square. In the 16th century, a royal palace called the Hôtel des Tournelles stood on this site. In 1559, an organized combat was held there, during which the current monarch, feisty Henri II, defeated several opponents. Feeling pleased with himself, he decided to fight Montgomery, the captain of his guard. A badly aimed lance resulted in Henri’s untimely death; his wife, Catherine de Medicis, was so distraught she decided to have the palace demolished. His descendant, Henri IV, took advantage of the free space to construct a royal square. Over the centuries, a number of celebrities lived in the 36 houses, including Mme de Sévigny and Victor Hugo (whose house is now a museum, the Maison de Victor Hugo, see p. 163 ). By the early 20th century, the square had fallen into disrepair, as had most of the Marais, and like the rest of the neighborhood, has had a splendid rebirth. Now the homes are for the rich, as are many of the chic boutiques under the arcades, but the park, the fountains, and the children’s playground are for everyone. AGELESS ART IN MODERN WRAPPINGS In the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, a new museum has emerged that will forever change the architectural landscape of this rigidly elegant neighborhood. The enormous central structure of the new Musée du Quai Branly 555 (37 quai Branly, 7th arrond.; % 01 56 61 70 00; www.quaibranly.fr; 8.50€ adults, 6€ students, free under 18; combined ticket
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including permanent and temporary exhibits: 13€ adults, 9.50€ students; Tues– Wed and Fri–Sun 10am–6:30pm, Thurs 10am–9:30pm; Métro: Alma–Marceau or Bir Hakeim, RER: Pont d’Alma), floats on a series of pillars, under which lays a lush
garden, which is separated from the noisy boulevard out front by a huge glass wall. Looking up from the garden level, the museum looks a little like the hull of a container ship, with its rust colored body and oddly stacked “boxes” sticking out from its sides. However you feel about the outside, you cannot help but be impressed by the inside: a vast space filled with exquisite examples of the traditional arts of Africa, the Pacific Islands, Asia, and the Americas. Designed by veteran museum-maker Jean Nouvel (Fondation Cartier, Institute du Monde Arabe), this intriguing space makes an ideal showcase for a category of artwork that has too often been relegated to the sidelines of the museum world. Quai Branly assembles five centuries worth of collecting, including many objects from the Musée de l’Homme and the now-defunct Musée des Arts d’Afrique et d’Océanie. Delicately carved head rests from Papua New Guinea in the form of birds and crocodiles vie for your attention with intricately woven and painted masks from Melanesia. You can not only look at, but listen to giant wooden flutes from Papua New Guinea, which are displayed with an on-going recording. A selection of “magic stones” from the island nation of Vanuatu include smooth abstract busts reminiscent of Brancusi sculptures. Farther on, a fascinating collection of Australian aboriginal paintings segues into the Asian art section and the journey continues into Africa, starting with embroidered silks from Morocco and heading south through magnificent geometric marriage cloths from Mali and wooden masks from the Ivory Coast. The Americas collection includes rare Nazca pottery and Inca textiles, as well as an intriguing assortment of North American works, like Haitian voodoo objects, Sioux beaded tunics, and a huge totem pole from British Columbia. Though some documentation is translated in English, audioguides (5€ for one, 7€ for two) are a big help for nonFrench speakers. There’s a lot to see here, so plan accordingly—if you need a break, take advantage of the chic garden cafe. PICASSO—ALL HIS PERIODS When Picasso died in 1973, his heirs were allowed to donate the artist’s works in exchange for the taxes owed on his estate. The result was the creation of the Musée National Picasso Paris 55 (Hôtel Salé, 5 rue de Thorigny, 3rd arrond.; % 01 42 71 25 21; www.musee-picasso.fr; 6.50€ adults, 4.50€ 18–25, free under 18; Apr–Sept Wed–Mon 9:30am–6pm, Oct–Mar Wed–Mon 9:30am–5:30pm; Métro: St-Paul or St-Sébastien Froissart; no credit cards), an immense cache of 203 paintings, 158 sculptures, 29 bas reliefs, 88
ceramics, 1,500 drawings and collages, and 1,600 engravings, not to mention some 50 paintings from Picasso’s personal collection (Braque, Matisse, Cézanne, Degas, etc.) left by his wife after her death in 1990. The collection is housed in a magnificent 17th-century mansion called the Hôtel Salé, which owes its name (the Salty Mansion) to the fact that it was built by a seigneur who was the salt tax collector. With so much in the inventory, it isn’t surprising that the collection is exhibited in rotation; chances are, each time you visit Paris you’ll see something new here. Works are displayed chronologically, starting with the artist’s early years and his “Blue Period,” which includes a rather melancholy Self-Portrait painted at 20
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years old, when Picasso was recovering from the shock of his friend and fellow painter Casagemas’s suicide. His cubist phase is documented with paintings like Homme à la Guitare, a shimmering study of light and dark with just the barest hints of the actual subject matter (a man with his guitar). Further on, the artist returns to representative painting and more classic themes, like bathers and circus figures, including a sweet portrait of his son Paul (Paul en Arlequin) dressed up like Harlequin. The visit continues to wind through Picasso’s life and obsessions (bullfights, war, women), passing through a series of large rooms and sculpture atriums and ending in a tranquil garden, where you can collapse in a chair and sip on a much-needed drink while you contemplate what you have just seen. HAIL TO THE SUN KING In 1686, Louis XIV decided the time had come to design a magnificent square, at the center of which would stand a statue of His Royal Highness. Though the statue is long gone, the place Vendôme 555 (rue de Castiglione, 1st arrond.; Métro: Tuileries or Concorde) is still one of the classiest squares in the city. It doesn’t get much more elegant than this octagonal ensemble of 17th-century buildings—in fact, the original Ritz Hôtel, as well as the world’s most glitzy jewelry makers (Cartier, Van Cleef and Arpels, and Boucheron, for example) can all be found here. The work of Jules HardouinMansart, this opulent enclosure was designed to function as a sort of giant ballroom; indeed, glamorous balls were held here during its early years. The famous statue, Giradon’s representation of Louis in Roman garb on horseback, reigned over the square up until the Revolution, when it was sent off to the foundry to be melted down for scrap. When Napoléon took over, he decided it was the perfect place for a huge Roman-style column honoring his glorious army (yes, once again), this time documenting its victory at Austerlitz. A long spiral of bas-reliefs recounting the campaign of 1805, march up the Colonne de la Grande Armée which was crowned by a statue of the Emperor himself. The original statue did not survive the regime; a few decades later, Napoléon III replaced it with the existing copy. The fabulous apartments in the square have been inhabited by a wide spectrum of the rich and famous: Chopin died in number 12 in 1849. MODERN MASTERS & OTHER MADNESS The bizarre architecture of the Centre Pompidou 55 (Place George Pompidou, 4th arrond.; % 01 44 78 12 33; www.centrepompidou.fr; museum and temporary exhibits: 10€ adults, free under 18; Atelier Brancusi free admission; Wed–Mon 11am–10pm (museum until 9pm), Atelier Brancusi 2pm–6pm; Métro: Rambuteau, RER: Châtelet-Les Halles)
provokes such strong emotions, it’s easy to forget that there is something inside the building. Believe it or not, President Pompidou searched far and wide to find an architect. In 1971, an international design competition was held, attracting 681 entrants from 49 different countries, the winners being the Italo-British design team of Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers. Their concept was to put the support structure and transport systems on the outside of the building, thereby liberating space on the inside for a museum and cultural center. The result was a grid-like exoskeleton with a tubular escalator inching up one side, and huge multicolored pipes and shafts covering the other. To some, it’s a milestone in contemporary architecture, to others, it’s simply a horror. Either way, it’s one of the most visited structures in France. Some six million people visit each year, and that’s not counting the patrons of the chic restaurant Georges on the top floor.
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The Pompidou is much more than an art museum. Its over 100,000 sq. m (1,076,390 sq. ft.) of floor space includes a vast reference library, a cinema, bookshops, and a music institute, as well as a performance hall and areas for educational activities. This might be one of the reasons why the center has an entirely different feel than your standard museum. It is striking how many young people frequent the center—quite a change from the staid atmosphere at the Louvre. There are not a lot of museums that can boast as many electronic music festivals, underground film series, and experimental theater performances. In addition to programmed events inside, a nonstop circus of comics, mimes, and other performances goes on outside on the vast esplanade that slopes down towards the building. The actual museum, the Musée National d’Art Moderne, is on the fourth and fifth floors. Getting there is half the fun as you glide up the exterior escalators. As the collection is in constant rotation, it’s impossible to say what you are likely to see on your visit, but the emphasis is generally on works from the second half of the 20th century, with a good dose of surrealism, Dada, and other modern movements from the first half. This is not “pretty” art, but art that is designed to make you think. It might make you think about heading straight for the exit, but if nothing else, there are things here that will surprise you, and get your juices flowing. Works range from relatively tame abstracts by Picasso and Kandinsky, to Andy Warhol’s multiheaded portrait of Elizabeth Taylor, to a felt-wrapped piano by Joseph Beuys. Video-installations are often highlighted, as well as expositions of new artists. Possibly the biggest draws at the center are the temporary exhibitions, which can be quite wonderful. In 2006, exhibits included a Dada survey, a William Klien retrospective, an overview of Los Angeles artists from 1960 to 1985, and a look at film-maker Jean-Luc Godard. Just outside of the front of the center is the Atelier Brancusi, where the sculptor’s workshop has been reconstituted in its entirety; in his will, Brancusi left the workshop’s contents to the museum on the condition that every sculpture and object be displayed exactly as it was found in his studio on the day of his death. HISTORY TOLD THROUGH ART Paris has served as a backdrop to centuries worth of dramatic events, from Roman takeovers to barbarian invasions, from coronations to decapitations to the birth of the modern French republic. These fascinating stories and others are told using objects, paintings, and interiors at the Musée Carnavalet 555 (23 rue de Sévigné, 3rd arrond.; % 01 44 59 58 58; www.carnavalet.paris.fr; free admission except temporary exhibitions; Tues–Sun 10am–6pm; Métro: St-Paul). The collection is displayed in over 140
rooms in two extraordinary 17th-century mansions—works of art in their own right. Starting with prehistory and continuing into the 20th century, the history of Paris is illustrated with items as diverse as a Neolithic terracotta female figurine, Ragunet’s 18th century depiction of the Pont-Neuf, and a detailed recreation of Marcel Proust’s bedroom. Built in 1548 for the president of the French parliament, the main building, the Hôtel de Carnavalet, is a Renaissance mansion that had a make-over by François Mansart (of rooftop fame) in 1660. Finding it much to her liking, the prodigious letter-writer and woman of the world Madame de Sévigné rented the mansion in 1677 and lived there until her death in 1696. The other half of the museum is in the adjoining Hotel Le Peletier de St-Fargeau built in 1688, for an
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aristocrat whose claim to fame is that he voted for the execution of Louis XVI and was subsequently assassinated by a royalist. Little of the original interior decoration remains in either building, but this is made up for by the importation of entire rooms, including wall paneling and furniture, from various private mansions of different epochs. Highlights include the Louis XV-style Salon des Philosophes, with its beautiful boisseries (carved wood paneling) and historical objects like the inkwell of Jean-Jacques Rousseau; and the Louis XVI-era Salon of Graveur Demarteau, painted by the likes of Boucher, Fragonard and JeanBaptiste Huet to give the impression of stepping into an idyllic pastoral scene. The luxury and expense of the salons of the aristocracy make a fitting prelude to the excellent section on the French Revolution. Along with portraits of key figures like Marat, Danton, and even Dr. Guillotin (who didn’t actually invent the dastardly execution machine, but did advocate its use as a means of capital punishment), are several fascinating mementos, such as the keys to the Bastille prison and a copy of the Declaration of the Rights of Man that once hung behind the president of the Convention. Particularly moving are the personal objects of the royal family from their last days in prison—a lock of Marie Antoinette’s hair, Louis XVI’s razor and water glass, the young Dauphin’s writing exercises— reminders that these iconic figures were in fact made of flesh and blood. Although all the labels and descriptions are in French, you can purchase an English-language guidebook of the museum in the bookstore; even without translations, most of the art and objects speak for themselves. DEATH BECOMES THEM Cemeteries are not usually on anyone’s list of top tourist attractions, but Cimetière Père Lachaise 555 (Blvd. de Ménilmontant, 20th arrond.; % 01 55 25 82 10; www.pere-lachaise.com; free admission; midMar–Oct Mon–Fri 8am–6pm, Sat 8:30am–6pm, Sun 9am–6pm; Nov–mid-Mar Mon– Fri 8am–5pm, Sat 8:30am–5pm, Sun 9am–5pm; Métro: Père Lachaise or Philippe Auguste) is no ordinary cemetery. Romantic and rambling as a 19th-century
English garden, this hillside resting-place is wonderfully green, with huge leafy trees and rambling paths winding around the graves, which include just about every French literary or artistic giant you can imagine. Proust, Apollonaire, Collette, Delacroix, Seurat, Modigliani, Bizet, Rossini, are all here, as well as Sarah Bernhardt, Isadora Duncan, Simone Signoret and Yves Montand (buried side by side, of course). Though some are simple tombstones, many are miniature architectural marvels, embellished with exquisite marble and stone figures, or even phone-booth sized chapels, complete with stain glass windows. Some of the standouts include: Héloïse and Abélard These two legendary lovers actually existed, and their 12th-century remains were brought here in 1817, when the city built them this monument which is covered by an openwork chapel taken from an abbey in southwestern France. Molière and La Fontaine Though there was no romantic link, the celebrated playwright and noted fablewriter were also brought here in 1817 and placed in nearby sarcophagi, both of which stand appropriately high on pillars. If the authenticity of the remains remain in doubt, they still make a fitting memorial to these two brilliant talents.
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Long Live the Lizard King Though the grave itself is unexceptional, the tomb of ’60s Rock god Jim Morrison is possibly the most visited, or at least the most hyped, in the cemetery. For years, fans made pilgrimages, leaving behind so much graffiti, litter, and mind-altering substances that families of those buried nearby began to complain, and the tomb was surrounded by a fence. More recently, a cleaning company has been hired to periodically clean the grave, and a security guard posted to ward off the overenthusiastic. But nothing can dispel the enduring attraction of the Morrison legend. In 1971, battling a variety of drug, alcohol, and legal problems, the singer/musician came to Paris, ostensibly with the goal of taking a break from performing and getting his life back on track. Four months later, he was found dead in a Parisian bathtub, at age 27. Since no autopsy was performed, the exact cause of his death was never known (though there was good reason to suspect a drug overdose), which has lead to wild speculation on the part of his fans. Rumors still circulate that he was a target of the CIA, murdered by a witch, committed suicide, or that he faked his own death and is currently residing in either India, Africa, or New Jersey under the name “Mr. Mojo Risin’.” The inscription on his grave, in ancient Greek, has been imaginatively interpreted by some as meaning “burnt by his demons,” but the phrase, selected by his family, actually translates as “True to His Own Spirit.” Can’t argue with that.
Oscar Wilde Usually covered with lipstick kisses, this huge stone monument is topped with a winged figure that resembles an Aztec deity. An elegant homage to this brilliant writer, who died a pauper in Paris in 1900. To find your way around, pick up a free map at the main entrance on boulevard de Ménilmontant; there is also a good interactive map on the website. The city sponsors many guided tours, and in July and August, you can take one in English (% 01 40 71 75 60; 6€ adult, 3€ student; Saturdays at 3pm).
BONAPARTE’S BONES Military history rules at the appropriately grandiose Les Invalides 55 (Place des Invalides, 7th arrond.; % 01 44 42 38 77; www. invalides.org; 7.50€ adults, 5.50€ students under 26, free under 18; tickets include entry to the museum, the church, and Napoleon’s Tomb; Oct–Mar 10am–5pm, Apr–Sept 10am–6pm, June 15–Sept 15 Napoleon’s tomb open until 7pm, Oct–June closed first Mon of each month; Métro: Invalides or Varenne, RER: Invalides) which houses a military museum, church, tomb, hospital, and military
ministries, among other things. Over the entryway, LUDOVICUS MAGNUS is inscribed in huge letters, in homage to the builder of this vast edifice, otherwise known as Louis XIV. Determined to create a home for soldiers wounded in the line of duty, Louis ordered his Secretary of War, Louvois, to head the project, who in turn chose Libéral Bruant as architect. He designed a structure of
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monumental scale with formal gardens on what was then the outskirts of the city. The first war veterans arrived in 1674—between 4,000 and 5,000 soldiers would eventually move in, creating a minicity with its own governor. An on-site hospital was constructed for the severely wounded, which is still in service today. As you cross the main gate, you’ll find yourself in a huge courtyard (102×207m, 335×207 ft.), the cour d’honneur, which was once the site of military parades. At the far end on the second story is a statue of The Little Corporal (otherwise known as Napoléon I) that once stood on top of the column in place Vendôme. The surrounding buildings house military administration offices and the Musée de l’Armée a world-class military museum, which is undergoing extensive renovations. Several sections are closed until 2008, including everything from Louis XIV to Napoleon III, a vast chunk of French history. Fortunately, the World War I, World War II, and the excellent Arms and Armor section recently reopened, (the latter’s a collection of 13th- to 17th-century weaponry that will thrill anyone who ever dreamed of knights in shining armor). Just under Napoléon is the entrance to the Eglise des Soldats, actually the front half of the Eglise du Dome, which was split in two when Napoléon’s tomb was installed under the dome. The “Soldier’s Church” is lovely and light-filled, decorated with magnificent chandeliers and a collection of flags of defeated enemies. On the other side of the glass partition rests the Little Corporal himself. The Tomb of Napoléon lies under one of the most splendid domes in France. Designed by Hardouin-Mansart and constructed from 1679 to 1706 the interior soars 107m (351 ft.) up to a skylight, which illuminates a brilliantly colored cupola fresco by Charles de la Fosse. Ethereal light filters down to an opening in the center of the room, where you can look down on the huge porphyry sarcophagus, which holds the emperor’s remains, encased in five successive coffins (one tin, one mahogany, two lead, and one ebony). Surrounding the sarcophagus are the tombs of two of Napoléon’s brothers, his son, and several French military heroes. Don’t blame the over the top setting on Napoléon; the decision to transfer his remains to Paris was made in 1840, almost 20 years after his death. Tens of thousands crowded the streets to pay their respects as the coffin was carried under the Arc de Triomphe and down the Champs Elysées to Les Invalides, where it waited another 20 years until the spectacular tomb was finished. AN ASIAN TEMPLE OF ART The airy halls of the Musée National des Arts Asiatiques–Guimet 55 (6 place d’Iéna, 16th arrond.; % 01 56 52 53 00; www. museeguimet.fr; 6€ adults, 4€ 18–25, free under 18; Wed–Mon 10am–6pm; Métro: Iéna) harbor a superb collection of Asian art, originally set up by 19th-cen-
tury industrialist Emile Guimet. A passionate collector, whose dream was to create a museum of Asian, classical Greek, and Egyptian religious art, Guimet toured the world in search of remarkable pieces and found many. His museum was a huge success, and over the decades it grew and evolved into one of the largest Asian art collections in Europe. The focus is now more on culture than religion, and the art is specifically Asian—hundreds of works from Afghanistan, India, Tibet, Nepal, China, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, and other Asian nations. You could spend an entire day here, or you could pick and choose regions of interest (displays are arranged geographically); the free audioguide is a good bet for finding standouts and providing cultural context. Highlights include a marvelous Tibetan
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Museum Passes During your stay, or perhaps before, you will doubtless come across brochures touting the wonders of the Paris Museum Pass (www.paris museumpass.fr), which offers direct access to more than 60 museums and monuments in Paris and the surrounding region. You can buy a pass that is good for 2, 4, or 6 consecutive days, for 30€, 45€, or 60€, respectively. The pass can be bought in advance; the meter starts running the first day you decide to use the pass, which allows you to skip the long lines at the ticket counter. But before you rush to pull out your wallet, do some quick calculations to see if the pass will really be worth your while. Yes, you will have free entry to 60 top attractions (permanent exhibits only), but how many of those are you going to see in 2 days? For example, if you are going to the Louvre on one day (8.50€) and the Musée Rodin (6€) and the Arc de Triomphe (8€) the next, that still doesn’t add up to the 30€ you paid for the pass. On the other hand, if you are going to the Musée Rodin, the Conciergerie (6.50€) and the Arc de Triomphe on 1 day (total 21€) and Versailles (up to 20€ to see the entire chateau) the next, you’d be saving a fair amount of money (about 10€). Of course, you’d also be exhausted, but that’s another issue. Since I subscribe to the one-or-two museums-per-day philosophy, I personally don’t see the value here, but for those who want to cram in all they can it’s an interesting option. If you do decide to buy a pass, make sure your days don’t fall on a holiday or a Sunday or Monday, when many museums are closed. Passes are sold at any participating museum or monument, any branch of the Paris Tourist Office, and any Fnac store.
bronze sculpture, (Hevajra and Nairâtmya) of a multiheaded god embracing a ferocious goddess with eight faces and sixteen arms; a blissfully serene stone figure of a Cambodian king (Jayavarman VII) that makes you wonder if life was easier in the 12th century; and Chinese carved-lacquer screens in the cupola on the top floor. A few minutes walk from the museum is the Panthéon Bouddhique (19 ave. d’Iéna; % 01 40 73 88 00; free admission; Wed–Mon 9:45am–5:45pm), an old mansion where Guimet’s collection of Buddhist art from China and Japan is displayed. Digest this artistic cornucopia in the adjoining Japanese garden, a peaceful haven for tired tourists and other serenity-seekers.
MUSEUMS FOR VISITORS WITH SPECIALIZED INTERESTS The number of museums in Paris is staggering: at last count there were 130, and more open (and reopen) every year. Below are some of the choicest of the bunch
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(other than those listed above), separated into categories and then listed in order of importance. Entry fees are given for permanent collections only; payment by credit cards is usually only allowed for purchases above 15 or 20 euros.
ARCHAEOLOGY In 1965, archeologists were brought in when excavations for a parking lot under the Notre-Dame esplanade uncovered a vast network of ruins, now protected in the Crypte Archéologique de Parvis de Notre-Dame (1 place du Parvis NotreDame, 4th arrond.;
% 01 55 42 50 10; 3.30€ adults, 2.20€ seniors over 60,
Seeing Museums for Free Since Mayor Bertrand Delanoë took office, with one or two exceptions, all city museums are free (permanent collections only), all the time. That includes the following cultural cornucopias: Musée Carnavalet (p. 150) Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (p. 158) Maison de Balzac (p. 162) Musée Bourdelle (p. 165) Musée Cernuschi (p. 157) Musée Cognacq-Jay (p. 160) Petit Palais (p. 167) Maison de Victor Hugo (p. 163) Musée de la Vie Romantique (p. 162) Musée Zadkine (p. 164) You can also get into all national museums free of charge on the first Sunday of every month. Expect even bigger crowds than usual—Sundays tend to be a busy museum day anyway, and the free entry makes them even busier. National museums include: Musée Musée Musée Musée Musée Musée Musée Musée Musée
du Louvre (p. 177) des Arts Asiatique–Guimet (p. 154) Eugène Delacroix (p. 164) Gustave Moreau (p. 164) du Moyen Age/Thermes et Hôtel de Cluny (p. 170) de l’Orangerie (p. 162) d’Orsay (p. 141) Picasso (p. 148) Rodin (p. 145)
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1.60€ 14–26, free under 14; Tues–Sun 10am–6pm; www.carnavalet.paris.fr; Métro: Cité). A big chunk of the history of Paris is on display here, from
Gallo-Roman ramparts, to Medieval streets, to the 17th-century foundations of a city orphanage. Over the centuries, new constructions were built over the old, raising the level of the Ile de la Cité some 6.9m (23 ft.). There are scale models of how Paris grew from a tribal settlement to a Roman city, as well as a few displays of ancient objects found during the dig. It’s pretty dark down there, despite the clever lighting, and you’ll need to use a lot of imagination to be able to recreate the buildings out of this tangle of ruins. Still, it’s an impressive site.
ARAB HISTORY & ART In an age when Islam is all over the headlines, the Institute du Monde Arabe
(1 rue Fossés St-Bernard; 5th arrond.; % 01 40 51 38 38; www.imarabe.org; 5€ adults, 4€ under 26, free under 12; Tues–Sun 10am–6pm; Métro: Jussieu or Cardinal Lemoine) is a good place to come to find out what the word actually
means. The building alone is almost worth the price of admission; designed by architect Jean Nouvel (who designed the newly opened Musée du Quai Branly, p. 147) in 1987, the south facade, which has a metallic latticework echoing traditional Arab designs, includes 30,000 light-sensitive diaphragms which regulate the penetration of light by opening and closing according to how bright it is outside. Dedicated to the art and culture of Arab and Islamic civilizations from their origins to the present day, the collection includes beautiful examples of traditional calligraphy, miniatures, ceramics, woodwork, and carpets, as well as contemporary art from the Arab world. Though the permanent collection is interesting, the temporary exhibitions are truly excellent—recent shows highlighted the golden age of Arab science, and the life and times of the Egyptian pharaohs.
ASIAN ART Though nowhere near as comprehensive as the Musée Guimet (p. 154), the Musée Cernuschi 5 (7 ave. Vélasquez, 8th arrond.; % 01 53 96 21 50; www. cernuschi.paris.fr; free admission; Tues–Sun 10am–6pm; Métro: Monceau or Villiers) offers a chance to contemplate exquisite examples of mostly Chinese art
in a handsome mansion facing the Parc Monceau. This is a museum on a human scale; within an hour you can see most of it and still have plenty of energy to do a tour of the park next door. Only recently reopened, the museum was closed for several years for renovations and reorganization, resulting in a space that’s much more pleasant to visit than the cramped quarters of yore. The displays have been streamlined; a limited number of objects are on offer, making it easier to concentrate and appreciate their beauty. The collection rotates, but a couple of permanent highlights include a Tang Dynasty (11th century B.C.) bronze vase in the shape of a tigress who seems to be about to swallow a man who is clinging to her, and an enormous 18th-century bronze Buddha. There’s a fine collection of terracotta funerary figures, including a delightful orchestra of eight young girls playing instruments on horseback. Unfortunately, there’s very little documentation (although there are some panels in English), and what there is is overly pedantic. In general, however, the beauty of the objects speaks for itself.
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The Musée des Monaies, Medailles et Antiques 5 (58 rue de Richelieu, 2nd arrond.; % 01 53 79 59 79; www.bnf.fr; free admission; Mon–Fri 1pm–5:30pm, Sat 1pm–4:30pm; Métro: Palais-Royale or Pyramides) presents treasures from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France’s (the French National Library) special collections. Trinkets and baubles that once belonged to the kings and queens of yesteryear include an emerald that once sat on the crown of Catherine de Medicis and Diane de Poitier’s fan—one of the oldest in France. A splendid, multicolored cameo that was transferred here from Saint-Chapelle by none other than Louis XVI dates from the 1st century and shows Emperor Tiberius receiving Germanicus is also on display. Other standouts include the silver cup of the Ptolémées and the Treasure of Childéric, some of the oldest souvenirs of the French monarchy.
CONTEMPORARY ART If you’re traveling with cranky teenagers who’ve had enough of La Vieille France, or if you’re also sick of endless rendezvous with history, the Palais de Tokyo 5 (13 ave. du Président Wilson, 16th arrond.; % 01 47 23 38 86; www.palaisdetokyo. com; 6€ adults, 4.50€ over 60 and under 26, 1€ artists, art teachers, and art students (with card to prove it), free under 18; Tues–Sun noon–midnight; Métro: Iéna or Alma-Marceau) is the place to come for a blast of contemporary madness.
This new contemporary art space not only offers a rotating bundle of expositions, events, and other happenings but is also one of the only museums in Paris that stays open until midnight. While some might quibble about whether or not the works on display are really art, there’s no denying that this place is a lot more fun than its stodgy neighbor across the terrace (see below). You’ll find a completely different crowd here: generally young and intense, and often sporting gravitydefying hairdos. There’s no permanent collection, just continuous temporary exhibits and events, some of which feel more like a visit to a fun house than a museum. An exploration of the theme of skin in 2006, for example, led visitors through a series of curtained rooms and tunnels displaying photography, film, and art works, with lidded portholes to experience a variety of scents. A survey of the French contemporary art scene revealed a watermelon on a pedestal, an obese Batman sculpture, and a flattened airplane rolled up like the lid of a sardine can. The center, whose mission includes nurturing, promoting, and even providing studio space for emerging artists, has a very complete website with a long list of current programs and events. In warm weather, you can eat on the splendid terrace, see the box “Dining out on Art” in the restaurant section (p. 100). Though not as well-known, there’s another modern art museum lurking in the massive Palais de Tokyo, built for the Paris Exposition of 1937. The Musée d’Art Modern de la Ville de Paris (11 ave. du Président Wilson, 16th arrond.; % 01 53 67 40 00; www.mam.paris.fr; free admission; Tues–Sun 10am–6pm, Wed until 10pm during temporary expositions; Métro: Alma-Marceau or Iéna; no credit cards) is the
municipal modern art collection, spanning about the same timeframe as the Pompidou but on a smaller scale, and with a stronger emphasis on the first half of the 20th century. The works are presented chronologically, with each section representing a different artistic movement. Though several big names are represented (Picasso, Rouault, and Picaba, to name a few), these are not their well-known works; highlights include a room dedicated to surrealism (the personal collection
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of André Breton) and a series of paintings by Delaunay and Léger. The contemporary section, from 1960 on, covers seriously abstract movements like Fluxus and Figuration. There’s also a huge room entirely covered with brilliant wall murals by Raoul Dufy (La Fée Electricité), as well as another huge room with two enormous versions of La Danse by Matisse. Commissioned by Albert Barnes for his foundation near Philadelphia (where the final version hangs), these two “failed” versions offer a chance to see how the artist’s projects evolved. If the permanent collection isn’t particularly exciting, the temporary exhibitions often are so check the website for current listings.
DECORATIVE ARTS Having made a fortune in his business ventures, in 1914 Count Moïse de Camondo built a mansion in the style of the Petit Trianon at Versailles and furnished it with 18th-century furniture, paintings, and art objects (like a magnificent tapestry screen made by the famous Savonnerie workshop, and two remarkable vases made out of bronze and petrified wood that once belonged to Marie Antoinette). After the count’s death in 1935, the house and everything in it was left to the state as a museum, the Musée Nissim de Camondo 55 (63 rue Monceau, 8th arrond.; % 01 53 89 06 40; www.ucad.fr; 6€ adults, 4.50€ 18–25, free under 18; Wed–Sun 10am–5:30pm; Métro: Monceau or Villiers), named after
the count’s son, who was killed fighting in World War I. The family’s troubles did not stop there—in 1945, the count’s daughter and her family were deported and died at Auschwitz. This little-visited museum is a delight—the sense of a real home has been scrupulously preserved, and you can wander through not only sun-filled salons filled with gilded mirrors, inlaid tables and Beauvais tapestries, but also the fully-equipped kitchen and the gigantic tiled bathroom. A special room displays the Buffon service, a remarkable set of Sèvres china decorated with a myriad of bird species, reproductions of drawings by the renown naturalist, the Count of Buffon. Be sure to pick up a free English audioguide. The founder of La Samaritaine department store, Ernest Cognacq led a ragsto-riches life: at 12 years old he was selling odds and ends as an itinerant merchant, by the end of his life he was the owner of a fabulously successful department store with a prodigious private art collection. His fine assortment of 18th-century art and furniture now make up the contents of the Musée CognacqJay 5 (8 rue Elzévir; 3rd arrond.; % 01 40 27 07 21; www.cognacq-jay.paris.fr; free admission; Tues–Sun 10am–6pm; Métro: St-Paul or Rambuteau), a small
museum housed in one of the Marais’ lovely hôtels particuliers (mansions). Leaning heavily towards the romantic side of the century, with many lesser works by famous artists like Chardin and Fragonard, what’s most impressive in this museum is the furniture, like the bed “à la polonaise” draped in blue damask and framed in gilt and curlicues, or the exquisite Louis XVI-era writing table with its geometric wood inlay. Many of the rooms are paneled with boisserie: delicately carved wainscotings sometimes of floral motifs. Since 1794, Baccarat crystal has been hand-crafted in a village of the same name in eastern France, but you don’t have to go there to get a glimpse of some of their most spectacular works. The company headquarters, as well as the Galerie-Musée Baccarat 5 (11 place des Etats Unis, 16th arrond.; % 01 40 22 11 00; www. baccarat.fr; 7€ adults; Mon–Sat 10am–6:30pm; Métro: Iéna or Boissière) have
recently been transferred to what used be the mansion of Marie-Laure de Noailles,
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an early 20th-century patron of the arts and completely done over by Philippe Starck. He has confected several “spaces” to display the many Baccarat marvels created over the centuries from the massive Czar Nicolas II candelabra to crystal furniture that once belonged to Maharajas to classics like the Simon vases.
HISTORIC HOMES The life of Victor Hugo was as turbulent as some of his novels. Regularly visited by both tragedy and triumph, the author of The Hunchback of Notre Dame lived in several apartments in Paris, including one on the second floor of a corner house on
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the sumptuous place des Vosges, now known as the Maison de Victor Hugo
(6 place des Vosges, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 10 16; Métro: St-Paul; www.museehugo.paris.fr; free admission; Tues–Sun 10am–6pm). He lived there with his wife
and four children from 1832 to 1848, during which time he wrote Ruy Blas, part of Les Miserables, met his lifelong mistress and muse, Juliette Drouet, was elected to the Academie Française, lost his 19-year-old daughter in a boating accident on the Seine, and entered the political arena. When Napoleon III seized power in 1851, this passionate advocate of free speech, universal suffrage, and social justice was made distinctly unwelcome, particularly after he declared the new king a traitor of France. Fearing for his life, Hugo left the country and lived in exile until 1870 when he triumphantly returned to France and was elected to the senate. By the time he died in 1885 he was a national hero; his funeral cortege through the streets of Paris is the stuff of legend, and his body was one of the first to be buried in the Panthéon. The museum’s collection charts this dramatic existence through the author’s drawings, original manuscripts, notes, (including some scrawled on scrap paper and the backs of envelopes), furniture, and personal objects, like his inkwell. The home of another famous author with a tempestuous, if less grandiose, life story can be found on a quiet hillside in the villagelike neighborhood of Passy. Fleeing his creditors, in 1840, writer Honoré de Balzac rented a small house, now called the Maison de Balzac 5 (47 rue Raynouard, 16th arrond.; % 01 55 74 41 80; www.balzac.paris.fr; free admission; Tues–Sun 10am–6pm; Métro: Passy or La Muette), and lived there for 7 years under an assumed name. He also worked like
a demon: he was capable of writing for up to 20 hours a day for weeks at a time. Though there is much less on display in this quiet little dwelling than in Victor Hugo’s action-packed museum, for some reason one feels the author’s presence much more. The five rooms of Balzac’s apartments are hung with paintings and portraits of his family and friends, including several of Madame Hanska, whom he finally married after 18 years of passionate correspondence. There are also a few manuscripts and several personal objects, including his turquoise-incrusted cane, which was the talk of Paris, and his monogrammed coffee pot, which kept him going through his marathon work sessions. In his office is the little table where he wrote The Human Comedy, “a witness,” he wrote to Madame Hanska, “to my worries, my miseries, my distress, my joys, everything. . . my arm almost wore out its surface from taking the same path over and over again.” Though perhaps now best known for wearing men’s clothes and being the lover of artists like Chopin, in her time, George Sand was a respected figure in the Romantic movement, as well as an outspoken political activist, and her writing was lauded by the likes of Dostoyevsky and Flaubert. But even if you are not (like me) a George Sand fan, you might be tempted to make a visit to the Musée de la Vie Romantique (16 rue Chaptal, 9th arrond.; % 01 55 31 95 67; www.vieromantique.paris.fr; 7€ adults, 5.50€ students under 26, 3.50€ 18–25, free under 18; Tues–Sun 10am–6pm). This light-filled Restoration-epoch house was
not actually Sand’s home; it belonged to Dutch painter Ary Scheffer, friend and neighbor of George Sand. But it now houses a museum dedicated to Sand’s life and works, including a re-creation of her salon, letters, portraits, personal objects, and even watercolors that she painted when she wasn’t writing one of her dozens of novels, plays or articles. And all in a very home-like setting. Some of Scheffer’s
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paintings, as well has his personal memorabilia is on display in the artist’s studio, in a separate out-building.
After six long years, the Musée de l’Orangerie 55 (Jardin des Tuileries, 1st arrond.; % 01 44 77 80 07; www.musee-orangerie.fr; 6.50€ adults, 4.50 € students under 26 and for everyone on Sun, free under 18; 12:30pm–7pm Wed, Thurs, Sat–Mon, 12:30pm–9pm Fri; Métro: Concorde) has finally re-opened, and the world can once again enjoy Monet’s stunning water lilies as they were meant to be enjoyed. An unfortunate restoration of the building in 1960 split the building in two horizontally, leaving the water lilies in what felt like a basement, cut off from all natural light. When construction was started in 2000 to rectify this situation, workers ran into a section of the old city walls, dating from the 16th century. Archeologists were brought in, and construction came to a standstill. The new design was reworked (a section of the wall can be seen on the lower level) and
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One Man, One Museum Paris has provided a home for many artists and now provides a home for the museums that celebrate these artists. Beyond the famed Picasso and Rodin museums, the following smaller institutions give visitors an opportunity to commune one on one with some of the top painters and sculpturs of the last two centuries: u
The Musée National Eugène Delacroix (6 rue de Furstenberg, 6th arrond.; % 01 44 41 86 50; www.musee-delacroix.fr; 5€ adults, free under 18. Wed–Mon 9:30am–5pm; Métro: St-Germain-des-Prés) is housed in part of what was once the painter’s apartment and studio. Old and sick, Delacroix moved here in 1857 to be closer to the church of St-Sulpice, where he was decorating a chapel. He managed to finish the paintings, 3 years before he died here, in 1863. “It takes great fortitude to be yourself,” he once said, and he certainly had it: at his death he left behind some 8,000 paintings, drawings and pastels. Though none of his major works are in the museum, several of his smaller paintings decorate the walls, including the mysterious Mary Magdalene in the Wilderness. Furniture, mementos, and other personal items are on display, including the artist’s palate and paint box. The Musée National Gustave Moreau (14 rue de La Rochefoucauld, 9th arrond.; % 01 48 74 38 50; www.musee-moreau.fr; 4€ adults, 2.60€ students under 26 and for all on Sun, free under 18; Wed–Mon 10am–12:45pm and 2pm–5:15pm; Métro: Trinité or St-Georges). In 1896, Gustave Moreau opened a museum dedicated to works by . . . himself. It was constructed on top of the artist’s family home, preserving his personal apartments on the first floor and creating an airy gallery upstairs for his eerie paintings, both of which are open to the public. A leading figure in the 19th-century Symbolist movement, Moreau painted mystical, mysterious landscapes that evoke legend and myth. Simultaneously pretty and disconcerting, these dreamlike canvases will thrill some, perturb others, but leave none indifferent. Musée Zadkine 5 (100 bis rue d’Assas, 6th arrond.; % 01 55 42 77 20; www.zadkine.paris.fr; free admission; 10am–6pm Tues–Sun; Métro: Notre-Dame des Champs or Vanvin). A contemporary and neighbor of artists such as Brancusi, Lipchitz, Modigliani, and Picasso, sculptor Ossip Zadkine lived and worked here from 1928 to
finally, in 2006, the water lilies saw the light of day. Two large oval rooms are dedicated to these masterpieces, in which Monet tried to replicate the feeling and atmosphere of his garden at Giverney. He worked on these enormous canvases (which are glued directly on the walls and could not be moved during the renovations) for 12 years, with the idea of creating a peaceful haven where men and
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his death in 1967. Closely associated with the Cubist movement, his sober, elegant, “primitive” sculptures combine abstract geometry with deep humanity. Zadkine volunteered during the World War I and was forced to spend World War II in exile in America; his wartime experiences made a strong impression. One of the museum’s most moving pieces is a bronze study for his monumental sculpture To a Destroyed City, which was designed as a war memorial commemorating the destruction of the center of Rotterdam during the World War II. The original stands some 5.4m (18 ft.) tall in that Dutch city. The Musée Bourdelle 5 (18 rue Antoine Bourdelle, 15th arrond.; % 01 49 54 73 73; www.paris-france.org/musees/bourdelle; free admission; Tues–Sun 10am–6pm; Métro: Montparnasse) is a testament to the sculptor Antoine Bourdelle, whose work went far beyond the 10 years he spent as Rodin’s assistant. A renowned teacher who influenced an entire generation of sculptors, including Alberto Giacometti and Aristide Maillol, Bourdelle was one of the pioneers of 20th-century monumental sculpture. Proud, muscular centaurs, gods, and goddesses stride across these rooms, as well as monuments to famous people. Musée Maillol (59-61 rue de Grenelle, 7th arrond.; % 01 42 22 59 58; www.museemaillol.com; 8€ adults, 6€ students, free under 16; Wed–Sun 11am–6pm; Métro: Rue du Bac; no credit cards). You’ve probably seen the works of Aristide Maillol, a prolific painter and sculptor, whose works are a celebration of the female form (several of his bronzes are in the Tuilleries Gardens). In search of the perfect model for his well-rounded, smooth bodies, he came across 15-yearold Dina Vierny, who became his source of inspiration for the rest of his life. Vierny was such a find that she posed for some of Maillol’s closest friends, like Matisse, Bonnard, and Dufy. After Maillol’s death, she became an important art collector and gallery owner, and in time, opened this museum to celebrate his oeuvre. Along with Maillol’s work, there are drawings by Matisse, Cezanne, and Picasso; and excellent temporary exhibitions on other artists (see the website for current offerings).
women could contemplate and reconnect with nature—the kind of thing we would now call an art installation. The other highlight here is the Guillaume collection, an impressive assortment of late 19th- and early 20th-century paintings. It’s now been relegated to the basement, but with a difference—a huge trench was dug on the side of the building
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to allow sunlight to reach underground. Renoir and Cezanne profit the most from this arrangement; their paintings, mostly portraits (like Renoir’s glowing, idyllic Femme Nu dans un Paysage and Cézanne’s rather dour looking Madame Cézanne) and still lifes (including a vase with flowers by Cézanne that was cut in two and sold as two separate paintings) are illuminated by the sun. The rest of the collection is under artificial lights: Slightly sinister landscapes by Rousseau, enigmatic portraits by Modigliani, abstracts by Marie Laurencin, as well as some kinder, gentler Picassos (Les Adolescents bathed in pink and rust tones). This collection has a history as stormy as that of the museum—after Guillaume’s death, his rather flamboyant wife rearranged the collection to her own taste, selling off some of the more “difficult” paintings. The result is a lovely collection that lacks a certain bite—truly impressive works by these masters can be seen elsewhere. More water lilies can be seen at the Musée Marmottan Monet 55 (2 rue Louis Boilly, 16th arrond.; % 01 44 96 50 33; www.marmottan.com; 8€ adults, 4.50€ students under 25, free under 8; 10am–6pm Tues–Sun; Métro: La Muette, RER: Boulainvilliers), which houses the most Monets of any collection in the world. In
the first roomful of Monets is the canvas that is held responsible for the name of an entire artistic movement. Pressed to give a name to this misty play of light on the water for the catalogue for the 1874 exposition that included Cézanne, Pissarro, Renoir, and Degas, Monet apparently said, “put ‘impression.’” The painting, Impression, Sunrise, certainly made one, as did the show—thereafter the group was referred to as the Impressionists. Monet never stopped being fascinated with the interaction of light and water, be it in a relatively traditional portrait of his wife and daughter against the stormy sea in On the Beach at Trouville, or in an almost abstract blend of blues and grays in Charring Cross Bridge. It wasn’t just the quality of light that interested Monet, but also its transformation; he often painted the same subject at different times of the day. One of his famous series on the Cathedral of Rouen is here: Effect of the Sun at the End of the Day. Paintings of the likes of Renoir, Sisley, Degas, and Gaugin can be seen in the light-filled rooms on the upper floor, as well as one of the only female members of the group, Berthe Morisot, who gets an entire room devoted to her intimate portraits and interiors.
JEWISH HISTORY & ART It took a while, but the French government is finally coming to terms with some of the less palatable aspects of its World War II past. Inaugurated in 2005, the Memorial de la Shoah 5 (17 rue Geoffroy-l’Asnier, 4th arrond; % 01 42 77 44 72; www.memorialdelashoah.org. Free admission. Sun–Wed, Fri 10am–6pm, Thurs 10am–10pm; Métro: St-Paul or Pont Marie) is a Holocaust memorial, museum,
and documentation center. The memorial includes a wall listing the names and birthdates of some 76,000 Jewish men, women, and children who were deported to Nazi camps from France between 1942 and 1944—of which only 2,500 survived. Equally moving is the Memorial to the Unknown Jewish Martyr, an existing memorial created in 1957. Laying beneath the documentation center in the crypt, this huge somber sculpture, which contains ashes from the extermination camps and the Warsaw Ghetto, is illuminated by a perpetual flame. Housed in the magnificent Hôtel de Saint Aignan, one of the many palatial 17th-century mansions that dot the Marais, the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de
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An Artistic Smorgasbord in One Bite-Sized Museum Though you won’t see any legendary masterpieces at the Petit Palais 55 (ave. Winston Churchill, 8th arrond.; % 01 53 43 40 00; www.petitpalais. paris.fr; free admission to permanent collection; Tues–Sun 10am–6pm, temporary exhibits open until 8pm on Tues; Métro: Champs-Elysées Clemenceau), you will see an impressive array of paintings and sculptures by well-known geniuses. The collection’s chronology stretches from the ancient Greeks to World War I and the paintings of famous masters like Monet, Ingres, and Rubens are displayed here, as well as the Art Nouveau dining room of Hector Guimard, and the exquisite multilayered glass vases of Emile Gallé. Those interested in earlier works will find Greek vases (including some unusual wine pitchers with animal heads that would spit the wine into the goblet), Italian Renaissance majolica, and a small collection of 16th-century astrolabes and gold-and crystal traveling clocks. Intricately carved ivory panels and delicately sculpted wood sculptures (including a grinning, long-locked Saint Barbara who looks like she is about to burst out in a fit of the giggles) stand out in the small Medieval section, and a series of rooms dedicated to 17th-century Dutch painters like Steen and Van Ostade is considered one of the best collections of its kind in France (after the Louvre). There is even a small Rembrandt here, one of his numerous self-portraits, this time done up in “oriental” attire. X-rays of the painting revealed that the artist, unhappy with the position of his legs in the painting, shortened them, and when that didn’t work, finally covered them up entirely with a dog. It’s heartening to know that even geniuses make mistakes. Best of all, the size of the place is not overwhelming; works from each era and artistic movement have been carefully chosen and displayed, though the sequence of exhibitions can be a little hard to figure out. After musing over large-scale 19th-century Naturalist paintings by Alfred Roll, you might wander into an adjoining room dedicated to 18th-century art under Louis XV. The coy, hard-to-find signage will not help, either. In fact, it’s a little hard to say exactly what this museum is altogether. It’s not entirely paintings and sculptures, and it’s not entirely decorative arts either—it’s more like a bridge between the two.
Judaïsme 5 (71 rue de Temple, 3rd arrond; % 01 53 01 86 60; www.mahj.org; 6.80€ adults, 4.50€ 18–26, free under 18; Mon–Fri 11am–6pm, Sun 10am–6pm; Métro: Rambuteau or Hôtel de Ville) chronicles the art and history of the Jewish
people in France and in Europe. This relatively new museum (1999) has a superb collection of objects of both artistic and cultural significance (a splendid Italian Renaissance torah ark, a German gold and silver Hanukka menora, a 17th-century Dutch illustrated torah scroll, documents from the Dreyfus trial), which is
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A Temporary Exhibition Space Worth Checking Out After being closed for 12 years of renovations, the beautiful glass roof of the Grand Palais 5 (3 ave. du Général Eisenhower, 8th arrond.; % 01 44 13 17 30; www.rmn.fr/galeriesnationalesdugrandpalais; 10€ adults, 8€ under 25, free under 13, 1.30€ per ticket fee for reservations; Thurs–Mon 10am–8pm, Wed 10am–10pm; Métro: Champs Elysées–Clemenceau or Franklin Delano Roosevelt) has been completely replaced, and if you get a chance to go inside, it’s a magnificent site. Originally constructed for the Universal Exposition of 1900 under the direction of Charles Girault, this enormous edifice was meant to be a “monument consecrated by the Republic to the glory of French art.” The “grand palace” has kept its promise; since its inception, it has been a premier site for major art expositions. The only catch is that everyone seems to come, and the lines at the entrance can be atrocious. By all means, reserve ahead if you can at www.rmn.fr, www.fnac.com, or www.ticketnet.fr; by phone through FNAC (% 01 41 57 32 12) or Ticketnet (% 01 46 91 57 67); or at any FNAC or Virgin Megastore as well as Printemps, Galeries Lafayette, and Bon Marché.
interspersed with texts, drawings, and photos telling the story of the Jews, and explaining the basics of both Ashkenazi and Sephardic traditions. You’ll do a lot of reading here; documentation is translated in English, but if you’re feeling lazy there’s also an informative audioguide. The final rooms include a collection of works by Jewish artists, including Modigliani, Soutine, Lipchitz, and Chagall.
LITERARY HISTORY I know it sounds ho-hum, a museum that contains nothing but letters and manuscripts, but the new Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits 55 (8 rue de Nesle, 6th arrond.; % 01 40 51 02 25; www.museedeslettres.fr; 6€ adults, 4.50€ under 26, students, and over 60, free under 12; Thurs–Sun 10am–6pm; Wed 1pm–9pm) is
utterly fascinating. The sheer volume of famous historical figures represented is staggering—letters from René Descartes, Vincent Van Gogh, and Marcel Proust are all on display, not to mention Catherine de Medicis, Napoléon, and Charles de Gaulle. There’s something about seeing the actual handwriting of these legendary figures that makes you feel like you’re listening in on their private conversations. It also makes you wonder what we will leave to posterity, now that e-mail has replaced the art of letter-writing. And these are not mere handwriting samples— content counts in this museum. A brief memo from General Eisenhower, marked “Top Secret” announces the end of the World War II in a single sentence “The mission of this Allied Force was fulfilled at 0245, local time, May 7th, 1945.” Calculations by Albert Einstein and Michele Besso that led to the theory of relativity are scrawled across dozens of pages. There’s a short note from Louis XIV to his son, an unpublished manuscript by George Sand, a ribald poem by Verlaine
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and Rimbaud (The Asshole Sonnet), and a letter from Sarah Bernhardt to Montesquieu complaining about her arch-rival Eleanor Duse. Original scores hand written by Mozart, Beethoven, and Berlioz, among dozens of other composers are on display. In 2005, a special section was dedicated to the Holocaust, including rare letters from concentration camps and ration tickets. The only down side is that all documentation is in French; at press time the museum was planning to provide multilingual audioguides.
MARITIME HISTORY Awe-inspiring model ships are on display at the Musée de la Marine
(Palais de Chaillot, 17 place du Trocadéro, 16th arrond.; % 01 53 65 69 69; www.museemarine.fr; 8€ adults, 6€ students under 25, 4€ 6–18 years old, free under 6; Wed–Mon 10am–6pm; Métro: Trocadero), many of which come from the private
collection of Louis XV. The intricately crafted scale models, which must have taken an eternity to make, are near to exact replicas of some of the finest sailing vessels of the 17th to 20th centuries. Highlights include La Ville de Dieppe, a three-masted sailing ship entirely sculpted in ivory, including thread-like ropes and paper-thin sails, presented as a gift from the town of Dieppe to Napoléon on the birth of his son. There are more than just models here: Napoleon’s elaborately sculpted imperial boat is on display, as are a variety of figureheads, navigational instruments, and an ample collection of paintings on maritime themes.
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Temporary exhibitions cover historic journeys, as well as current scientific exploration. By the way, the museum is part of the Palais de Chaillot, an ensemble of buildings constructed for the Internation Exhibit of 1937. Be sure to check out the view of the Eiffel Tower (one of the best in the city) along with the monumental pavilions crowning each wing and inscribed with quotations by poet Paul Verlaine.
MEDIEVAL ART Ancient Roman baths and a 15th-century mansion set the stage for the Musée National du Moyen Age/Thermes et Hôtel de Cluny 55 (6 place Paul Painlevé, 5th arrond.; % 01 53 73 78 00; www.musee-moyenage.fr; 6.50€ adults, 4.50€ 18–25 and everyone on Sun. Wed–Mon 9:15am–5:45pm; Métro: Cluny-La Sorbonne, RER: St-Michel-Notre-Dame), a terrific collection of Medieval art and objects. Built somewhere between the first and third centuries, the baths (visible from blvd. St-Michel) are some of the best existing examples of Gallo-Roman architecture. They are attached to what was once the palatial home of a 15th-century abbot, whose last owner, a certain Alexandre du Sommerard, amassed a vast array of Medieval masterworks. When he died in 1842, his home was turned into a museum and his collection put on display. Sculptures, textiles, furniture, and illuminated manuscripts are shown, as wells as gold, ivory, and enamel work. There are several magnificent tapestries, but the biggest draw is the Lady and the Unicorn series, one of only two sets of complete unicorn tapestries in the world (the other is in New York City). In five of these late-15th-century tapestries, the lady, her unicorn, a lion, and various other symbolic representations of the animal and vegetable kingdoms illustrate the five senses, while in the sixth she stands before a tent bearing the inscription “To My Only Desire” while placing a necklace in a case held by her servant. The meaning of this last tapestry remains an enigma—but the mystery merely adds to its beauty. Among the many sculptures are the famous severed heads from the facade of Notre-Dame. Knocked off of their bodies during the furor of the Revolution, 21 of the heads of the Kings of Judah were found by chance in 1977 during repair work in the basement of a bank. Though damaged, the delicately carved stonework retains traces of the original paint. In the stained glass section, The Chess Players, a rare nonreligious piece, is a stand-out. This 15th-century panel shows a man and a woman playing chess—a metaphor for the ritual of love—in intricate detail, including elaborate head dresses and an intense look of longing on the face of the man. Leave time to visit the beautiful medieval garden, added in 2000, inspired by the works in the museum.
A relic of the darker side of the Revolution, the Conciergerie 55 (blvd. du Palais, 1st arrond.; % 01 53 40 60 93; 6.5€ adults, 4.5€ students under 26, free under 18 accompanied by an adult [combined ticket with Sainte Chapelle: 9.50€ adults, 7€ students under 26]; Mar–Oct 9am–6pm, Nov–Feb 9am–5pm; Métro: Cité or St-Michel, RER: St-Michel) was where some of its most famous participants spent their final days before making their way to the guillotine. Danton, Desmoulins, Saint-Just, and Charlotte Corday passed through these doors, but perhaps its most famous guest was Marie Antoinette, who spent her time here in
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a dismal cell, reading and praying while she awaited her fate. After doing away with the monarchy, the Revolution began to eat itself alive; during the particularly bloody period known as the Terror, murderous infighting between the various revolutionary factions engendered panic and paranoia that led to tens of thousands of people throughout the country being arrested and executed. Twentytwo of the leaders of one of the leading factions, the Girondins, were condemned to death; legend has it that on the eve of their execution they drank and sang until dawn in their cell (now called the Chapelle des Girondins). Eventually Robespierre, the main force behind the Terror, and perhaps the most ardent advocate for Marie-Antoinette’s execution, found himself in the cell next door to the one she stayed in. Though it’s been a prison since the 15th century, the building itself is actually what remains of a 14th-century royal palace built by Philippe le Bel. When the kings abandoned the castle for the Louvre, it was turned over to the Parliament and other administrative powers, including the “Concierge,” or guardian, who reigned over the judicial matters. The Concierge turned part of the building into a prison, which retained the name of its master. Even before the Revolution, the Conciergerie was notorious: Henry IV’s murderer, Ravaillac, was imprisoned here before an angry crowd tore him apart alive. The enormous Salle des Gens d’Arms, with its 8.4m (28-ft.) -high vaulted ceiling, is an impressive reminder of the building’s palatial past. As for the prison itself, though the cells have been outfitted with displays and re-creations of daily life (including wax figures), it’s a far cry from the dank hell it once was. Fresh paint and lighting make it a little difficult to imagine what it was like in the bad old days, but a few areas stand out, like the Cours des Femmes (the women’s courtyard), which virtually hasn’t changed since the days when female prisoners did their washing in the fountain. Marie Antoinette’s cell was converted into a memorial chapel during the Restoration; a re-creation of her cell, containing some original objects, is on display. There are some fascinating historical exhibits, including a list of the names of all those guillotined during the Revolution, 2,780 in Paris alone. The history of Montmartre has served as fodder for countless films, books, and song lyrics, but what was the real story? Find out at the Musée de Montmartre 5 (12 rue Cortot, 18th arrond.; % 01 49 25 89 37; www.museedemontmartre.fr; 5.50€ adults, 3.50€ under 26, free under 10; Tues–Sun 10am–6pm; Métro: Abbesses or Lamarck–Caulaincourt), where a local historical society has carefully
preserved paintings, photos, posters, and other articles that document the history of this famous butte (hill) from the days when its importance was mainly religious, to the growth of village life, to the gory days of the Paris Commune, and finally to the artistic boom in the 19th and 20th centuries. The building itself is fraught with history: Originally owned by Rosimond, a famous 17th-century actor who was a member of Molière’s troupe, the house (which is surrounded by a garden) later served as a studio for Renoir, who painted “Le Bal du Moulin de la Galette” here, among other legendary canvases. Other famous lodgers included a turbulent trio: Suzanne Valadon, her lover André Utter, and her son, painter Maurice Utrillo. Along with conventional museum displays, there is also a re-creation of a bistro, complete with a zinc bar, an engraving studio, and a scale model of what the village Montmartre looked like, back in the day.
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Museums for Visitors with Specialized Interests
MUSIC In the vast, modern, and somewhat kooky Parc de la Villette (see “Paris Outdoors,” p. 213), at the edge of the city limits, lies the Cité de la Musique, a complex of concert halls, studios, and a lovely museum, the Musée de la Musique 5 (221 ave. Jean Jaurès, 19th arrond.; % 01 44 84 45 00; www.cite-musique.fr; 7€ adults, free under 18; Tues–Sat noon–6pm, Sun 10am–6pm). The permanent col-
lection includes over a thousand instruments, sculptures, paintings, and other objects that recount the history of music in Europe from the 16th to 20th century. Pore over a beautiful and rare 17th-century guitar with ivory inlay, a clutch of Stradivarius violins, or a concert piano that Franz Liszt once played on. A separate section on music from around the world includes another 700 objects, mostly from Africa and Asia. There are a variety of guided tours (all in French, 10€), including tours given by musicians, who play examples of the music discussed. Free audioguides play excerpts from major works and provide commentary (in English) that places the instruments in historical context.
PHOTOGRAPHY Originally built by Napoléon III as an indoor court for playing a game that was the ancestor of tennis, by the early 1900s the Jeu de Paume (1 place de la Concorde, 1st arrond. [entrance in the Tuileries Gardens] % 01 47 03 12 50; www.jeudepaume.org; 6€ adults, 4€ over 60 and under 25, free under 10; Tues noon–9pm, Wed–Fri noon–7pm, Sat–Sun 10am–7pm; Métro: Concorde) had
become a prime exhibition space. Since 2002, its focus has been on photography, and the museum has a second location at the magnificent Hôtel de Sully 5 (62 rue St-Antoine, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 74 47 75; 5€ adults, 2.50€ over 60 and under 25, free under 10; Tues–Fri noon–7pm, Sat–Sun 10am–7pm; Métro: St-Paul or Bastille). There is a combined ticket for the two museums: adults 8€, over 60 and under 25 4€. Expositions in 2006 included retrospectives of the works of Ed
Ruscha, Cindy Sherman, and Lee Friedlander.
SCIENCE The Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
5 9 (57 rue Cuvier, 5th arrond.;
% 01 40 79 30 00; www.mnhn.fr; admission to one site grants reduced admis-
sion at others; Métro: Gare d’Austerlitz or Censier Daubenton, RER: Gare d’Austerlitz) was established in 1793, under the supervision of two celebrated nat-
uralists George Louis Lerclerc, Count of Buffon, and Louis Jean-Marie Daubenton. Originally (and still) an academic research institution, this temple to the natural sciences contains a series of separate museums, each with a different specialty. The biggest draw is no doubt the Grande Galerie de la Evolution (36 rue Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, 5th arrond.; 8€ adults, 6€ children 4–13, free under 4; Wed–Mon 10am–6pm), where a sort of Noah’s ark of animals snakes its way
around a huge hall filled with displays that trace the evolution of life and man’s relationship with nature. The dim lighting and eerie soundtrack might be a bit much for the under-7 crowd, so plan accordingly. Particularly moving is the large section devoted to extinct species—seeing the actual animals in the flesh, if not blood, makes you want to run out and join the Audubon Society to save what’s left. Another fascinating hall, the Galerie de Minérologie et de Géologie (36 rue
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Remarkable Sights & Attractions
Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, 5th arrond.; 6€ adults, 4€ children 4–13, free under 4; Mon, Wed–Fri 10am–5pm, Sat–Sun 10am–6pm), includes a room full of giant crys-
tals, and another with eye-popping precious stones from the Royal Treasury, as well as various minerals and even meteorites. For dinosaurs, sabre-toothed tigers, ancient humans, and thousands of other fossilized skeletons, repair to the Galeries de Paléontologie et d’Anatomie Comparée (2 rue Buffon, 5th arrond.; 6€ adults, 4€ children 4–13, free under 4; Mon, Wed–Fri 10am–5pm, Sat–Sun 10am–6pm). Even bigger is the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie 5 (30 ave. Corentin-Cariou, 19th arrond. in the Parc de la Villette; % 01 40 05 70 00; www. cite-sciences.fr; admission for the Explora expositions plus the Cinema LouisLumière: 7.50€ adults, 5.50€ under 25, free under 7; Tues–Sat 10am–6pm, Sun 10am–7pm; Métro: Porte de la Villette) which includes a planetarium, a 3-D
movie theater, and a multimedia library. The heart of the museum is Explora, an entire floor (in a building this size, that means a lot), of interactive exhibits and displays, as well as excellent temporary exhibits. Some of the highlights of 2006 included expositions on Star Wars, water, herbal essences from Provence, and Roman glass. On the ground floor, parents will be delighted to find the Cité des Enfants (separate admission, 5€ per person for a 11⁄2 hour session, see website for hours, reservations recommended, particularly during French school vacations) which has separate programs for 3- to 5-year-olds and 5- to 12-year-olds. Kids get to explore their own sensations and the world around them in a series of handson activities and displays. If all this isn’t enough, outside you can clamber into the Argonaut (3€, free under 7), a real submarine that was one of the stars of the French navy in the 1950s, or dip inside the gigantic metal sphere, called the Geode (adults 9€, under 25 7€, pregnant women or children under 3 prohibited), an IMAX-type movie theater showing large screen films.
SEWERS Ever wanted to pretend you were Jean Valjean in Les Miserables? Take a trip through the sewers of Paris at the Musée des Egouts (Pont de l’Alma, in front of 93 quai d’Orsay, 7th arrond.; % 01 53 68 27 81; www.paris.fr; 4€ adults, 3.20€ students and children 5–16, free under 5; Oct–Apr Sat–Wed 11am–4pm, May–Sept Sat–Wed 11am–5pm; RER: Pont de l’Alma). Though you won’t actually get on a
boat, you will be able to walk through 500m (about a third of a mile) of sewers (don’t worry, you’ll be on a raised sidewalk on the side of the, uh, water), which should give you a pretty good idea of the different types of passageways and equipment that exist in this underground domain. There’s also a museum that explains the history and technical aspects of this stinky world. Because it is indeed stinky—delicate noses should think twice before entering.
SEX, YES SEX Located in the city’s most famous red light district, the Musée de l’Erotisme de Paris (72 blvd. de Clichy, 18th arrond.; % 01 42 58 28 73; www.museeerotisme.com; 8€ adults, 6€ students, 3€ reduction coupon on website; 10am–2am daily; Métro: Blanche) attempts to take a serious look at erotic art, from Peruvian pottery to R. Crumb. Lower floors are devoted to traditional and
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Remarkable Sights & Attractions
The Light at the End of the Tunnel As mentioned below, the Musée du Vin takes up part of a vast network of tunnels that are what’s left of ancient limestone quarries. At the end of the 15th century, a monastery was erected nearby, and the monks used the tunnels to stock the wine they made: a claret that was so good that it is said King Louis XIII would stop off for a glass on his way back to the chateau after a day’s hunting in the Bois de Boulogne. In the early 19th century, the tunnels served yet another purpose: they made a convenient escape route for nearby resident Honoré de Balzac. When he heard his creditors banging at the door, he opened a trapdoor in his basement that led down into the tunnel, where he would skitter all the way down to the river and take a boat into town.
popular works from various cultures—Japanese prints, Persian miniatures, and Indian statues depicting bodies in a multitude of gymnastic poses. As you work your way up the stairs (there are 7 floors here), you’ll see antique collections of naughty postcards, modern art, and temporary exhibits of works by artists Nicole Bayle or photographer Roger Viollet. Although most of the displays are merely titillating, the exhibit on the maisons closes, or bordellos, of Paris and Marseilles is actually interesting. Covering the period from the end of the 19th-century to 1946 (when bordellos were declared illegal and closed down in France), these poignant photos and prints document a hazy subculture that, for better or worse, has ceased to exist. There’s no English language text, but this is one place where the subject matter is pretty universal!
WINE Everything you ever wanted to know about wine is explained at the Musée du Vin (Rue des Eaux, 16th arrond.; % 01 45 25 63 26; www.museeduvinparis.com; 8.50€ adults, 7.50€ seniors, 7€ students, free under 15; Tues–Sun 10am–6pm; Métro: Passy). Housed in a series of underground tunnels that are carved out of ancient limestone quarries, this series of displays covers everything from vine cultivation, to barrel construction, to fermentation, tasting, and bottling, with a good dose of wine history to boot. If you can’t read the French explanations, ask for a free English guidebook at the entrance. For the uninitiated, the endless cases filled with wine tools and paraphernalia may not seem terribly exciting, however, at the end you will be rewarded with a glass of wine served by a member of the staff who will unveil the mysteries (in English or in French) of the substance you are about to drink. You can lunch or have another glass of wine in the restaurant in the vaulted cellars at the entry, which were used by 16th-century monks to store their wine barrels (3-course menu 19€). The museum also offers wine tasting classes (see “The Other Paris,” p. 201).
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Architectural Masterpieces & Monuments
Along with those sights marked with a , the little ones will get a kick out of the next two museums: (11 rue St-Paul, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 13 26; The Musée de la Magie
www.museedelamagie.com; 7€ adults, 5€ children under 13; Wed and Sat–Sun 2pm–7pm; Métro: St-Paul; no credit cards) where real magicians lead the tours, explaining some (but not all) of the tricks of the trade. Trick mirrors, animated
paintings, and talking genies will thrill the little ones. Live magic shows are performed in French on a small stage in the museum throughout the day. (10 blvd. Montmartre, 9th arrond.; % 01 Children will also enjoy Grévin
47 70 85 05; www.grevin.com; 18€ adults, 15€ students, 11€ 6–14; Mon–Fri 10am–6:30pm, Sat–Sun and French school holidays 10am–7pm, closed first week of Jan; Métro: Grands Boulevards), a vast cavern of wax figures including movie
stars, historical figures, and rock and rollers, as well as notables from the current political scene. If you’re not up on French history or pop culture, you might not recognize some of the faces, but don’t worry, Elvis Presley, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Spiderman, and Madonna are here too. Stars appear in their natural habitats: chic brasseries, cocktail parties, and fashion shows. You’ll also get to partake of Grevin’s famous historical tableaus, which feature scenes like Joan of Arc being burned at the stake, and Louis XIV holding court at Versailles. If you’ve had enough wax, take a peek at the light show in the just-renovated Palais des Mirages, a leftover from the Universal Exposition of 1900.
ARCHITECTURAL MASTERPIECES & MONUMENTS Paris is a city that is incredibly easy on the eyes. The lack of glass towers (for the most part) and hard edges makes this a graceful urban landscape, thanks in part to Baron Haussmann (see the “Baron Haussmann,” box below) whose ruthless urban renewal plan in the 19th century gave the city an architectural unity and harmony that is rare in big cities, let alone major capitals like Paris. Below are the major highlights, including historic buildings, plazas, bridges, and even cemeteries. At the end of this section, I list churches and other houses of worship by geographical area. Even if you don’t go out of your way to visit them, you’ll surely pass by, over, or through some of the following during your visit.
55 (rue St-Honoré, 1st arrond.; gardens open 7:30am–dusk; Métro: Palais Royal–Musée du Louvre), are a
The gardens and long arcades of the Palais Royal
not only a delight to stroll through, but were also witnesses to one of the most important moments in French history. But first the backstory: the palace’s beginnings were fairly straightforward. Built by Cardinal Richelieu, the lavish palace was left to the King upon his prime minister’s death. It was subsequently occupied by a number of royal family members (including Louis XIV as a child) until it came into the hands of a certain Duke Louis Phillippe d’Orleans at the end of the 18th century. An inveterate spendthrift, the young lord soon found himself up to his ears in debt. To earn enough money to pay off his creditors, he came up with the shockingly modern idea of opening the palace gardens to development, building apartments on the grounds. The bottom floor of these lodgings, which
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Remarkable Sights & Attractions
Baron Haussmann: A Man with a Plan The Paris you see before you was radically transformed in the late 19th century by a pugnacious urban planner named Georges-Eugène Haussmann. Before Haussmann got his hands on it, Paris was a mostly medieval city of tiny streets and narrow alleyways, and major sanitation problems. Everyone agreed that something needed to be done to facilitate traffic and clean up the city, but no one managed to come up with a solution. Enter Baron Haussmann. Named prefect of the Seine by Napoléon III, Haussmann pushed through wide boulevards (Malsherbes, Haussmann, and Sebastapol, among others), demolished dozens of old neighborhoods, and encouraged promoters to build new buildings, following, of course, his strict rules on the style of the facades and the height of the structures. The result was the elegant “Haussmannian” architecture that lines most of the city’s streets, as well as the system of central arteries that collect in star-shaped intersections at various strategic points. In fact, the boulevards were indeed strategic—one of the reasons for their creation was to make it easier to crush rebellions in the worker’s quarters, and garrisons were set up at crucial intersections. Streets were also now too wide in most areas to be easily barricaded. Haussmann also accessorized his new neighborhoods and streets; the famous kiosks, benches, and lampposts you’ll see around the city also date from this epoch. While there’s no denying his projects improved traffic, sanitation, and security, and gave a pleasing architectural unity to the cityscape, Haussmann’s take-no-prisoners approach has been criticized for having neutered the personality of entire neighborhoods (the Ile de la Cité, for example, was almost entirely razed) and destroying important historical buildings.
make up three sides of the enclosure you see today, were let out as shops, cafes, and boutiques. Though the neighbors screamed, their cries where drowned out by the success of the new project, which made the area into a commercial hub. What’s more, since the police had no power over these royal grounds, all sorts of usually illegal activities were given free reign here. Gambling houses and bordellos sprang up between the shops and cafes, and the gardens became the central meeting place for revolutionaries. Things came to a head on July 12, 1789 when Camille Desmoulins stood up on a table in front of the Café de Foy and called the people to arms—two days later, the mob would storm the Bastille, igniting the French Revolution. The glory days of the Palais Royal would come to an abrupt end in 1815, when a new Louis-Philippe showed up, decided this was not the way to treat the home of his ancestors, and kicked everyone out. Once the royals finally left in the 19th century, the palace was taken over by various government ministries, and the apartments in the galleries were let out to artists and writers, including Collette and Jean Cocteau.
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Attractions in the 16th
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Today the shops in the arcades are very subdued, and very expensive—mostly antique toy and stamp dealers, a smattering of high-end designer clothes, and a couple of pricey restaurants, including the legendary Grand Véfour. The cour d’honneur on the south end is filled with black and white striped columns by Daniel Buren; though most Parisians have now gotten used to this unusual installation, when it was unveiled in 1987 it caused almost as much of a stir as Camille Desmoulins. The most notable thing about the place de la Bastille 5 (12th arrond.; Métro: Bastille) is the building that’s no longer there: the Bastille prison. What’s now an enormous traffic circle where cars careen around at warp speed, was once the site of an ancient stone fortress that became a symbol for all that was wrong with the French monarchy. Over the centuries, kings and queens condemned
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Remarkable Sights & Attractions
Journées Européens du Patrimoine Wouldn’t you love to actually go inside the sumptuous Hôtel de Sully, or see the famous chapel at the Sorbonne? Well, for two days in September, you can. During the Journées Européens du Patrimoine (www.journees dupatrimoine.culture.fr) dozens of mansions and monuments that are usually off-limits to the general public open their doors for guided tours. For a full program and this year’s dates, look at the website listed above. Otherwise, keep an eye on listings magazines like Pariscope and l’Officiel du Spectacle for details.
rebellious citizens to stay inside these cold walls, sometimes with good reason, other times on a mere whim. By the time the Revolution started to boil, though, the prison was barely in use; when the angry mobs stormed the walls on July 14, 1789, there were only seven prisoners left to set free. Be that as it may, the destruction of the Bastille came to be seen as the ultimate revolutionary moment; July 14 is still celebrated as the birth of the Republic. Logic notwithstanding, the giant bronze column in the center of the plaza honors the victims of a different revolution, that of 1830. No, it’s not a hotel. The enormous Neo-Renaissance wedding cake that is the Hôtel de Ville 5 (place du Hôtel de Ville, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 76 40 40; Métro: Hôtel de Ville) is Paris’ city hall, and is not open to the public, except by appoint-
ment (% 01 42 76 54 04). Though you probably won’t be able to see the sumptuous halls and chandeliers (you can sometimes get a peek through the windows), you will be able to feast on the lavish exterior, which includes 136 statues representing historic VIPs of Parisian history. Since the 14th century, this spot has been an administrative seat for the municipality; the building you see before you dates from 1873, but it is a copy of an earlier Renaissance version that stood in its place up until 1870, when it was burned down during the Paris Commune. The vast square in front of the building, which used to be called the place du Grève, was used for municipal festivals and executions, and it was also the stage for several important moments in the city’s history, particularly during the Revolution: Louis XVI was forced to kiss the new French flag here, and Robespierre was shot in the jaw and arrested here during an attempted coup. Today the square is host to more peaceful activities: There’s usually a merry-go-round or two to captivate the little ones, and in winter an ice-skating rink is set up.
MODERN PARIS That immense cube on the other side of the Arc de Triomphe is the Grande Arche de la Défense 5 (1 parvis de la Défense, La Défense, % 01 49 07 27 27; www.grandearche.com; 7.5€ adults, 6€ students and children 6–12, free under 6; Apr–Sept 10am–8pm, Oct–Mar 10am–7pm; Métro: La Défense–Grande Arche),
designed by Danish architect Johan Otto von Spreckelsen, who unfortunately died in 1987, two years before the building was finished. Situated on the same axis that runs from the obelisk on the place de la Concorde, up the Champs
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Elysées and through the Arc de Triomphe, this massive structure takes the form of a hollowed-out cube, the inside of which could fit the Cathedral of NotreDame. Made out of concrete, the entire building is covered in white marble and glass, giving it a lightness that’s completely out of keeping with the reality of its 300,000 metric tonne (330,693 U.S. ton) weight. Lit at night, it takes on a surreal appearance that’s at once futuristic and dreamlike. If you don’t mind heights, there’s an observation platform on the roof, 110m (361 ft.) up where you have an equally otherworldly view of the city. In 1988, then president François Mitterrand announced the creation of a new megabuilding to house the gigantic collection of the Bibliothèque National de France (Site François Mitterand 11 quai François Mauriac, 13th arrond.; % 01 53 79 59 59; www.bnf.fr; Métro: Bibliothèque François Mitterrand). Ten years, and
who knows how many millions of euros later, the four towering L-shaped buildings (conceived to resemble open books) opened to the public. Though many have questioned the logic in putting books in glass towers (wooden screens had to be installed throughout to avoid sun damage to the books), it’s turned out to be an excellent research facility. Unless you are an architecture fan (the building was designed by Dominique Perrault), you can probably get a good enough gander from the Parc de Bercy on the other side of the Seine.
FAMOUS BURIAL GROUNDS High atop the “montagne” (though the word means mountain, it’s actually a medium-sized hill) of St-Geneviève, the dome of the Panthéon 5 (place du Panthéon, 5th arrond.; % 01 44 32 18 00; www.monum.fr; 7.50€ adults, 4.80€ 18–25, free under 18; Oct–Mar 10am–6:15pm, Apr–Sept 10am–6:30pm; Métro: Cardinale Lemoine, RER: Luxembourg) is one of the city’s most visible landmarks.
This erstwhile royal church has been transformed into a sort of national mausoleum—the final resting place of luminaries such as Voltaire, Rousseau, Hugo and Zola. Initially dedicated to St-Geneviève, the church was commissioned by a grateful Louis XV, who attributed his recovery from a serious illness to the saint. The architect Jacques-Germain Soufflot took on the project, taking his inspiration from the Pantheon in Rome. It must have been magnificent—the vast interior was clearly created with a higher power in mind. However, during the Revolution its sacred mission was diverted towards a new god—the Nation—and it was converted into a memorial and burial ground for Great Men of the Republic. This meant taking down the bells, walling up most of the windows, doing away with religious statuary and replacing it with works promoting patriotic virtues. The desired effect was achieved—the enormous empty space, lined with huge paintings of great moments in French history, resembles a cavernous tomb. Though the building is of architectural interest, unless you’re a fan of one of the men (or women) who are buried under the building (a staircase leads down to the actual crypt), it’s probably best admired from the outside. Other than the massive paintings, the only object of note in the sanctuary is Foucault’s Pendulum, hanging down from the center of the dome, whose changing direction demonstrates the rotation of the Earth. Definitely not for the faint of heart, the Catacombs de Paris (1 ave. du Colonel Henri Roi-Tanguy, 14th arrond.; % 01 43 22 47 63; www.paris.fr; 5€ adults, 3.30€ over 60, 2.50€ 14–26, free under 14, bring proof of age for older children;
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Home of the Phantom Flamboyant, extravagant, and baroque, the Palais Garnier 55 (place de l’Opéra, 9th arrond.; % 08 92 89 90 90; http://visites.operadeparis.fr; 7€ adults, 4€ students and 10–19, free under 10; daily 10am–5pm; Métro: Opéra) is a splendid example of Second Empire architectural excess. Corinthian columns, loggias, busts, and friezes cover the facade of the building, which is topped by a semiflattened gold dome. 73 sculptors worked on the decoration, which includes portraits of composers, Greek gods, and symbolic representations of Music (by Guillaume), Lyric Poetry (by Jouffroy), Lyric Drama (by Perraud), and Dance (by Carpeaux). The interior of the building is no less dramatic. The vast lobby, built in a spectrum of different colored marble, holds a spectacular double staircase that sweeps up to the different levels of the auditorium, as well as an array of glamorous antechambers, galleries, and ballrooms that make you wonder how the opera scenery could possibly compete. Mosaics, mirrors, gilt, and marble line these grand spaces, whose painted ceilings dance with fauns, gods, and nymphs. The largest room, called the grand foyer, is drenched in gold leaf and hung with gigantic chandeliers, looking something like a real palace, which was in fact, the effect Garnier was going for. The main event, of course, is the auditorium, which might seem a bit small, considering the size of the building. In fact, it holds not even 2,000 seats. The horseshoe shape of the seating area assures that viewers see both the stage and each other—19th century opera goers were equally concerned with what was on the stage and who was in the house. The beautiful ceiling was painted with colorful images from various operas and ballets by Marc Chagall in 1964.
Tues–Sun 10am–5pm; Métro and RER: Denfert–Rochereau) are filled with the remains of millions of ex-Parisians, whose bones line the narrow passages of this mazelike series of tunnels. In the 18th century, the Cimetière des Innocents, a centuries-old, overpacked cemetery near Les Halles, had become so foul and disease-ridden that it was finally declared a health hazard and closed. The bones of its occupants were transferred to this former quarry, which were later joined by those of other similarly pestilential Parisian cemeteries. The quarry, part of a vast network of tunnels that honeycomb the city’s entrails, was consecrated after an official benediction in 1786 and accepted new lodgers up until 1814. Stacks and stacks of carefully lined up bones line the passages, which are topped with skulls at regular intervals. Plaques are carved with poetic inscriptions, starting with the one at the entrance, which reads STOP: HERE IS THE EMPIRE OF DEATH. The visit will be fascinating for some, terrifying for others; definitely not a good idea for claustrophobics or small children. The Catacombs were renovated in 2005, new lighting (appropriately eerie, bring a flashlight if you really want to see) and trilingual explanations (English, French, Spanish) should make your visit if not exactly
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All of this (with the exception of the Chagall ceiling) sprang from the mind of a young, unknown architect named Charles Garnier, who won a competition launched when Napoléon III decided the time had come to build himself an opera house. Though the first stone was laid in 1862, work was held up by war, civil unrest, and a change in regime; the Palais Garnier was not inaugurated until 1875. Some contemporary critics found it a bit much (one called it “an overloaded sideboard”), but today it is generally acknowledged as a masterpiece of the architecture of the epoch. And what about that phantom? Gaston Leroux’s 1911 novel, The Phantom of the Opera, clearly was inspired by the building’s underground lake, which was constructed to help stabilize the building. You can visit the building on your own (for a fee, see ticket prices above), but there’s so much history here, and so many good stories, you might want to take advantage of the guided visits in English (% 01 41 10 08 10; 11⁄2 hr. tours 11€ adults, 9€ students, 6€ under 10; Sept– June Wed, Sat–Sun 11:30am and 2:30pm, July–Aug daily 11:30am and 2:30pm). Either way, your visit will be limited to the lobby, the surrounding foyers, the museum, and the auditorium—this is not a backstage tour (sorry, you won’t get to see the lake). Be sure to ask before you buy your tickets if the auditorium is open; depending on rehearsal schedules it could be closed to the public. To read about the Opera Garnier’s cultural (and possibly architectural) rivals turn to p. 278 for the Opera Bastille and p. 125 for the Palais de Chaillot.
pleasant, at least a little more comfortable. The ceiling still drips however, so a hooded jacket or sweatshirt and rubber-soled shoes are indispensable. You’ll want to bring a sweater of some sort anyway, as it’s cool down here (around 12° C, or 54° F).
ROMAN RUINS As you noodle around the streets near the Jardin des Plantes, you may be surprised to discover a small Roman arena hidden in a leafy garden near place Monge. Although ancient documents long indicated its existence, no one could find the Arènes de Lutèce (rue des Arènes, 5th arrond.; Métro: Place Monge), until 1869, when workers forcing rue Monge through this Left Bank neighborhood ran into its ruins. While parts of rue Monge still cover parts of the amphitheater, and an overenthusiastic restoration distorted its original form, this is still a lovely spot for a pause or a picnic. Children cavort, old men play petanque (an old version of lawn bowling)—a little slice of low-key Parisian life can be observed here amongst blocks of stone dating from the 1st century A.D.
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CHURCHES & OTHER HOUSES OF WORSHIP Only God knows how many churches exist in this city (there are 110 parishes, not counting the dozens of chapels), but many of them are exquisite and most can be visited seven days a week during daylight hours. If you can, try to get your hands on a booklet called Patrimoine Sacré de Paris–Guide de Visites d’Eglises, which is available in many Parisian churches and has a complete listing of all the major Catholic churches in Paris, contact numbers, and information on guided visits. I’ve organized these edifices by area; though all the famous churches in Paris are Catholic ones, at the end of this section I’ve also listed a few singular representatives of other religions.
NEAR THE LOUVRE The destruction of the old Halles (the city’s wholesale covered market) in the late 1960s may have been considered heresy by some, but it did expose one of the most beautiful churches in Paris to the light of day. Saint Eustache 55 (place du Jour, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 36 31 05; www.saint-eustache.org; Métro: Les Halles), a Gothic church with a Renaissance decor, is one of the largest in the city,
over 105m (344 ft.) long and 43m (141 ft.) wide. It was built from 1532 to 1640 along the plan of Notre-Dame; the intertwined arches of the ceiling give a similar sense of exalted elevation. These dimensions result in excellent acoustics for the church’s huge 8,000-pipe organ, which was recently restored and is considered one of the finest in the city. The church’s musical reputation stretches back centuries; Berlioz and Liszt both conducted their works here, among others. Before the Revolution, Saint Eustache was a parish where both the nobility and working class came to worship—Cardinal Richelieu and Madame de Pompadour were both baptized here, as was the playwright Molière. After the Revolution it was turned into a temple to agriculture, and like many Parisian churches, its interior
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suffered mightily. It was subsequently restored and is currently undergoing another go-round. Work is progressing at a slow pace, and many chapels are still very gloomy, but you can still admire the soaring nave and the overall effect of this graceful edifice. Recently restored, and with very little stained glass, the interior of Saint Roch 5 (296 rue Saint Honoré, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 44 13 20; www.saintroch. esqualite.com; Métro: Tuileries or Palais Royale–Musée du Louvre) is bright and
airy, making it easy, for once, to see the artwork in the chapels. And what artwork— this church has enough 18th and 19th-century paintings and sculptures to be a museum in its own right. The first thing that strikes you is the brilliantly painted ceiling; the bright colors of the freshly restored Assumption by JeanBaptiste Pierre illuminate the interior of the dome. Below is the impressive Chapel of the Virgin, bedecked with sculpted clouds bursting with rays of light. Other sculptural highlights include the bust of Maréchal François de Créqui by Antoine Coysevox, and Christ in the Garden of the Olive Trees by Etienne Falconet. In the eastern “arm” of the church is the massive Miracle des Ardents, by Doyen, which commemorates the end of a nasty plague in Paris in 1130, thanks to the divine intervention of Saint Genevieve. Not to be overlooked is the magnificent 18th-century organ, an official historic monument, with some 2,832 pipes linked to four different keyboards. Saint Germain l’Auxerrois (2 place du Louvre, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 60 13 96; www.sglauxerrois-paris.cef.fr; Métro: Louvre–Rivoli) is a church with a checkered
past. Designated the royal church when the Valois moved in across the street at the Louvre in the 14th century, kings, queens, and their entourages often attended mass here. Many of the artists who worked on the Louvre are buried here, including architects Le Vau and Soufflot. But its most infamous moment came at dawn on August 24, 1572, when the church’s bells sounded the signal that began the Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre. Despite her erstwhile tolerance, Catherine de Medicis and her son Charles IX gave their blessing to a plot to slaughter the Huguenot (protestant) leaders. The crowd murdered every protestant in sight—between 2,000 and 4,000 were killed over the following five days. The church has been rebuilt several times over the centuries, resulting in a mix of architectural styles. The 12th-century Romanesque tower hovers over a 15thcentury Flamboyant Gothic porch embellished with human and animal figures. The vaulted interior is relatively simple and shelters some interesting works of art, amongst which are a monumental sculpted wooden pew, designed for the royal family in 1684 by Le Brun, and a 16th-century carved wood retable depicting scenes from the life of Christ.
MARAIS Though you would never know from its grimy outside, the inside of Saint PaulSaint Louis 5 (99 rue St-Antoine, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 30 32; Métro: StPaul) is an airy delight. One of the few churches in Paris built by Jesuits, the sanctuary is a paradigm of baroque architecture. The lofty ceiling is dominated by an enormous dome, the first of its kind in the city and precursor of those on the Sorbonne and Les Invalides. Inaugurated in 1641 with a mass by Cardinal Richelieu, it became the parish of choice for some of the Marais’s more illustrious residents, such as Madame de Sévigné. The mausoleum of Henri II was here for many years, along with the hearts of Louis XIII and Louis XIV. Though most of
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The Bridges of Paris The Pont Neuf 55 (Ile de la Cité, 1st and 6th arrond.; Métro: Cité) has had a makeover and indeed it looks brand spanking neuf (new) even if it is in fact, the oldest bridge in Paris. Built to make it easier for the king to get from the Louvre to the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés on the other side of the Seine, the first stone was laid by King Henri III in 1578. The bridge was an instant hit when it was inaugurated by Henri IV in 1607(its ample sidewalks, punctuated by semicircular outcroppings with benches, combined with the fact that it was the first bridge sans houses, made it a delight for pedestrians. It still is, especially if you can ignore the cars and just take in the lovely views. For a quieter experience, take the stairs by the statue of Henri IV (in the center of the span) down to the Square du Vert Gallant (Henri’s untranslatable nickname, which refers to both his gallantry and his love of wine, women, and song), one of my favorite picnic spots. Christo wrapped this bridge in 1985. The Pont des Arts 55 (1st and 6th arrond.; Métro: Louvre–Rivoli) was Paris’s first iron bridge, originally constructed at the beginning of the 19th century. Delicately arching over the river, the bridge was deemed overly fragile during a survey in 1976, a fact that was confirmed when it was hit by a barge and collapsed in 1979. After much debate, it was reconstructed, (albeit with a few less arches), much to the relief of Parisian pedestrians. This is probably the most romantic bridge in the city—with its splendid view of the Ile de la Cité and its itinerant artists sketching along the railing—and an absolute must at sunset.
the art works were pillaged during the revolution, there are still some important paintings on display, including Delacroix’s Christ in the Garden of Olives. The two holy water fonts, in the form of giant shells, were gifts of another famous parishioner, Victor Hugo.
55 (place StGeneviève, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 54 11 79; Métro: Cardinal Lemoine, RER: Luxembourg) is a joyous mix of late Gothic and Renaissance styles. The 17th-cenOne of the prettiest churches in the city, Saint Etienne du Mont
tury facade combines Gothic tradition with a dash of classical Rome; inside, the 16th-century chancel sports a magnificent rood screen (an intricately carved partition separating the nave from the chancel) with decorations inspired by the Italian Renaissance. Bookended by twin spiraling marble staircases, this rood screen is the only one left in the city. The entire church has been cleaned, making it easy to appreciate its riches, which include 16th- and 17th-century stained glass. A pilgrimage site, the empty sarcophagus of Saint Geneviève lays in an ornate shrine—her bones were burned during the Revolution, and their ashes were thrown in the Seine. The remains of two other great minds, Racine and Pascal are buried here.
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The newest way to get from the Left to the Right bank is the Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir 5 (Parc de Bercy to quai François Mariac, 12th and 13th arrond.; Métro: Bercy or Bibliothèque François Mitterand). A graceful pedestrian passage, the bridge consists of two arching bands of oak and steel, which somehow intertwine and cross the river without the support of a central pillar. The central lens-shaped structure was constructed by the Eiffel factory, which was founded by Gustave. With its enormous pillars topped by gilded statuary, its hard to miss the Pont Alexandre III 5 (7th and 8th arrond.; Métro: Champs-Elysées Clemenceau or Invalides). Linking the vast esplanade of the Invalides with the glass-domed Grand Palais, this elegant bridge fits right in with its grand surroundings. The span was named after Czar Alexander III of Russia, and his son, the unfortunate Nicolas II, laid the first stone in 1896. Inaugurated at the opening of the Paris Exposition of 1900 (as were the Grand and Petit Palais), each of its four stone pillars holds a different configuration of winged horses, each created by a top sculptor of the era. One of the older bridges in Paris, construction of the Pont Marie (4th arrond.; Métro: Pont Marie) was both built and financed by 17th-century architect Christophe Marie. Incredibly, this small and lovely bridge, composed of three gentle arches, was once loaded down by some 50 houses. The structure could not hold its charge, and during a flood in 1658, the Seine washed away two of its arches and 20 houses fell into the water. The tragedy, which claimed 60 lives, got city officials to thinking, and finally, in 1769, homesteading on bridges was outlawed.
Built and rebuilt since the 14th century, what you see today at Saint Séverin 5 (3 rue des Prêtres St-Séverin, 5th arrond.; % 01 42 34 93 50; www. saint-severin.com; Métro: St-Michel) is literally a pastiche. The portal on the west side of the building comes from another church: St-Pierre-aux-Boeufs on the Ile de la Cité, which was torn down in 1837. Generally Gothic in design, the church harbors a grand 18th-century organ (which unfortunately hides part of the rose window), and has a unique double ambulatory (sort of a chancel behind the chancel) with palm-tree style columns that unfold into the arches of the ceiling. The center column is of particular note with its multiple, spiraling “palm fronds.” Also of note are the stained glass windows; the traditional 15th- and 19th-century depictions of saints and religious events blend harmoniously with colorful 20thcentury windows by Jean Bazine.
SAINT GERMAIN Equally ancient, but with a much larger role in the city’s history, Saint Germain des Prés 55 (place St-Germain des Prés, 6th arrond.; % 01 55 42 81 18; www.eglise-sgp.org; Métro: St-Germain des Prés) was first established by King Childebert in 543, who constructed a basilica and monastery on the site. Built,
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destroyed, and rebuilt several times over the centuries, nothing remains of the original buildings (although the foundations of the basilica were recently uncovered), but the bell tower dates from the 10th century and is one of the oldest in France. Most of the rest of the church was built in the 11th and 12th centuries and is Romanesque in style. The church and its abbey became a major center of learning and power during the Middle Ages, remaining a force to be reckoned with up until the eve of the French Revolution. Once the monarchy toppled, however, all hell broke loose: the abbey was destroyed, the famous library burned, and the church vandalized. Restored in the 19th century, the buildings have regained some of their former glory, though the complex is a fraction of its original size. The first thing you’ll notice on entering is that much of the interior is painted in a range of greens, and golds—one of the few Parisian churches to retain a sense of its original decor. There are several murals by 19th-century artist Hippolyte Flandrin over the archways in the nave. The heart of King Jean Casimir of Poland is buried here, as are the ashes of the body of René Descartes (his skull is in the collections of the Musée de l’Homme). On the left as you exit is the entrance to the chapel of St-Symphorien, where during the Revolution over 100 clergymen were imprisoned before being sent outside to be executed on the square in front of the church. The chapel was restored in the 1970s and decorated by contemporary artist Pierre Buraglio in 1992; it can be visited on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3pm to 6pm (Tues only during July and Aug). The hulking majesty of Saint Sulpice 5 (place St-Sulpice, 6th arrond.; % 01 42 34 59 98; Métro: St-Sulpice or Sèvres–Babylone) looms over an entire neighborhood; this is one of the largest churches in Paris, and one of the richest. Construction started in the 17th century over the remains of a medieval church; it took over a hundred years to build, and one of the towers was never finished. Inside, the cavernous interior seems to command you to be silent; several important works of art are tucked into the chapels that line the church. The most famous of them are three masterpieces by Eugène Delacroix, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel, Heliodorus Driven from the Temple, and St-Michael Vanquishing the Devil (on the right just after you enter the church). Jean-Baptiste Pigalle’s statue of the Virgin and Child lights up the Chapelle de la Vierge at the farthest most point from the entrance. A bronze line runs north–south along the floor; during the equinoxes and the winter solstice, sunlight runs up this meridian, climbs an obelisk to a globe and lights up the cross. The organ is a work of art in itself; its case was designed by Chalgrin, and the instrument, which dates from 1781, was made by Cliquot.
NEAR THE OPERA As you peer up the rue Royale from the place de la Concorde, you’ll see something that very closely resembles a Roman temple. La Madeleine (place de la Madeleine, 8th arrond.; % 01 44 51 69 00; www.eglise-lamadeleine.com; Métro: Madeleine) is in fact a church that owes its unusual form to its equally singular
history. In 1763, architect Pierre Constant d’Ivry laid the first stone of a church that would include a neoclassical facade with multiple columns. He didn’t get very far. First the architect died, and then the Revolution broke out, during which construction ground to a halt. Then no one could figure out what to do with the
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building. A church was out of the question for the new anticlerical government, but surely they could find some use for the structure? France’s greatest architects debated the question for years until finally Napoléon strode onto the scene and declared that it would become the Temple de La Gloire, to honor the glorious victories of his army. He designated an architect, Pierre Vignon, and gave him strict orders as to how the work should be carried out. He wanted something “solid” because he was sure that the monument would last “thousands of years.” Unfortunately for him, his army didn’t last nearly that long. Military defeats and mounting debt would again delay construction until Napoléon decided that maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to make it a church after all—that way Rome would foot the bill. Once Napoléon was out of the picture for good, inertia took over the project again, and it wasn’t until 1842, under the Restoration, that La Madeleine was finally consecrated. The inside of the church is pretty dark, owing to a lack of windows, but there are actually some interesting works of art here, if you can make them out in the gloom. On the left as you enter is François Rude’s Baptism of Christ, further on is James Pradier’s sculpture La Marriage de la Vierge. Sculptor Charles Marochetti designed the enormous statue on the altar, which portrays Mary Magdalene being carried off to heaven by two enormous angels.
MONTMARTRE Just behind the hullabaloo of place du Tertre lies a small church that has been in operation for nearly a millennium. Saint Pierre de Montmartre 5 (2 rue du Mont Cenis, 18th arrond.; % 01 46 06 57 63; Métro: Anvers) is the last remnant of an important Benedictine abbey that held sway in Montmartre up until the Revolution. Erected on the site of an ancient sanctuary dedicated to Saint Denis, the church was consecrated in 1147 by Pope Eugene III. The columns in the chancel most probably were taken from the original gallo-roman temple that preceded the sanctuary. What’s nice about this church, aside from its ancient roots, is its human scale. The architecture is partly Romanesque, partly early Gothic; the lovely stained glass windows date from 1954 and replace the originals, which were destroyed during World War II. The tombstone of the abbey’s founder, Adelaide of Savoy, is in the left aisle.
OTHER HOUSES OF WORSHIP France is home to the largest Jewish community in Europe (approximately 700,000 strong), so it’s not surprising that it also boasts the largest synagogue on the Continent. Built in the late 19th century by Alfred-Philibert Aldrophe, the Synagogue de la Victoire (44 rue de la Victoire, 9th arrond.; % 01 40 82 26 26; www.lavictoire.org; Métro: Le Peletier or Notre-Dame de Lorette) is a joyous mix
of neoclassical and Byzantine architecture. Arches, mosaics, and columns abound; 12 stained glass windows represent the 12 tribes of Judea. The synagogue had its share of trauma during the war years—a bombing in 1941, vandalism in 1942, and a round-up in the middle of Rosh Hashana services in 1943. Perhaps this, along with terrorism and other depressing recent world events, explains the intense security procedures one must go through to visit the structure. If you wish to visit the building outside of scheduled religious services, you must e-mail in
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advance ([emailprotected]) to request an appointment. That said, anyone can come to services, which are held at 6:30pm Friday night, and 9:30am Saturday morning. The Muslim community, which numbers some 5 million, is the largest nonChristian group in France, with many small mosques in different parts of the city. The most splendid is the Grande Mosquée de Paris (2 bis place du Puits de l’Ermite, 5th arrond.; % 01 45 35 97 33; www.mosquee-de-paris.org; Métro: Place Monge or Censier–Daubenton) which sports not only a religious sanctuary, but also
a tea room, restaurant, hamman (traditional baths), and boutique. Inspired by the great Moorish mosques of pre-Renaissance Spain, the arcades and patios were built in the early 1920s; the minaret stands 33m (108 ft.) tall. Intricate mosaics cover some walls and ceilings; Andalusian-style fountains tinkle in the gardens. You can visit the mosque and the grounds every day except Friday at 9am, noon, 2pm, and 6pm for a 3€ entry fee. Historically, Protestants have not had it easy in France. Subject to multiple “ethnic cleansings” over the centuries by overzealous Catholics, today they represent only about 2% of the French population (about 1,100,000). There are several Protestant churches in Paris (called “temples”), one of the loveliest being the Oratoire du Louvre (4 rue de l’Oratoire, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 60 21 64; www. oratoiredulouvre.fr; Métro: Louvre-Rivoli). Originally a Catholic chapel used by the Royals at the Louvre, this 17th-century church saw the funerals of Cardinal Richelieu and Louis XIII. Relieved of its religious functions during the Revolution, it was subsequently used as a conference hall, a stock exchange, and finally, a warehouse for theater scenery. In 1811, Napoléon offered the chapel to the Reform Church, which has made itself a home here ever since. The church is only open Sundays, when it hosts services from 10am to noon.
TOURING THE CITY OF LIGHT There are any number of different kinds of guided tours of the city available, from the classic bus route to boat cruises to bicycle tours. Below are of some of my favorites, in a range of styles and sizes.
WALKING TOURS To really get down to the nitty gritty in Paris, you need to walk—there’s no other way to really appreciate the finer details. While there are dozens of books outlining walking tours, there are not that many group walking tours guided by a real person, and even fewer in English. Below is a short list of some of the better ones; I’ve stuck to those that are low-cost and easy to hook up with, staying away from the pricier private guided tours (though all besides the first company offer them). Schedules and meeting points are detailed on each organization’s website. Comité Départemental de la Randonée Pédestre de Paris (35 rue Piat, 20th arrond.; % 01 46 36 95 70; www.rando-paris.org). The name is complicated but
the concept is simple: this is a volunteer-based hiking association (there are branches all over the country) that organizes walks in Paris. There is no “guide” on these walks, but you’ll be walking with real live Parisians who know the territory, and what’s more, there’s no charge. Visit the site for a calendar and rendezvous points.
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Paris Walks 55 (12 passage Meunier, St-Denis; 01 48 09 21 40; www.pariswalks.com; 10€ adults, 8€ students under 21 (with ID), 5€ children under 15).
“We try to make our tours as lively and as fun as possible,” says Peter Caine, who has been organizing these excellent tours with his wife Oriel since 1994. This is the only company that specializes in English-language walks; all of their certified guides are long-term expats or English-speaking locals, whose thorough, wellresearched commentaries are peppered with a large dose of humor and good gossip. The regularly scheduled tours shed new light on the most famous neighborhoods. Paris Walks also offers in-depth, theme-oriented tours, like the French Revolution, Hemingway’s Paris, and of course, The Da Vinci Code. (Caine has written a book on this last subject.) The 2-hour tours are offered every day of the year, rain or shine; no reservations are necessary. Lire et Partir 5 (6 rue Raffet, 16th arrond.; % 08 75 74 36 49; www.lireet partir.com; 13€ adults; no credit cards). Bookworms, or just book fans, will
love these literary tours of Paris, which scope out the territory of French writers like Balzac, Hugo, and Sartre, as well as famous foreigners like Thomas Jefferson, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Ernest Hemmingway. The enthusiastic guides not only point out where writers lived and worked but actually read short passages about those places from the books the writers dreamed up while they were there. Themes vary from month to month; you might happen to be in town for a tour of Baudelaire’s Ile St-Louis, Rimbaud’s Latin Quarter, or Henry Miller and Anaïs Nin’s Montparnasse, for example. Though this newish company primarily works with small groups (10 or more) by reservation, they will do everything they can to accommodate individuals, adding them on to group walks when at all possible. Although most of the 21⁄2-hour tours are in French, they are rapidly expanding their English language offerings, which are led by two excellent American expat tour guides, one of whom is a Balzac expert.
BOAT TOURS Since the Seine neatly divides this egg-shaped city in two lengthwise, and because many of its most famous monuments are located on its banks, a boat cruise along the river is a great way to see the city, particularly if you’re strapped for time. The down side: you won’t be alone. Not only do the tours tend to be crowded and noisy, but the recorded information that is barked at you from speakers in several languages is not particularly informative. If you can manage to concentrate on the beauty before you, and come armed with a good guidebook, you’ll still get something out of these floats; if you can’t handle the crowds try the Batobus (see below), or opt for a walk down the quays on your own (see “Walkabouts,” p. 229).
On the Seine Compagnie des Bateaux Mouches 5 (Port de la Conférence, Pont de l’Alma, 8th arrond.; % 01 42 25 96 10; www.bateaux-mouches.fr; 8€ adults, 4€ over 65 and children 4–12, free under 4; Métro: Alma-Marceau). The biggest and best of the
boat tours, these are the classic Bateaux Mouches you’ve probably heard about: enormous glass-topped affairs that blast multilingual commentary at passengers as they float down the Seine. Don’t worry about reserving: Boats leave every 30 minutes
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from 10am–11pm in high season (Apr–Sept), and every 45 minutes from 11am to 9pm the rest of the year. Though they are extremely touristy and crowded (the boats can hold around 1,000), it must be said that the view from the outdoor seating area is splendid and the price is right. Bateaux Parisiens (Port de la Bourdonnais, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, 7th arrond.; % 08 25 01 01 01, .15€ per minute; www.bateauxparisiens.com; sightseeing cruises 10€ adults, 5€ children 3–12, free under 3; lunch cruises 52€– 72€ adults, 31€ children under 12; dinner cruises 95€–140€ adults (no children’s menu); Métro: Bir-Hakeim, RER: Champ de Mars–Tour Eiffel). The same
idea, but on a smaller scale (boats hold 350–500), these cruises take off from a port at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, and in high season (Apr–Oct) there is a second embarkation point below Notre-Dame. Less noisy and more civilized, these boats broadcast their commentary on individual handsets that let you choose your language. Many choose this line for its lunch or dinner cruises, which come with live music and dancing. Les Vedettes du Pont Neuf 5 (square du Vert-Gallant, 1st arrond.; % 01 46 33 98 38; www.vedettesdupontneuf.com; 10€ adults, 5€ children under 12; Métro: Pont Neuf; no credit cards). With boats around the same size as the Bateaux
Parisiens, the big difference here is that there is a real live person guiding the cruise, who not only offers commentary in both French and English, but will actually answer questions. Unlike all the other cruises, which depart from the Eiffel Tower, this one leaves from the lovely square du Vert Gallant at the tip of the Ile de la Cité, which means you’ll have fewer crowds to deal with. Batobus 5 (Port de la Bourdonnais, 7th arrond.; % 08 25 05 01 01; www. batobus.com). A floating version of the hop-on, hop-off bus tours, Batobus is
not only a low-key way to cruise the river but is also a way of getting around town. There’s no commentary, recorded or otherwise; the boat stops at eight points on the river (including Notre-Dame, the Eiffel Tower, the Musée d’Orsay, and the Champs Elysées) every 25 minutes. For 11€ (5€ for children under 16) you can hop on and off the boat all day, and for 13€ (child 6€) you can do the same for 2 consecutive days. There’s a slight reduction if you buy your ticket in conjunction with l’Open Tour (p. 193). You can buy your ticket at the tourist office, the airport, or any of the stops.
Canal St-Martin If you’re looking for a different kind of boat tour, the arched bridges and locks of the Canal St-Martin are a good choice, particularly in the spring and summer, when the plane trees that line the canal provide a leafy canopy over the water. These cruises float through little-known neighborhoods where regular working folk live and offer another look at the city. Canauxrama (Bassin de la Villette, 13 quai de la Loire, 19th arrond.; % 01 42 39 15 00; www.canauxrama.com; adults 14€, students and seniors 11€, children 6 to 12 8€, under 6 ride free, except weekend and holiday afternoons, when everyone, even the tiny tots, pay 14€; no credit cards) offers a 21⁄2-hour cruise from
Port de l’Arsenal next to the place de la Bastille to the Bassin de la Villette in the 19th arrondissment, next to the Parc de la Villette (in high season you can cruise
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in either direction). Live guides offer commentary in both French and English. Reservations are mandatory. Paris Canal
5 (Bassin
de la Villette, 19-21 quai de la Loire, 19th arrond.;
% 01 42 40 96 97; www.pariscanal.com; adults 16€, seniors and those 12 to 25 pay 13€, children 4 to 11 pay 9€, under 4 ride free; no credit cards) costs a lit-
tle bit more, but your cruise will include a jaunt on the Seine, from the Musée d’Orsay to the Port de l’Arsenal, where you’ll head up the canal and follow the same route as Canauxrama. You can take the cruise in either direction, but it runs from mid-March to mid-November only. The ride, which takes around 21⁄2 hours, includes live commentary in both French and English. Reservations required.
BUS TOURS Let’s say you’re in town for just a few days, or you’re feeling lazy, or you’re just plain bushed. A bus tour, though perhaps not the most ideal way to experience the city, is certainly a practical alternative. Admittedly, I’m not exactly a fan of the concept; bus tours tend to be at the best, superficial, and at the worst, a waste of time. In recent years, “hop-on, hop-off ” tours (where you can get on and off the bus at designated points around the city) have become popular—though the advantages might seem to be many, be forewarned that this can be an expensive way to get around town, without necessarily learning anything new about the city. Be that as it may, I have listed the two most popular companies below. By the way, the city of Paris has its own public transportation versions of bus tours (see www.ratp.fr for route maps): in Montmartre, you can ride the Montmartrobus, which does a nice circuit of the neighborhood and costs one regular bus ticket, and in the center of town the Balabus hits the main tourist highlights between the Gare de Lyon and La Défense. The advantages of this second line are questionable, however, as you must pay several tickets if you are crossing town, and you can do the same trip on regular public buses for fewer tickets (see the “DoIt-Yourself Bus Tours,” box below).
Hop-on, Hop-off Bus Tours—The pros & cons There’s no denying that riding around Paris on a sunny day on the open upper deck of a double-decker bus is a nice thing to do. Nor that hop-on, hop-off buses get you to all the major tourist attractions without your needing to figure out bus schedules or Métro lines. But consider this: how often is it sunny in Paris? And how much are you willing to pay to avoid looking at a transit map? Other things to think about before you buy that ticket: 1) Parisian traffic is dreadful and your bus will not be immune to its caprices; 2) Both companies start their service around 9:30am and end between 6pm–8pm, so your unlimited days are in fact limited; 3) All commentary is delivered by headphones which may or may not work properly; 4) The Paris transit authority offers passes and tickets that will get you all over town for a fraction of the cost. If none of this dampens your enthusiasm for the hop-on, hop-off experience (and these buses do have their fans), read on: below you will find pertinent information for the two existing Parisian bus companies of this type. L’Open Tour (13 rue Auber, 9th arrond.; % 01 42 66 56 56; www.parisopentour.com; Métro: Opéra or Havre-Caumartin). The most omnipresent of the
bus tours, this hop-on, hop-off operation is the result of a partnership between
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Do-It-Yourself Bus Tours Hop off that expensive bus tour and get yourself a Carte Orange transit pass (see “Lay of the Land,” p. 7); for a mere 15.70€, you can hop on and off comfortable city buses (and use the subway system) for an entire week. Outside of the rush hour crush (8am–9:30am and 5:30pm–8pm), you’ll usually get a seat, and now that there are more and more bus lanes, you shouldn’t get stuck in traffic. Ask for a Métro–bus map at your nearest Métro stop, which should have a good map of the bus routes on one side. Some lines are merely practical, but others are truly scenic. A few favorites: Line 63, which starts at Porte de la Muette and passes by the Eiffel Tower, through St-Germain and the Latin Quarter and back over the Seine to the Gare de Lyon; Line 87, which starts at the Champs de Mars, scoots through St-Germain and the Latin Quarter and crosses the Seine to the Bastille; Lines 21 and 27 which run from the Opéra to the Ile de la Cité and on the Jardin du Luxembourg; and Line 73, which runs down the Champs Elysées and ends at the Musée d’Orsay.
Cityrama tours and the RATP (the Parisian rapid transit system). While the four different lines certainly cover a lot of territory (you can transfer from one to another free of charge), you will pay a high price for this convenience: 25€ for a 1-day pass and 28€ for a 2-day pass (children 4–11 pay 12€ for 1 or 2 days). Tickets can be bought on the bus, at any of the branches of the Paris Tourist Office, or at many hotels and travel agencies. Les Cars Rouges (17 quai de Grenelle, 15th arrond.; % 01 53 95 39 53; www.cars rouges.com; Métro: Bir Hakeim). These red double-decker buses (car in French
means tour bus) run on the same concept as L’Open Tour, with a more limited circuit (one line with 10 stops) and a cheaper ticket (22€ adults, 11€ children 4–12, for a 2-day pass). Tickets are purchased on board.
BIKE TOURS Despite the recent addition of bike lanes, riding a bike in Parisian traffic can be unnerving, to say the least. However, group rides can be a lot of fun; cars will rarely try to intimidate bicycle riders en masse, and a good tour offers a great way to see Paris at eye-level without wearing out your best walking shoes, as well as an opportunity to work off some of those croissants you’ve been gorging on. Roue Libre 5 (% 08 10 44 15 34; www.rouelibre.fr; 25€ adults, 20€ for youths under 26). Run by the RATP, the Parisian public transit system, this low-cost
bike rental company also offers a range of themed tours, including Paris’ open air markets, famous scientists, and even a Da Vinci Code bike tour. Tours operate about once a week—consult the site for a calendar, or swing by one of the
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Maisons Roue Libre (1 passage Mondétour at the corner of rue Mondétour and rue Rambuteau near Les Halles, 1st arrond.; % 01 44 76 86 43; Métro: Les Halles; or 37 blvd Bourdon near place de la Bastille, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 71 54 54; Métro: Bastille). Bikes, helmets, and locks are included in the price of the tour
(this is one of the few companies that supplies helmets). All tour guides are certified, which means they’ve had to get a special diploma and are bilingual in French and English. Tours last around 3 hours. Although you can just show up on the day of the tour, reserving on the Internet is encouraged. Paris à Vélo C’est Sympa (22 rue Alphonse Baudin, 11th arrond.; % 01 48 87 60 01; www.parisvelosympa.com; Métro: Richard Lenoir; adults 34€, those under 26 pay 26€, children under 12 18€; minimum age 9; reservations are mandatory.)
The name roughly translates as “It’s fun to ride around Paris on a bike,” and I certainly couldn’t argue with that. This company, which also rents bikes and tandems, was the first to launch bike tours of the city, and in high season (Apr–Oct) runs 3-hour tours almost every day (Nov–Mar weekends only). In addition to tours of various parts of the city, they also offer an evening tour, as well as a tour that starts at dawn (6am), which leads early risers up to the heights of Montmartre during that magical moment just before the city wakes up. All tours are conducted in English and French. French Connection Bike Tours (% 06 24 58 02 15; www.frenchconnection tours.com; Métro: Cité or St-Michel; 25€ adults, 23€ students with ID; minimum age is 10). For a basic tour that hits all the major highlights, this friendly,
English-only bike tour company does a 31⁄2-hour tour of the city every day, with a break for lunch or a snack. No reservation is necessary; for the day tour just show up at 10am (from May–Oct there is a second tour that leaves at 3pm) at the statue of Charlemagne in front of Notre Dame. For an evening tour, show up at the same place at 7pm. Tours run from April through October, rain or shine; after you’ve finished the circuit (which goes all the way to the Eiffel Tower and back), you’ll get a free glass of wine. This caring company, which offers helmets to riders, donates a percentage of its profits to charities that work with the homeless.
Index of Museums & Sights Aquarium du Palais de la Porte Dorée (Bastille and StAntoine, 12th arrond., see map p. 175) Arc de Triomphe 555 (Champs Elysées–Parc Monceau, 8th arrond., p. 132) Arènes de Lutèce (Latin Quarter, 5th arrond., p. 183)
Bibliothèque National de France François Mitterand (13th arrond., p. 181) Butte Montmartre 555 (Montmartre, 18th arrond, p. 135) Catacombs de Paris (Montparnasse, 14th arrond., p. 181) continues
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Centre Pompidou 55 (Marais, 4th arrond., p. 149) Champs Elysées 55 (Champs Elysées–Parc Monceau, 8th arrond., p. 137) Cimetière Père Lachaise 555 (Ménilmontant, 20th arrond., p. 151) Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie 5 (La Villette, 19th arrond., p. 174) Conciergerie 55 (Louvre– Châtelet, 1st arrond., p. 170) Crypte Archéologique de Parvis de Notre-Dame (Louvre– Châtelet, 4th arrond., p. 156) Eiffel Tower 555 (Eiffel Tower– Invalides, 7th arrond., p. 128) Galerie-Musée Baccarat 5 (Trocadéro and Passy, 16th arrond., p. 160) Grande Arche de la Défense 5 (La Défense, p. 180) Grande Mosquée de Paris (Latin Quarter, 5th arrond., p. 190) Grand Palais 5 (Champs Elysées– Parc Monceau, 8th arrond., p. 168) Grévin (Grands Boulevards to Canal St-Martin, 9th arrond., p. 177) Hôtel de Sully 5 (St-Paul and Bastille, 4th arrond., p. 173) Hôtel de Ville 5 (Marais, 4th arrond., p. 180) Institute du Monde Arabe 5 (Latin Quarter, 5th arrond., p. 157) Les Invalides 55 (Eiffel Tower– Invalides, 7th arrond., p. 152) Jardin du Luxembourg 555 (St-Germain, 6th arrond., p. 136) Jeu de Paume (Louvre–Châtelet, 1st arrond., p. 173)
The Louvre 555 (Louvre– Châtelet, 1st arrond., p. 139) La Madeleine (Champs Elysées– Parc Monceau, 8th arrond., p. 188) Maison de Balzac 5 (Trocadéro and Passy, 16th arrond., p. 162) Maison European de la Photographie (Marais, 4th arrond., see map p. 161) Maison de Victor Hugo 5 (Marais, 4th arrond., p. 161) Memorial de la Shoah 5 (Marais, 4th arrond., p. 166) Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de Judaïsme 5 (Marais, 3rd arrond., p. 166) Musée d’Art Modern de la Ville de Paris (Trocadéro and Passy, 16th arrond., p. 158) Musée des Arts Décoratifs 555 (Palais Royal–Musée du Louvre, 1st arrond., p. 139) Musée Bourdelle 5 (Montparnasse, 15th arrond., p. 165) Musée Carnavalet 555 (Marais, 3rd arrond., p. 150) Musée Cernuschi 5 (Champs Elysées–Parc Monceau, 8th arrond., p. 157) Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (Marais, 3rd arrond., see map p. 161) Musée Cognacq-Jay 5 (Marais, 3rd arrond., p. 160) Musée des Egouts (Eiffel Tower– Invalides, 7th arrond., p. 174) Musée de l’Erotisme de Paris (Montmartre, 18th arrond., p. 174) Musée Galliera–Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris (Trocadéro and Passy, 16th arrond., see map p. 179)
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Index of Museums & Sights Musée Jacquemart-André 555 (Champs Elysées–Parc Monceau, 8th arrond., p. 146) Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits 55 (St-Germain, 6th arrond., p. 168) Musée de la Magie (Marais, 4th arrond., p. 177) Musée du Luxembourg (Odéon, 6th arrond., p.137) Musée Maillol (Eiffel Tower– Invalides, 7th arrond., p. 165) Musée de la Marine (Trocadéro and Passy, 16th arrond., p. 169) Musée Marmottan Monet 55 (Trocadéro and Passy, 16th arrond., p. 166) Musée des Monaies, Medailles et Antiques 5 (Palais Royal–Opéra, 2nd arrond., p. 158) Musée de Montmartre 5 (Montmartre, 18th arrond., p. 172) Musée de la Musique 5 (La Villette, 19th arrond., p. 173) Musée National des Arts Asiatiques–Guimet 55 (Trocadéro and Passy, 16th arrond., p. 154) Musée National Eugène Delacroix (St-Germain, 6th arrond., p. 164) Musée National Gustave Moreau (Grands Boulevards–Canal StMartin, 9th arrond., p. 164) Musée National du Moyen Age/ Thermes et Hôtel de Cluny 55 (Latin Quarter, 5th arrond., p. 170) Musée National Picasso Paris 55 (Marais, 3rd arrond., p. 148)
Musée Nissim de Camondo 55 (Champs Elysées–Parc Monceau, 8th arrond., p. 160) Musée de l’Orangerie 55 (Louvre–Châtelet, 1st arrond., p. 163) Musée d’Orsay 555 (Eiffel Tower–Invalides, 7th arrond., p. 141) Musée du Quai Branly 555 (Eiffel Tower–Invalides, 7th arrond., p. 147) Musée Rodin 555 (Eiffel Tower– Invalides, 7th arrond., p. 145) Musée de la Vie Romantique (Grands Boulevards–Canal StMartin, 9th arrond., p. 162) Musée du Vin (Trocadéro and Passy, 16th arrond., p. 176) Musée Zadkine 5 (St-Germain, 6th arrond., p. 164) Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 5 (Latin Quarter, 5th arrond., p. 173) Notre-Dame de Paris 555 (Louvre–Châtelet, 4th arrond., p. 129) Oratoire du Louvre (Louvre– Châtelet, 1st arrond., p. 190) Palais Garnier 55 (Opéra–Bourse, 9th arrond., p. 182) Palais Royal 55 (Louvre– Châtelet, 1st arrond., p. 177) Palais de Tokyo 5 (Trocadéro and Passy, 16th arrond., p. 158) Panthéon 5 (Latin Quarter, 5th arrond., p. 181) Panthéon Bouddhique (Iéna, 1st arrond., p. 155) continues
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Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir 5 (Bastille and St-Antoine, 12th and 13th arrond., p. 187) Petit Palais 55 (Champs Elysées– Parc Monceau, 8th arrond., p. 167) Place de la Bastille 5 (Bastille and St-Antoine, 12th arrond., p. 179) Place de la Concorde 555 (Champs Elysées–Parc Monceau, 8th arrond., p. 134) Place Vendôme 555 (Louvre– Châtelet, 1st arrond., p. 149) Place des Vosges 555 (Marais, 4th arrond., p. 147) Pont Alexandre III 5 (Eiffel Tower–Invalides, 7th and 8th arrond., p. 187) Pont des Arts 55 (LouvreChâtelet, 1st and 6th arrond., p. 186) Pont Marie (Marais, 4th arrond., p. 187) Pont Neuf 55 (Louvre–Châtelet, 1st and 6th arrond., p. 187) Roue Libre 5 (Various neighborhoods, p. 186) Sacré-Coeur 55 (Montmartre, 18th arrond., p. 136)
Saint Etienne du Mont 55 (Latin Quarter, 5th arrond., p. 186) Saint Eustache 55 (Louvre– Châtelet, 1st arrond., p. 184) Saint Germain l’Auxerrois (Louvre–Châtelet, 1st arrond., p. 185) Saint Germain des Prés 55 (St-Germain, 6th arrond., p. 187) Saint Gervais-Saint Protais (Marais, 4th arrond., see map p. 161) Saint Paul-Saint Louis 5 (Marais, 4th arrond., p. 185) Saint Pierre de Montmartre 5 (Montmartre, 18th arrond., p. 189) Saint Roch 5 (Louvre–Châtelet, 1st arrond., p. 185) Saint Séverin 5 (Latin Quarter, 5th arrond., p. 187) Saint Sulpice 5 (St-Germain, 6th arrond., p. 188) Sainte Chapelle 555 (Louvre– Châtelet, 1st arrond., p. 133) Synagogue de la Victoire (Grands Boulevards–Canal St-Martin, 9th arrond., p. 189) Tuileries Gardens (Concorde, 1st arrond., p. 173)
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In which we reveal aspects of the city that are usually hidden to outsiders, & how to experience them the way the locals do PARIS IS A CITY THAT PROUDLY DISPLAYS ITS OBVIOUS CHARMS: BEAUTIFUL architecture, marvelous monuments, gorgeous gardens, and atmospheric streets. But when it comes to getting up close and personal, it balks. It’s not for nothing that Parisians have been pinned with a stereotype of being cold and distant, or even downright rude to outsiders. Some of it is cultural: in France, friendships are something to be nurtured over time, and superficial alliances are viewed with suspicion. Parisians, in particular, are accused even by their own countrymen of being overly aloof, a quality that is exacerbated by their fast-paced lives which seem to keep them from noticing the world around them, much less interacting with it. Needless to say, this attitude does not exactly heighten a tourist’s crosscultural experience. In fact, it is no doubt at the root of the much-repeated sentiment: “I love Paris, it’s the Parisians I can’t stand.” But is this really fair? Or even accurate? Believe it or not, in recent years, the city government has been behind a campaign of sorts to get its citizens to loosen up, and to a certain degree, it has worked. Overall, there is a lot more tolerance for foreigners, and many Parisians actually enjoy showing off their English these days (although you still should NOT assume that everyone can speak English). Instead of calling them cold, it might be more instructive to call Parisians introverted. While it is true that chances are, you won’t be invited out to dinner through a casual encounter Paris: a city of pleasures and with a group of natives, if you amusements where four-fifths of the approach them gently and don’t people die of grief. scare them off, you might at least —Sébastien-Roch Nicolas de have a conversation, which could Chamfort, 18th-century French develop into a discussion, and then writer, Maxims and Considerations who knows? They might invite you to dinner after all (it can happen— I met my husband that way). In my experience, Parisians can be friendly . . . but they will rarely make the first move (unless we’re talking about seduction, which is an entirely different discussion). The key is to get into a situation that is conducive to communication, or involved in an activity where you’ll see the locals in a relaxed, or even open frame of mind. Even if you don’t end up bonding with François or Françoise, you’ll get a peek at another side of the city, and it will add another dimension to your trip—and a better understanding of what Paris is really all about.
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Below are a number of things you can do to experience an insider’s view of Paris. I’ve divided these up by category: learning, working, playing, and relaxing. Even if your time here is limited, I urge you to try at least one or two of these activities as a way of filling out the socio-cultural gaps in your itinerary—and of having a great time in the process.
HOW PARISIANS LEARN Despite their busy work schedules (or perhaps because of them), Parisians flock to various types of courses and classes for la détente (relaxation) and to changer les idées (literally, to change one’s ideas, or to think about other things than work, for example). Here are a few where language should not be a barrier to learning and anyone can join in for a session.
COOKING CLASSES If there’s one thing that you can take home that will both last a lifetime and not take up any space in your suitcase, it’s a little French culinary savoir-faire. You may not have time to do any in-depth study, but the tips that you’ll pick up can be mighty useful back home, and heaven knows, you’ll have fun eating the results of your coursework. Amaze your friends and wow your family with the tricks you learned at L’Atelier de Fred (6 rue des Vertus, 3rd arrond.; % 01 40 29 46 04; www.latelier defred.com; 60€ adults, 35€ children 9–12; Métro: Arts et Métiers), a small-scale
cooking class taught in someone’s actual apartment. In the space of 3 hours, Fred Chesneau, a self-taught chef with a gift for inventive, contemporary cuisine, will teach five students how to make a mouth-watering three-course meal for company without going crazy or spending a fortune. The first 2 hours focus on preparation; the last is for eating the meal you created with your new friends, accompanied by a good bottle of wine, bien sûr. Fred also offers courses for children 9 to 12, which mostly revolve around baking and sweet things; he’s also created a “Cook Dating” evening, which consists of a regular adult atelier for singles. Fred speaks excellent English—should you be so inclined and have four friends with you, he will conduct a class in your mother tongue. Even if you take a regular class in French, he will be happy to help you through any linguistic snarls. Owing to the small class size, you should reserve well in advance. There are regular adult classes both morning and evening Tuesday through Friday with the exception of Wednesday morning (reserved for children’s workshops) and Thursday evenings (which is Cook Dating night). For a taste of the big time, without signing up for a year’s worth of courses at the Cordon Bleu, try a class at L’Atelier des Chefs (10 rue de Penthièvre, 8th arrond.; % 01 53 30 05 82; www.atelierdeschefs.com; Métro: Miromesnil). In this modern, glass-roofed workshop you’ll work with young chefs whose resumes include stints at top restaurants like Lassere and the Ritz. There is a long menu of class options here to choose from: you could try to absorb a recipe for honeyglazed cod with mushroom polenta in a mere half-hour for 15€, or you could take your time and learn everything you ever wanted to know about duck (foie gras, terrine, parmentier) in 2 hours for 68€. Though there is a lot more variety here and the chefs are real professionals, the classes are generally shorter and more crowded than Fred’s; class size varies from 20 students for the 1⁄2-hour classes to 12
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for the 4-hour gourmet extravaganza. You’ll get to eat what you’ve cooked in the dining area after the class is over (except for a few cases where your results will be takeout); the recipes are sent to you via e-mail. Classes are in French, but that doesn’t stop their international students from learning; seeing and tasting is at least as important as listening here. There are special themed classes on particular wines, cheeses, or ingredients, as well as children’s ateliers and weekend events. Reserve well in advance, particularly for the shorter class that takes place at lunchtime, which are extremely popular with the office crowd. There are two other smaller sites in department stores, one at Galeries Lafayette (Lafayette Maison, 35 blvd. Haussmann, 9th arrond.; % 01 53 30 05 82; Métro: Chausée d’Antin–Layfayette) and the other at a branch of Printemps on the eastern end of the city (Printemps Nation, 21–15 Cours Vincennes, 20th arrond.; % 01 53 30 05 82; Métro: Nation).
Marie Naël was at sea when she started her culinary career—literally. This erstwhile sailor started cooking on ships, trying a little of this and that at the markets in ports all over the world, developing her own unique take on cooking that she would bring back home when she opened a restaurant. After 17 years, the restaurant, which was known for it’s original fish and game dishes, closed its doors, but Naël has now opened a small cooking school next door, called L’Atelier Saveur et Savoir (25 bis rue Duvivier, 7th arrond.; % 01 47 53 84 67; www.atelier-saveursavoir.fr; Métro: Ecole Militaire or La Tour Maubourg). Classes are limited to eight
students, and the subject matter changes with the seasons. The class program will list a general theme (fish, eggs, quiches, poultry, etc.) for the day, and then Naël will come up with a dish, or several, based on what she found at the open-air market on nearby rue Cler that morning. While you might not know exactly what you’ll be working on, you can be sure it will be fresh and that you will learn how to use the ingredients with panache—unlike other courses, Naël encourages her students to improvise. These “interactive” courses are offered Wednesday to Saturday mornings, last 4 hours (during which time you’ll eat, don’t worry) and cost 80€; there is also a “basic” course on Tuesday nights that serves as an introduction to French cuisine which lasts 3 hours and costs 60€. There is also a threehour course on Thursday evenings that focuses on a specific dish (often one from the restaurant menu) for 78€, as well as an all-day Saturday workshop (offered twice a month) that concentrates on a more elaborate preparation or theme, like bouillabaisse, or mysteries of truffles, or the cuisine of Corsica (95€–150€). Though the classes are taught in French, Naël is fluent in English and will gladly translate for any language-challenged participants.
WINE TASTING CLASSES Instead of being intimidated by the seemingly impenetrable mysteries of French wine, why not learn what it’s all about? Believe me, even French people aren’t always sure about the difference between a Côtes de Blaye and a Côtes du Rhône, which explains the proliferation of wine courses with dégustations (tastings) across the city. Although classes are open to everyone, reservations are a must for the first two listed below. “Bonum vinum laetificat cor hominum” is the motto of the Echansons de France, which loosely translates as “good wine makes you strong.” They should know—this association of wine connoisseurs and vendors was created to defend
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and promote the best wines of France. Back in the old days, an echanson was the King’s personal wine-taster, whose job was to make sure that the wine was good enough for His lips . . . and not poisoned. Today, poisonings are few and far between (as are kings), so the Echansons devote themselves to less risky activities, like spreading the good word about the pleasures of the vine. This is why they sponsor wine-tastings and oenology classes three or four times a month at the Musée du Vin (Rue des Eaux, 16th arrond.; % 01 64 09 44 80; www.museeduvin paris.com; Métro: Passy), which they own. You’ll taste at least five wines during
the 2-hour classes, which are taught by experts like Monique Josse, who digs deep into both theory and practice. The classes are taught in French, though most teachers are bilingual and can translate when necessary. Classes usually take place on Saturday mornings from 10am to noon; you must reserve ahead of time. If you can get a small group together, Mme Josse will arrange a class in English (contact her by e-mail at [emailprotected]). The prices are a bit high, (42€ for adults, and 37€ for students over 18) but you’ll be learning from real pros, who are serious about their subject—to assure an unpolluted tasting atmosphere, they ask that you do not use perfume or aftershave on the day of the class. For wine tasting in a more relaxed atmosphere, try Ô Chateau (The Wine Loft, 100 rue de la Folie Méricourt, 11th arrond.; % 08 00 80 11 48, toll-free, France only; www.o-chateau.com; Métro: République). Olivier Magny, a young French
sommelier, has created a mini-wine school for English-speaking enthusiasts. His mission: to demystify French wines and offer a nonintimidating approach to this grand tradition. In large part, he succeeds—his English-only classes are fun and easy-going, and he passes on a good chunk of interesting and helpful information (you’ll go home with a cheat sheet of useful tips). Magny sticks to affordable wines that truly represent a region, so you’ll get a better handle on the style; after the class you’ll have a chance to purchase a bottle or two (or three). Although his school is definitely geared towards a non-French clientele, and it may be a bit less serious than other courses, this is a great way to learn about this heady subject without having to hurdle language barriers, or endure hours of boring wine minutia. A 1-hour introductory class including three wines is 20€ (Mon and Wed at 3pm); a 2-hour, more in-depth 7-wine class runs 50€ (Mon, Wed, Fri, and Sat at 5pm); and a 11⁄2-hour wine and cheese tasting (5 wines) costs 65€ (Fri–Sat at noon). You can reserve by phone or on the website. Another great place to learn about wine is the biannual Salon des Vignerons Indépendants (Espace Champerret, porte de Champerret, 17th arrond.; % 01 53 02 05 18; www.vigneron-independant.com; 6€ adults, 3€ students, free under 12; Métro: Porte de Champerret). Usually held in April and November, this huge trade
show features small, independent wineries that not only grow their own grapes but also carefully oversee the fermentation, processing, and bottling of the exquisite final product (unlike larger cooperative operations). There is nothing corporate about this gathering; nine times out of ten, the vintner him/herself will be at the helm of the stand, volunteering information about and samples of their treasured elixir. Yes, you can taste yourself into a stupor here, as everyone (and there are hundreds of stands) will gladly proffer you a glass of their wares. What’s more, there are free tasting classes given three times a day by wine experts (in French only), so you’ll know how to appreciate what you are being offered. A word of warning: unless you’re prepared for a big headache and/or a long nap, make use
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of the spittoons at the stands—true, it’s a shame to waste good wine, but it’s really a shame to be so whacked that you can’t distinguish between Châteauneuf-duPape and Ripple. Another note: before you get all excited and start buying cases of wine, check to see what your home country will let you take home. Usually, the November show is held at the Paris Expo convention center at Porte de Versailles (15th arrond.; Métro: Porte de Versailles), and the Spring show (held in Mar or Apr), is at the Espace Champerret (see address above). For exact dates and more details, see their website.
DANCE CLASSES Being the center of French culture, Paris is home to the country’s top dance companies and schools, and students trek in from around the nation to study here. While tomorrow’s prima ballerinas are generally found in the national conservatories, other aspiring dancers and people who just like to dance head towards the many dance studios sprinkled around the city. Aside from any physical benefits you might get from a class (especially after a long stint in a cramped airplane), this is a great opportunity to see what life is like on the other side of the orchestra pit. Even if you didn’t bring your tights, you can take part in one of the many partner-dance classes on offer—after which, you can trot out to one of the swing or salsa clubs listed in our nightlife chapter (p. 276). Getting to your class is half the fun at the Centre de Danse du Marais (41 rue du Temple, 4th arrond.; % 08 92 68 68 70, .34€ per minute; www.paris-dance. com; Métro: Hôtel de Ville or Rambuteau), which is hidden in an ancient cobbled
courtyard down a covered lane in the Marais. This multistudio complex, which takes up most of the building, offers dozens of different kinds of dance forms, from hip-hop to ballet to tap-dance to tango, with a good dose of yoga, martial arts, and theater to boot. You can take most dance classes on a per-class basis; beginning level partner-dance courses (salsa, swing, ballroom, etc.) are particularly easy to pop into without being a regular student. After class, you can cool off with a drink at the cafe-restaurant in the courtyard, while you watch students haul their cumbersome dance bags in and out of the studios. Visitors will find a little bit of everything here, from enthusiastic amateurs to hard-core professionals; here you’ll get a good glimpse of a real “Star Academy,” Paris-style. There is one price grid for all classes: 18€ for one class, 60€ for four, 100€ for eight, and 140€ for 12. You’ll also get a slight reduction if you take the “Pass 5 Cours,” which gives you access to five different classes for 69€. Note: if you take more than one or two classes, you’ll be asked to pay a 10€ annual insurance fee.
READINGS IN ENGLISH Though the Lost Generation is long lost, and Hemingway and Fitzgerald no longer scribble in fabled cafes, that doesn’t stop boatloads of English-language writers from coming here to try to recapture that magical epoch. Maybe it’s the literary legacy, or maybe it’s just the abundance of cafes to hang out and write in, but Paris continues to draw writers, which becomes evident when you frequent the city’s English-language bookstores. Beyond selling books, these stores serve as mini-cultural centers for wayward English-speakers, and they often sponsor readings and other literary events that are free to one and all. The authors presented are often far from unknown; big names, like Margaret Atwood and Michael
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Paris Danse en Seine It’s been going on for years—every summer a dozen or so different groups of dance fans stake out a spot on the Quai St-Bernard (along which runs the Jardins Tino Rossi), set up a boom box, and start dancing. With Notre-Dame and the Seine in the moon-lit background, this has got to be one of the most romantic spots in Paris for dancing cheek to cheek. There’s no charge, no sign up, just show up on a summer evening and pick your poison: Argentine tango, salsa, swing, capoeira, samba—each group takes over a separate concrete inlet in the park. Anyone can join in, but you should know your moves; a lot of die-hard dance fanatics come here and if you are an absolute beginner you will soon find yourself on the edges of the action. But there is hope for daring debutants: several groups offer on-site initiation classes an hour or so before the dancing starts. A couple of years ago, the groups formed a federation which now has the official stamp of approval from city hall: Paris Danses en Seine. At press time the website (www.parisdansesenseine.fr) was nonfunctional, but no matter, just follow your feet and you’ll be fine. In general, dancing starts around 9pm Monday to Saturday and 7:30pm Sunday. Initiation classes around 7pm Monday to Saturday and 6pm Sunday. I don’t know if the movie “Last Tango in Paris,” had anything to do with it, but Paris and tango seem to have a thing for each other. Maybe there’s something about this elegant, enigmatic dance form that strikes a chord amongst Parisians; this is a dance where you can commune with your most passionate impulses without ever mussing your hair. There are classes all over town, but one of the easiest to drop into for beginners (believe me, Argentine tango is not as easy as it looks) is Espace Oxygene (4 Impasse Cordon Broussard, just off 247 rue des Pyrénées, 20th arrond.; % 01 49 29 06 77; www.espaceoxygene.com; Métro: Gambetta). Several excellent teachers hold classes here; Imed Chemam’s débutant level on Saturday nights (7:30pm) is a good one for absolute beginners. Though your lessons will not be in English, that shouldn’t keep you from learning—the language of dance is pretty universal. Once you’ve gotten a taste for tango, you can continue your explorations at clubs like La Latina (see “Nightlife,” p. 276), or stop by the on-going milonga on the Seine on summer nights.
Ondaatje, often stop by to read from their latest novels, as well as lesser-known Paris-based writers. Beyond readings and book launches, some bookshops offer more unusual events—like hikes (The Abbey Bookshop), knitting clubs (Brentano’s), and writer’s working groups (Shakespeare & Co.). Courting the literary crème de la crème, the Village Voice (6 rue Princesse, 6th arrond.;
% 01 46 33 36 47; www.villagevoicebookshop.com; Métro: Mabillon
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or St-Germain des Prés) gets the most prestigious authors (Edmund White, Mavis
Gallant, and Russell Banks are just a few of the names on their list of past events) and offer one or two readings per month. Though you may not immediately recognize the names of the authors reading at Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore (22 rue St-Paul, 4th arrond.; % 01 48 04 75 08; www.theredwheelbarrow.com; Métro: StPaul), most have been widely published; poetry gets a big emphasis at events here,
which are scheduled once or twice a month. Some of the locals that have presented their works here include renowned journalist Janine de Giovanni, and mystery writer Cara Black, who uses Paris as a backdrop in her novels. Brentano’s (37 av. de l’Opéra; 2nd arrond.; % 01 42 61 52 50; www.brentanos.fr; Métro: Pyramides), not only has readings, but also has a reading club that meets once a
month, and a “cafe tricot”—a club where you can come by and talk books while you knit (see website for dates and times). Canadian authors are highlighted at The Abbey Bookshop (29 rue de la Parcheminerie, 5th arrond.; % 01 46 33 16 24; www.abbeybookshop.net; Métro: St-Michel), but events here are not limited to
readings—this friendly place also organizes hikes in nearby forests, as well as a monthly language exchange at The Great Canadian Pub (Quai des Grands Augustins, 6th arrond.) where French and English-speakers swap stories and practice speaking in the other’s native tongue. Though the ambiance at WHSmith (248 rue de Rivoli, 1st arrond.; % 01 44 77 88 99; www.whsmith.fr; Métro: Concorde), an English chain store, might be less compelling than elsewhere, they also have interesting readings, as well as a “Kids’ Club” where the latest children’s books are presented. On the other end of the spectrum, the militantly offbeat Shakespeare & Company (37 rue de la Bucherie, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 25 40 93; www.shakespeareco.org; Métro: St-Michel) presents readings by mostly local writers and poets, as well as play-readings of works in progress. An informal writer’s group also meets here on Saturdays at 3pm to exchange ideas and discuss their latest work.
HOW PARISIANS WORK True, you can’t visit the offices and workshops where millions of Parisians earn their daily bread, but there are a few places you can go where you can see them in action. Want to sit in on an art auction? Spy on skilled weavers creating gorgeous tapestries? Watch fruit and vegetable vendors try to outdo each other hawking their wares at an open-air market? Read on . . .
AUCTIONS You can see some of Brassaï’s best photography, Lalique glassware, or Louis XIVepoch cabinetry for free—if you dare to enter the mysterious world of art auctions. Though the buyers are generally outrageously wealthy and the objects are exquisite and rare, in fact, every sale in Paris is open to the public, which means you too can go. If you don’t feel like going to the sale, you can come the day before for the presentation—a mini-art exhibit that is absolutely free. Drouot is the name to remember in Paris auctions—you can’t miss it as there is an entire quarter and a Métro stop that shares the same name. Paintings, furniture, and art objects go on auction in the 16 rooms of the Hôtel Drouot (9 rue Drouot, 9th arrond.; % 01 48 00 20 20; www.drouot.fr; Métro: Richelieu-Drouot), where the goods go on display the day before the auction from 11am to 6pm and the day of
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the auction from 11am to noon, usually on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. You can also watch the sale (no bidding or fur coats needed); simply check the website of the Gazette de l’Hôtel Drouot (www.gazette-drouot.com) for the program and show up at the appointed hour. Jewelry and very high-end merchandise require more exclusive surroundings—these auctions go on at Drouot Montaigne (15 av. Montaigne, 8th arrond.; % 01 48 00 20 80; Métro: Alma-Marceau), in the ultra-chic area just south of the Champs Elysées.
A TAPESTRY FACTORY TOUR Back in the 17th century, Louis XIV purchased the Manufacture des Gobelins (42 av. des Gobelins, 13th arrond.; % 01 44 08 52 00; www.monum.fr; guided visits only: 8€ adults, 6€ 8–25; free under 7; Tues–Thurs 2:00pm and 2:45pm; Métro: Gobelins) with the aim of furnishing his new chateau (Versailles) with the
most splendid tapestries around. France’s most skilled workers created sumptuous carpets and wall-coverings using designs sketched by the top artists of the era (Le Brun and Boucher, to name just two). The workshop’s reputation has survived the centuries, and the factory is still active, using the same materials used in the time of Louis XIV (wool, cotton, silk). Top-level artisans restore old tapestries and create new ones (primarily on commission from the French ministry of Culture, the workshop is now State-owned) to hang in some of France’s most grand public spaces. This is definitely not a mass-market operation—most of the tapestries take several years to finish. You can visit the workshops and ateliers and see the artists in action at their giant looms; you must take a guided tour however, which are in limited supply—see hours above. You can walk right into an artist’s studio during Portes Ouvertes (various sites around the city), when artists’ associations “open their doors” to art fans, buyers, and anyone interested in seeing what’s cooking in the Paris art world. During a period of 3 or 4 days in spring and fall, the public is invited to visit studios, apartments, and lofts where up-and-coming artists show their wares in the place they were created. Since each association is defined by a geographic neighborhood, on these art walks you’ll not only see paintings and sculptures, but also parts of the city that you might not otherwise venture into. You might even bring home a unique souvenir. In November 2006, for example, a group of artists living in the 18th and 9th arrondissements, “Anvers aux Abbesses,” opened 70 different studios and living spaces to the public; in addition to their regular oeuvre, each artist was required to create at least a few small format works that would sell for only 100€. In Belleville, 240 painters, sculptors, video artists, photographers opened their doors in May 2006, and in nearby Ménilmontant, another 150 did the same in October. Generally, these events are well organized, and you can download detailed maps with pertinent information from the associations’ websites. The only problem is finding out exactly when they are happening. You can look on the following websites for details on the three described above: Anvers aux Abbesses (www.anvers-aux-abbesses.com); Les Ateliers des Artistes de Belleville (www.ateliers-artistes-belleville.org); and Les Ateliers de Ménilmontant (http:// atmenil.free.fr). Otherwise, ask at the Paris tourist office (www.parisinfo.com)
and/or keep an eye out in the listings magazines.
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OPEN-AIR MARKETS For direct access to the heart of French tradition, you need only visit one of the city’s many open-air markets, or marchés (mar-shay). Marchés are small universes unto themselves where nothing substantial has really changed for centuries. The fishmonger trumpeting the wonders of this morning’s catch probably doesn’t sound a whole lot different than his ancestor in the Middle Ages (though their dress has changed), and I’m sure housewives assessed the fruits and vegetables in the stalls with the same pitiless stares that they do today. Certainly the hygiene and organization have improved and there are no more jugglers or bear baiters to entertain the crowds, but the essence of the experience remains the same—a noisy, bustling, joyous chaos where you can buy fresh, honest food. Does food taste better when you buy it from a smiling farmer, whose cucumbers were just picked that morning and still bear little white flowers? You bet it does. And even if many sellers are middlemen who buy their products at the central market at Rungis, you’re still a lot closer to the source than you would be at a shop or a supermarket. Quality aside, you’ll find one thing at a marché that you will never find at a supermarket: character. The people who work here are anything but citified, suit-wearing office types; they are salt of the earth, hard-working personalities who will not hesitate to tell you what they think, or make a joke, or give you tips and recipes, for that matter. Even if you don’t have access to cooking facilities, marchés are great places to pick up picnic goodies or just a mid-morning nosh; along with fruit and vegetable vendors, you’ll find bakeries, charcuteries (sort of like a deli, but better), and other small stands selling homemade jams, honey, or desserts. If you’re in the mood for people-watching, you’ll get a wonderful show at a marché. All types of shoppers come here, from grannies pushing shopping carts, to earnest young professionals, to noisy families looking for fixings for Sunday lunch. Some of the covered markets have small cafes inside—these are ideal for sitting down and soaking up the atmosphere. Some markets, like the Marché Raspail, are entirely outdoor affairs that stretch down the median of a large avenue; others, like the enormous Marché d’Aligre, have both indoor and outdoor sections that take up almost an entire neighborhood. Outdoor markets tend to be open only in the morning; covered (indoor) markets are usually open all day with a break for lunch. A few marché rules: unless you see evidence to the contrary, don’t pick up your own fruits and vegetables with your hands. Wait until the vendor serves you and point. Also, don’t be surprised if the line in front of the stand is an amorphous blob of people; this is the French way. Surprisingly, fist-fights are rare; somehow everyone seems to be aware of who came before them, and if they aren’t, no one seems to care. There are marchés in every arrondissement in the city. Below is a selective list; you can search the municipal website (www.paris.fr, search for “marchés parisiens”) for a complete listing, or ask at your hotel for the one closest to where you’re staying. Marché d’Alésia (rues de la Glacière et de la Santé, 13th arrond.; Wed and Sat 7am–2:30pm; Métro: Glacière) Marché d’Aligre (also called Marché Beauveau, place d’Aligre, 12th arrond.; outdoor market Tues–Sun 8:30am–1:30pm, covered market Tues–Sat 7:30am–1pm and 4pm–7:30pm, Sun 8:30am–1:30pm; Métro: Ledru Rollin or Gare de Lyon)
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Marché Barbès (blvd. de la Chapelle in front of Hospital Lariboisière, 18th arrond; Wed and Sat 7am–2:30pm; Métro: Barbès-Rochechouart) Marché Bastille (blvd. Richard Lenoir between rue Amelot and rue St-Sabin, 11th arrond.; Thurs and Sun 7am-2:30pm; Métro: Bastille) Marché Batignolles (organic) (blvd. Batignolles, 17th arrond.; Sat 9am–2pm; Métro: Rome) Marché Grenelle (blvd. Grenelle, between rue Lourmel and rue du Commerce, 15th arrond.; Wed and Sun 7am–2:30pm; Métro: La Motte Picquet–Grenelle) Marché Monge (place Monge, 5th arrond; Wed, Fri, Sun 7am–2:30pm; Métro: place Monge) Marché Raspail (blvd. Raspail between rue de Cherche-Midi and rue de Rennes, 6th arrond.; Tues and Fri, 7am–2:30pm; Métro: Rennes) Marché Saxe-Breteuil (ave. du Saxe, 7th arrond.; Thurs, Sat 7am–2:30pm; Métro: Ségur)
HOW THEY PLAY Despite complaints that their lives consist of nothing but “boulot, Métro, dodo” (work, subway, sleep), Parisians do, in fact, get out and party whenever they can. For a rundown of the many nightlife possibilities on offer, take a look at our nightlife chapter (p. 276). For a short survey of some more unusual versions of Parisian playtime, scan the next section for philosophy discussion groups, medieval balls, roller-skating parties, and other urban activities.
ROLLERBLADING MADNESS Imagine—it is late at night and you are walking near the church of St-Germain des Prés, admiring the lights dancing on the rooftops, when suddenly you hear a noise. Out of the blue, a seemingly endless hoard of rollerbladers come streaming down the boulevard, in every size, shape, and color, rocketing through space like some sort of urban TGV. No, you didn’t drink too much Bordeaux at dinner, you are simply witnessing “Friday Night Fever,” a weekly phenomena that has been hitting the streets of the city since 1994. Every Friday night, some 15,000 skaters gather at the foot of the Tour Montparnasse and take off for a 3-hour circuit through the streets of Paris. A non-profit group, Pari Roller (16 blvd St-Germain, 5th arrond.; no phone; www.pari-roller.com) supplies an organizational structure, and most importantly, experienced volunteers who ride with the crowd and help maintain the security and safety of the riders. Now that the rides have taken on gargantuan proportions, the police are also involved—they now have their own roller brigade that skates along with the crowd. “Friday Night Fever” starts at place Raoul Dautry (that’s the big plaza between the Tour Montparnasse and the entrance to the train station) every Friday night at 10pm unless it rains or the streets are wet. The circuit is for experienced bladers, as the pace is swift and the road is not always smooth and flat. Don’t feel discouraged if your skating is less than expert—there is a kinder, gentler ride on Sunday at 2:30pm that leaves from 37 blvd. Bourdon next to place de la Bastille. Organized by another rollerblading group called Rollers & Coquillages (23–25 rue JeanJacques Rousseau, 1st arrond.;
% 01 44 54 94 42; www.rollers-coquillages.org),
the only requirement here is that you have a minimum of experience (i.e., this is not your first skate). If you didn’t bring skates, don’t worry, there are plenty of
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places to rent listed on both websites, like Vertical Line (4 rue de la Bastille, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 74 70 00; www.vertical-line.com; Métro: Bastille) and Nomade Shop (37 blvd. Bourdon, 4th arrond.; % 01 44 54 07 44; www.nomadeshop.com; Métro: Bastille).
PARTIES For some, bars and clubbing are not enough. Craving contact and conversation, intrepid Parisians are now turning to “private” parties where you don’t have to put up with high cover charges, irksome attitude, and ear-splitting noise. Situated in unusual locations, or just private homes, these alternative get-togethers can be a great way to mingle with the natives, if you can find out where they are. Interestingly, some of the oldest of these soirées are those that were started by expatriates, whose long-standing weekly gatherings have become an essential stop for new arrivals to the Parisian scene. If there ever was an institution on the Parisian ex-pat scene, it is Jim Haynes’ Sunday dinners (83 rue de la Tombe Issoire, 14th arrond.; % 01 43 27 17 67; www.jim-haynes.com; Métro: Denfert-Rochereau). A Louisiana native, Haynes has
lead a fascinating life that includes founding a theater company (the Traverse Theatre) in Edinburgh, starting a countercultural magazine with Germain Greer in Amsterdam, and hanging out with just about every icon of the ’60s you can imagine. Sometime in the 1970s, Haynes got into the habit of inviting strangers to his home for food, talk, and fellowship. You’ll meet anywhere from 30 to 40 people at these free-form fiestas, which are frequented by a intriguing mix of longtime residents, hangers-on, and people passing through town for one reason or another. Nationalities are mixed too: though most are native English-speakers, diners can hail from all parts of Europe, as well as further flung continents. The emphasis here is on meeting people: visitors are not allowed to stand on the sidelines. If you try, Haynes will be at your side in a minute, introducing you to someone. A good number of the people who come here have been here before, which is why the chat is so lively. Now you can come too; just call or write a week ahead (you can also reserve on the website), and call again on Sunday morning to confirm. Dinner starts at 8pm sharp, a 20€ contribution is politely requested. If the atmosphere at Patricia Laplante-Collins’ dinners (Paris Soirées, 14 rue St-Louis en l’Isle, 4th arrond.; % 01 43 26 12 88; www.parissoirees.com; Métro: Pont Marie) is a little more subdued, the offerings aren’t any less interesting. Held
in a small, but beautiful apartment on the Ile St-Louis, Patricia’s parties are also frequented by both residents and visitors, though here almost everyone speaks English, even the French people who pop in. The soirées, which are held on Wednesdays and Sundays, start at 6:30pm, and chatting and introductions continue for about an hour until a buffet is served. After dessert, everyone settles down to listen to the guest speaker, who could be anyone from an actress reciting Oscar Wilde’s Salomé, to a famous movie director talking about his films and his life as an expat. One of the nice things here is the racial diversity of not only the speakers, but also the people attending; Patricia, who is African-American, draws a mix of not just ages and nationalities, but also ethnicities. Reserve at least a few days in advance by phone or e-mail; have a 20€ contribution ready at the door. Wednesday nights are often about networking, while Sundays are strictly social (see the website for a schedule of speakers and an e-mail address).
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For nine years, Michael Muszlak has opened the doors of his Latin Quarter apartment to visitors looking for a cup of tea and some chat. Called Teatime (% 01 43 25 86 55; [emailprotected]), this low-key event takes place just about every Saturday between 5:30pm–8:30pm, when a stream of friendly faces fills up Muszlak’s living room and starts exchanging names. As it’s still early evening, the atmosphere is laid back and casual—sometimes newfound companions will hook up to continue the party elsewhere. Tea, of course, is served, as are cakes and finger-food; a small contribution (I’m not supposed to tell you how much, but I can say that it’s about half what you’ll pay at the two above) is requested as compensation. A French/British polyglot, (he speaks 5 languages), Muszlak started these events to keep his linguistic muscles flexed; both languages are in evidence here, though you are asked to stick to one at a time. You must call ahead and chat a bit before Muszlak will give you the address and directions; this is his home after all, and he needs to sift out any potential crazies. On Thursdays, from 8:30pm–2am, the Confrèrie des Chevaliers de St-Sabin (that’s the Confederacy of the Knights of St-Sabin, to you) invite you to join them at La Taverne Medievale (Les Caves, 50 rue St-Sabin, 11th arrond.; % 01 40 21 00 13; www.latavernemedievale.net; Métro: Breguet-Sabin or Chemin Vert) for an evening of feasting, music, and good fun in their ancient vaulted cellar. This huge underground space (350 sq. m/3,767 sq. ft.), which dates from at least the 17th century, has been completely restored and subtly beautified with wood carvings, lanterns, and the occasional antique column or statue. First there is the food, which involves appropriately medieval-inspired dishes like spiced beef and chicken with dates (main dishes 10€–15€). Then there are the drinks: care for a glass of mead (a fermented honey concoction) or rose wine? Finally, there is the entertainment: wonderful live medieval music (these are not amateurs but professional groups that come in from all over France, Europe, and even overseas) is on offer, as are strolling troubadors, sorcerers, story tellers, jugglers, and the occasional marionette artist. If you don’t feel like socializing, you can play chess or watch a duel, or both. Or you could dance—if you get there at 7pm, you can take a medieval dance class (5€, reserve ahead, these fill up quickly). There is no cover if you are in costume, otherwise, you’ll be asked to rent one for (15€). It may sound silly, but the costumes are important; there’s something about being in one that seems to level the playing field and allow people to open up. The crowd, which spans an age range from mid-twenties to retirement, is eclectic, to say the least. Though there are a lot of “medievalists” who take their Middle Ages pretty seriously, there are plenty of others who simply come to have a good time in extraordinary surroundings. Some don’t even bother to find a medieval costume, just a historic one: Louis XVI occasionally shows up, as does Napoléon and a samurai or two.
PHILOSOPHY DEBATES Believe it or not, in Paris, people sit around and talk philosophy for fun. Remember, this is a country where living, breathing philosophers can make a living, and it is not unusual for one of them to print an article on the front page of Le Monde, the nation’s leading newspaper. There is a long tradition of philosophical reverence here: some of the pillars of Western philosophy, like Déscartes and Rousseau, were French, and it is still a required subject in school from an
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early age. But even if you don’t know Sartre from the Simpsons, cafes philos (kafey fee-lo) can still be a fun way to see the French mind (and mouth) in action. For one thing, you are usually not discussing decontructionist theory at these weekly get-togethers. Subject matter tends towards more universal puzzlements, like: “Is hope a violent thing?” “How far is too far?” or a general theme, like sacrifice, narcissism, or even Santa Claus. Here’s how it works: The group assembles at the appointed hour, usually in an appropriately atmospheric cafe. Then the moderator (there is always a moderator) will choose a topic from the participant’s suggestions, and then the assembled great minds are off and running. The moderator sees to it that no one hogs the spotlight and that everyone gets a chance to talk (though it’s not required, you can just come and watch the proceedings if you prefer). Academic discourses and posturing are frowned upon, as is chatty “coffeetalk.” Cafes philos have become so popular that you can now find them all over the world (if you look hard); in Paris, there are even a few in English. Participation is usually free, though you’ll have to pay for your own drinks. Below, I’ve listed some of the best known philosophical meeting points, but for a more complete list, visit www.philos.org. Surely the ghosts of Sartre and de Beauvoir, among other former philosophical regulars, watch over the English-only cafe philo at the Café de Flore (172 blvd. StGermain, 6th arrond.; % 01 45 48 55 26; www.cafe-de-flore.com; Métro: StGermain-des-Prés) on the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm. Ask for the “cafe
philo” when you come in; the waiter will point you up the staircase where you’ll find a crowd of like-minded thinkers sitting on the plush red banquettes. Come early, as this is a popular activity for both long-term residents and visitors swinging through town for a few days; anywhere from 20 to 70 people can show up. More English-speakers gather at Brasserie Falstaff (10–12 place de la Bastille, 11th arrond.; % 01 42 85 12 93; Métro: Bastille) for deep talk and good beer on the third Sunday of the month at 5pm. Here the crowd is smaller (under 20 people), and the conversation swirls around a given theme, chosen ahead of time by monitor and philosopher Gale Prawda (who also hosts the gatherings at the Café de Flore). These are “guided” in-depth discussions, which require more preparation on the part of the monitor, which is why there is a small fee (6€). You can check Prawda’s website for the month’s theme at www.philodialogue.com. If philosophizing doesn’t interfere with your digestion, you might want to sign up for one of her themed dinners, held once a month at the restaurant Canard’Avril (5 rue Paul Lelong, 2nd arrond. % 01 42 36 26 08; 3-course meal and drinks: 36€; Métro: Bourse); see website for specific dates, philosophical themes, and times.
If you feel your French is good enough, you’re ready for the mother of all cafes philos, which takes place at Le Café des Phares (7 place de la Bastille, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 04 70; www.philos.org; Métro: Bastille) every Sunday at 11am. It was here that the first cafe philo started, back in 1992, when Marc Sautet and his friends got together for a good yak fest. They decided it was so much fun, they’d do it on a regular basis, and voilà, an institution was born. Naturally, they have a website (see above) with explanations and a code of conduct, as well as a good list of other cafes in France and abroad. The broad sidewalk and comfortable outdoor seating make this a particularly good choice when the weather is nice.
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HOW THEY RELAX Many Parisians seem to feel that modern living has been forced upon them, and look back longingly on the days when lunch breaks lasted 2 hours and it really didn’t matter if your project was done on time. Consequently, they are always on the lookout for ways to déstress, to take a step back from the stress of daily life. Certainly, there is much to be said for a glass of wine at a nice cafe, but there are also other ways to get at the Parisian version of deep relaxation. Below are a couple of ideas.
STEAM BATHS One of the best ways to melt away stress is to visit a hammam. An import from the ex-French colonies in North Africa, these are traditional steam baths with both hot and cold pools, usually decorated with intricate arabesque tiles and motifs. Exclusively single-sex operations (usually certain days are for men, others for women), there is nothing unseemly going on here, other than a lot of healthy sweating. The most culturally accessible is the Hammam de la Grande Mosquée (39 rue Geoffroy St-Hilaire, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 31 18 14; www.mosquee-deparis.org; women: Mon, Wed–Thurs, Sat 10am–9pm, Fri 2pm–9pm; men: Tues 2pm–9pm, Sun 10am–9pm. Swimsuit obligatory; bring a towel, or rent one for 4€; Métro: Censier–Daubenton), which is in the complex that houses the Mosque
of Paris, and caters to a both Arab and non-Arab clientele. Beautiful mosaics and tinkling fountains decorate the rooms; billows of steam waft from pools of hot water (there’s a cold plunge pool too for when you’ve had enough). A number of “formules,” or package, including baths, exfoliation, massage, and mint tea are available, starting at 38€, but massages here are pretty lightweight and you might be just as happy with simply lounging in the baths for a mere 15€ entry fee.
MASSAGE For a serious massage, schedule an appointment at Wassana Thai Beauty Institute (28 rue de St-Petersbourg, 8th arrond.; % 01 40 08 07 94; www. wassana-beauty.com; Métro: place de Clichy). Specialists in traditional Thai
massage (attention: you may see small, mysterious shops offering “massage thailandaise” elsewhere—which are generally erotic in nature and not the real thing!), Wassana also offers special massages for pregnant women, children, and even babies, as well as manicures and facials. More active than your standard Swedish version, Thai massage is almost like guided yoga; don’t be surprised if your masseur lifts your leg above your head or twists your arm behind your back. Despite the acrobatics, it’s still a highly pleasurable experience and you’ll feel totally fabulous afterwards. Massages start at 70€ for an hour and go up to 130€ for massage with special Siamese herbs. There is often a promotional price of 50€ for an hour massage between 11am–2pm (excluding Fri–Sat). A second location is in the 16th arrondissement at 108 av. de Versailles, % 01 46 47 51 10.
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Where to go for a little R&R after a hard day at the Louvre THOUGH
they actually do appreciate green spaces, as demonstrated by the quantity of urbanites that prostrate themselves on any chair, bench, or lawn available the minute the sun comes out. Despite its density, Paris has a large number of parks and gardens to choose from. There are tiny squares tucked into tranquil neighborhoods, as well as magnificent gardens “à la française,” like the Tuileries, not to mention the city’s two huge parks attached to its east and west borders: the Bois de Boulogne and the Bois de Vincennes. These last two are particularly attractive to parents with kids, for their zoos, amusement zones, etc., and sportifs, or athletic types, who want to do some running, rollerblading, or just plain hiking. Even Parisians are getting serious about sports and exercise these days. Though gyms and health clubs are still rare, there are a number of places where even folks who are just passing through can go to swim, bike ride, or go for a run. Armchair athletes won’t feel left out either. Though you won’t see baseball or football here, there’s a gigantic stadium, just north of Paris, for soccer, a national passion. There are also several hippodromes for racing fans, and the fabled Roland Garros stadium for the Paris Open. And if you are in Paris in July, watching the last stage of the Tour de France cycling race as it whizzes up and down the Champs Elysées is an unforgettable sight. So here’s to the great Parisian outdoors—it’s a lot more than a sidewalk table at a cafe.
PARIS’ GREAT PARKS & GARDENS There are hundreds of green spaces in the city, but most of them are small to postage-stamp size. Below I’ve focused on the largest and most easily accessible. A note about the words “park” and “garden”: in Paris the two are virtually interchangeable, gardens are often found in parks and visa versa. For the purposes of this guide, I’m calling “parks” the larger green spaces that are mostly lawns, trees, and natural areas, “gardens” are primarily known for their flowers and intense, often geometric landscaping.
THE BEST PARKS & GARDENS IN THE CITY CENTER The city center doesn’t have the largest parks, or those with the most facilities (see Bois de Vincennes and Bois de Boulogne, later in this chapter), but they’re the most historic and several include beautiful gardens. The most delightful combination of park, gardens, and children’s activities can be found at the Jardin du Luxembourg 555. In fact, this is such a lovely place that I’ve included it in my
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The Playgrounds of Paris I’ll admit, Paris is not a paradise for kids—but it does have a remarkable number of small playgrounds for tiny and not-so-tiny tots. These jardins d’enfants or aires de jeux can be a lifesaver when you’re wandering around Paris and your child has reached the boiling point. All of the larger parks and gardens have playgrounds, and several are sprinkled around each arrondissement, usually in the small squares in residential neighborhoods. For precise locations, visit www.jardins.paris.fr (part of the municipal website), ask at your hotel, or just follow the strollers—you’re bound to find one, if you keep an eye out. There are also merry-go-rounds in many of the larger gardens and squares. Sitting on a bench in front of the delightful flowerbeds of the Jardin des Plantes 55 (rue Geoffroy-St-Hilaire, 5th arrond.; % 01 40 79 56 01; www.mnhn.fr; free admission; 8am–7:30pm; Métro: Gare d’Austerlitz or Censier–Daubenton), it’s hard to believe that, in theory at least, you’re in the Latin Quarter, a neighborhood known more for bustle than botany. But in fact, this historic botanical garden is right next to the Faculté des Sciences, a major university, and a short walk from the Panthéon. Often overlooked by tourists (but certainly not by locals, who swarm in on the weekends), this huge park and garden is not only a lovely spot for a walk or a rest but also a repository of all sorts of fascinating creatures, plant or otherwise. Framed on two sides by the mighty Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (p. 173), this park also harbors:
A small, but very well-kempt zoo (Ménagerie du Jardin des Plants 5 ; % 01 40 79 37 94; www.mnhn.fr; 7€ adults, 5€ children 4–13, free under 4; 9am–6pm; Métro: Gare d’Austerlitz). Created
top 10 list of sights to see in the city—please refer to p. 136 for a description of the park and its facilities. After Luxembourg, the star of Parisian green spaces is the Tuileries Gardens 555 (rue de Rivoli, 1st arrond.; % 01 40 20 90 43; www.louvre.fr; free admission; Oct–Mar 7:30am–7:30pm, Apr–Sept 7am–9pm; Métro: Tuileries), an
exquisite park that spreads from the Louvre to the place de la Concorde. One of the oldest gardens in the city—and the first to be opened to the public—it’s also one of the largest; the entire area (including the garden around the Arc du Carousel) measures over 26 hectares (64 acres). In the Middle Ages, there was a factory here that made clay tiles (tuiles), a word that was incorporated into the name of the palace that Catherine de Medicis built at the far end of the Louvre in 1564. Such a grand palace needed equally splendid Italian gardens; later in the mid-1600s, Louis XIV gave master landscape artist André Le Nôtre—the man behind the gardens of Versailles—the job of giving them a more French look. Le Nôtre’s elegant geometry of flowerbeds, parterres, and groves of trees made the Tuileries Gardens the ultimate stroll for well-to-do Parisians.
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Paris’ Great Parks & Gardens
in 1794, this is the oldest zoo in the world. Because of its small size, the zoo focuses on the conservation of smaller species, in particular birds, which make up almost half of the inventory, and reptiles. But there’s also a healthy selection of mammals (240 to be exact), including rare species like red pandas, Przewalski horses, and even Florida pumas (you’ll get an up-close view of these magnificent creatures if you go in the late afternoon when they are up and about). The one down side, particularly for the animals, is that the cages are on the small side; on the other hand, it makes it easy to see the animals in action. This is a great break for both you and your kids; the zoo is small enough to be seen in a couple of hours and right in the middle of town so you won’t up your exhaustion level getting there. Two enormous greenhouses, one filled with desert plants from Mexico (La Serre Mexicaine) and the other with tropical trees and plants (Le Jardin d’Hiver). An Alpine garden (Le Jardin Alpin; Mon–Fri free admission, Sat–Sun 1€ adults, .50€ 4–13, free under 4; Mon–Fri 8am–4:45pm, Sat 1:30pm–6pm, Sun 1pm–6:30pm), where astute gardeners have managed to grow delicate flowers and plants from mountainous regions around the world in the middle of Paris. A botany school (Ecole Botanique; daily 8am–7:30pm), whose exotic gardens and koi pond are open to the public.
Though the Tuileries Palace burned down during the Paris Commune in 1871, the landscaping lived on. During World War II, furious fighting went on here, and many statues were damaged. Little by little in the post-War years the garden put itself back together. Seventeenth- and 18th-century representations of various gods and goddesses were repaired, and the city added new works by modern masters such as Max Ernst, Alberto Giocometti, Jean Dubuffet, and Henry Moore. Rodin’s “The Kiss” and “Eve” are here, as well as a series of 18 of Maillol’s curvaceous women, hidden in the green labyrinth 5 of hedges in the Carousel Gardens near the museum. In the early 1990s, when I.M. Pei’s pyramid changed the face of the Louvre, the gardens were also given a major overhaul: the essential elements of Le Nôtre’s design were preserved, while adding a few modern touches, like the somewhat bizarre playground on the north side of the park with modern structures that are nice to look at but difficult to play on. Over a thousand trees were planted during the restoration; today 125,000 plants and flowers are set in the garden each year by a battalion of gardeners.
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The far end of the garden near the place de la Concorde, with its large octagonal basin, is the most faithful to Le Nôtre’s vision. On a wide terrace, next to the rue de Rivoli, a fun fair takes place in July and August with a variety of vertiginous rides and merry-go-rounds. Back in the garden’s interior, you’ll follow a wide pathway down the center to the Grand Carée 55 a huge square area with brilliant flower beds and a large fountain 5 where in the warmer months, you can sail miniature sail boats (2.50€ per 1⁄2-hour). You’ll see snack bars and restaurants under the trees—these are nice for a drink but prohibitively expensive for an actual meal (even the drinks add up here). If you’ve discerned an educational edge to these public goings-on, you are right on target. Since 1626, when botanists created a medicinal plant garden for King Louis XIII, this has been a place of learning; by the time Louis XIV was in power, the garden and the surrounding buildings were a center for the study of botany. Enter Georges-Louis Leclerc, Count of Buffon. This 18th-century naturalist, mathematician, and biologist, with the help of fellow-naturalist Louis-Jean-Marie Daubenton, turned the complex into an internationally famed scientific institution. Not only did Buffon establish the museums and the menagerie, which took in refugees from the royal zoo at Versailles, he also helped create the botanical gardens that you see before you. Today the museums are still part academic institutions, but you certainly don’t need to be a student to appreciate these lush grounds. Marcel Proust used to laze under the trees in the beautiful Parc Monceau 55 (blvd. de Courcelles, 8th arrond.; % 01 42 27 39 56; free admission; Nov–Mar 7am–8pm, Apr–Oct 7am–10pm; Métro: Monceau), and who could blame him? The
lush lawns and leafy trees of this verdant haven would brighten the spirits of even the most melancholy writer. Located in a posh residential neighborhood and ringed by stately mansions, this small park has a certain aristocratic charm, which may be due to its origins. It was the duke of Chartres (the future Philippe Egalité) who hired a playwright-gardener by the name of Carmontelle back in 1769 to create a fanciful garden filled with “folies,” faux romantic ruins, temples, and antiquities inspired by exotic far-away places. Don’t be surprised to stumble upon a minaret, a windmill, or a mini-Egyptian pyramid here; one of the more unusual structures is an arcade from the ruins of the Hôtel de Ville that burned down during the Paris Commune and added by a 19th-century landscape artist. In fact, this park has had several makeovers, but it is still essentially an English-style garden, complete with wooded glens and hillocks. The park went public in 1861, and ever since has received the more or less genteel inhabitants of the surrounding neighborhood. On all four sides of the park, the entrances are framed by monumental grillwork trimmed with gold that give you the impression you are entering a royal domain. The most famous folie is the Naumachie 5, a large oval pond surrounded in part by Corinthian columns. There is a sizeable playground in the southwest corner, as well as a merry-go-round near the north entrance, where there is a round pavilion surrounded by columns; the Duke of Chartres used to keep a small apartment on the second floor from which he could see the entire park. The grounds contain the city’s oldest tree: an Oriental plane tree whose circumference measures 7m (23 ft.).
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That vast patch of greenery between the Ecole Militaire and the Eiffel Tower (place Joffre, 7th arrond.; Métro: Ecole Militaire, RER: is the Champ de Mars 5 Champ de Mars–Tour Eiffel). Originally created as a parade ground and practice battlefield for the military school during the Revolution, the field (champ) was used to stage giant patriotic festivals like the Fête de la Fédération and the Féte de l’Etre Supreme (literally, the feast of the Supreme Being). In the 19th century, it became the setting for a series of Expositions Universelles (World’s Fairs), including the one in 1889, which left an enormous souvenir at the northern end of the field, namely, the Eiffel Tower. In the early 20th century it was transformed into a verdant park, with gardens, playgrounds (parents take note), and a huge green lawn that’s now used for outdoor concerts and public events (in 2006 the Bastille Day fireworks blasted off from this spot). One of city’s most unusual garden strolls is the Promenade Planté 5 (ave.
Daumesnil, 12th arrond.; www.viaduc-des-arts.com; Mon–Fri 8am–dusk, Sat–Sun 9am–dusk; Métro: Bastille, Ledru–Rollin, or Gare de Lyon). Stretched out along 4.5
km (23⁄4 miles) of a converted train viaduct, this is a rare chance to stop and smell the roses high above the hustle and bustle of the Bastille area. You’ll find the entrance just behind the Bastille opera house on avenue Daumesnil where a staircase leads up to this very long and narrow garden. Here you can stroll, sans cars, down the viaduct, taking in the myriad flowers, trellises, ponds, and plant life, all the way to the Bois de Vincennes, should you feel so inclined (at ground level, under the arches, are a series of high-end crafts ateliers and galleries). The viaduct actually runs out at the Parc de Reuilly, an installation of grassy lawns and playgrounds in a modern section of the arrondissement; you’ll then cross a bridge, and a stretch of pavement, until you come to a tunnel that will spit you out on another long section of verdant pathway, this time at ground level. Once you get to the Péripherique, the ring road that circles Paris, you’ll have to duck into another tunnel, and then you’ll be in the Bois de Vincennes. This is also an excellent place for a run. Another garden-promenade is the delightful Jardin Tino-Rossi 5 (Quai StBernard, 5th arrond., access via staircase on the quay in front of the Institute du Monde Arabe; Mon–Fri 8am–dusk, Sat–Sun 9am–dusk; Métro: Gare d’Austerlitz or Jussieu). The stars of this “garden” are not begonias or peonies, but modern
sculpture: some 29 artists are represented in this Musée des Sculptures en Plein Air, including Brancusi, Zadkine, Ipoustéguy, Rougemont, and César. Not only that, but this contemporary park is actually a promenade that runs down the Quai St-Bernard along the Seine (if you want, you walk all the way to place St-Michel in about 15 min.). Along the bank, the sculptures punctuate a long stretch of greenery shaded by ancient plane trees, weeping willows, and Austrian black pine. This is wonderful picnic country; not only can you pitch your table cloth wherever you feel like, but you’ll have a splendid view of the Seine and the Right Bank before you, with the flying buttresses of Nôtre-Dame fanning out to the west. On summer evenings, this is where Paris Danses en Seine takes place; in each semicircular concrete inlet by the river, there’s a different style dance party (see “The Other Paris,” p. 204 for info). By the way, in case you are wondering who Tino Rossi was, he had nothing to do with sculpture—he was a wildly popular singer who wowed France in the 1930s and ’40s.
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MORE GREAT PARKS & GARDENS IN THE OUTER ARRONDISSEMENTS These lovely open spaces are often unjustly ignored by tourists just because they are a few stops further out on the Métro. It’s too bad because 1) they are some of the larger parks and have some of the most unusual and original landscaping, and 2) they are less crowded than the ones in the center. (rue Botzaris, 19th arrond.; % 01 Up until 1860, Buttes Chaumont 55 40 71 75 60; 7am–dusk; Métro: Buttes Chaumont) was a 45m (147-ft.) deep limestone quarry, but thanks to Napoléon III, this gaping hole was turned into an unusual park, full of hills and dales, rocky bluffs and cliffs. It took 3 years to make this romantic garden; over a thousand workers and a hundred horses dug, heaped, and blasted through the walls of the quarry to create green lawns, a cool grotto, cascades, streams, and even a small lake. By the opening of the 1867 World’s Fair, the garden was ready for visitors. The surrounding area was, and still is, workingclass; the Emperor built it to give this industrious neighborhood a green haven and a bit of fresh air. The lake 5 is the central feature of the park; in the center of this 5-acre body of water, a pile of boulders has been artistically arranged to create a picturesque island 5 topped by a small faux Roman temple, which you can access either by bridge or by boat, several of which are available for rental at the lake’s edge. An impressive staircase, called the Chemin des Aiguilles, has been carved into a rocky escarpment; it leads down to the lakeside, where there is a cafe, merry-goround, and a puppet theater (Guignol Anatole 1836; % 01 40 30 97 60; www.
petits-bouffons.com; 3€ adults and children; Apr–Oct Wed, Sat, Sun at 3:30pm and 4:40pm) featuring the enduring hero of traditional shows, Guignol. One of
the oldest Guignol companies in Paris (founded in 1836), the theater is a particularly lovely outdoor setting; bad weather cancels performances (shows are in the afternoons, see website for exact times). Two artificial streams curl through the park cascading over a waterfall as they empty into the lake and falling over a grotto with artificial stalactites hanging from its 20m (65-ft.) ceiling. Tired of romantic gardens that look like something out of a centuries-old painting? See what modern landscaping can do at the contemporary Parc André
(Quai André Citroën, 15th arrond.; % 01 40 71 75 60; Mon–Fri Citroën 55 8am–dusk, Sat–Sun 9am–dusk; Métro: Balard). When the Citroën automotive fac-
tory closed down and moved out of town, it freed up 24 hectares (about 60 acres) of land next to the Seine. In 1992, 14 of those (35 acres) were transformed into a unique park that combines vast open lawns with small garden enclosures and greenhouses. The result is an inviting space where kids can run around and play ball to their hearts content, and adults can poke around hidden gardens and find quiet nooks to read or lounge about. Two gigantic transparent greenhouses frame a large, ground-level fountain, whose evenly-spaced jets shoot directly skyward; a summer favorite for overheated kids, who love to run around and through the jets. From here, an enormous lawn, spreads down to the banks of the river, interrupted only by the presence of a huge hot-air balloon that takes visitors 150m (492-ft.) up for a superb view of the city (see the “Floating on Air over Paris,” box). On the north side of the lawn are six small greenhouses, surrounded by six small gardens, each with a different botanical theme. Off to the southwest, there are two other gardens, the tiny
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Floating on Air over Paris You may have seen it from a distance while walking around the city: a huge hotair balloon floating peacefully above the 15th arrondissement. But you probably didn’t know that you can climb aboard. The Eutelsat Balloon 5 (Parc André Citroën, 15th arrond.; % 01 44 26 20 00; www.aeroparis.com; Mon–Fri 10€ adults, 9€ 12–17, 5€ under 12, free under 3; Sat–Sun 12€ adults, 10€ 12–17, 6€ under 12; schedule every 10 min.; Métro: Balard) takes off every 10 minutes or so from the Parc André Citroën (see above), weather permitting. This enormous orb, which stands 32m (105-ft.) tall, is the largest hot air balloon in the world. You won’t go far in distance, as the balloon is tethered firmly to the ground, but you will rise 150m (492 ft.) high for a view that rivals that of the Eiffel Tower. Beyond the view, the experience itself is memorable, slowly floating seemingly into the outer atmosphere without noise or vibration or the other usual annoyances of modern transport. Any kind of excess in weather or wind cancels flights; call ahead to be sure the balloon is running on the day you are coming.
Jardin Blanc, which has a small playground and ping-pong tables, and the larger Jardin Noir, a square-shaped configuration of small playgrounds, sandboxes, trees and plants centered around a fountain. For truly contemporary garden design, it doesn’t get much wackier than La Villette 55 (211 av. Jean Jaurès, 19th arrond.; % 01 40 03 75 75; www. villette.com; 6am–1am; Métro: Porte de Pantin). This vast complex, which
includes a park, museums, concert halls, and other cultural institutions, was built on the site of the city’s slaughterhouses, abandoned since the mid-1970s. Construction began in 1980, when Bernard Tschumi, a French-Swiss architect, was chosen to create an urban cultural park accessible to one and all. The park is certainly a success on the cultural end: it harbors Cité de la Musique and Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie—two excellent museums (p. 173 and 174), as well as the Zénith and Caberet Sauvage concert halls (p. 282 and 289), and other assorted theaters and cultural spaces. As far as the park—well, let me put it this way: if it is possible for a park to have a sense of humor, this one definitely has one. There are 11 themed gardens, around which are dotted 25 red “folies”— oddball contemporary structures that sometimes house a drink stand or an information booth, and sometimes are just there for the heck of it. The gardens range from the sublime to the silly; a few are strictly reserved for children (who can bring along their parents). Here are a few highlights: u
The Jardin des Miroirs (Mirror Garden) seems to be an odd collection of concrete monoliths and woodland pines, until you get to the center and turn around and see that on the other side of the concrete are giant mirrors, which reflect the trees and the other mirrors, creating gardens inside gardens. The Jardin des Dunes (Dune Garden, 12 and under and their parents only), has a seaside theme—walls made out of sails flop in the wind, bamboo bridges and boats beckon, and small pedal-powered windmills turn in the breeze.
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The Jardin de la Treille (Trellis Garden) is draped with grape vines and climbing plants; 90 tiny fountains bubble next to the pathways. u The Jardin des Frayeurs Enfantines (The Garden of Childhood Fears) is a mysterious forest of blue spruce and silver birch where eerie music plays from an unknown source. There are also grassy lawns and open spaces. From the beginning of July to mid-August the Cinéma en Plein Air takes place Tues–Sun at sundown, presenting classic movies for free. Inaugurated in 1997, the Parc de Bercy 5 (rue François Truffaut, 12th u
arrond.; % 01 40 71 75 60; Mon–Fri 8am–dusk, Sat–Sun 9am–dusk; Métro: Bercy or Court St-Emillon) was once home to wine warehouses. In the 19th century, this
choice spot, right on the Seine where the barges could easily unload their cargo, was the largest wine trading center in the world. By the 1950s, this prosperous epoch had come to a close, and the area became a sort of industrial wasteland until the early 1990s, when an extensive renovation project was commenced, including the creation of this modern green space. The park is split up into three parts. The parterres, at the center of the park, are divided up into nine different thematic gardens, including a rose garden, a small vineyard, and a “scent garden,” where you can inhale the delightful odors of a variety of herbs and flowers. The second part is the Grande Prairie, to the west, a series of shaded lawns meant for lounging about; the new Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir, a futuristic pedestrian bridge (p. 187), crosses the Seine from here. Finally, to the east of the parterres are the Romantic Gardens, laced with gently curving pathways, hillocks, and duck ponds, in the center of one of which is a startling modern sculpture, Demeure X by Etienne Martin. There’s a small lake here, with an island, upon which sits the Maison du Lac, a relic from the days of the wine trade, which hosts temporary exhibits. Two other older buildings are the Chai de Bercy, an old warehouse that now is used as an exhibition space, and the Maison du Jardinage, where you can pick up loads of gardening tips, as well as sign up for gardening classes (all in French, call % 01 53 46 19 19 for more information). To the west of the park is Bercy Village (www.bercy village.com; Métro: Cour St-Emillon), also called the Cour St-Emillon, a pleasant pedestrian zone where converted chais or wine warehouses now house shops and restaurants.
TWO HUGE PARKS ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF TOWN (BUT WORTH THE SCHLEP) In the 7th century, Dagobert, King of the Francs, used to go a-hunting in (16th arrond., the woods that we now know as the Bois de Boulogne 555
% 01 40 71 75 60; www.jardins.paris.fr; Métro: Sablons, Porte Dauphine, or Porte Maillot); it remained a hunting domain for the kings of France up until Louis XVI,
who finally opened it up to the public. That was mighty grand of him, and we thank him for it—this lovely natural haven is just what stressed-out Parisians need. Thick stands of trees, broken up by grassy knolls, manicured gardens, and even a lake or two plus several posh restaurants are tucked into this verdant spread. There is even a nice spot for tiny urbanites to unwind: the Jardin d’Acclimatation, a large children’s garden/amusement park is a delight for kids of all ages.
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What you see today, however, is not what Dagobert saw. Once Louis XVI was beheaded, and the Revolution got underway, the park was ravaged. What was left of it was completely demolished during subsequent military campaigns: in 1814 it was occupied and pillaged by some 40,000 English and Russian soldiers. It wasn’t until Napoléon III decided to remodel the entire city in the mid-1800s that the Bois de Boulogne was attended to. Inspired by the English public parks that he had visited during his years of exile, the Emperor gave the command to rebuild the park. Over 400,000 trees were planted, and dozens of chalets, pavilions, snack stands, and restaurants were built. A network of roads and trails was laid down totaling 95km (59 miles). Finally, the park was ready for the public, and the public was definitely ready for the park. Here are a few of its most popular areas: u
The Parc de Bagatelle 55 is a park-within-a-park, a lush garden, a small château (where in the summer there are concerts, check listing magazines for details), and a rose garden with over 1,000 varieties. New varieties are introduced every year in June, during an international rose competition. The version of the garden you see today was designed by Forestier, a friend of Monet, who was inspired by Impressionist art, which is evident in the artfully placed clusters of flowers and plants. The Pré Catelan 5 is most famous for its elegant and extremely pricey restaurant, but there are plenty of other reasons to come here. This green
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Guignol, the Puppet Show Hero Created by an itinerant merchant and tooth-puller in Lyon about 200 years ago, Guignol, the sly hero of traditional French puppet shows, is still packing houses all over the country. This valiant valet, who often finds himself in difficult situations due his master’s mischief, has an amazing way with children, who scream, hoot, and holler according to how Guignol’s adventures unfold. There’s lots of audience participation: the wide-eyed puppet will ask the children to help him find the robber/wolf/ bad guy, and then will promptly head in the wrong direction as the kids desperately try to get him back on track. It’s noisy, but good fun—even if you don’t understand French, the stories are pretty easy to figure out. This is a great way to take part in an authentically French experience—though it might be a little overwhelming for sensitive souls under 3.
enclave includes lush lawns, playgrounds, and flowerbeds, as well as the Jardin Shakespeare, which attempts to recreate settings from the Bard’s plays. Here you’ll find the heaths of Macbeth, the Forest of Arden, and the pond where Ophelia meets her watery death in Hamlet. u The Jardin d’Acclimatation 5 (% 01 40 67 90 82; www.jardindacclimatation. fr; Métro: Sablons) was created by Napoléon III to “acclimatize” city folk to the wonders of Nature. The 19th-century idea of Nature, however, was a bit um . . . different. Along with plants and animals, at the end of the century, humans were exhibited here—peoples from far away places that Europeans found “exotic.” Unfortunate Eskimos, Pigmies, and North American Indians were put on display; this abominable practice finally stopped in 1914. Today, the park serves a much more healthy purpose—providing fun and games for children (and their parents). There are still animals on view, particularly at the farm, but the main attraction is the amusement park, which is filled with rides, merry-go-rounds, and other attractions. The Enchanted River boat ride is the oldest attraction, but there are also mini–roller coasters, auto circuits, and dozens of other noisy ways to have a good time. It will cost you though—if you are over 3, you’ll pay 2.70€ just to enter the park, and an additional 2.50€ per ride (you can buy a book of 15 tickets for 30€). This is a nice alternative to Disneyland, but if you aren’t careful, it will cost you as much. Fortunately, there are lots of other things you can do here besides rides; if you carefully circumvent the area with all the rides (manèges), you’ll find a great playground with fun stuff to play on for free, including an area where kids can run around under giant sprinklers in the hot weather. In the same area, you’ll find a puppet theater (% 01 45 01 53 52; Wed, Sat, Sun, and holidays 3pm and 4pm); Guignol’s adventures are presented free of charge. In addition to walking, rollerblading, and cycling (bike rentals at the edge of the Lac Inferieur, and at the Jardin d’Acclimatation), you can rent a boat on the lake or even go fishing in some of the ponds.
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There aren’t as many gardens and restaurants at the Bois de Vincennes 555 (12th arrond.;
% 01 40 71 75 60; Métro: Château de Vincennes or Porte Dorée),
but there is more of a sense of wilderness in this vast patch of greenery on the eastern end of Paris. Endless paths and alleys wind through woods and open fields; this is a great place for a long bike ride or a hike. Not that there are just trees here—if rambling isn’t your game, there are plenty of other things to do as well. For starters, there are the remains of a medieval castle, a zoo, and a large garden in the park, as well as several theaters and a hippodrome for those who prefer to sit back and watch the action. In short, there are almost as many pleasures here as in the Bois de Boulogne, if not as much elegance. Like its western counterpart, the Bois de Vincennes was once a royal hunting ground with a lodge built by Louis VII back in the 12th century. By the 13th century, it had grown into a castle, which Louis IX (St-Louis) became very fond of; it is said that he dispensed justice under one of the nearby oak trees. It wasn’t until the 18th century, under Louis XV, that these woods were turned into a public park; unfortunately, after the Revolution, the army decided to use it as a training ground, and the castle became a prison (some of its more famous lodgers included the Marquis de Sade and the philosopher Denis Diderot). Needless to say, this did not do wonders for the landscaping. Finally, in the 19th century, Napoléon III, made the park part of his urban renewal scheme, and it got the same thorough makeover as the Bois de Boulogne. Its troubles were not completely over however. In 1944, the retreating German army left the château in ruins, but it has since been almost completely restored. A few of the park’s high points: (route de la Pyramide, just behind the esplanade of The Parc Floral 55
the château; % 01 43 28 47 63; www.parcfloraldeparis.com; during summer concert season 3€ adults 1.50€ 7–25, free under 7, the rest of the year: 1€ adults, .50€ 7–25, free under 7; 9:30am–dusk; Métro: Château de Vincennes) is just that,
a park filled with flowers. Created in 1969, this modern mix of flowerbeds, ponds, picnic areas, and playgrounds (including a few rides) is a very pleasant place to spend the afternoon, particularly between May and September when
La Tempête—The Storm of the Century On December 26, 1999, France was lashed by one of the worst storms to ever hit the continent, killing 88 people in France, and dozens more in nearby countries. Entire forests were flattened in the Vosges; millions of homes were left without electricity or running water. The Paris area was not spared, particularly its forests—in less than two hours, over a million trees where blown down; the gardens of Versailles, the Bois de Boulogne and the Bois de Vincennes took direct hits. It took a couple of years just to remove all the fallen trunks, but since then, thousands of trees have been replanted and a massive restoration project has been put in place. So don’t be surprised if the wooded areas of these large parks seem a little thin—the trees are growing back as fast as they can.
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there are music and theater performances at the open-air theater. In July, the Paris Jazz Festival takes off for 3 weeks, and in most of August and September, the Festival Classique au Vert cooks up a great program of classical music (for both, see “Paris’ Visit-Worthy Annual Events,” p. 324). For the kids, Guignol puppet shows (% 01 49 23 94 37; www.guignol-parcfloral.com; 2.60€ adults and children) play most Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays at 3pm, 4pm, and 5pm,
and every day during school holidays. The Parc Zoologique de Vincennes
(53 av. de St-Maurice, 12th 55 arrond.; % 01 44 75 20 00; www.mnhn.fr; 5€ adults and children, free under 4; Mon–Sat 9am–6pm, Sun 9am–6:30pm; Métro: Porte Dorée) is one of the country’s
best zoos—but it’s in the middle of a vast renovation, so about half of its 200 species have been transferred elsewhere. Inaugurated in 1934, this is a much more modern zoo than the one in the Jardin des Plantes; animals loll about in open spaces (without bars or cages) that are limited by moats and low barriers. The grounds of the Château de Vincennes 5 (ave de Paris, main entrance to the Bois de Vincennes, 12th arrond.; % 01 48 08 31 20; www.monum.fr; Métro: Château de Vincennes) are shared by the ministry of culture and the military,
which means that parts are used for storing military archives and administrative offices, and the other part is open to the public. At press time, the castle was getting ready to reopen its huge medieval donjon, the ancient core of the structure, which has been closed for years, so there should be more to see than before (up until now, just the ramparts and the lovely chapel 5, which was modeled after Ste-Chapelle on the Ile de la Cité, where open to the public). Check the website above for hours and ticketing information. Like the Bois de Boulogne, there are plenty of other outdoor activities here. You can rent bikes in front of either of the two large lakes, or on the esplanade by the château, or boats for rowing around the lake. There are several playgrounds, as well as a farm (La Ferme de Paris) where children can watch cows being milked and sheep being shorn. There is also a hippodrome here for thoroughbred racing fans; see “Spectator Sports,” below, for details.
SPORTS & RECREATION OPPORTUNITIES “Working out” is still a somewhat foreign concept in France, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t exercise. Though gyms are few and far between, pools, are everywhere, and any enterprising sports enthusiast can easily find places to bike rollerblade, or run. Here are a few ways of working off all those croissants.
PUBLIC POOLS There are 35 public pools (piscine, pee-seen) in Paris, and they are accessible to one and all, even tourists passing through town. They are generally quite clean and always have lockers and dressing areas. The size of the pools varies—most are 25m (82 ft.), and a few, like the one at Les Halles, are 50m (164 ft.). The other thing that varies is the ambiance; for example, Piscine Pontoise, in the Latin Quarter, has quaint 1930s-era tiles and decor, while Piscine Georges Vallerey, out in the 20th, is a huge modern facility with a roof that slides open in warm weather. The best way to find addresses and hours, and even photos of the pools, is to visit the city hall website: www.sport.paris.fr. Entry to all municipal pools is 2.60€; you can buy a card for 10 entries for 22€.
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But before you put on your suit, a word of advice: public pools are one place where the Latin side of the French character comes out. Don’t expect people to necessarily swim in a straight line, or pay too much attention to where they are going; though there are usually at least a couple of lanes reserved for serious swim weenies, other pool areas can be a little free form. On the up side, it’s nice to see people actually enjoying themselves in a sports environment; grown-ups and kids alike splash around, swim, and generally have a good time. Below is a short list of municipal pools; see the website above for locations near your lodgings. Suzanne Berlioux 55 (10 place de la Rotonde, Forum des Halles, level 3, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 36 98 44; Métro: Les Halles). Vast, modern, 50m (164-ft.) pool
in the underground Forum des Halles (there’s a wall of windows so there’s natural light). Serious swimmers come here. Pontoise 5 (18, rue de Pontoise, 5th arrond.; % 01 55 42 77 88; www. clubquartierlatin.com; Métro: Maubert–Mutualité). A 33m (108-ft.) pool in a
1930s setting with a sauna and cafeteria. St-Germain 5 (12 rue Lobineau, 6th arrond.; % 01 56 81 25 40; Métro: Mabillon) is a 25m (82-ft.) pool in a slick modern underground space (under the
Marché St-Germain). Reuilly (13 rue Hénard, 12th arrond.;
% 01 40 02 08 08; Métro: Montgallet)
is a 25m (82-ft.) pool with large windows that look out on nearby park.
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Josephine Baker 55 (quai François Mauriac, 13th arrond.; % 01 56 61 96 50; Métro: Bibliothèque François Mitterand). This floating pool, which cost some
17 million euros to construct, opened with much ado in 2006. Much vaunted by the city for its chic look and facilities (there’s a gym here), it’s been much criticized by the public for the relatively small size of the pool (25m/82 ft.) and the high cost of all the accoutrements, like the sauna, fitness room, and restaurant. Controversy aside, there’s no denying that this is a unique environment for taking a swim, and 10€ for a workout on the machines is actually less than you’ll pay elsewhere.
ICE SKATING RINKS Every year, two large outdoor rinks are set up from December through February that are free of charge—you’ll just have to pay 5€ for skate rental. By far the most scenic is the one in front of the Hôtel de Ville (4th arrond.; Mon–Thurs noon– 10pm, Fri noon–midnight, Sat 9am–midnight, Sun 9am–10pm; Métro: Hôtel de Ville); the over-the-top neo-Renaissance building provides a splendid backdrop
for this 1,050 sq. m (11,300 sq. ft.) oval. There’s also a small beginners’ rink here for little ones. The one on the esplanade in front of the homely Gare Montparnasse (14th arrond.; Mon–Fri noon–8pm, Sat–Sun 9am–8pm; Métro: Montparnasse) is smaller (770 sq. m/8,288 sq. ft.) and is not open as late.
CYCLING You can ride a bike in the Bois de Vincennes and the Bois de Boulogne, or if you don’t mind battling horrendous traffic, around town. One of the best deals for bike rental is the Roue Libre (1 passage Mondétour, 1st arrond.; % 01 44 76 86 43; www.rouelibre.fr) service run by the transit authority. They rent bikes (with helmets) by the hour (4€), the day (10€–15€), or the week (32€) from both the address listed above, as well as their Cyclobuses, mobile rental units that can be found on Sundays in the Bois de Boulogne (at the Butte Montmartre), the Bois de Vincennes (Esplanade St-Louis, in front of the château), and next to Notre Dame (on the quai de l’Archivêché). More permanent rental units can be found at SAEMES parking lots in the city. Roue Libre also runs bike tours (p. 194). Ask for a free map that shows the city’s bike paths.
RUNNING When I went running in the Jardin du Luxembourg in the mid-1990s, people found it so extraordinary that they actually applauded as I ran by. Today, le footing, as it is called, is considered pretty commonplace, though nowhere near as omnipresent as in London or New York. You can run anywhere, of course, but a few favored places are around the lakes in the Bois de Boulogne and the Bois de Vincennes, the Promenade Planté (p. 217), and along the quays of the Seine. You could also try the Jardin du Luxembourg, but there won’t be any more clapping, I’m afraid.
SPECTATOR SPORTS They may not be the ones you are used to, but there are some championship events that take place here—mainly horse races, soccer matches, and tennis opens.
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Spectator Sports
HORSE RACING Given the high concentration of hippodromes here (3 within the city limits), there are numerous opportunities to see professional thoroughbred racing. And it’s not expensive: you can get into most races for a few euros. Of course, if you decide to bet on a race, your financial fortunes might take a more radical turn. There are races all year long; to find out where and when, call the France Galop information line at % 08 21 21 32 13, or visit their website: www.france-galop.com. One hundred and fifty-three races happen each year at the Hippodrome de Vincennes (Bois de Vincennes, 2 route de la Ferme, 12th arrond.; % 01 49 77 17 17; www.cheval-francais.com; RER: Joinville le Pont; 5€ adults, 2.50€ 18–25 and over 60, free under 18), including the Prix d’Amérique, the Prix de France and
the Prix de Paris. This enormous structure, which can hold up to 35,000 spectators, has two tracks, one for day races and the other for “nocturnes.” The event of the year at the swanky Hippodrome de Longchamps (Bois de Boulogne, route de Tribunes, 16th arrond.; % 01 44 30 75 00; www.france-galop. fr; weekdays: 3€ adults, 1.50€ students and over 60, free under 18, weekends: 4€ adults, 2€ students and over 60, free under 18; Métro: Porte d’Auteuil then shuttle bus) is the Grand Prix Arc de Triomphe (8€ adults, 4€ students and over
60, free under 18), when the ladies arrive in their frou frou hats and the gents knot their cravats just so. There are free guided visits of the track’s “backstage” areas race days at 2:30pm, 3:30pm, and 4:30pm, as well as free pony rides for little ones (Sun when there are races, 1:30pm–6pm). The Hippodrome d’Auteuil (Route des Lacs, Bois de Boulogne, 16th arrond.;
% 01 40 71 47 47; www.france-galop.fr; weekdays: 3€ adults, 1.50€ students and over 60, free under 18, weekends: 4€ adults, 2€ students and over 60, free under 18; Métro: Porte d’Auteuil–Hippodrome) is known for its obstacle races like
the Gras Savoye Grand Steeple-Chase de Paris, where horses must leap over barriers for 5,800m (19,024 ft.). If you like to watch horses jump over hedges and splash through ponds, this is the place for you. There are free pony rides for children ages 3 to 10 here too on Sunday race days, as well as free guided visits on all race days at 2:30pm, 3:30pm, and 4:30pm.
SOCCER Even the catastrophic 2006 World Cup has not dampened French enthusiasm for this sport, which is called “football” on this side of the Atlantic. Zidane may be gone, but “le foot” lives on. Built for the 1998 World Cup, the Stade de France (ZAC Cornillon Nord, StDenis; % 08 92 70 09 00, .34€ per minute; www.stadefrance.fr; Métro: StDenis–Porte de Paris, RER: La Plaine–Stade de France) is an 80,000-seat behemoth
where you can see major soccer and rugby matches as well as the occasional megaconcert. Prices for sports matches range from 60€–70€ for seats up by the action, to 5€–10€ for those in the outer atmosphere (of course, tickets for big events like the World or European cup go for more). Tickets are sold at all the major ticketing outlets, like Fnac (% 08 92 68 36 22, .34€ per minute; www.fnac.fr) and Virgin Megastores (% 08 92 39 01 00, .34€ per minute; www.ticketnet.fr). Both rugby and soccer matches go on all year long.
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TENNIS Probably the most famous sporting event in Paris is the French Open at the Roland Garros Stadium (2 av. Gordon Bennet, 16th arrond.; % 01 47 43 45 55; www.rolandgarros.com; Métro: Porte d’Auteuil; MC, V, AE, DC). One of the four
tennis events in what is known as the Grand Slam, this tournament takes place every year during the last week of May and the first week of June. Ticket demand is such that they have started a lottery system. You can download a reservation request on the website, which provides detailed instructions in English; the lottery entry period is usually between November and March. If you don’t make the lottery, there are a couple of last minute options for getting tickets: you can either go to the ticket office right before the Open opens (the third week in May, check site for the exact date the box office starts selling leftovers), or try to get a “Les Visiteurs du Soir” (Night Visitors) ticket during the first week of play. The way it works is this—starting at 5pm, depending on how many seats are available, you can buy a low-price ticket (10€–28€) for the rest of the evening’s matches. Don’t try buying any tickets at an unofficial outlet, however, as you might not be allowed in the stadium. If you’re not in town in June, but you’d like to pretend you were, visit the Tenniseum (Roland-Garros Stadium, 2 av. Gordon Bennett, 16th arrond.; % 01 47 43 48 48; www.fft.fr/site-tenniseum; 7.50€ adults, 4€ under 18, 15€ families (2 adults, 1 child); Tues–Sun 10am–6pm, museum closed during the French Open, third week of May to mid-June; Métro: Porte d’Auteuil), a new multimedia
museum dedicated to the art of tennis. Tucked into the stadium complex, this slick facility offers the opportunity to view over 4,000 hours worth of tennis archives and interviews, as well as displays of historic tennis equipment and photography. True tennis fans will appreciate the guided backstage tours of the stadium (in both French and English, reserve ahead at the number listed above).
CYCLING Despite the doping scandals, the Tour de France (www.letour.fr) is still one of the world’s top athletic events, and there are few sites that can compare with seeing the peleton (the group of riders) zooming up and down the Champs Elysées for the final stage of the race. The Tour stretches over 3 weeks in July; check the website for a detailed rundown on each day’s itinerary. If you can’t (or don’t want to) beat the crowds around the Champs (get here early in the morning, around 9am, to get a good spot), visit the website or watch the local newspapers, to see where else in Paris the race is passing—in past years you could also see the fun at place de la Bastille, place de la Concorde, and on the Pont d’Alma in front of the Eiffel Tower.
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A curbside view of the best show in town: the streets of Paris PARIS IS A WALKING CITY. YOU SIMPLY WON’T BE ABLE TO FULLY APPRECIATE the flavor of the place if you don’t get out, stroll through the streets and absorb the sights, sounds, and even smells that make up its sensory identity. And the identity of Paris runs deep: a mere city block can encompass several centuries’ worth of history and happenings. Even if most of the elegant Belle Epoque buildings you will pass date from the late 19th century—when über-urban planner Baron Haussmann remade what was essentially a medieval city—if you look closely, you’ll find ample evidence of it’s glorious past. Renaissance squares, 17thcentury palaces, and medieval ramparts are tucked in and around more recent structures; Gallo Roman baths and 10th-century towers bump up against swank boulevards and legendary cafes where Sartre and de Beauvoir held court in the ’30s and ’40s. While wandering aimlessly can be a delightful way to get to know a place, a loosely structured itinerary can help make sure that you don’t miss something wonderful. Below are three walking tours of three of the city’s best areas for ambling about.
Walking Tour 1: The Quays of the Seine Start: Quai St-Bernard (Métro: Austerlitz; a ramp opposite the entrance to the Jardin des Plantes on the riverside leads down to the quay.) Finish: Place de la Concorde Time: About 2 hours, not including snack breaks or dawdling on benches Best times: Almost any time is good. Long stretches of the quays are closed to traffic on Sundays (see the “Barging on the Seine,” box below) Worst times: Some of the quays, particularly on the islands, may be more crowded on weekends.
If you only have time for one walk, make it this one. The Seine is the city’s widest and most beautiful boulevard, running through Paris in a graceful arc, and passing by almost all of its most famous monuments. By all means, bring your camera on this walk; the city neatly composes itself around the river, just about begging you to take a picture. The only sour note is the traffic; in the ’60s, the authorities had the brilliant idea of running an expressway along some parts of the river, particularly on the Right Bank. This may have eased traffic congestion, but it stole away a good chunk of what was historically a vital part of the Parisian
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landscape. Slowly, the city is reclaiming the quays—the reinforced banks that serve as docking areas for boats but also promenades for walkers—and pushing cars away from the river’s edge. While you cannot walk on one side from one end of the city to the other, more and more quays are being overhauled for pedestrians. Once you take the stairs down by the water, the urban noise fades and the atmosphere is surprisingly tranquil; you almost forget you are literally in the middle of the city. Back in the day, a century or so ago, this river was the primary transport link between Paris and the outer world. The Seine was clogged with boats and barges, and its muddy banks were dotted with ports. A frenzy of mercantile activity buzzed around the river’s edge, which drew workers, wanderers, and even some Very Important People. In fact, place de la Grève (today’s place de l’Hôtel de Ville), which sloped down to the water, was the town center, where everything from national celebrations to public executions took place. Since the advent of planes, trains, and automobiles, the river has lost some of its clout, but none of its appeal; over the centuries various monarchs and mayors have gone out of their way to accentuate its natural beauty with elegant quays and bridges. 1 Quai St-Bernard The first thing you’ll notice when you come down the ramp is a floating police station: the River Brigade is equipped with both boats and skin diving suits. On the other side of the river, you’ll see the lock that is the entrance to the Canal St-Martin, which glides north through the 10th arrondissement. Soon you will be walking through a lovely green sculpture garden, the Musée des Sculptures en Plein Air, which is part of the Jardin Tino Rossi, a modern park created in 1985 (see “Paris Outdoors,” p. 213). At the end of the garden is a nice playground for the smaller travelers in your party. Though you’ll have to look up to see it, at street level you are passing by the Faculté de Sciences, an unfortunate foray into Stalinist architecture that houses the city university’s science division, after which is the much more lovely and more modern Institute du Monde Arabe, designed by Jean Nouvel (see the museum section in chapter 5). On the river side, you will see the tip of Ile St-Louis, the next stop on our tour.
Go up the stairs and cross the Pont de Sully to the Ile St-Louis. Continue a few paces along the blvd. Henri IV and turn left on the quai d’Anjou (don’t continue on the bridge or you’ll end up on the Right Bank). Stay on the street level this time, instead of taking the stairs down to the water’s edge.
2 Quai d’Anjou This is probably the prettiest spot on this delicious island, which is home to some of the most exquisite dwellings in the city. Up until 1614, there were actually two islets here: the Ile aux Vaches (Cow Island), and the Ile Notre-Dame, which belonged to the parish on the Ile de la Cité. Then an energetic contractor/developer named Christophe Marie came up with the idea of uniting the islands and building a town. He got a 60-year lease on the land from Louis XIII, and set to work—but the project took so long (a dike had to be built around the islands and they wouldn’t be completely united for 37 years) that Marie went bankrupt and replaced, and it was legendary
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Walking Tour 1: The Quays of the Seine I ri
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Barging on the Seine You’ll see many barges tied up on the banks of the river; some a little on the scruffy side, others, beautifully redone. Despite the decline of river traffic, many people still live on barges—an interesting alternative to apartment dwelling in a city where real estate prices have skyrocketed. Though it looks ever so romantic and is certainly a unique approach to urban living, the upkeep on these floating homes is labor intensive and can be costly. Most barges are old, if not antique, and just finding the parts to patch them up can be a challenge; once you’ve finally managed to fix up your aging beauty, it may sprout holes and leaks all over again the next time a nasty storm comes along. For a fascinating look at life on a barge and a good history of the river, pick up a copy of The Secret Life of the Seine, by journalist Mort Rosenblum. On your walk, you may notice odd banks of mailboxes on the quays: this is how the river residents get their daily mail.
architect Louis Le Vau (of Versailles fame), who finished off the job and got the glory. (Marie got a bridge named after him, but that was about it.) The elegant ensemble of streets, neatly divided in two by the shop-lined rue St-Louis-en-Ile, drew the attention of upper crust Parisians, who soon built beautiful homes along the quays. The quai d’Anjou is the most splendid; almost every building on it boasts a plaque announcing that some famous person or another lived there. At No. 9 lived artist and caricaturist Honoré Daumier; and at No. 17, lived the Duke of Lauzun, a favorite of Louis XIV. While a variety of nobles lived at the Hôtel de Lauzun over the years, it was the bibliophile and Baron Jérôme Pichon who put it on the literary map: he rented rooms to Charles Baudelaire and Théophile Gautier, among others. Note the gilded drainpipes, which are each adorned with a fantastical fish.
Cross the rue des Deux Ponts and admire tiny Pont Marie before heading down the
3 Quai de Bourbon At No. 1 you’ll see the Franc Pinot, once a sailors’ haunt and today a great jazz club (p. 287). More plaques decorate the buildings further on: the very stately No. 11 was the home of Philippe de Champagne, official painter to Marie de Médicis, the capricious second wife of Henri IV and mother of Louis XIII, who so relentlessly conspired against her own son that he eventually had her exiled. Champagne’s paintings decorate Marie’s palace in the Luxembourg Gardens; he also painted religious works for Cardinal Richelieu, her son’s powerful Chief Minister. At No. 15 lived Emile Bernard, a painter who is considered one of the founders of Symbolism, and at No. 19 lived sculptor and Rodin protégé Camile Claudel,
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Walking Tour 1: The Quays of the Seine who spent her last creative years working here in the ground-floor studio, before being shipped off to an insane asylum in 1913. Her turbulent love affair with Rodin and her fight for recognition as an artist was the subject of a 1988 film, Camile Claudel, starring Isabel Adjani. Walk all the way to the end of the quay. Cross the bridge to the Ile de la Cité, taking in the dome of the Panthéon in the distance to the left, and the Hôtel de Ville on the right. At the end of the bridge, you’ll be right behind Notre Dame, on
4 Quai de l’Archeveché Take a minute to enjoy a view of the glorious flying buttresses fanning out from the back of Notre Dame in the tiny but tranquil Square Jean XXIII behind the cathedral. These doublespan buttresses were some of the first used on a cathedral; designed to support the high walls of the choir and the nave, for many years critics said they resembled scaffolding that someone had forgotten to take down. Exit the square and enter the Square de l’Ile de France on the other side of the street. Down a somber staircase is the Memorial des Martyrs de la Déportation a spare, but moving memorial to French citizens deported to Nazi concentration camps, including some 76,000 Jews. The underground memorial, which was inaugurated in 1962, is a series of narrow passageways and chambers with the names of the camps inscribed on the walls. At one point you will be in front of a long, square shaft that disappears into the darkness; its walls are lined with thousands of tiny lights representing the deportees.
Backtrack to the Pont St-Louis, but don’t cross it; continue to
5 Quai aux Fleurs Though you wouldn’t know it from looking at the buildings, this is one of the more ancient parts of the city. This was the site of the oldest and largest port: Port St-Landry (the current quay was built in the 18th century, after the port was closed down). Legendary lovers Heloise and Abelard lived at No. 9 in 1118; the building you see today was rebuilt in 1849. When Abelard, a famed 12th-century philosopher and scholar, fell for the much younger Heloise, his student, scandal ensued— particularly after Heloise got pregnant. They eventually married and lived in this house for a time, but they most certainly didn’t live happily ever after; the new bride’s furious uncle hacked off Abelard’s manhood with a knife, after which Heloise retreated to a convent. The letters they wrote to each other in the aftermath of these events survived and have since been published. A rare medieval house (restored in 1960) is visible from the quay on the adjacent rue des Ursins. Cross rue d’Arcole (which continues over Pont d’Arcole) and continue down
6 Quai de la Corse At the beginning of this stretch of quay, you’ll be presented with the back end of the Hôtel Dieu, Paris’ oldest hospital. The original structure (which was on the other side of the Parvis Notre Dame, where Square Charlemagne is now), built in the 7th century, suffered several fires and was built and rebuilt many times. It was then razed by Baron Haussmann (as was much of the Ile de
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Bateaux Lavoirs—Life before the Washing Machine At the foot of quai de la Corse was once an impressive sight: the so-called Arche de Marion, a stretch of 12 linked barges—measuring over 200m (656 ft.)—that served as a giant floating laundry. At water level, the washing went on; upstairs it was hung out to dry. For centuries, bateaux lavoirs, boats where washerwomen did their work, were fixtures on the Seine; on the eve of the Revolution there were 80 or so on the river. Needless to say, this was an impediment to navigation, and so they were abolished in 1805, only to come back in greater numbers during the Restoration, when the Arche de Marion stretched from the Pont d’Arcole to the Pont Notre Dame. There was room for some 250 lavandières, or washerwomen, on the decks. Whether the clothes actually got clean is anyone’s guess, considering the quality of the water in the Seine; aside from the many boats muddying up the waters, tanneries and factories regularly dumped their wastes in the river.
la Cité) in the 19th century; the building you see before you dates from 1877. Enter from the front (on the Parvis Notre Dame) and admire the French gardens in the courtyard. Farther down, at the place Louis Lepine, is a flower market (Mon–Sat 8am–7:30pm), where you can pick up a bouquet, as well as potted plants and ceramic gifts. On Sundays, it’s a bird market (8am–7pm) filled with hundreds of twittering finches, parakeets, and other feathered friends. When you get to Pont du Change, you’ll get a good look at the place du Châtelet across the river on the Right Bank. Sitting on top of a gargantuan métro station, this grand plaza was the site of a huge 12th-century fortress that, during the Middle Ages, served as a kind of city hall and later became an infamous prison. It was knocked down at the beginning of the 19th century, and the new plaza was bookended by two enormous and still existing theaters: The Théâtre du Châtelet and the Théâtre
de la Ville. This last was once owned by the great actress Sarah Bernhardt, and is where she played in l’Aiglon by Edmond Rostand, considered the high point in her career. At 76, after a leg amputation, she was still strutting (well, maybe hopping) her stuff on stage here. Continue, crossing Blvd du Palais (Ste-Chapelle is to your left) to
7 Quai de l’Horloge Those towers and turrets before you are what is left of the royal palace that housed the Capetian kings back in the Middle Ages. The first one, the Tour de l’Horloge, dates from the reign of John the Good (14th century), and sports the city’s first public clock, which first ticked in 1371. The clock no longer works (even life-time warranties don’t last over 7 centuries), but the tower still proudly looms, as do three others from the same era: the Tour César, the Tour d’Argent, and the Tour Bonbec. By the Rennaissance, the kings had more or
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Walking Tour 1: The Quays of the Seine less moved over to the new castle on the Right Bank (the Louvre). The palace then became the seat of Parliament, and ever since has served a judicial function. Its most infamous days were under the Revolution; it was here that the Revolutionary tribunal was set up; it was so efficient that between April 1793 and July 1794 it had ordered the execution of some 2,600 citizens. The Tribunal’s victims included some of the Revolution’s leaders, notably Danton and Robespierre, as well as the royal family. Marie Antoinette spent her last days here before being carted off to the guillotine. After that grisly interlude, the palace remained a courthouse, though judicial procedures were much altered and improved. Today the vast building, which has suffered many fires and been reconstructed and enlarged over the centuries, is still the Palais de Justice. The neighborhood is overrun with as many lawyers and judges as tourists; you’ll see the former striding about in their long, black robes, and the latter queuing up to visit the SteChapelle (p. 133), which is tucked into the maze of buildings. Turn left after the Palais de Justice on rue de Harlay, where you will come upon
8 place Dauphine This lovely triangular “square” is an oasis of calm that you could easily overlook, if you didn’t know it was there. Built by Henri IV, who conceived the similarly symmetrical and harmonious place des Vosges, it originally had identical town houses and arcades like its sister in the Marais, but time has not been as kind to this place. The eastern side, which was once another wall of pretty Renaissance buildings, was knocked down in the 19th century, the
better to admire the grandiose facade of the Palais de Justice. Even if the architectural unity of place Dauphine has been roughed up a bit, it is still delightful and blissfully undercrowded. Tall trees shade the center; small restaurants and galleries line its edges.
Take a break One of the cafes on the place Dauphine is tiny La Rose de France (24 place
Dauphine, 1st arrond.; % 01 43 54 10 12; www.larosedefrance.com) which offers gourmet meals as well as drinks either outside on its sidewalk tables, or indoors in the rustic dining area. For a light meal, try Le Bar du Caveau, on the other side of the square, p. 80).
Leave place Dauphine through the narrow opening that leads to Pont Neuf and turn left and cross over the bridge to the Left Bank and
9 Quai de Conti You’ll get your first glimpse of bouquinistes on this stretch; those famous booksellers that have permanent stalls on the river’s edge. A lot of their wares are now overpriced and geared towards tourists, but if you’re a good browser, you can still pick up some great used and/or antique books here. Soon you’ll see an imposing 18th-century building on your left: the Hôtel de la Monnaie, or the National Mint. Though French euros are actually minted at a factory in the southwest, medals are made here, and you can tour the workshops or visit the museum (Musée de la Monnaie, 11 quai de Conti, 6th arrond.; % 01 40 46 56 66; www.monnaiedeparis.com; 8€ adults, free under 16; Tues–Fri 11am–5:30pm, Sat–Sun noon–5:30pm).
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Opposite the entrance, on the river side, is a staircase that will lead you away from the dreadful street traffic, down to a tranquil quay on the water’s edge where a bevy of restored barges are moored. Don’t give in to the temptation to go sit on one of the cute patios on the decks (they are private property, after all). Above and to the left is the Pont des Arts, a pretty pedestrian bridge from which there is another fabulous view of the island. Stroll under the bridge and take the stairs back up to street level
0 Quai Malaquais The dusty looking building in front of you is the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts (14 rue Bonaparte, 6th arrond.; % 01 47 03 50 00; www. ensba.fr), a prestigious art school that
refused the likes of Rodin, but accepted Degas, Matisse, Monet, and Renoir. Taking up a major chunk of real estate that stretches from rue Jacob down to the Seine, this elegant ensemble of 17th, 18th, and 19th century buildings must be a constant source of inspiration for its students. Though the studios are off-limits, you are welcome to investigate the grounds (entrance at 14 rue Bonaparte), including the Cour du Mûrier, a beautiful cloister in a building that was once a convent.
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Car-free Sundays Bike riders, joggers, and rollerbladers take note: big chunks of the roads along the quays are closed to vehicular traffic on Sundays between 9am–5pm. On the Right Bank, that includes from the quai des Tuileries to the Port de l’Arsenal, and on the Left Bank from the quai Branly through the quai Anatole France.
Continue down the quai to
! Quai Voltaire This quay gets its name from its most illustrious inhabitant: François Marie Arouet, otherwise known as Voltaire. A key figure of the Enlightenment, this writer/essayist/philosopher was known for his bracing wit and his defense of civil liberties. His willingness to criticize both the government and the Catholic Church got him into trouble throughout his life, starting in his early 20s when he was thrown into the Bastille prison for 11 months for writing satiric verses about the aristocracy. He made good use of his time: he wrote his first play, Oedipe, which was a huge success and brought him fame and followers. After a turbulent life, which included several imprisonments and exiles, in 1778 he died at No. 27, the comfortable home of the Marquis de Villette. During his last days at the Marquis’ he received the likes of Condorcet, and Benjamin Franklin. His death, like his life, created controversy—a loud critic of the Church, Voltaire, though never officially excommunicated, refused to recant or receive last rites, and died as firmly attached to his ideals as ever. Through the finagling of his priest nephew, however, the philosopher did manage to get a decent burial in a graveyard, as opposed to a nameless ditch, where non-believers were usually interred. In 1791 his remains were transferred to the Panthéon. Plenty of other great minds lived on this quay, including the painter Ingres, who died at No. 11, and Delacroix, who worked in a studio at No. 13; when he moved out, Corot took his place. No. 19 was a residence hotel that saw a gaggle of great writers and musicians,
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Walking Tour 1: The Quays of the Seine including Oscar Wilde, Jean Sibélius, and Charles Baudelaire. Marie d’Agoult, a countess who wrote books under the pen name of Daniel Stern and was Franz Liszt’s companion, lived in the Hôtel de Mailly-Nesle at No. 29. On the other side of the Seine, that splendid building is the Louvre (p. 139)
That beautiful small building to the right of the museum is an 18th century mansion called the Hôtel de SalmKyrburg that today houses the Palais de la Légion d’Honneur. Continue down the quay to the
# Passerelle Senghor Recently renamed (it used to be called the Passerelle Solférino) after the At the end of the quay, turn right on Senegalese poet-president Sédar the Pont Royal, and cross the Seine Senghor, this unusual footbridge was and take the stairs down to the inaugurated in 2000. Its modern design @ Quai des Tuileries allows pedestrians to access the bridge From this side of the river you can take from either the water level, or the street a nice long look at the Left Bank, level, yet rises high enough not to which at this juncture includes the impede boat traffic. Musée d’Orsay (p. 141). This erstwhile Walk to the end of the quai des train station, like the Gare de Lyon, was built for the 1900 World’s Fair and is Tuileries, under the Pont de la a model of Belle-Epoque splendor. At Concorde, and up the ramp that leads the time, it was the pinnacle of high- to street level, where you will be face tech, with ramps and lifts for luggage, to face with the elevators for passengers, and 16 under- $ place de la Concorde ground tracks. Its glory days only lasted Try to ignore the traffic (not easy) and until 1939, however, when the electrifi- just admire the geometry of this 19th cation of the railway made the station century configuration of fountains, obsolete. At first it was used for subur- lampposts, and statuary, centered ban trains, later it was converted into a around a giant Egyptian obelisk (for a postal center and then a receiving sta- detailed description, p. 134); if you can tion for soldiers returning from World get yourself to the center (there is a War II prison camps. Its state of genteel traffic light and a crosswalk, believe it decay made it an ideal movie set: Orson or not), you can stand in a spot where Welles’ adaptation of Kafka’s The Trial the obelisk lines up with the Champs was filmed there. It was about to be Elysées and the Arc de Triomphe to the torn down to make way for a modern west, and the Tuileries Garden, the Arc hotel complex in the 1970s, when it du Carousel, and the Louvre to the was snatched from the jaws of fate by east. Speaking of the Tuileries Garden, the commission for historic monu- those chairs around the fountain near ments. We all know the happy ending: the entrance are probably looking very to the joy of culture mavens the world appealing right about now. over, in 1986 it opened as a stunning museum featuring 19th century art.
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Walking Tour 2: The Marais Start: Village St-Paul (23–27 rue St-Paul, Métro: St-Paul) Finish: place des Vosges Time: About 11⁄2 hours, not including time spent in shops, restaurants, or museums Best times: During the week, when the streets are full of life, and Sundays, when unlike other parts of the city, many shops and restaurants are open Worst times: Saturdays, when most of the neighborhood is flooded with shoppers, and the Jewish quarter is completely shut down (the Sabbath starts on Friday night, so many shops will be closed late Friday afternoon as well)
The Marais is one of the few areas that Baron Haussmann largely ignored when he was tearing up the rest of the city; for that reason it still retains a medieval feel. Though very few buildings actually date from the Middle Ages, this warren of narrow streets and picturesque squares is layered with a rich history, which is apparent in the pleasing hodgepodge of architectural styles. The neighborhood’s glory days date from the 16th and 17th centuries when anyone who was anyone simply had to build a mansion or a palace here. Though the area fell from grace in the 18th and 19th, many of the grand hôtels particuliers (private mansions) survived the slings and arrows of time and were reborn as museums and public archives when the neighborhood was restored in the later half of the 20th century. Today, the Marais is a fascinating mix of hip gentrification and the remnants of a working class neighborhood. It is at once the center of the city’s gay life, as well as the oldest Jewish quarter, with a heavily traditionalist bent. Some of the city’s best museums are here, and the best boutiques for browsing, so depending on your interests, you could spend a few hours or an entire day here. 1 Village St-Paul Many centuries ago, when the area was still mostly marshland (marais means swamp), a church was built down near the Seine and a small village grew up beside it. While the neighborhood has been transformed many times since, a small reminder of this village lives on, hidden behind an ordinary row of buildings on rue St-Paul. Pass through the entryway, and you’ll come into a kind of large interior courtyard, whose dimensions and floral squares are left over from the 14th century, when it was part of the gardens of Charles V’s royal residence. At one point the houses and buildings that were built over and
around the gardens were slated for demolition; a neighborhood committee saved them and in the 1970s the village was restored and turned into a sort of antiques center, with dozens of stores. The village hosts seasonal déballages, or outdoor arts and antiques fairs. Today the commercial emphasis has shifted from antiquities to design; though there are still antiques, other storefronts feature cutting edge furniture, tableware, and decorative objects. Exit the village on rue des Jardins StPaul. On one side of this street is a playground that runs along a huge stone wall, the
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Aside from this stretch, there are only small fragments here and there on both banks so you’ll have to imagine the rest; you’ll also have to imagine the towers and the six massive portals that once were the only land access into the city. Turn left down rue des Jardins St-Paul and right on rue de l’Avé Maria. Just where it branches off to the right on rue du Figuier is
3 Hôtel de Sens Built between 1475 and 1519, this splendid fortress/mansion is a rare
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example of medieval urban architecture. When Paris came under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Sens back in the 15th century, he promptly built himself a suitably fabulous home in the city. His successors only came into town periodically, so the building was often uninhabited; Henri IV briefly used it to house his strong-minded wife, Queen Margot, whose many love affairs were causing him no end of headaches. The marriage, which was arranged for purely political reasons, was eventually dissolved in 1599; by then Margot had spent several decades under virtual house arrest. The bishops stopped coming to the Hôtel de Sens altogether in 1622, preferring to rent it out; after the Revolution it was at one time or another a laundry operation, a jam factory, and a glass warehouse. By the time it was bought by the city in 1911 it was in a pitiful state; the building’s restoration—which started in 1929—wouldn’t be completed until 1961. The Hôtel now houses the Bibliothèque Forney, a library dedicated to the decorative arts and techniques. Take a minute to contemplate the turrets and towers in the courtyard (visible from the street). Follow the side of the building down rue du Figuier and turn left onto the path that leads around to the back of the hôtel, where there are pretty French gardens. The path leads to rue des Nonnains d’Hyères, where you’ll turn right, then walk left on rue de Jouey to where it intersects with
4 Rue François Miron In front of you, on the other side of the street, is a lovely Belle Epoque bakery, Le Petit Versailles du Marais (1 rue Tiron, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 19 50),
which has a nice tea-room where you can fortify yourself with a coffee and
croissant before taking on the rest of the quarter (be sure to look up at the pretty painted tile ceiling). Now turn left and walk down rue François Miron to the corner of rue Cloche Perce. You will notice two multistoried half-timbered houses: the Maison à l’Enseigne du Faucheur (No. 11) and the Maison à l’Enseigne du Mouton (No. 13). Pre-Haussmann, there were houses like these all over the city; now they are extremely rare. These two date from the 14th century, though after 1607 the crisscrossed wood facades of all such houses were covered with a layer of plaster in accordance with a law that aimed to reduce the risk of fire. When these houses were restored in the 1960s, the plaster was removed, and the wood was once again revealed. Return to the bakery and continue down rue François Miron until it ends at the St-Paul Métro station. Cross the rue de Rivoli and continue up rue Pavée.
5 The Pletzl You are now entering the city’s oldest Jewish quarter, once called the Pletzl (“little place” in Yiddish), where there has been a Jewish presence since the 13th century. This community swelled and shrank over the centuries, in line with various edicts and expulsions, but the largest influx was in the 1880s, when tens of thousands of Eastern European Jews, fleeing poverty and persecution back home, settled in France. The Pletzl was hit hard during the infamous roundups of 1942, when police came and emptied apartment buildings and even schools of their Jewish occupants and sent them off to Nazi concentration camps. Though the neighborhood is slowly being eaten up by the advancing gentrification in the area, and chic shops butt up against
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Walking Tour 2: The Marais kosher butchers, there’s still a strong community here, and a fairly traditional one at that. At No. 10, you’ll see an unusual synagogue, known as the Synagogue de rue Pavée (10 rue Pavée 6th Arrond., % 01 48 87 21 54), which
was designed by Hector Guimard, the Art Nouveau master who created the famous Métro entrances. This is the only existing religious edifice by Guimard, whose wife was Jewish (they fled to the U.S. during World War II). In 1940, on Yom Kippur, the Germans dynamited the synagogue; it was eventually restored and is now a national monument (open for religious services only). Continue up rue Pavée to where it crosses
6 Rue des Rosiers Rumor has it that this street got its name from the rose bushes that once lined its edges, back in the days when it ran along the exterior of the city walls. Today it’s the main artery of the Jewish quarter, and is filled with kosher butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers, as well as a number of kosher restaurants. There’s great falafel to be found here (see l’As du Fallafel, p. 84); if you’re lucky and happen to be in the area around lunch time, you might get handed a free sample from one of the competing restaurants. Turn left on rue des Rosiers and continue to the end, where you’ll turn right on rue Vieille du Temple. You are now in the thick of the trendier (and gay) part of the neighborhood, which is filled with fun restaurants and boutiques. Take the first left at rue des Blancs Manteaux and follow this pretty street all the way to where it ends at
7 Rue du Temple By the time you hit this street you’ll notice that the neighborhood has changed from trendy to workaday; rue du Temple is lined with jewelry and clothing wholesalers. But this street— which back in medieval times lead to the stalwart fortress of the Knights Templar—also harbors some lovely examples of 17th-century hôtels particuliers (private mansions). Start at No. 41 (about a half a block to the left), which has a sign that reads “Café de la Gare” over the entryway. You can go into the courtyard and admire the handsome exterior of what was once the snazzy digs of a certain Nicolas Faure, lord of Berlize, a chief of protocol during the reign of Louis XIV. Today this building houses one of the city’s major dance schools, the Centre de Danse du Marais (p. 203). Now move on north, to No. 71, the Hôtel de St-Aignan, otherwise known as the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme (p. 166). Even if you don’t visit the museum, you can peek into the courtyard during opening hours, which is definitely worth seeing. This exercise in 17th-century grandeur includes a sneaky architectural lie: one of the three facades facing the courtyard, which seems to be the front of an enormous building, is really just a facade. Despite the presence of carefully curtained windows, on the other side of the wall is merely another wall, yet another chunk of Philippe Auguste’s ramparts. The false front not only makes for an elegant symmetry, but it makes the entire ensemble look much bigger than it really is. A little farther up the street, at No. 79, is another splendidly restored hôtel, but unfortunately, you generally can’t get past the giant doors that close off
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the courtyard. Still, the beautiful exterior of the Hôtel de Montmor is worth a quick look; built in 1623, the erstwhile owner of this luxurious palace, Henri Louis de Montmor, who was a great patron of literature and science, used to entertain brilliant minds like René Descartes and Pierre Gassendi. When Molière’s play, Tartuffe, was banned by the authorities, he gave a private reading of it here. Backtrack and turn left on rue de Braque. Walk down to the end, where the street intersects with rue des Archives.
8 Hôtel de Soubise The vaulted archway before you is what is left of the Hôtel de Clisson, a magnificent mansion that was built in 1380 and for centuries housed some of the grandest of the grand, including dukes of Guise, who hung out there for 135 years. Well, it may have been good enough for them, but by 1700, when the François de Rohan, the Prince of Soubise got his hands on it, he decided the time had come for a change. Turn right and walk down rue des Archives to rue des Francs Bourgeois and turn left to see how the Prince transformed the medieval edifice. The first gateway on your left opens out onto the enormous cour d’honneur of what is now the Hôtel de Soubise/ Archives Nationales (60 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, 3rd arrond.; %01 40 27 60 00; Métro: Rambuteau or Hôtel de Ville). A huge horseshoe-shaped
courtyard, edged with open galleries holding 56 pairs of double columns closes in a largely 17th-century palace, which now holds the National Archives. This jaw-dropping sight was the creation of architect Pierre Alexis Delamair, who was hired by the Prince build to the courtyard and overhaul the building. Later the prince’s son, the
future Cardinal de Rohan, asked Delamair to build him his own palace next door, the adjoining Hôtel de Rohan-Strasbourg (not open to the public). In more recent times, the first floor of the Hôtel de Soubise housed the Musée de l’Histoire de France, which has been closed for a lengthy reorganization (no reopening date as of press time). Though the museum is currently only open for temporary expositions, part of the apartments of the Prince and Princess of Soubise are open to the public, though you would never know, since there is no signage indicating their existence (Admission 3€; Wed–Mon 10am– 12:30pm and 2pm–5:45pm). Though
just a few rooms, they retain the sumptuous decor of the period and give a sense of how the other half lived in the 18th century. You will most likely have the rooms to yourself—giving the odd impression that you have somehow stumbled into a private château. Continue down rue des Francs Bourgeois to the next intersection and turn left on rue Vieille du Temple. You will pass by the entrance of the Hôtel de Rohan on your left. Turn right on rue de la Perle and left on rue Thorigny.
9 Hôtel Salé Since Picasso’s tastes in lodgings tended towards the old and splendiferous— castles in Provence, Belle-Epoch apartments, etc.—one can’t imagine that he would complain about the building that houses the Musée Picasso, one of the world’s greatest museums devoted to his works (p. 148). The 17th-century Hôtel Salé, with its sculpted ceilings and sumptuous central staircase would fit right into the artist’s real estate preferences; built for a rich financier and salt tax collector (hence the nickname, Hôtel Salé, or
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Walking Tour 2: The Marais Salty Mansion), this is one of the most exquisite hôtels in the Marais. The mansion took four years to build, but our poor salt man, Pierre Aubert de Fontenay, only got to enjoy it for one: implicated in the financial scandals surrounding Nicolas Fouquet (see Vaux-leVicomte, p. 311), he could no longer pay his creditors and ended up losing his home. The mansion was subsequently purchased by various wealthy Parisians, and later served as the Embassy of the Republic of Venice. It was then transformed into various schools of arts and manufacturing, which wreaked havoc on the original decor. Finally, it was bought by the city in 1964, and in 1974 a 10-year restoration project was commenced. The museum opened its doors in 1985. Those doors remain open during opening hours, so you can look into the courtyard if you don’t have time to visit the museum. Walk back down rue de Thorigny to rue de la Perle and turn left. The street takes a short jog to the left and the name changes to rue du Parc Royal. Turn right on rue Payenne and walk about halfway down to No. 11.
Take a break The Hôtel de Marle is presently the home of the Swedish Cultural Center (11
rue Payenne, 3rd arrond.; % 01 44 78 80 20), which has a lovely cafe with tables in the courtyard. Nibble a vanillascented kanelbulle while you take in the exterior of this 16th-century mansion, which at one point was the home of Yolande de Polastron, a close friend of Marie Antoinette. If you still need a rest, sprawl out on a bench in the Square Georges Cain, a small, but leafy park just across the street.
Continue down the street and turn left on rue des Francs Bourgeois.
0 Hôtel Carnavalet One of the great things about the Musée Caranvalet (p. 150) is that it’s free, so even if you don’t feel like doing the museum, there is nothing to stop you from lounging in its beautiful gardens. Take a rest on a bench while you admire the exterior of this magnificent mansion, which dates from the Renaissance. Originally built in 1548, the hôtel got its name from its second owner, the widow of a Breton nobleman named François Kernevenoy, whose surname no one could pronounce. The mangled Parisian pronunciation, “Carnavalet,” stuck. In 1660, a new owner gave François Mansart the job of enlarging and modernizing his lodgings—the result was so pleasing that in 1677, Madame de Sévigné, famed letter-writer and woman of the world, rented the building and lived there until her death. When it was made into a museum, in 1866, more improvements and enlargements were made, including the creation of two garden courtyards, the Cour de la Victoire (which you can enter directly from rue des Francs Bourgeois in good weather), and the Cour Henri IV. There are superb sculptures in the various courtyards, including L’Imortalité by Boizot, in the Cour de la Victoire, which once stood in the place du Châtelet, and the bronze statue of Louis XIV in the Cour d’Honneur at the main entrance. This last, by Coysevox, once stood in the courtyard of the Hôtel de Ville and is one of the rare surviving bronzes of a French king—almost all the others were melted down during the Revolution.
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From rue des Francs Bourgeois, backtrack to the intersection with rue Payenne and take a short detour about a half a block down rue Pavée
! Hôtel de Lamoignon Built in 1584 for Diane de France, the “legitimized” daughter of one of Henri II’s extramarital encounters, the Hôtel de Lamoignon was acquired by a famous family of magistrates (the Lamoignons) in the 17th century. The enormous entryway sports two nude cherubs, one holding a mirror, one holding a snake, symbols of Truth and Prudence—essential bywords amongst the Lamoignon clan. You’ll have no problem getting into the courtyard here (the building now houses the History Library of the City of Paris), where you can get a good look at the facade. The dog’s heads, arrows, quivers and other hunting imagery carved into the stonework are references to the first owner’s namesake, Diana, goddess of the hunt. A later Lamoignon, Guillaume, who was the first president of the Parisian Parliament, turned his home into a meeting place for the leading lights of the epoch—Madame de Sévigné, Racine, and Bourdaloue were regulars at his parties. The building became a library in the 1960s.
cafes on its edges all have outdoor seating in nice weather. Continue to rue St-Antoine and turn left without crossing the street to No. 62.
# Hôtel de Sully The most splendiferous of the many splendiferous mansions in Marais, the Hôtel de Sully (62 rue St-Antoine, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 74 47 75; www.jeudepaume.org; Métro: St-Paul) was built by
a rich 17th-century businessman, a certain Mesme-Gallet. While his version was quite sumptuous, the mansion really came to life when it was bought by the Duc de Sully, who hired architect François Le Vau to give it a makeover. After his death, like so many mansions in the Marais, the palace-like edifice was sold, divided, and built upon; in 1827 it was a boarding house for young girls, and up until the end of World War II it was still disfigured by shops and outbuildings. Using the original plans and contemporary drawings and etchings, the building was completely restored in the 1970s to Le Vau’s version; you can now stroll through the courtyard and admire the sculpted exterior in its virtually pristine state. Though the building is closed to the public, there’s a wonderful bookstore in a nook between the front and rear Go back up to rue des Francs courtyards, and an exposition space Bourgeois and turn right. Turn right (see Jeu de Paume, p. 173) that presents again on rue de Sévigné and head periodic photography exhibits. The rear south to courtyard opens up on a peaceful gar@ place du Marché Ste-Catherine den and orangerie (a hothouse for Though there’s no longer an open-air orange trees). market here, as the name suggests, this shaded plaza is still an absolutely lovely Go out the archway to the oasis of green and quiet in this busy $ place des Vosges neighborhood. There are, for once, no This exquisite Renaissance plaza is so cars allowed on the square, and the beautiful that I’ve devoted space to it in
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Walking Tour 3: Montmartre the “Remarkable Sights & Attractions” chapter (p. 147). Officially inaugurated in 1612, the square, bordered by 36 virtually identical stone and brick townhouses, was the idea of King Henri IV, who unfortunately didn’t live to see it finished. After a stroll under the arcades, which run below the townhouses, have a seat on a bench in the square and admire the tall trees and the elegant symmetry of the landscaping, as well as the huge statue in the middle of Louis XIII astride his horse. This statue
is a 19th century replacement for the original, which was melted down during the Revolution. The square has seen a number of illustrious tenants over the centuries: Madame de Sévigné was born at No. 1 bis, the 19th-century actress Rachel lived at No. 9, poet Théophile Gautier and novelist Alphonse Daudet both lived at No. 10. The most famous inhabitant, no doubt, was Victor Hugo, who lived at No. 6 from 1832 to 1848; his house is now a museum (p. 163).
Walking Tour 3: Montmartre Start: Finish: Time: Best times:
place des Abbesses (Métro: Abbesses) place du Parvis du Sacré Coeur About 1 hour, not including time spent in shops and restaurants Weekdays, when you’ll see signs of life in the quiet residential areas, and the shops will be open but not crowded. Worst times: Weekends, when the crowds around Sacré Coeur resemble the Métro at rush hour (other parts of the Butte are less crowded, though).
Montmartre is an area that has become forever linked with a certain mythic image of Paris: quaint cobblestone streets, accordion serenades, and the Sacré-Coeur hovering in the background. Or maybe it’s the Moulin Rouge and Can Can girls whooping it up on the place Blanche. Although the area just around the SacréCoeur is probably the most tourist-clogged in the capital, and the Moulin Rouge is a tour-bus trap, there’s still magic on the Butte, and it’s not hard to find. If legendary artists like Picasso and Utrillo are gone, new ones have taken their place, and they aren’t the ones hawking portraits in the place du Tertre. In fact, within a couple blocks from the mobs on the place, there actually are quiet cobbled streets, lined with lovely vine-trimmed houses, and punctuated by cute cafes and shops. Away from the more obvious tourist attractions, Montmartre is considered one of the coolest places to live in the city, and a young, hip crowd has been steadily filling up apartments once inhabited by poets and painters like Max Jacob and Modigliani. Basically, if you walk in the opposite direction of the crowds, you are bound to stumble onto something lovely—here is an itinerary that will lead you in the right direction. Note: The actual distance on this walk is not long, but the terrain will make it seem a lot longer. A good deal of Montmartre’s charm is linked to the fact that it is up on a high hill (a butte) overlooking the city, so be prepared for some steep
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ups and downs, as well as a few flights of stairs. Visitors with reduced mobility might replace parts of this walk with the Montmartrobus, a bus that is part of the city bus system and makes a circuit of the Butte. The bus, which costs a regular Métro ticket, leaves place Pigalle every 12 minutes. For more information and a map, visit www.parisvisite.com/en/Carte_Bus_Montmartrobus.php. 1 place des Abbesses The first thing you’ll notice when you are coming out of the Métro is the exit itself: this lovely Art Nouveau confection of smoked glass and metal is one of two surviving Métro entrances by Hector Guimard with a glass roof. Next you’ll notice the leafy trees and benches and get the feeling that you’re not in Kansas, er, I mean Paris, any more. Montmartre was once an outlying village, and though it’s considerably built up, the small size of the buildings and the presence of greenery gives it a less urban feel. That strange-looking brick church on the south side of the square, St-Jean l’Evangeliste, was built at the end of the 19th century by Anatole de Baudot, an architect who was very much taken with the spirit of the Industrial Revolution and believed that gritty materials like reinforced concrete were beautiful. Opposite the church is a pretty green enclosure called Square Jehan Rictus, which harbors a small playground. Walk west on rue des Abbesses to rue Ravignan, where you will make a right uphill. At the top of the short street is place Emile Goudeau.
2 The Bateau Lavoir No. 13 started out as a piano factory but later was a home to a virtual ‘hall of fame’ of artists, actors, and poets, when they were all young and struggling. In 1889, this odd edifice—constructed on different levels to accommodate the steep slope it was built on—was split
up into artists’ studios. By 1904, a young man named Pablo Picasso was living and working there, as well as Kees Van Dongen, Juan Gris, and Amadeo Modigliani, not to mention the poets Max Jacob and Guillaume Apollinaire, and a whole palate-full of others. It was here that Picasso painted Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (even though he was nowhere near Provence), a painting that signaled the birth of Cubism. Unfortunately, this fertile artistic breeding ground, which was dubbed the Bateau Lavoir, or the Floating Laundry, by Jacob, burned down in 1970. All that’s left of the original structure is one facade on the small plaza, the rest was rebuilt in 1978 and today still houses artists’ studios. You can see a few vine-covered studios when you round the corner. Turn left on tiny rue d’Orchampt, a quiet cobbled street, which curves up to an intersection with rue Lepic.
3 The Moulin de la Galette & the Moulin du Radet There were once over 30 windmills on Montmartre’s slopes, which were covered in vineyards. Before you is one of the last two that still exist, the Moulin du Radet, which is now a swank restaurant called the Moulin de la Galette. What is even more confusing is that the “real” Moulin de la Galette, of Renoir painting fame, is down the street at No. 75, and is also known as the Moulin Blute-Fin. Whatever its name, this old mill had a
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r. de Baigneur Walking Tour 3: Montmartre
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5 Château des Brouillards 6 Place Dalida
La Maison Rose PIGALLE place 7 Clos Montmartre Vineyard Pigalle 8 Au Lapin Agile
tragic story: owned by the same family of millers since the 17th century, in 1814, the windmill was attacked by a garrison of Cossacks, who were in town because the Allies (Germany, Prussia, and Russia, among a host of others) had decided to come to Paris to stop French attacks on the rest of Europe and put Napoléon in his place (they entered the city on March 31, 1814). The miller tried valiantly to defend his property but ended up hacked to pieces and nailed to the blades of his windmill. Years later, the miller’s son, perhaps trying to harken back to gayer times, turned the farm into an outdoor music hall, the famous Moulin de la
St-Vincent ch 9 Jardin Sauvage ANVERS oche
10 Musée de Montmartre R de
11 Rue St-Rustique bd.
12 Place du Tertre
13 Parvis du Sacré Coeur
Galette depicted in a legendary painting by Renoir (you can see the painting at the Musée d’Orsay, p. 141). Other painters that frequented these bucolic dance parties included ToulouseLautrec, Van Gogh, and Utrillo. Today you won’t get to dance here—the mill is private property and a prim little sign outside informs you that it is under electronic surveillance and protected by radars and guard dogs. Walk down rue Lepic to No. 65 and turn right and go up the stairs past big old houses and quiet gardens. The path ends at the elegant Avenue Junot. Turn right and right again on
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4 Villa Léandre Named after painter and humorist Charles Léandre, this tiny, pristine lane is lined with quaint cottages that look like they belong in the English countryside. Max Ernst once lived on this street, and he was no fool—this is some of the most desirable real estate in Paris. The houses at the end of the lane have marvelous views of the city. Back out on Avenue Junot, are some of Montmartre’s most elegant homes, including No. 13, which was inhabited and decorated by the artist Francique Poulbot, and No. 15, which was built for Dadaist writer Tristan Tzara, by the Austrian architect Adolf Loos. From the intersection of Villa Léandre and Avenue Junot turn left and immediately right on rue Simon Dereure. The street ends at place Casadesus; climb the stairs to the footpath called Allée des Brouillards.
5 Château des Brouillards This tranquil path leads past a number of massive houses, set back in large gardens, most of which are at least partially shielded from prying eyes by tall fences. The largest garden surrounds a white country manor known as the Château des Brouillards, or Fog Castle. Built in 1772 for a lawyer in the Parisian Parliament, this romantic dwelling most likely got its name from the mist that crept up from a nearby spring when the water contacted the cold morning air (real fog is a rare thing up here). Gérard de Nerval lived here in 1854, and surely this was the ideal writer’s haven for this quintessential Romantic-era poet. The painter PierreAuguste Renoir lived and worked in one of the houses behind the Château; his son, filmmaker Jean Renoir, was born there.
Continue down the path to its end, at
6 place Dalida Out in front of the mansion is place Dalida, which is graced with a bust of one of Montmartre’s most beloved residents, Yolanda Gigliotti, aka Dalida. This Egyptian-born singer, of Italian ancestry, was one of France’s biggest stars, recording hundreds of hits and winning 70 gold records. The blond bombshell moved to the Butte in 1962, where she lived out the rest of her stormy life in a four-story mansion that her fans dubbed “Sleeping Beauty’s Castle.” After a series of unfortunate love affairs, two of which ended with her partners’ suicide, she took her own life in 1987. Her statue looks out on one of the most prototypical views of Montmartre, down rue de l’Abreuvoir: a cobbled lane leading up a hill with the Sacré-Coeur in the background. Walk down rue de l’Abreuvoir and turn left on rue des Saules
Take a break Your last chance for refreshment before you hit the tourist madness is a charming little cafe that happens to be in La
Maison Rose (2 rue de l’Abreuvoir, 18th arrond.; % 01 42 57 66 75), the house that Utrillo made famous in one of his first successful paintings.
7 Clos Montmartre Vineyard As you make your way down rue des Saules, you will notice an unlikely vineyard on the right hand side of the street. This is in fact the last of Montmartre’s vineyards—for centuries the Butte was covered with them. Back in the 16th century, winemaking was the primary industry in the area—though nobody ever bragged about the high quality of
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Walking Tour 3: Montmartre
the product, which was mainly known for its diuretic virtues. A ditty about Montmartre’s wine went thus: “The wine of Montmartre—whoever drinks a pint, pisses a quarte.” By the way, in those days, a “quarte” equaled 67 liters (70 quarts). Whatever its merits, this tiny vineyard still produces; rare bottles of Clos Montmartre are auctioned off every year by the district and the proceeds benefit local public projects.
to the end of Frédé’s donkey, Lolo, and let him slop paint over a canvas. Dorgelès then entered the painting, which he entitled: And the Sun Set Over the Adriatic, in the Salon des Independants, a major art show in Paris. The critics loved it—until they found out who really painted it and a scandal ensued. Today’s Au Lapin Agile (22 rue des
Continue down rue des Saules to the intersection with rue St-Vincent
siders itself a cabaret, and indeed it has become a showcase for many new talents in the world of chanson française (traditional French song, see the “Chanson” box on p. 288 ). Though a little heavy on nostalgia, the Lapin does its best to remain authentic, and you can see a show Tues–Sun nights for 24€, 17€ students under 26 with ID (one drink included).
8 Au Lapin Agile Now we’re getting into serious tourist territory—you’ll know by the marauding bands of camera-wielding sightseers converging on an innocuous-looking inn called Au Lapin Agile. The story goes that a habitué of this rowdy corner cabaret—which was then called the Cabaret des Assassins—a certain André Gill, painted a sign for the place showing a rabbit (lapin) jumping out of a stock pot. The cabaret became known as the Lapin à Gill (Gill’s rabbit), which in time mutated into Au Lapin Agile (the Agile Rabbit). The singer Aristide Bruant (immortalized in a poster by Toulouse-Lautrec) bought the inn in 1902, and asked Frédé, a local guitar legend, to run it. Under Frédé’s guidance, the cabaret thrived, and the best and the brightest of the Montmartre scene was drawn to its doors; Picasso, Verlaine, Renoir, Utrillo, and Apollinaire, were just some of the young upstarts that used to show up for wine, women, and song. Not everyone who came was a fan of modern art, however. The writer Roland Dorgelès had had enough of “Picasso’s band” from the Bateau Lavoir and decided to play a trick on them: he tied a paintbrush
Saules, 18th arrond.; % 01 46 06 85 87; www.au-lapin-agile.com) still con-
Turn left on rue St-Vincent
9 Jardin Sauvage St-Vincent At the end of this pretty street, on the right hand side, is a barely noticeable entrance into an unusual park. The Jardin Sauvage St-Vincent is 1,500 sq. m (16,145 sq. ft.) worth of wilderness right in the middle of Montmartre. The idea is simple: what would happen if you just let a piece of urban land grow wild? The answer is in this incredibly lush patch of green, which has been left more or less on its own since 1987. A well-marked path leads through this delightful miniecosystem; a haven of peace only minutes from Sacré-Coeur. The garden is only open from April 1 to October 31. Turn right on rue du Mont Cenis and climb the stairs to rue Cortot, where you will turn right again.
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0 Musée de Montmartre You might be so absorbed in looking around pretty rue Cortot that you walk right by the Musée de Montmartre at No. 12, (p. 172), but that would be a shame, as not only does the museum provide an overview of the history of the neighborhood, but it is housed it what was once the residence of Rosimond, a famous 17th-century actor who was in Molière’s troupe. In another century, Renoir painted here (this is where he created the “Bal du Moulin de la Galette,” see p. 172), as did Utrillo, who lived here with his mother, the model and painter Susan Valadon, and her lover André Utter. Continue to the end of rue Cortot and turn left on rue des Saules; walk up to rue St-Rustique and turn left.
! Rue St-Rustique By now you’ll have noticed the crowds thickening, and a change in the atmosphere towards the Disneyesque. Trinket shops appear on every corner, and “artists” badger you to draw your portrait. Dive quickly into rue StRustique, a narrow channel of calm. Not only does the noise die down, but you’ll be rewarded with an excellent photo-op of the bulb-like tops of Sacré Coeur sprouting above the end of the street. This is one of the oldest streets in Montmartre; it has no sidewalks and a medieval-style gutter runs down its center.
squint hard enough and use a tremendous amount of imagination, you’ll see the lovely village square as it once was—but most likely you’ll just be trampled by the crowds who are wandering around trying to figure out what all the fuss is about. Do not eat here, even if you are starving—you will be taken for a ride. A quick walk down the hill towards the place des Abbesses will lead you to plenty of nice restaurants and cafes. You will probably be approached by people begging to do your portrait—these “artists” may do nice caricatures, but if you think you’re looking at the next Picasso, you’re kidding yourself. Our advice: take a quick peek and continue on the tour. Duck back out of place du Tertre and continue down rue du Mont Cenis until it curls around to the left and becomes rue Azaïs. Keep walking until you’re in front of
# Parvis du Sacré Coeur After you’ve looked up at the gleaming white basilica and its odd, pseudoByzantine domes, turn around and admire the stunning view from the esplanade, or parvis, in front of the church; on a clear day you can see as far as 50 km (31 miles). No matter how many people are standing around snapping pictures, or how many would-be rock singers are crooning John Lennon tunes, it just won’t ruin the beauty of this sight. Though you won’t be able to see the Eiffel Tower (it’s too far over on Walk to the end of rue St-Rustique the right, though you can see it if you and turn right. On your right is the climb up the dome) you will take in a entrance to majestic panorama that includes the Pompidou Center, St-Eustache, the @ place du Tertre Opéra, and the Louvre, not to mention Now there’s no avoiding it. It’s there, in distant hills and vales beyond the city. your face, the most tourist-drenched, What you are mainly looking at here is mob-swamped spot in Paris. If you
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Walking Tour 3: Montmartre eastern Paris, the more plebian side— an entirely appropriate view from this historically working-class, low-rent neighborhood. The view actually gets better as you walk down to the bottommost level of the esplanade; from here
you can also take in the lovely gardens below, which had a starring role in the ultimate Montmartre movie, Amélie, by Jean-Pierre Jeunet.
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Le Shopping
From the practical to the posh LET’S FACE IT: NO ONE COMES TO PARIS FOR BARGAIN SHOPPING. AS EARLY as the 16th century, the city was known as the place to go for luxury goods, and over the centuries an entire industry grew up around the whims and whimsies of the French aristocracy. To keep up appearances, nobles spent outrageous amounts of money on sumptuous clothing, opulent homes, and lavish dinner parties for dozens of similarly well-heeled aristocrats. By the 18th century, thousands of merchants and artisans were working full-time to fill the voluminous orders of some 150 grand families, not to mention Louis XIV and his court in Versailles. So it’s no wonder that even today, the high and mighty, or just plain rich, come here to deck themselves out in the best of the best. So where does that leave those of us who don’t have money to burn? Rest assured that the vast majority of Parisians are in the same boat as you, and are on the constant lookout for ways of staying stylish without going broke. Because some of what you have heard is true: Parisians, both male and female, like to dress and live well, and will jump through a number of hoops to do that on their limited budgets. Though social services may be plentiful here, salaries are quite low in comparison with those in most English-speaking countries. Yet your average Parisian looks remarkably well put together. What’s their secret? Read on as we shed some new light on this puzzling mystery; the shops and services listed below will give you a good point of departure for your Parisian shopping adventure. Before we begin, a word on taxes: Most items purchased in stores (aside from certain categories like food and tickets to performances) are subject to a 19.6% Value Added Tax (VAT) which is included in the price you pay (and not tacked on at the end like in the U.S.), and which explains why everything seems so expensive here. The good When I shop it’s not so much news is that non-European Union about buying. Whether you get someresidents (sorry, that excludes U.K. thing or not when you go in a store, citizens) who are over 15 and stay you see what Paris is like. in France less than six months can get a refund of VAT (TVA in —Sofia Coppola, in an interview French) if they spend over 175€ in with the New York Times a single shop on the same day. Ask the retailer for the two-page form, which will be signed by the retailer and yourself. When you leave the EU (no longer than 3 months after you made the purchase), present the form and the goods to customs. At the airport, look for the comptoire détaxe (you’ll find them
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Shopping Neighborhoods & Streets
In-Store Etiquette You know the stereotype: the Parisian store clerk who is cold, unhelpful, and downright nasty. But did you know that to them, often it’s us who are rude? French storekeepers, particularly in smaller operations, work like devils to present the best products they possibly can in the most attractive displays. They take incredible pride in their work and expect others to respect this—so try to imagine how they might perceive loud, bossy tourists wandering in and demanding this and that without so much as a polite bonjour. France is a formal country: what may seem like trivial niceties, like saying hello, goodbye, and thank you (bonjour, au revoir, merci), are matters of great importance here, and ignoring their existence is likely to result in a cultural collision. I’m not saying that there aren’t store clerks here who are just plain grumpy—heaven knows, they are legion—but I guarantee that a bit of respect and politesse will go a long way towards soothing frayed nerves on both sides of the counter.
in all three terminals at Charles De Gaulle), where you can get your forms stamped by customs. Then, if you want to get an immediate cash refund, go to an American Express exchange counter and present your form (American Express will take a small fee for this service). If you’re leaving the European Union by train to go to, let’s say, Switzerland, you will get your form stamped either on the train or at the station in Geneva, where you will have to pass through customs. Once you get back home, send the pink sheet to the retailer and keep the green one in case of a dispute. The retailer must get his sheet with 6 months of the sale of the goods. Some shops are willing to give you the refund at the time of purchase, but you’ll still have to sign forms and get your sheet stamped at customs. This refund scheme applies to most, but not all goods; for details, visit the French Customs website (www.douane.gouv.fr) and click the English language box.
SHOPPING NEIGHBORHOODS & STREETS Shopping is not a precise art; it takes some studied wandering around to find what you want. Fortunately, Paris is a great place to wander around for any reason, and if you’re shopping, you’ll have a ball in the areas and streets listed below.
THE MAIN MID-RANGE SHOPPING NEIGHBORHOODS Fortunately, Paris is virtually mall free, with lovely shops all over the city. That said, there are several areas with high concentrations of chain and other mid-range stores that serve a mall-like purpose, in that you can get a lot of shopping done in a small geographic area (and you will most certainly have a better choice of places to take a coffee break than you would in a mall!). They are: Rue St-Antoine (just off place de la Bastille) Rue de Rennes (especially near the Tour Montparnasse)
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Arcadia One of the major challenges in visiting Paris is trying to figure out how to wander around and enjoy the city without getting rained on. An umbrella is imperative, of course, but you might also consider a stroll through one or several of the city’s many covered arcades, primarily in the 2nd arrondissement. These lovely iron and glass galleries are 19th-century antecedents of today’s shopping malls—each one is lined with shops, tea rooms, and even the occasional hotel—and range in ambiance from slightly seedy to ultra hip. The longest, and in the worst shape (of those listed here) is the Passage Choiseul (40 rue des Petits Champs, 2nd arrond.; Métro: Pyramides), which runs from rue des Petits Champs all the way to rue de Saint Augustin. Built in 1825, it’s elegant, peeling arches shelter various shoe shops, used book stores and, of all things, a bagel cafe. French writer Louis-Ferdinand Céline grew up here and wrote about it in his novel, Death on the Installment Plan. The Passage des Panoramas (11 blvd. Montmartre, 2nd arrond.; Métro: Grands Boulevards) intersects with several other short arcades (Feydeau, Montmartre, Saint-Marc, and Variétés), making an interesting warren of bookshops, collectors’ shops (stamps, coins, postcards, engravings), and restaurants. One of the first arcades (dating from 1800), it was an unqualified hit with Parisians. Though the glory days are clearly long gone, this is still a lively place. Look into the window at No. 47, Graveur Stern for a glimpse into another century—the decoration hasn’t changed one iota since 1840. Nearby is the extraordinary woodwork facade of L’Arbre à Cannelle tea room (p. 82) as well as the stage entrance to the Théâtre des Varietés, which Zola described in his novel Nana. Across the street is the entrance to Passage Jouffroy 10 Blvd. Montmartre (9th arrond.; Métro: Grands Boulevards), lined with more
Champs Elysées (oh yes, there are chain stores here) Les Halles (try to avoid the dreadful underground mall, Forum des Halles,
with its cold florescent lighting and its industrial escalators that make you feel as if you’re descending into the bowels of the Earth; plenty of good stores are above ground here) Boulevard Haussmann (and the little streets that weave around the Printemps and Galeries Lafayette department stores)
DISCOUNT STREETS Though boutiques throughout the city might seem uniformly expensive, there are a few discount-packed streets where those in the know go to stock their wardrobes and apartments with clothes and knickknacks at significantly reduced prices.
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shops for collectors, this time figurines and dollhouses. Pricier gifts are to be found at Passage Verdeau (across the street from the back end of Jouffroy, 31 bis rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 9th arrond.; Métro: Grands Boulevards) a particularly atmospheric arcade that doesn’t seem to have changed for at least 50 years. The stores are a little classier here, selling rare books, antique engravings and vintage photos. Farther south, near the Palais Royale, is the terribly chic Galerie Vivienne 5 (4 rue des Petits Champs, 2nd arrond.; Métro: Bourse), a beautifully restored arcade with a mosaic tile floor, classical arches and its own website (www.galerie-vivienne.com). High-rent clothes, handbags, textiles and objet d’arts are sold here—even if the merchandise is out of your price range, the window shopping here is excellent. There are several restaurants including the Belle Epoque wonder, Le Grand Colbert, as well as the A Priori Thé tea room (p. 82 and p. 82). Wine fans should pop into the amazing Legrand Filles et Fils, which has heaven knows how many fine bottles of wine, as well as book shop, wine school, and cafe. Towards Les Halles is the slightly more intimidating Passage du Grand Cerf (10 rue Dussoubs, 2nd arrond.; www.passagedugrandcerf.com; Métro: Etienne Marcel), also has a website and is filled with flashy designer jewelry, clothing stores, and interior design agencies—it’s hard to imagine shopping here without being dressed in the latest hipster fashions. The Galerie Véro-Dodat (2 rue du Bouloi, 1st arrond. near the Bourse du Commerce; Métro: Palais Royale-Musée du Louvre) is mostly interesting for its decor: dark wood paneling and bronze detailing give this arcade a serious and somber air. Composed of mostly high-end furniture and antiques shops, there is an old-fashioned luthier, or guitar maker, at No. 17.
On the rue d’Alesia 55 (14th arrond.; Métro: Alésia), for example, everywhere you look, you’ll see signs for STOCK and DE-STOCK, which is the French way of saying overstock or outlet stores. Many feature designer overstock, including: u
SR store (64 rue de Alésia, 14th arrond.; % 01 43 95 06 13; Métro: Alésia, also at 11-112 rue d’Alésia; % 01 45 43 80 86). That’s SR as in Sonia
Rykiel—deep discounts bring these pricey items out of the stratosphere and closer to Earth. u
Cacharel Boutique Outlet (114 rue d’Alésia, 14th arrond.; % 01 45 42 53 04; Métro: Alésia). A voluminous selection of last season’s offerings at significant reductions—men’s shirts are 35€–45€, women’s dresses start around 90€.
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Shopping Hours Before you head out to the stores take note: for shoppers, Paris is most definitely not a 24-hour city. In general, shops are open from 9 or 10am to 7pm; many are closed on Monday, and almost all are closed on Sunday, which is still considered a day of rest in this country. This is great for family get-togethers, but hard on working shoppers, who have only Saturday to get to the stores. Which leads to my next point—don’t shop on Saturday if you can avoid it; the crowds are annoying, to say the least. The French tradition of closing for lunch is quickly vanishing in Paris (though it is still very common elsewhere in France); almost all larger and chain stores stay open, as well as many mid-sized boutiques. Smaller, family-run operations often still close between noon and 2pm. Another new trend: many larger stores and most department stores stay open late (i.e., 9pm) one night during the week (called a nocturne) and most supermarkets are open until at least 8pm, often 9 or even 10 pm. Very slowly, stores are starting to open on Sunday (you can almost always find a boulangerie open on the Sabbath), but this development is hotly contested by the unions, so don’t get your hopes up. Fortunately, for food and toiletry emergencies, there are tiny, minimarkets (called alimentations), usually run by Arab immigrants, that are open late into the night 7 days a week. Final note: many shops close down for 2 or 3 weeks during July or August, when a mass vacation exodus empties out major portions of the city.
Stock Jeans Ober 5 (111 bis rue Alesia, 14th arrond.; % 01 45 41 21 10; Métro: Alésia). This closet-sized store is stuffed with a wide range of body-
hugging jeans and pants by the one and only French jeans label, Ober. You’ll pay half what you would pay at Printemps (jeans here start around 60€); a great pair of jeans with a matching jacket can be had for fewer than 100€. Another great street for bargain hunters is just around the corner from the Bon Marché department store: rue St-Placide 5 (6th arrond). Here you’ll find great discounts on women’s apparel, children’s clothes, and linens, as well as some of the less expensive chain stores. The obligatory stop here is: u
Mouton à Cinq Pattes 5 (8 and 18 rue St-Placide, 6th arrond.; % 01 45 48 86 26; www.mouton-a-cinq-pattes.info; Métro: St-Placide or Sèvres– Babylone). Sift through the packed racks of designer mark-downs and you
just might find Moschino slacks or a Gaultier dress at a fabulous price. If you do, grab it fast—it might not be there tomorrow. These are some of the best designer discounts in town, but you really have to look. The store at No. 8 is women’s apparel only; No. 16 serves both sexes, as does their other equally overstuffed store at 138 blvd. St-Germain also in the 6th arrondissement.
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257 Also, look out for Caroll Stock (30 and 51 rue St-Placide, 6th arrond.; % 01 Department Stores
45 48 83 66; www.caroll.com; Métro: Sèvres–Babylone or St-Placide), which is the
outlet shop for the elegant Caroll brand (p. 264).
BOUTIQUE STREETS Unless you come during sale season (p. 259), you won’t find many fantastic bargains on these streets, but at the very least you will enjoy some excellent window shopping and browsing in darling clothes, jewelry, home design, and other boutiques (streets listed in ascending order, price-wise): Rue des Abbesses (18th arrond.; Métro: Abbesses) affordable chic, lots of
hip, young start-up designers have shops here. Rue de Charonne 5 (11th arrond.; Métro: Bastille) mid-range prices, youth-
oriented fare. Rue du Four (6th arrond.; Métro: St-Germain-des-Prés) chic and trendy, a
mix price-wise. Rue des Francs Bourgeois
(4th arrond.; Métro: St-Paul) pricey hip
boutiques. Avenue Montaigne (8th arrond.; Métro: Franklin Delano Roosevelt) breath-
takingly expensive designer goods.
DEPARTMENT STORES Though the larger department stores (see “Les Grands Magasins”, below) are definitely more chic; some smaller, cheaper versions do exist (see “The Less Grand Magasins,” below). Both types are filled with goodies, of course. Where you go will depend largely on what you already have in your pocketbook.
LES GRANDS MAGASINS Known as the Grands Magasins (i.e., Big Stores), the great Parisian department stores were born in the late 19th-century and have become landmarks in their own right. Though not exactly cheap, they often have minisales lasting a few days or a week. You’ll see giant posters advertising these sales in the Métro and around town, as well as in various newspapers; you can also check the stores’ websites. Of course, the time to find fabulous mark-downs is during the sale season. Printemps and Galeries Lafayette offer a 10% discount coupon to tourists; if you didn’t pick one up at your hotel, ask at the welcome desk (you’ll need to show a passport or national identity card). The most stylish, and the most expensive, department store is Le Bon Marché 55 (24 rue de Sèvres, 7th arrond.; % 01 44 39 80 00; www.lebon marche.fr; Métro: Sèvres–Babylone) with beautiful displays and fabulous clothes. Its humongous designer supermarket, La Grande Epicerie (38 rue de Sèvres, 7th arrond.; % 01 44 39 81 00; www.lagrandeepicerie.fr) stocks every imaginable
gourmet substance and has a welcoming cafe (p. 71). The glistening domes of Printemps 5 (64 blvd. Haussman, 9th arrond.; % 01 42 82 57 87; www.printemps.com; Métro: Havre Caumartin) bring to mind a grand hotel on the French Riviera—its three buildings are filled with fashion, beauty, and home products. Free fashion shows every Tuesday morning at 10am on the 7th floor of Printemps de la Mode.
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A tiny bit less expensive than its next door neighbor Printemps, and even more vast, Galeries Lafayette 5 (40 blvd. Haussman, 9th arrond; % 01 42 82 34 56; www.galerieslafayette.com; Métro: Havre–Caumartin) is often jam packed—come weekdays before 4pm to avoid the crowds. Beautiful housewares are available at Lafayette Maison (across the street). Finally, a department store that a man can love. Sure, BHV (52–64 rue de Rivoli, 4th arrond; % 01 42 74 90 00; www.bhv.fr; Métro: Hôtel de Ville) has acres of clothes and perfumes, but it also has a huge selection of hardware, electronics, gadgets, and other items for bricoleurs (do-it-yourselfers) of all nationalities. Be sure to visit its housewares and decoration department. Sad, but true, in 2005 La Samaritaine (67 rue de Rivoli, 1st arrond.; % 08 00 01 00 15; www.lasamaritaine.com; Métro: Pont Neuf or Châtelet–Les Halles)
was closed for urgent repairs after the 1906 landmark building was declared a fire hazard. The store is not scheduled to reopen for at least 5 or 6 years.
THE LESS GRAND MAGASINS (BARGAIN DEPARTMENT STORES) It isn’t cool, hip, or even happening, but Tati (4 blvd. Rochechouart, 18th arrond.; % 01 55 29 50 00; www.tati.fr; Métro: Barbès Rochechouart) has everything you’ll ever need to complete your wardrobe for ridiculously low prices (polo shirts for 3.95€, slacks for 18€). Just around the corner, at 5 rue Belhomme, is Tati Mariage, where you can find a lovely assortment of wedding gowns for 70€–305€. Okay, the quality might not be top notch, but hey, you’re only going to wear it once! Four more branches at: 76 avenue de Clichy, 17th arrond., % 01 58 22 28 90, Métro: La Fourche; Galerie Gaité Montparnasse, 68 ave du Maine, 14th arrond., % 01 56 80 06 80, Métro: Gaîté; Centre Commerical Italie 2, 30 ave. d’Italie, 13th arrond., % 01 53 80 97 70, Métro: Place d’Italie; and 172 rue du Temple, 3rd arrond., % 01 42 71 41 77, Métro: République. And what would we do without Monoprix (21 ave. de l’Opéra, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 61 78 08; www.monoprix.fr; Métro: Pyramides)? When push comes to shove, and you simply must find a sundress/t-shirt/pull-over, duck into one of these “everything stores” (which are everywhere), and you’re bound to come up with something. In fact, many Parisians stock up on remarkably stylish duds here, though they would never admit it to anyone. You can usually find affordable housewares and toiletries too, and sometimes groceries.
SECOND-HAND & OTHER DISCOUNTED CLOTHING TREASURES I’ll be discussing two different types of stores in this section. The first, is dépôt vente (day-po vahnt). These are consignment stores, where some Parisians go to sell used goods, and others go to buy them (the store owner, of course, chooses what he or she wants to sell and takes a cut of the profit). In Paris, most of these stores sell lightly-used, high-end items, designer sportswear and the like, which means even if the price is a fraction of what you would have paid for it new, chances are, those Moschino slacks are still going to cost over 50€. (For truly inexpensive clothing and household items, your best bet is the flea markets, see below.) The other type of store listed below is the dégriffe (day-greef ). Unlike the
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Sale Mania In the name of fair competition, the French government has slapped strict controls on sales. Two times a year, around the second week in January and the second week in July (official dates are pasted a couple of weeks in advance on advertisements all over the city), retailers are allowed to go hog wild and slash prices as far as they want. The rest of the year sale prices don’t usually dip down below 30% when they happen, which is rarely (usually only in the big department stores). Naturally, everyone breathlessly awaits the two big seasonal sales, and when the opening day finally arrives, chaos ensues. Don’t feel you have to get there the first day—not only are the crowds horrific, but many stores are coy about their initial reductions and you may not turn up any really good bargains. Personally, I think the best time to go is the second or third week, when the crowds have thinned and the stores start really cutting their prices (sales go on for at least 5 weeks). Whatever you do, unless you are a dedicated masochist, don’t try to shop on a weekend during sale season. You’ll be trampled on, sneered at, and will probably be so sick and tired of the whole thing you won’t even end up buying anything. If you must shop on the weekend, go early in the morning when the stores open.
second-hand stores, these discount boutiques sell new goods (albeit often last year’s styles) that are significantly marked down.
THE BEST OF DEPOT VENTE The stores listed below sell both men’s and women’s clothing and accessories but as usual in apparel stores; there tends to be a lot more women’s stuff. The largest dépôt vente in the city is Reciproque 5 (95 rue de la Pompe, 16th arrond.; % 01 47 04 30 28; Métro: Rue de la Pompe) which takes up almost an entire street in the posh 16th arrondissement. Each of the eight different boutiques specializes in a particular category (evening wear, handbags, mens’ clothing, etc.) of lightly used designer items. This is the place to come if you’ve always dreamed of owning a Chanel suit, though even used Chanels cost money; they start here at around 500€ (but that’s still a smashing bargain when you consider a new one costs anywhere from 3,000€–5,000€). Another store in the same neighborhood that’s worth scoping out is Nip’shop (6 rue Edmond About, 16th arrond.; % 01 45 04 66 19; Métro: Rue de la Pompe).
Stock rotates quickly here; labels like Dior, Yves St-Laurent, and Sonia Rykiel show up frequently on the racks. They have bags and jewelry too. The five stores that make up Chercheminippes 5 (102, 109, 110, 111, and 124 rue du Cherche-Midi, 6th arrond.; % 01 42 22 45 23; www.chercheminippes. com; Métro: Vaneau) present an entire universe of almost-new men’s, women’s, and
children’s clothing, as well as decorative items, toys, and baby stuff. Conveniently laid out with easily scannable displays and racks, it’s a stylish assortment with
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reductions of up to 50% off major name brands. Not the cheapest of the cheap, but it’s a wide selection of high-quality goods. Typically tiny and overstuffed, Au Gré du Vent (10 rue des Quatre Vents, 6th arrond; % 01 44 07 28 73; Métro: Odéon) specializes in designer labels with a nice selection of costume jewelry. You wouldn’t expect to find a second-hand clothes store in this chi-chi neighborhood, but Griff’troc (119 blvd. Malesherbes, 8th arrond; % 01 45 61 19 47; Métro: Monceau) has a great selection of, you guessed it, haute couture.
CHILDREN’S DEPOT VENTE Clothes as well as toys and books fill the shelves at La Reserve des Sioux (25 ave. % 01 53 59 94 50; Métro: Ecole Militaire). Not enormous quantity, but high quality offerings. There’s nothing like looking in the chic neighborhoods for chic castoffs. Baby
de Tourville, 7th arrond.;
Troc (16 rue de Magdebourg, 16th arrond.;
% 01 47 27 37 28; Métro: Trocadéro)
is a gold mine of barely-used designer baby and children’s clothes at substantial reductions.
DEPOT VENTE FOR HOUSEWARES People who are trying to unload an entire apartment full of stuff often turn to consignment shops—an excellent source of buried treasure, though you’ll have to do a lot of digging. Try Dépôt Vente du Particulier (45 rue Orfila, 20th arrond.; % 01 40 09 11 50; Mon–Fri; Métro: Gambetta) where you might turn up Art Deco objects or 1950s kitchen sets, or Dépôt Vente de Paris (81 rue de Lagny, 20th arrond.; % 08 90 71 17 77; www.depotventedeparis.com; Métro: Porte de Vincennes) a gigantic space on the outskirts of town with a huge stock of recent
issue furniture, objects, china, and other goodies. A much smaller operation with a good selection of reasonably priced items is Antiquités de Paris (157 blvd. Brune, 14th arrond.;
% 01 45 41 00 13; Métro: Port d’Orléans).
DISCOUNT STORES (DEGRIFFES) Owned and operated by an American fashion victim, Anna Lowe (104 rue du Faubourg St-Honoré, 8th arrond., next to the Bristol Hôtel; % 01 42 66 11 32; www.annaloweparis.com; Métro: Miromesnil or St-Philippe de Roule) specializes in top-end designer wear (Chanel, Armani, Yves St-Laurent) at 40% to 60% percent off. Though shopping here is more relaxed than at the sleek boutiques down the street, these relative bargains (a 900€ Armani blazer marked down to 420€, a 3,000€ Chanel jacket for 1,500€) will still take a big bite out of your pocketbook. Having recently undergone a makeover, La Clef des Marques 5 (122/126 blvd. Raspail, 6th arrond.; % 01 45 49 31 00; www.laclefdesmarques.com; Métro: Notre Dame des Champs) has now refined its “look.” Though there are still 30%
to 70% discounts on men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing, the brands are more upscale than in its previous incarnation. That said, you can still get some great deals here, like a lace bustier by the sexy brand Anti-flirt for 15€. Younger, more modern designer clothes can be found at L’Habilleur (44 rue de Poitou, 3rd arrond.; % 01 48 87 77 12; www.habilleur.fr; Métro: Filles du Calvaire),
which stocks brands so hip, I’ve never even heard of them: Michel Klein, Nuur, and Robert Collina, for example. Discounts here can easily go over 50%.
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ANTIQUES & BROCANTES You’ve probably heard of the famous marché aux puces, or flea market at Clignancourt (see below), and if you are an inveterate browser, it’s probably worth the visit. But the better deals are to be had at the brocantes, antiques or jumble sales, held periodically around the city. Though most of what you will find at these sales is sold by professional brocanteurs, who scout estate sales and other insider sources, your selection will be much wider and the chances of your finding a post-war ceramic pastis pitcher, or heirloom lace curtains at affordable prices are much higher than at some of the more overpopulated flea markets. Your first place to look for what’s on when you’re in town is in the special supplements of the following Parisian newspapers: Le Journal du Dimanche (Sunday), Le Parisien (Sunday), or Le Figaro (Wednesday, the supplement is called Figaroscope). There are also specialized magazines (found at larger kiosques) like Le Collectionneur, Antiquités-Brocantes, and Aladin. You can also try your luck on the web at www.labrocante.com and http://vide-greniers.org, but these sites are in French only and not always easy to navigate.
FLEA MARKETS Engulfing the Porte de Clignancourt at the northern edge of the city, the Marché aux Puces de Paris St-Ouen 5 (Porte de Clignancourt, 18th arrond.; % 08 92 70 57 65, .34€ per min.; www.parispuces.com; Métro: Porte de Clignancourt)
claims to be the largest antiques market in the world. Thousands of visitors descend on this sprawling minicity each weekend, which is split up into 15 marchés, each with its own specialty. Once a bargain-hunter’s dream, prices now often rival those of regular antiques dealers. Still, hard-core browsers will get a big kick wandering through the serpentine alleyways of this Parisian medina. Less well-known, the Marché aux Puces de la Porte de Vanves 5 (ave. Marc Sangnier and ave. Georges Lafenestre, 14th arrond.; no phone; http://pucesde vanves.typepad.com; Sat–Sun 7am–1pm on ave. Marc Sangnier, Sat–Sun 7am–3pm on ave. Georges Lafenestre; Métro: Porte de Vanves) is a happy hunting ground
for treasure-seekers who don’t mind getting up at the crack of dawn—the best stuff goes fast. Everything from classy antiques to piles of old clothes.
INDIVIDUAL STORES YOU’LL WANT TO VISIT APPAREL As anyone can tell you, Paris is a capital of style. But what’s truly puzzling is how Parisians, the majority of whom don’t make a lot of money, manage to look so chic, even if they’re just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Some of it’s genetic (I’m convinced), but a lot of it has to do with knowing where to go to buy great jeans and a hip t-shirt at a good price. Here’s to knowing—below are some bonnes adresses (literally, “good addresses”) to get you going on your style search.
CHILDREN’S CLOTHES Like so many things in Paris, if you’ve got the money, you can get the most fabulous children’s clothes you’ve ever seen. Fortunately, even if you don’t, there are still some French chains that have inexpensive clothes for kids with a big dose of
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style. Some of the stores mentioned below, like Monoprix and H&M also have a good range. All of the following have multiple locations; see websites for additional addresses. I’ll readily admit, after six years in France, I still can’t figure out what Du Pareil au Même 55 (1 rue St-Denis, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 36 07 57; www.dpam.com; Métro: Les Halles) means, but one thing I do know is that they have adorable kids
clothes at great prices. Covering everything from baby needs to early adolescence, DPAM is a good place to find inexpensive gifts or last minute necessities. The style here is fun and original, with lots of bright colors, cute logos and appliqués. Quality varies—knees tend to give out on pants, but shirts and dresses are fine. Offering a little better quality at slightly higher prices, Sergent Major 5 (109 ave. Victor Hugo, 16th arrond.; % 01 53 65 12 18; www.sergent-major.com; Métro: Victor Hugo) is another source of excruciatingly cute baby through adoles-
cent wear, though here the style is a little more classic and the colors more subdued than at DPAM. By the way, that’s pronounced “Sehr-zhan Ma-zhor” around these parts . . . Thinking of moving to the 16th arrondissement? You’ll need to stock up at Jacadi (89 ave. Paul Doumer, 16th arrond.; % 01 45 24 70 77; www.jacadi.fr; Métro: La Muette) if you want your kids to look as cute and refined as your neigh-
bors’. Clothes are more frou-frou here than at the stores mentioned above—a good place to pick up high-end gifts for the babies waiting back home. What’s up with the strange names of French children’s stores? Whatever the reason, Catimini 5 (10 rue Vavin, 6th arrond.; % 01 44 41 02 33; www. catimini.com; Métro: Vavin) has some of the most gorgeous and stylish kiddie togs you can imagine—it will be hard to pass up the exquisite sweaters, dresses, and outfits here, even if the prices are high. Clothes here are particularly well-suited to the under-5 crowd.
MEN’S CLOTHES French men dress well and rarely worry about whether or not being well-dressed makes them look like a sissy. In addition to the stores listed below, some of the women’s chains below also sell men’s clothing; in particular, Zara has a good selection of the latest male fashions. For casual wear, the best of the men’s chain stores is Celio 5 (134 blvd. StGermain, 6th arrond.; % 01 55 42 93 63; www.celio.com; Métro: Odéon), which stocks a wide range of inexpensive, youthful, classics. In the market for polo shirts, casual slacks, jackets, etc.? Look no further. Designer discounts by the bushel are the order of the day at Mi-Prix (27 blvd. Victor, 15th arrond.;
% 01 48 28 42 48; Métro: Ballard or Porte de Versailles),
where top names like Karl Lagerfeld and Missoni are on sale for a fraction of their usual price. You’ll have to do some hunting here, as the store is a little unorganized. Tired of dépôt ventes that cater to women? Fabienne (77 bis rue Boileau, 16th arrond.; % 01 45 25 64 26; www.depotventehomme.com; Métro: Exelmans) stocks a wide range of strictly masculine, somewhat used fashions, including designer suits by Smalto and Hermès that go as low as 100€. They even have ties and cufflinks, just in case you plan on eating at the Tour d’Argent. Now here’s an idea: instead of buying international designer togs that you could get back home, why not have a custom suit made in Paris? True, it won’t be
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free, but it will be memorable and long-lasting. Founded in 1948, Teddy’s Fashion (7 bis rue de Monceau, 8th arrond.; % 01 42 89 22 17; Métro: Courcelles or St-Philippe de Roule) is a Parisian institution, where you can have a suit made
from the best Italian and English fabrics without needing to take out a second mortgage. Suits are 375€, shirts 57€, and pants 100€. The service is as professional and discreet as the clothing is elegant.
WOMEN’S CLOTHES A “women’s clothing store” can mean a lot of things in a city where fashion models, punked-out teenagers, and sultry secretaries each have a clear idea of exactly what their “look” is about. Here is a brief look at a variety of different types of shopping haunts.
BOUTIQUES Paris seems to specialize in adorable boutiques with pricey, to-die-for clothing, with possibly the highest concentrations in the Marais (rue des Francs Bourgeois). I’m not going to give an extensive list here (that would fill an entire book), but here are a few ideas for where to start your leche-vitrine (window shopping, literally “window licking”). You’ll only find tops at Des Petits Hauts 5 (24 rue de Sévigne, 4th arrond.; % 01 48 04 77 25; Métro: St-Paul), but what tops they are: all original designs, and depending on the season they could be fuzzy grape-colored mohair sweaters, or skimpy cream-colored camisoles—all of which are positively delicious. They have another store at 5 rue Keller in the 11th. Cute boutiques like Vicxite.A 5 (47 rue des Abbesses, 18th arrond.; % 01 42 55 31 68; Métro: Abbesses) are popping up all over the streets surrounding Montmartre’s place des Abbesses, where new, young designers are selling their wares. You’ll find fun, contemporary wear here in bright patterns and unusual combinations, what’s more, prices are actually affordable. Hot pink is the signature color at Antoine et Lili 55 (87 rue de Seine, 6th arrond.; % 01 56 24; www.altribu.com; Métro: Odéon), where the gaily painted walls are hung with oodles of colorful objects from around the world. Clothes are innovative and fresh, yet wearable, and come in a range of colors. Four other branches are sprinkled around town, check the wacky website for addresses. A store that smells as good as it looks, Des Filles à la Vanille 55 (56 rue StAntoine, 4th arrond.; % 01 48 87 90 02; Métro: St-Paul) has a great selection of big, fuzzy, funky sweaters, unusual long slit skirts, and gauzy dresses, as well as it’s own line of perfumes, including a vanilla-scented number, bien sur. The two other branches at 54 rue Tiquetonne and 45 rue Montorgueil are both in the 2nd arrondissement.
CHAIN STORES Several European chain stores sell fashionable clothing at remarkably low prices. Fresh and fun, these stores have loads of colorful, mod clothing—but don’t expect high quality. Best for lighter clothes in warmer seasons, here is a good way to save some money so you can buy those good wool slacks in the winter. The following stores have branches throughout the city—though I’ve listed only one address, several others are listed on the stores’ websites.
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My personal favorite is the French chain Promod arrond.;
5 (142 rue de Rennes, 6th
% 01 45 49 05 49; www.promod.fr; Métro: Montparnasse). Even in the
midst of the most appalling fashion trends, this store manages to produce great clothes in wearable colors. The look is young, but not adolescent; shoppers here include both working 20-somethings and their mothers. More fun clothing and good styling is to be found at Mango (82 rue de Rivoli, 4th arrond.; % 01 44 59 80 37; www.mango.com; Métro: Hôtel de Ville). Colors at this Spanish chain tend to favor a Mediterranean complexion, a big relief for those of us who can’t quite hack the Nordic hues at stores like H&M. Another Spanish outfit, Zara 5 (39–41 blvd. Haussmann, 9th arrond.; % 01 40 98 01 46; www.zara.com; Métro: Havre–Caumartin or Auber) stocks clothes for the young and trendy, as well as dressier attire for working women. It’s a good place to find basics like bright, mono-colored turtlenecks, cardigans, and t-shirts. You can continue your European tour of chain stores at Swedish H&M 5 (120 rue de Rivoli; 1st arrond.; % 01 55 34 96 86; www.hm.com; Métro: Châtelet, RER: Châtelet-Les Halles), which hit North American shores a few years back and has
altered the shopping habits of many of its inhabitants. Fashionable and extremely affordable, H&M stocks everything from evening wear to bare-bones basics, and collaborates from time to time with high end design houses (in 2006 it was Victor & Rolf ). A little more upscale and a tad more conservative, Caroll (156 blvd. StGermain, 6th arrond.; % 01 44 07 39 00; www.caroll.com; Métro: St-Germain-desPrés) has a great selection of moderately-priced, classy basics, suits, and separates
for working women who want something more feminine than a power suit (remember, in France it’s okay to look sexy at work). It’s also good for low-key “going-out” clothes. Somewhat jazzier than Caroll and with an equally interesting men’s department, Alain Manoukian 5 (14–16 rue Halevy, 9th arrond.; % 01 44 79 92 36; www.alain-manoukian.fr; Métro: Chausée d’Antin–Lafayette) offers distinctive design at moderate prices. Colors tend towards the bright and punchy; clothes are well tailored and democratically suited to the young and not-so-young of both sexes.
LINGERIE Judging from the sheer number of lingerie stores in even the smallest towns in France, French women must put aside a large portion of their budgets for underwear purchases. And for good reason—French lingerie is exquisite and worth the splurge. If your budget is tight, and you’ve missed the seasonal sales, here are a few discount options: Deep discounts on major brands (Léjaby, Simone Pérèle) can be found at Nikita (22 rue de Lévis, 17th arrond.; % 01 42 12 01 30; Métro: Villiers), which tempts passersby with bins of underwear (thongs for .50€!) on the street, and great buys inside (bra and panty ensembles can start at 30€). You’ll have to do some serious searching through the racks at Comptoir de la Lingerie 5 (175 rue du Faubourg St-Antoine, 12th arrond.; % 01 43 07 32 63; Métro: Faidherbe–Chaligny), but it will be worth it: discounts on major brands of
both underwear and bathing suits can go as low as 50%. This place has a large size range too; cups go up to G.
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Buying Beauty in a Jar Beauty products are something the French excel in, and they won’t take up too much space in your suitcase. The huge selection of creams, lotions, powders, and oils ranges from deluxe brands like Darphin and Clarins, to lesser-known, less expensive names that never make it overseas. Among these, there are a number of great products that use ingredients from various thermal springs, like Avene, Uriage, and La Roche Posay. Often recommended by dermatologists, they are usually hypoallergenic, and only sold by pharmacies, or their cheaper cousins, parapharmacies. (These look and act like pharmacies but don’t sell medicine, and often offer reductions on cosmetics.) If you don’t know the brands, the staff is usually highly informed. Excellent hair products can also be found; keep an eye out for Klorane, Phyto, and René Furterer brands.
Etam (67/73 rue de Rivoli, 1st arrond.; % 01 44 76 73 73; www.etam.fr; Métro: Châtelet–Les Halles). Younger women descend on this popular chain store in
droves for its inexpensive, stylish underclothes. In addition to lacey lingerie and swimsuits, this is a good place to come for pajamas, bathrobes, and more practical items (they also have a nice ready-to-wear section). Locations are all over the city; see website for addresses. Orcanta 5 (60 rue St-Placide, 6th arrond.; % 01 45 44 94 44; www.orcanta.fr; Métro: St-Placide). Another chain, albeit a smaller one, with seven locations in
the city center (see website for addresses) and good discounts on name brands (Lise Charmel, Chantal Thomas, Huit, etc.).
MATERNITY CLOTHES Even pregnant women look stylish in France. I swear, even waddling into their eighth month, French women somehow manage to put together a look, that while in no way hiding their condition, manages to make them look both radiant and hip. I don’t know how they do it, but I’m sure shopping at these specialty stores helps:. For classic casuals suited to well-rounded bellies, Natalys (74 rue de Rivoli, 4th arrond.; % 01 40 29 46 35; www.natalys.fr, Métro: Hôtel de Ville), a French chain, has a nice selection. They have about a dozen locations in Paris; see website for addresses. They also have pricey but adorable baby and toddler togs. Neuf Lune 55 (42 rue du Cherche-Midi, 6th arrond.; % 01 45 48 33 63; Métro: Sèvres-Babylone; also at 43 rue Caumartin and inside Galerie-Lafayette on blvd. Haussmann, both in the 9th) is a pregnant woman’s dream: clothes that are
both stylish and comfortable. They even have evening wear (true confessions: I bought my wedding dress here).
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BOOKS English language bookshops tend to double as cultural meeting places. Good for browsing (prices for new books in English tend to be high), picking up the English language newsletters, and readings (sometimes by famous authors), these bookstores draw expats from all over the city. The most literary bookstore is probably the Village Voice 5 (6 rue Princesse, 6th arrond.; % 01 46 33 36 47; www.villagevoicebookshop.com; Métro: Mabillon or St-Germain des Prés). Writers like Adrienne Rich and David Sedaris have been
known to have readings here, and the crème de la crème of the English-language literary scene is represented on its shelves. The staff is extremely knowledgeable, if a little stuffy. See website for upcoming events. For a similarly top-notch selection in a friendlier atmosphere, visit Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore 55 (22 rue St-Paul, 4th arrond.; % 01 48 04 75 08; www.theredwheelbarrow.com; Métro: St-Paul). There are readings here as well, and
they also have a good stock of children’s books. If a big bookstore is what you’re after, a visit to the Paris branch of the English chain WHSmith (248 rue de Rivoli, 1st arrond.; % 01 44 77 88 99; www.whsmith. fr; Métro: Concorde) might be in order. They have the largest selection of Englishlanguage books in the city, as well as a huge range of magazines. One of the most historic English-language bookshops is Brentano’s 5 (37 ave. de l’Opéra; 2nd arrond.; www.brentanos.fr; % 01 42 61 52 50; Métro: Pyramides; MC, V, AE). They have an excellent stock that ranges from art books to
business primers, and their special events include a readers’ club as well as a “Café Tricot” for knitting and chatting about books. Canadians will be happy to find The Abbey Bookshop (29 rue de la Parcheminerie, 5th arrond.; % 01 46 33 16 24; www.abbeybookshop.net; Métro: St-Michel), a cozy store that specializes in Canadian authors, as well as other
English-language literature. Books are piled everywhere; the readings here are relaxed and fun. No rundown on English-language Parisian bookstores would be complete without Shakespeare & Company 55 (37 rue de la Bucherie, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 25 40 93; www.shakespeareco.org; Métro: St-Michel). Though George Whitman, who opened this store in 1951, may not have the literary pedigree of Sylvia Beach, who founded the original Shakespeare and Company in 1919 (see box, below), he’s a remarkable character in his own right with a personal history that includes friends like Lawrence Ferlenghetti and hiking solo across South America. Many a legendary writer (Alan Ginsberg, Henry Miller) have stopped in over the decades for a cup of tea; many an aspiring author has camped out here in one of the back rooms (Whitman likes to think of his store as a “writer’s sanctuary”). At 91 years old, George has finally passed on the reins and retired, but his presence is still felt at this historic bookshop, which sells used and new books. Since new books in English are very expensive in Paris, there’s a steady traffic in used books in the expatriate community, with a couple of bookstores devoted to the task. San Francisco Book Company (17 rue Monsieur Le Prince, 6th arrond.; % 01 43 29 15 70; www.abebooks.com/home/SFBOOKS; Métro: Odéon) is centrally located and has a good stock of used books as well some that are rare and out of print. It’s a good place to unload those books you lugged along for airplane reading.
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Sylvia Beach—Mother of the Lost Generation Born in Baltimore in 1887, Sylvia Beach fell in love with Paris early in life and moved there for good at the end of World War I. A few years later, with the encouragement of her companion, bookshop owner Adrienne Monier, Beach opened Shakespeare & Company, a bookstore and lending library specializing in English and American books. For the next 20 years, the shop at 8 rue Dupuytren served as an unofficial welcome center for American and English visitors, particularly literary ones, and specifically those who would later come to be known as members of “The Lost Generation.” T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, and Ernest Hemingway were all regular visitors to the shop and friends of its owner, but the one who made the biggest impression, literally, was James Joyce. After his novel Ulysses was banned in both the U.S. and England and no publisher would touch the manuscript, Beach courageously volunteered to publish it herself. In February 1922, after endless proofs and corrections by the author, the 1,000 copies arrived in the store, almost all of which were snapped up instantaneously. Later, the book became a modern classic, making a mint for its publisher, Random House. Beach never saw a penny but claimed that she didn’t mind because she would have done anything for Joyce and his art. In 1941, during the Nazi occupation of Paris, the contents of the entire bookstore “vanished” overnight (hidden in a vacant apartment in the same building) to avoid confiscation by the Germans. The books were saved, but Beach spent 6 months in an internment camp. After the war, she returned to Paris, but the bookshop’s doors never reopened. The store’s memory lives on, however, in its more recent incarnation at 37 rue de la Bucherie (see Shakespeare & Company, above).
More disorganized, and a little more fun, Tea & Tattered Pages 5 (24 rue Mayet, 6th arrond.; % 01 40 65 94 35; www.teaandtatteredpages.com; Métro: Duroc or Falguière) offers up thousands of used books as well as a tiny tea room where you can sip a cup of tea and munch on cupcakes while you read.
FRENCH BOOKS To give you an idea of the importance of literature in this country, one of the only products with strict price controls are books. Stores are not allowed to discount more than 5%, which has kept many small shops alive in these times of megastores. Sprinkled around most of the city’s neighborhoods, you’ll find the heaviest concentration in, not surprisingly, the Latin Quarter, where the mother of all French bookstores, Gibert Joseph, reigns supreme over blvd. St-Michel. Even if you don’t speak French, it would be a shame not to wander the endless aisles of Gibert Joseph 5 (26–34 blvd. St-Michel, 6th arrond.; % 01 44 41 88 88; www.gibertjoseph.com; Métro: Cluny–La Sorbonne). There are six stores to
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choose from (all right next to each other), selling used books, new books, as well as CDs, DVDs, art supplies and stationary (see stationary stores, below). And that’s not even including Gibert Jeune, which takes up several other buildings in the area and caters primarily to students’ schoolbook needs. Sandwiched between Café Flore and Les Deux Magots, Librarie La Hune (170 blvd. St-Germain, 6th arrond.;
% 01 45 48 35 85; Métro: St-Germain des Près),
has been catering to existentialists and other intellectuals since 1945. Excellent selection, mostly in French.
CHOCOLATES Now here’s something that the folks back home are guaranteed to love—provided it doesn’t melt in your suitcase. A favorite standby for a gift to bring Tati Odile or Papi Jean-Pierre, French people give chocolates year-round, which accounts for the vast number of chocolatiers in Paris. Below are just a few ideas . . . My vote for the chocolatier with the best sense of humor is Michel Chaudun 55 (149 rue de l’Université, 7th arrond; % 01 47 53 74 40; Métro: Invalides). Where else would you find a chocolate Prada purse or a chocolate
power drill? This is also the place to find a chocolate Eiffel Tower that actually tastes good, as well as Arc de Triomphes, musical notes, and mini soccer balls. The “regular chocolates” are sensational too. Not to be confused with the above, Michel Cluizel 5 (201 rue St-Honoré, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 44 11 66; www.cluizel.com; Métro: Tuileries) is the name you’ve seen on dark tablets of designer chocolate at just about every gourmet grocer worth his or her salt. Here at the mothership, you can ogle these and other chocolates (containing “noble” ingredients and no artificial anything), from grand boxed assortments to humble lollipops. It’s worth a visit to the original A La Mère de Famille 5 (35 rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 9th arrond.; % 01 47 70 83 69; www.lameredefamille.com; Métro: Grands Boulevards) just to admire the ancient exterior and the windows filled with
every imaginable chocolate and bonbon gourmandise. Founded in 1761, this piece of Parisian history (rumor has it the original owner hid the mother superior of the nearby convent from raging revolutionaries during the Terror) has committed its soul to candies and chocolates à l’ancienne. The addresses of the 4 other branches are on the website. With five shops in Paris, and a few others in London, New York, and Tokyo, I guess you could call it a chain, but La Maison du Chocolat (225 rue du Faubourg St-Honoré, 8th arrond.; % 01 42 27 39 44; www.lamaisonduchocolat.com; Métro: Ternes) is still one of the better places to buy chocolate. You’ll find everything
here, from exquisite basics, to modern fantasies, like chocolates infused with apricot and lavender, or port wine and melon.
FOOD The following are some of the most easily accessible of the umpteen thousand food shops in this gourmet city; you’re bound to find many more gems on your own as you stroll around town. Before you load up with gifts, however, check with your customs office to make sure that you’ll be allowed to bring them home, as there are many restrictions on taking food items across borders. See “The Essentials of Planning” chapter for more information on this subject.
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Do-It-Yourself Dining Does one really have to eat at a restaurant to eat well in Paris? If you have access to a kitchen, a microwave, or even just a picnic table, the answer is: no, one doesn’t. Do-it-yourself dining is a wonderful alternative to eating out, and there are a multitude of shops where you can fulfill your deepest food fantasies for a fraction of what you’d pay in a restaurant. Not only will you pay less, but you will also be able to participate in one of the nation’s favorite sports—food shopping and preparation. What better way to get to know a country than via its stomach? Watch that icy cheese seller melt when you show an interest in the difference between this and that goat cheese. Pick up a new recipe from the grocer hawking a batch of spring artichokes. Pore over the selection of homemade hot dishes at the corner traiteur. For those who have gone for a short-term rental and/or have access to a kitchen or microwave: you’re in luck. You have several provisioning choices. For basics, like napkins, non-alcoholic drinks, dairy products (experiment with the many yummy variations on the yogurt theme), small supermarkets like Petit Casino, Franprix, and Monoprix are sprinkled throughout the city. Boulangeries or bakeries, are everywhere, and crispy, long baguettes will generally cost under 1€. Charcuteries, which sell cured meats, pâtés, and other sinful pork products, as well as prepared salads and some main dishes, are getting harder to find, but nowadays, most boucheries (butchers) also serve this function. Speaking of which, be prepared to find a lot of cuts you’ve never seen or heard of; if you stick to steaks (steack) or roasts (roti) you won’t go too far wrong. By the way, you’ll never have to worry about hormones or antibiotics in the meat in France––they simply aren’t used. Traiteurs specialize in prepared dishes; if you don’t want to cook, but feel like eating at home, this is an excellent option. Fromageries (cheese stores) are also becoming rare. When you do find one, the selection is so excessive that your best bet is to close your eyes and point. Fruits and vegetables are best bought at one of the city’s many open-air markets. Not only are the products fresher and cheaper here than in a supermarket, but it’s also much more fun to choose them. Everyone yells: the vegetable seller hawking his potatoes, the fishmonger telling jokes, the customer screaming his order over the din; it’s a boisterous mix of smells, sights, and sounds, the most recent version of a way of life that dates back centuries. In fact, shopping in open-air markets is such an excellent adventure that I’ve written it up in detail, along with a list of markets, in “The ‘Other’ Paris,” p. 199.
With its incredible volume of gourmet treats, La Grande Epicerie 55 (Au Bon Marché, 38 rue de Sèvres, 7th arrond.; % 01; www.lagrandeepicerie.fr; Métro: Sèvres–Babylone), the immense supermarket attached to the Au Bon Marché
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department store is a foodie’s wet dream—some 5,000 different products from around the world beckon from its stylish shelves. There’s a great takeout prepared foods section, as well as a nice cafe. Not one to be outdone by its posh competitor, Lafayette Gourmet 5 (97 rue de Provence, 9th arrond.; % 01 42 82 34 56; www.galerieslafayette.com; Métro: Havre–Caumartin), the gourmet section of Galeries Lafayette offers a similarly
decadent line-up, at somewhat less caustic prices. A great place to come for picnic goodies. You can’t walk by Davoli–La Maison du Jambon 5 (34 rue Cler, 7th arrond.; % 01 45 51 23 41; Métro: Ecole Militaire) without emitting at least a small gasp: the window is a magnificent homage to everything that a real charcuterie should be: pâtés, salads, sausages, salamis, and of course ham, in all its many forms and fashions. The French take their tea seriously, as demonstrated by the presence of Le Palais des Thés 5 (64 rue Vieille du Temple, 3rd arrond.; % 01 48 87 80 60; www.palaisdesthes.com; Métro: St-Paul or Rambuteau), which was created by an
association of tea afficionados. Aside from a stunning range of teas, this shop also sells teapots, tea measures, and even tea-scented candles. Loose teas start at 7.90€ for 100g of the house mix, and go up to 98€ per 100g for a rare Taiwanese tea called “Oriental Beauty.”
GIFTS Dollhouse fanatics shouldn’t miss La Boite à Joujoux (41 Passage Jouffroy, 9th arrond.;
% 01 48 24 58 37; www.joujoux.com; Métro: Grands Boulevards).
Everything from magnificent houses to miniature violins to electrical equipment can be found in this overstuffed store, hiding in a corner of the Passage Jouffroy. These are miniatures, not toys—they aren’t suitable for children. At number 43, in the same passage is their sister store, La Boite à Doudou, which sells hundreds of figurines from mostly French-language comic strips (Asterix, Tintin, etc.). In the same passage is a small gold mine for movie fans called Cinedoc (45–53 passage Jouffroy, 9th arrond.; % 01 48 24 71 36; www.cine-doc.fr; Métro: Grands Boulevards), where there is a terrific assortment of film posters, as well as stills,
books, DVDs, and other movie-themed items. What can you say about a store that sells both hypercool candle-holders and salsa classes? Colette 5 (213 rue St-Honoré, 1st arrond.; % 01 55 35 33 90; www.colette.fr; Métro: Tuileries or Pyramides) is both high style and high concept—basically, if its utterly cool and happening, they sell it. Perfumed towelettes in designer pouches, Kate Spade “It” bags, “Smiley” perfume by Ora-Ito, “Kill the DJ” mix CDs and t-shirts, and something called Ice Source, an instant facelift cream that goes for a mere 210€. Though not everything is that expensive, nothing’s a bargain—many of their offerings are limited-series collector’s items— but if you don’t buy anything, you could spend hours just looking around.
KITCHENWARE It’s only natural that in a country as food-obsessed as France, you’ll find some of the finest cooking equipment on Earth. Some of the most famous are the professional cooking outfitters that sell to amateurs in the Les Halles area (see E. Dehillerien and Verrerie des Halles, below), but there are plenty of others. Though
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most stores specialize in one domain, they usually cover other cooking bases as well, so a glassware store will also stock cutlery, and a porcelain outfit will often also carry cooking utensils. A culinary presence for some 200 years, E. Dehillerin 55 (18 and 20 rue Coquillière and 51 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 36 53 13; www.e-dehillerin.fr; Métro: Les Halles) offers a phenomenal range of cooking
products, everything from cake-molds to cutlery, in every size, shape, and material. You can download a catalogue from the website. As the name indicates, Verrerie des Halles 5 (15 rue du Louvre, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 36 80 60; www.verreriedeshalles.com; Métro: Louvre-Rivoli) is primarily known for its vast stock of stemware, but its inventory doesn’t stop there: porcelain and cutlery are also in evidence, and prices are reasonable too. With five locations in the city center, La Vaissellerie 55 (332 rue St-Honoré, 1st arrond.; www.lavaissellerie.fr; Métro: Tuilleries) is the most convenient choice for discount china and ceramics. These small stores are so chock-full of cute gift items that their wares generally spill out onto the sidewalk. In addition to china, they have piles of pepper grinders, butter knives, and all sorts of utensils you never knew you needed (like foie gras cutters) as well as kitchen magnets, aprons, dish towels, etc. Other locations are listed on the website. The rue de Paradis is truly a paradise for ceramics-seekers. Of the multiple stores selling discounted china, La Maison de la Porcelaine 5 (21 rue de Paradis, 10th arrond.; % 01 47 70 22 80; www.maisonporcelaine.com; Métro: Poissonieres or Gare du Nord) is the place to go for porcelaine blanche, the famous white porce-
lain that is a staple in French kitchens. They also stock reproductions of historic china patterns, as well as glassware and gift items. If you don’t find your bonheur there, wander a little farther down the street to Paradis Porcelaine (56 rue de Paradis, 10th arrond.; % 01 45 23 45 03; Métro: Poissonière or Gare du Nord), which stocks a wide selection of porcelain, blanche,
and otherwise at excellent prices.
JEWELRY Just down the street from the Hôtel de Cluny, Le Parthenon Ecoles, 5th arrond.;
5 (54
rue des
% 01 43 54 26 04; Métro: Cluny–La Sorbonne) offers a small
but lovely selection of mildly abstract original creations for those who are fond of the uncluttered look. Subtly modern dangly earrings and understated silver rings are the strong points here. “Jewelry by the Pound” is the motto at Gudule (3 rue de la Roquette, 11th arrond.; % 01 47 00 82 83; www.gudule.com; Métro: Odéon), which sells heaps of bracelets, rings, earrings, and other objects from mostly India, Tibet, and Central Asia. Prices are calculated according to weight and are exceedingly reasonable. Addresses of other branches can be found on the website. Crammed to the rafters with glorious baubles, trinkets, and costume jewelry Monic 5 (5 rue des Francs Bourgeois, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 39 15; Métro: StPaul) is one of the few affordable stores left on this utterly hip street. Sparkly ear-
rings, clear plastic rings, and flamboyant medallions and necklaces all clamor for attention on the walls and in the display cases of this small enterprise, which is almost always full of in-the-know local shoppers.
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Another cousin of the Tati department store family is Verlor (19 rue de la Paix, % 01 40 07 06 76; www.verlor.com), which recently changed its name from Tati Or. Despite the name change, the bargains are the same—this store sells 18-carat gold jewelry at up to 40% less than traditional jewelers. See website for other branches around town. 2nd arrond.;
PERFUME At the airport, you’ll be assaulted with duty-free shops carrying loads of tax-free perfume, and another colony of similar shops is near the Opéra. If you don’t want to hassle with the crowds and the cranky staff at these virtually identical operations, don’t be afraid to go elsewhere because the chances are you will get the same tax rebate no matter where you go (as long as you spend over 175€, see taxes, earlier in this chapter). Discounts can also be found at two huge perfume chains: the ubiquitous Marionaud and the user-friendly Sephora. If you’re willing to spend a little more, you might also consider some of the custom fragrance boutiques listed in this section—you’ll probably spend more than you would for the known brands, but you’ll bring home something unique. One of the most affordable independently owned operations (a rare breed since the advent of chain stores) is tiny Catherine 5 (7 rue de Castiglione, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 61 02 89; Métro: Tuileries), which has excellent prices on a variety of well-known heavenly scents. Not only are the discounts attractive, but the service is also excellent. Founded by the Countess of Presle in 1905, Detaille 1905 5 (10 rue StLazare, 9th arrond.; % 01 48 78 68 50; www.detaille.com; Métro: Notre Dame de Lorette) has its own elegant line of eau de toilette for both men and women, as
well as other beauty products, such as its signature Baume Automobile, developed by the Countess when she realized (even back then) what pollution can do to your skin. These unique products are not available in department stores or perfume shops; you can only purchase them at the boutique or order them online through the shop’s site or by phone. The creations of master perfumer Patricia de Nicolaï are on offer at Nicolaï (69 ave. Raymond Poincaré; 16th arrond.; % 01 44 55 02 00; www.pnicolai.com; Métro: Trocadéro or Victor Hugo), the only place where you can pick up one of
these unique fragrances. Created with both body and home in mind, the inventory includes perfumes, bath products and “household fragrances,” as well as diffuser lamps. There are two other locations at 80 rue de Grenelle in the 7th and 28 rue de Richelieu in the 1st. For those who are ready to invest, a trip to Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle 55 (37 rue de Grenelle, 7th arrond.; % 01 42 22 76 40; www.editionsde parfums.com; Métro: Rue du Bac) is in order. Fifteen original fragrances have been
developed in this temple to the nose, which you sample in special “smelling columns,” round, phone-booth-like tubes where you can experience aromas like the newest addition, Carnal Flower. Two other stores are at 140 avenue Victor Hugo in the 16th arrondissement, and 21 rue du Mont Thabor in the 1st.
How Kevin Dorfer 5 (80 rue du Bac, 7th arrond.; % 01 42 22 71 00; Métro: Rue du Bac) manages to keep his prices so low on this high-end street is anyone’s guess,
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Treating Yourself to a Beauty Treatment Need a hair-cut? A battery of highly-skilled hair stylists work wonders at Marc Dugast 5 (11/13 rue Lobineau, 6th arrond.; % 01 53 10 13 30; www.marcdugast.com; Métro: Odéon) at rates that won’t make your hair stand on end—a forfait including shampoo, cut, and styling is 50€. The laid-back, somewhat New Agey atmosphere also sets the stage for a variety of beauty treatments including facials 48€–72€ and manicures 10€–35€ as well as Aruvedic massage and Shiatsu (72€ for 1 hr.). More glamorous, and with a more elaborate treatment menu, Spa Nuxe (32 rue Montorgueil, 1st arrond.; % 01 55 80 71 40; www.nuxe.com; Métro: Etienne Marcel) pampers both men and women in a modern salon in a converted 17th-century wine cellar with stone walls and exposed beams. No hair cuts here but loads of fruit and/or vegetable-infused treatments, including facials 65€–95€, and massages 105€–120€ for one hour. Second location at Printemps (64 blvd. Haussmann, 9th arrond., Printemps Beauté Maison, 1st Floor; % 01 42 82 52 52; Métro: Havre– Caumartin).
but here you will find elegant, Italian-made pumps and sandals for anywhere from 50€–100€. Everything from snappy sandals to designer pumps are on display at Moda di Andréa (79 rue de la Victoire, 9th arrond.; % 01 48 74 48 89; Métro: Chausée d’Antin), a small store hidden behind the Grands Magazins that specializes in
designer mark-downs on both men’s and women’s shoes.
STATIONERY Sadly, there are fewer and fewer papeteries, those wonderful French stationery stores with sublime selections of pens, papers, notebooks, and other necessities. A hardy few have managed to hang on through the Office Depot onslaught (yes, they’re here too). One of the largest selections of everything from elegant fountain pens to creamy pastels is to be found at Gibert Joseph 5 (26–34 blvd. St-Michel, 6th arrond.;
% 01 44 41 88 88; www.gibertjoseph.com; Métro: Cluny–La Sorbonne).
Mostly geared toward student needs, this is a good place to find both the practical and the pretty at reasonable prices. A little more modern, a little more do-it-yourself, L’Art du Papier (48 rue Vavin, 6th arrond.; % 01 43 26 10 12; Métro: Vavin) has a fabulous selection of papers and envelopes (including the fixings for custom invitations), as well as ink-stamps, sealing wax, and the essentials for the latest Parisian fad: “le scrapbooking.” There are two other locations, one at 16 rue Daunou in the 2nd arrondissement, and one at 197 blvd. Voltaire in the 11th (see website for details and product line).
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Le Shopping
TOYS Baby intellectuals and kids looking for fun will all be happy at Fnac Eveil & Jeux
55 (19 rue Vavin, 6th arrond.; % 08 92 35 06 66, .34€ per min.; www.eveilet jeux.com; Métro: Vavin), which has a lovely selection of toys and games for children from 0–12. Educational toys are in evidence, as are danger-free bath buddies, great dress-up costumes, and wooden knight’s castles. The accent is on imagination here; along with fun playthings, you can find books, card games, and art materials for little ones. There are four other locations in the city: Printemps de la Maison, 64 blvd. Haussmann, 9th arrond., Métro: Havre Caumartin; Bercy Village, Cour St-Emillon, 12th arrond., Métro: Cour St-Emillon; 148 ave. Victor Hugo, 16th arrond., Métro: Rue de la Pompe; and 155 rue de Courcelles, 17th arrond.; Métro: Pereire (all stores have the same phone number). Wooden toys are the order of the day at Le Bonhomme de Bois 5 (43 blvd. Malesherbes, 8th arrond.; % 01 40 17 03 33; www.bonhommedebois.com; Métro: St-Augustin). This small chain has human-sized stores where you can wander
freely through a world of wooden trains, puzzles, pull-toys, and mobiles, as well as small stuffed animals, card games, small-scale plastic animals, and mini-knights in shining armor. This is a wonderful place to find an unusual gift for a small person back home. There are three other branches in Paris: 141 rue d’Alésia, 14th arrond., % 01 40 44 58 20, Métro: Alésia; 56 rue de la Convention, 15th arrond., % 01 45 78 66 30, Métro: Javel; and 46 ave Niel, 17th arrond, % 01 40 54 79 88, Métro: Pereire.
WINE Wine in France is stunningly cheap. Whereas you will need to pay at least $15 for a barely drinkable French wine in New York, in Paris you can sip on something extremely pleasant for as little as 5€ or 6€, and let’s not even mention those 2€–3€ glasses of wine at cafes (cheaper than a Coca-Cola). Unless you are a serious connoisseur, who must have the best vintage bottles, a good bottle of Bordeaux won’t usually cost much more than 10€. But before you start planning to stock your wine cellar back home, consider this sad truth: most non-EU countries won’t let you bring back much more than a bottle or two (see “The Essentials of Planning” chapter for details), in an effort to protect their own wine industries. Your best bet is to choose your take-home bottle(s) carefully, and drink up while you’re here. Wine stores abound—try to avoid the chains and stick to the independent operations. They are generally staffed by knowledgeable wine-lovers and will be glad to help you find the perfect accompaniment to that roti de boeuf you’ve got in mind for tonight’s dinner. More than just a wine store, Legrand Filles et Fils 55 (1 rue de la Banque, 2nd arrond.; % 01 42 60 07 12; www.caves-legrand.com; Métro: Bourse) is a place where you can learn everything there is to know about the sacred grape. Not only do they have a dedicated, knowledgeable staff and a huge stock of wines, but they also host wine tastings, wine classes, and have a bookshop filled with tomes on the subject (as well as wine paraphernalia and glasses). Both shops are in the glamorous Passage Vivienne (the cafe/wine store on one side, the bookshop on the other).
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Every French wine-drinker knows that you’ll get the best prices when you by direct at a vineyard. In an attempt to make these prices available to urbanites, Les Domaines Qui Montent 5 (22 rue Cardinet, 17th arrond.; % 01 42 27 63 96; Métro: Courcelles or Wagram), an association of some 200 wine producers, offers
a vast selection of vins du producteur, wines that come from small, independent vineyards where the emphasis is on quality and terroir, not quantity. Prices are almost the same as they would be if you schlepped out to the country (although you won’t have the same scenery). If you’d like to sample the goods, head to the on-site wine bar that also serves light meals. A second location is at 136 blvd. Voltaire in the 11th arrondissement. Crammed in a corner of the festive Marché d’Aligre is Aux Caves d’Aligre (3 place d’Aligre, 12th arrond.; % 01 43 43 34 26; Métro: Ledru–Rollin), a tiny place where you need only stick your head in and cry “help! I’m having oysters tonight!” and the kind staff will quickly hand you a fine bottle of Muscadet from the Loire Valley. They also host periodic unannounced wine tastings. Hipsters like wine too, as proved by the success of Cave des Abbesses (43 rue des Abbesses, 18th arrond.; % 01 42 52 81 54; Métro: Abbesses), a small bottlefilled shop in Montmartre that doubles as a wine bar where you can sample some excellent vintages and nibble on cheese and charcuterie.
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A wide range of delights tempt the evening adventurer
become even more beautiful when they’re cloaked in their evening illuminations; since New Year’s Eve 2000, the already glowing Eiffel Tower even bursts out in twinkling lights on the hour (you’ll see what I mean when you’re there; it’s spectacular). While simply walking around town can be an excellent night out, it would be a shame not to take advantage of the city’s rich evening offerings. True, this isn’t a 24-hour town like some international capitals, and many neighborhoods may seem pretty quiet after sundown, but fear not, there are plenty of places to go if you are ready to shake your booty. Bars and clubs abound in a variety of styles, from the chic to the shaggy; you never know what may lurk on a seemingly quiet street. Outside of Paris, there is no hope Culture vultures will find all sorts for the cultured. of marvelous ways to fill their evenings; being the nation’s capital, —Molière, Les Précieuses Ridicules Paris is home to France’s most prestigious theater and dance companies as well as several top-class orchestras. Film fans will also be in heaven; this cinephile city has literally hundreds of movie theaters, and dozens of art houses where great movie classics are shown in their original (non-dubbed) versions. So whether you’re determined to spend the bucks to go to the Moulin Rouge, or happy with a 2€ beer in a student bar in the Latin Quarter, I’m here to help you find your way. Gay or straight, rich or poor, young or old, you’re bound to find a club/bar/theater/hangout that suits your purposes. Below is a biased selection of some of the (I think) better ways to spend your Parisian evenings; you’ll find the different options grouped according to entertainment category.
CLASSICAL MUSIC Sporting splendid friezes by Antoine Bourdelle, the elegant Théâtre des ChampsElysées 555 (15 av. Montaigne, 8th arrond.; % 01 49 52 50 50; www.theatre champselysees.fr; Métro: Alma–Marceau or Franklin Delano Roosevelt) is consid-
ered one of the best classical music venues in Paris. Stravinsky’s Sacré de Printemps created a scandal when it premiered at the theatre’s inauguration in 1913; Debussy’s Les Jeux had its debut here as well. Stars continue to light up this stage, supernovas like Kiri te Kanawa and Anne Sofie von Otter are on the roster for the 2006/2007 season. There are four resident orchestras: Orchestre de France,
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Classical Music
Finding Out What’s On For up-to-the-minute dates and schedules for what’s happening in music, theater, dance, and film, pick up the weekly listing magazines Pariscope (.40€) or l’Officiel des Spectacles (.35€), the Parisian bibles for weekly events. While it is mostly a television guide, Télérama (2€) also has a weekly pull out listings guide, complete with reviews and articles (unlike the two listed above). All of the above come out on Wednesdays and are available at any newsstand. For English-language events around town, pick up a free copy of The Paris Voice, or its new competitor, The Paris Times. While the first one has more listings, the second has better articles, and a younger feel. Both can found in any English-language bookstore (see “Books,” p. 266, for a list), as well as many expat bars and associations.
directed by Kurt Masur; Ensemble Orchestral de France, directed by John Nelson; Orchestre Lamoureux, directed by Yutaka Sato; and Orchestre Français des Jeunes, directed by Jean-Claude Casadesus, not to mention visiting orchestras and soloists. Opera is also on the menu, as are a few world and pop music concerts. Ticket prices vary according to performances, ranging from around 130€ for orchestra seats for star attractions, to 25€–30€ seats in the peanut gallery. If you don’t mind a restricted view, you can enjoy the music for 7€–12€. If the concert is not sold out, 1 hour before curtain remaining seats are sold to those under 25 or over 60 for 50% off; when the Radio France Philharmonic is playing, any unsold tickets go for 7.50€ 1 hour before showtime. Another mythic concert hall is the Salle Pleyel 55 (252 rue du Faubourg StHonoré, 8th arrond.; % 01 42 56 13 13; www.pleyel.com; Métro: Ternes or Charles de Gaulle–Etoile). In fall 2006, the wrapping came off the new and improved
Pleyel, which was closed for 2 years for an architectural and acoustic renovation. This historic venue—which has hosted the likes of Otto Klemperer and Daniel Barenboïm, not to mention Louis Armstrong and Ravi Shankar—has been given a new coat of gloss, including more comfortable seating and cutting edge acoustics. The Orchestre de Paris, directed by Christoph Eschenbach, makes its home here, and the Radio France Philharmonic also makes numerous appearances. Orchestra seats range from 30€–85€, though “exceptional” concerts go up to 130€. The back of the second balcony is always 10€. There is a last-minute deal here too: if you are under 27 or over 65, 1 hour before curtain you can buy a ticket for only 10€ (depending on availability). A little more out of the way, but a lot less expensive, the ultramodern Cité de la Musique 5 (221 av. Jean Jaurès, 19th arrond.; % 01 44 84 44 84; www.citemusique.fr; Métro: Porte de Patin) offers a wide range of music options, from clas-
sical to contemporary to jazz. Along with impressive classical offerings by visiting orchestras and soloists, there’s also a good dose of traditional and non-traditional music from around the world, say the Istanbul Tekno Roman Project (Turkish
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Heaven-Sent Music Venues: Concerts in Churches Many of Paris’s most beautiful churches and cathedrals, including Notre Dame, St-Eustache, and Sainte-Chapelle, host organ and other classical music concerts. Not only is the setting delightful, but the acoustics are generally otherworldly as well. While there is no ticket central for these artistic houses of God, concerts are usually listed in the weekly listings magazines (Pariscope, l’Officiel des Spectacles) under classical music. The churches generally print monthly music schedules, which they display near the entrance to the sanctuary (and sometimes post on their websites); be sure to look down from the stained glass and vaulting arches from time to time to see if you spy a copy. Ticket prices are very reasonable; you shouldn’t pay more than 25€ and usually much less.
Gypsy music) or French accordionist Yvette Horner. Young musicians and rising stars are highlighted; small orchestras and chamber musicians also show up on the program. The Jazz à La Villette festival in August/September is not to be missed. Ticket prices are very democratic: top names (some of the same as you’ll find at the two venues listed above) rarely run over 35€, and many concerts have a oneprice ticket for around 15€–20€.
55 (Place de la Bastille, 130 rue de Lyon, 12th arrond.; % 0 892 89 90 90, .34€ per min. (in France only), 01 72 29 35 35 (from overseas); www.operadeparis.fr; Métro: Bastille) might not be to If the architecture of the Opéra Bastille
everyone’s taste, the quality of the performances should more than make up for it. This slate-colored behemoth has been looming over the place de la Bastille since 1989, when the national opera company decided it needed a new home. Not wanting to abandon the Palais Garnier, the company decided to split its energies between the two venues. In theory, more operas are performed at the Bastille, which has more space and top-notch acoustics, and the Garnier now focuses more on dance performances, but the reality is you can see either at both. Opera tickets the Bastille run up to 150€ for orchestra seats; seats in the upper atmosphere can drop to as little as 5€. Dance performances top out at 75€, and music concerts will generally not cost more than 45€. Take advantage of the Thursday lunchtime “Casse-Croûte,” a free miniconcert from 1 to 2pm by musicians of the Orchestre de l’Opéra (held in the Studio Bastille). Drinks are served a half-hour before the performance. It’s worth it to get tickets to a show at the Palais Garnier 55 (place de l’Opéra, 9th arrond.; % 0 892 89 90 90 (.34€ per min., in France only), 01 72 29 35 35 (from overseas); www.operadeparis.fr; Métro: Opéra) just to gaze up at
the Chagall ceiling from your box seat. And all the seats are boxes in this Second Empire extravaganza; it’s easy to imagine them filled ladies and gentlemen in
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sumptuous attire discretely assessing the competition. Though the boxes are fun, be careful when buying your tickets that you don’t get stuck in the back of one— you’ll have trouble seeing the stage if you’re neighbor’s hair is too poofy. The home of the Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris, this is the place to see great ballet classics, as well as new works by world class choreographers like William Forsythe and Maurice Béjart. Opera prices are comparable with those at the Opéra Bastille; ballets are divided into two price categories, with orchestra seats ranging from 40€–80€. If you are really on a budget, but you’d like to see a show here, there are chamber music concerts here one Sunday each month for 20€. Be sure to take a stroll through the opulent “Grand Foyer” during intermission. Empress Eugénie attended the inauguration of the Théâtre du Châtelet 5 (1 place du Châtelet, 1st arrond.; % 01 40 28 28 40; www.chatelet-theatre.com; Métro: Châtelet) back in 1862; the “Théâtre Musical de Paris,” as it is now subti-
tled, has boasted packed houses ever since. Although opera hogs most of the spotlight here, with star-laden classic and modern works, orchestral works also take the stage here, as well as a major dance company or two—in early 2007 the American Ballet Theater did a stint here. Tickets are not cheap: orchestra seats for A-class opera tickets go as high as 200€ (and down to 30€ for more humble offerings). There is a Sunday morning concert series with a one-price 22€ ticket. For a lighter take on opera, try the Opera Comique/Salle Favart (5 rue Favart, 2nd arrond.; % 08 25 00 00 58, .15€ per min.; www.opera-comique.com; Métro: Richelieu–Drouot or Quatre-Septembre). Created in 1714 for staging theatrical
performances that included songs, the Opera-Comique endured several fires before finally settling down in a beautiful 19th-century theatre complete with huge chandeliers and endless gold curlicues. Operettas and musical comedies are the main course here—everything from The Merry Widow to a modern homage to Josephine Baker, with an adaptation of Apollonaire’s Breasts of Tiresias thrown in for good measure. Prices vary dramatically, depending on the production; new contemporary shows can run as high as 100€ for orchestra seats, old standards do not go past 60€ for the front of the house.
THEATER There are hundreds of theaters in Paris, most of which have something going on almost every night. The obvious catch here is, almost all of it is in French. If your language skills are good enough to follow what’s happening on stage, by all means, take advantage of the cultural cornucopias listed below. If you can’t spit out much more than bonjour and merci, take heart, there are some alternatives for the language-challenged (see the box “But I don’t speak French!”, p. 281). In 1680, Louis XIV announced the birth of a company of actors, chosen my Himself, with the aim of “making theater productions more perfect.” You can decide for yourself how perfect they are, but some 300 years later, the ComédieFrançaise
55 (place
Colette, at the corner of the Palais Royal, 1st arrond.;
% 01 44 58 15 15; www.comedie-francaise.fr; Métro: Palais Royal–Musée du Louvre) is still considered by many the crème de la crème of the French theater
scene. Keepers of the flame of classic French theater (Corneille, Racine, Molière), in the 1960s, the troupe branched out into more modern territory (Chekov,
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Where to Get that Theater, Dance, or Concert Ticket Many hotels will help you get tickets, and most venues have a reservation link on their sites, but if you want to get a ticket in your hands quick, the easiest thing might be to wander into the nearest Fnac, the giant bookstore/music chain that has one of the most comprehensive box offices in the city (follow the signs to the “Billeterie”). It’s worth the extra euro or so you’ll pay for your ticket for the convenience. You can also order your tickets online at www.fnac.fr (many venue sites will send you directly here) or by phone at % 08 92 68 36 22 (.34€ per min.). Ticketnet.fr offers a similar service, though their roster of events isn’t as extensive; you can buy tickets either online (www.ticketnet.fr), by phone (% 08 92 39 01 00, .34€ per min.), or in any Virgin Megastore. For theater tickets only, Théâtre Online (www.theatreonline.com) is a good bet; you can reserve and pay either online or by phone (% 08 20 81 11 11, .12€ per min.) 24 hours ahead of time and pick up your ticket at the box office. Discount hunters can stand in line at one of the city’s two half-price ticket booths, both run by Le Kiosque Théâtre (www.kiosquetheatre.com; Tues–Sat 12:30pm–8pm, Sun 12:30pm–4pm). There’s one in front of the Montparnasse train station, the other is on the west side of the Madeleine (facing 15 place de la Madeleine, exit rue Tronchet from the Madeleine Métro stop). Half-price tickets for same-day performances go on sale here at 12:30pm. Don’t dawdle—by noon the line is usually already long. Not up to the challenge? If you can get yourself to a computer, you can find plenty of ticket discounts (although usually not as good as the ones at the Kiosque) at BilletRéduc, www.billetreduc.com (in French).
Strindberg, Genet), and more recently, started presenting works by contemporary, and even living, authors. Two new theaters were added in the 1990s to accommodate this voluminous repertoire, the medium-sized Théâtre du Vieux Colombier (21 rue du Vieux Colombier, 6th arrond.; % 01 44 39 87 02; www.comediefrancaise.fr; Métro: St-Sulpice or Sèvres–Babylone) and the smaller StudioThéâtre (Galerie du Carrousel du Louvre, under the Pyramid, 99 rue de Rivoli, 1st arrond.; % 01 44 58 98 58; www.comedie-francaise.fr; Métro: Palais Royal–Musée du Louvre). Though something of a dinosaur, there is no denying the high qual-
ity of the acting and the magnificent decors, and despite the prestige, ticket prices are quite reasonable, ranging from 10€–35€, with a variety of discounts for the under 27 set. Less musty and more modern, the Odéon–Théâtre de l’Europe 55 (place de l’Odéon, 6th arrond.;
% 01 44 85 40 40; www.theatre-odeon.fr; Métro: Odéon),
which just had a 30-million-euro makeover, presents both new plays and old classics, but even the classics usually get a modern twist. Big names play here: Fall 2006 saw a new production of Heiner Müller’s Quartett directed by Robert
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But I Don’t Speak French! Let’s face it—if your French isn’t good, traditional theater performances will leave you pretty limp. So what’s a traveling theater junkie to do? Never fear, there are several English-language theater companies in Paris, and while none of them has a permanent home, many make regular appearances at Théâtre de Nesle (8 rue de Nesle, 6th arrond.; % 01 46 34 61 04; www.galeriedenesle.com; Métro: Odéon); Théâtre Les Dechargeurs (3 rue des Déchargeurs, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 36 00 02; Métro: Châtelet), and Sudden Théatre (14 bis rue Ste-Isaure, 18th arrond.; % 01 42 62 35 00; www.suddentheatre.fr; Métro: Simplon), so keep an eye on listing magazines, and especially the Paris Voice. If all else fails, consider an evening of avant-garde theater, where visual language can be as important as spoken, and literal comprehension isn’t really necessary. Two worldfamous avant-garde companies have their headquarters in Paris, Les Bouffes du Nord (37 bis, blvd. de la Chapelle, 10th arrond.; % 01 46 07 33 00; www.bouffesdunord.com; Métro: La Chapelle), run by legendary director Peter Brook, and Le Théâtre du Soleil (La Cartoucherie, Bois de Vincennes, 12th arrond.; % 01 43 74 24 08; www.theatre-du-soleil.fr; Métro: Château de Vincennes, shuttle bus at performance times), helmed by Ariane Mnouchkine, but there are dozens of others to choose from.
Wilson and staring Isabelle Huppert; the 2005 season opened with a new version of Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus (Rape) by Botho Strauss, directed by Luc Bondy. The season usually includes at least a few productions from other European countries (hence the moniker “Théâtre de l”Europe”); recent works by European innovators include a Polish version of Nietzche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra. If the productions here aren’t exactly light comedy, at least you can be reasonably sure they are interesting; ticket prices range from 7.50€–30€, and there are 30%–50% discounts for those under 30. The Odéon’s second space, Ateliers Berthier (8 blvd. Berthier, 17th arrond.; % 01 44 85 40 40; www.theatre-odeon. fr; Métro: Porte de Clichy) presents smaller scale productions, as well as theater for
young actors. For truly contemporary theater, head to Théâtre National de la Colline
(15 rue Malte-Brun, 20th arrond.; % 01 44 62 52 52; www.colline.fr; Métro: Gambetta). Somewhat off the beaten track (on place Gambetta near the Père
Lachaise cemetery), the season here is peppered with premieres and unusual productions. The 2005 season included the Mabou Mines version of Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and a half-spoken, half-sung monologue by Michel Vinaver written in the aftermath of 9/11. More modern masters take to the stage at the Théâtre de la Bastille (76 rue de la Roquette, 11th arrond.; % 01 43 57 42 14; www.theatre-bastille.com; Métro: Bastille or Voltaire), which presents excellent cutting-edge theater and
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dance—not a bad option if your French isn’t up to tackling Molière, since these performances use a lot of imagery and don’t rely on verbal skills. The 2006 season included an interpretation of Snow White by American choreographer Ann Liv Young, and a recital of Brazilian standards by actress Maria de Medieros. Tickets are 19€ and 13€ if you are under 30.
CROSS-PLATFORM CONCERT HALL & OTHER MUSIC VENUES It’s hard to say which line-up is the most impressive at the Théâtre de la Ville 55 (2 place du Châtelet; 1st arrond.; % 01 42 74 22 77; www.theatre delaville.com; Métro: Châtelet): theater (Pirandello, Brecht, new authors), dance (Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Pina Bausch), or music (Bang on a Can All-Stars, Kronos Quartet). And if that doesn’t get you going, there’s a separate World Music series featuring groups from all over Europe, Asia, and Africa. What’s more, tickets are not expensive: the priciest seats are only 23€ with the cheapest at 12€. The trick is to reserve early enough to get a good seat. Dance and theater are on equal footing at the Théâtre National de Chaillot 5 (1 place du Trocadéro, 16th arrond; % 01 53 65 30 00; www.theatrechaillot.fr; Métro: Trocadéro), where contemporary choreographers and theater
directors share a jam-packed program. Theater offerings are high quality, but entirely in French; nonfrancophones will get more out of the excellent dance schedule. The 2006/2007 season included William Forsythe and company in Three Atmospheric Studies, puppeteer/dancer/director Philippe Genty and his Zigmund Follies, and Flamenco/hip-hop/everything else choreographer Blanca Li and her latest creation, Corazon Loco. Tickets run 27€–33€; those under 26 pay about half that price. One of the largest cinemas in Europe, Le Grand Rex 5 (1 blvd. Poissionière, 2nd arrond.; % 08 92 68 05 96, .34€ per min.; www.legrandrex.com; movie tickets Grand Rex theater: 7.80€, other theaters 6.90€; Métro: Bonne Nouvelle) is
the last remaining movie palace in Paris. Built in the 1930s, this Art Deco wonder hosts not only film festival and first run movies, but also jazz, rock, and classical concerts. The main theater, Le Grand Rex, is huge, with 2,750 seats, about half of which are on the enormous balcony. Three smaller screening rooms were added in the 1970s; downstairs is one of Paris’ hottest clubs, Le Rex Club (see “Clubbing,” later in this chapter). For an extra 8€ you can take an interactive tour called “Les Etoiles du Rex,” which combines a backstage tour with a theme-park style special effects that try to make you feel you’ve stepped into a film. A huge multipurpose concert hall, the Olympia 5 (28 blvd. des Capucines, 9th arrond.; % 08 92 68 33 68, .34€ per min.; www.olympiahall.com; Métro: Madeleine or Opéra) has an eclectic program, to say the least: in the same month,
you might find trip-hop band Massive Attack, ’70s homage Abba Gold, and Cape Verde’s Cesaria Evora taking to their enormous stage. Arrive early to get a good seat; often tickets are not numbered, which means first-come, first-serve for the best vantage point. Located in the Parc de la Villette, on the outer edge of the 19th arrondissement, the Zenith (211 av. Jean Jaurès, 19th arrond.; % 01 42 08 60 00; www.
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le-zenith.com; Métro: Porte de Pantin) is a mega-concert hall holding close to 6,000 spectators. French pop idols like Lara Fabian and Corneille play here, as well as international stars like Mary J. Blige and George Clinton.
MOVIES With 372 movie theaters and between 450 and 500 films on offer every week, Paris merits its title as cinephile capital of the world. Close to 90 of its theaters have been officially dubbed “Arts et Essai,” or art house cinemas, which specialize in rare films, old classics, as well as new independent works. These theaters often host film series on a particular auteur (Woody Allen, John Huston, etc.), and they always show films in v.o. (version originale), the original, nondubbed version. Most mainstream movies are shown in the big chain movie theaters dubbed in French (v.f., or version française); if you want to see a mainstream Englishlanguage film, make sure you find one in v.o. (this will be marked in the listing guides, see above). Serious cinema fans can get a good overview of what’s on this week at www.seances.org, a local cinephile group. Some of the most famous art houses include Le Champo, Reflet Medecis, Action Ecoles, and Accattone, all in the 5th arrondissement (Latin Quarter, you’ll find schedules and addresses in listing magazines). One of the prettiest, though, is over in the 7th near Les Invalides: La Pagode (57 bis rue de Babylone, 7th arrond.;
% 01 45 55 48 48; Métro: Sèvres–Babylone or St-François-Xavier).
This incredible oriental pagoda was a gift from a 19th-century Bon Marché department store manager to his wife—unfortunately, the wife ran off with a colleague’s son a year after the pagoda was finished. Her loss—the building became a cinema in 1931, and today the exquisite sculpted woodwork, brocaded fabrics, and lacquered tiles (all recently restored) decorate a small temple to film. In spring and summer, tea and drinks are served in the lovely garden during opening hours. In addition to regular movie theatres, there are three giant cinema archives that have their own theaters and programs: Designed by Frank Gehry, the wacky building that houses the Cinémathèque Française 5 (51 rue de Bercy, 12th arrond.; % 01 71 19 33 33; www. cinematheque.fr; Métro: Bercy) was originally the home of the now defunct
American Center, a much-mourned cultural meeting place for expats and artists. Nowhere near as exuberant as other Gehry creations, this odd white stone edifice, which is sort of like a cross between a traditional office building and a freeform construction is now the home of a cinema library, museum, and research center. The entire history of cinema can be found between these walls, and programming includes comprehensive retrospectives of great cineastes and themed series on the evolution of film. In the mighty monster that is the Centre Pompidou 5 (Place Georges Pompidou, 4th arrond.; % 01 44 78 12 33; www.centre-pompidou.fr; Métro: Rambuteau, RER: Châtelet–Les Halles), there are two movie theaters, both of
which show selections from the center’s huge collection. In 2006, the Pompidou presented the entire oeuvre of Jean-Luc Godard, and the center’s video cycle, chronicling the history of video and new media, will continue into June 2007.
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Summer Rhythm & Blues With few exceptions, the major concert halls and theaters are in action between September and June, taking off the summer months. Not only that, but since the city virtually empties out as Parisians storm the beaches during the annual vacation exodus, many smaller venues and dance clubs also close their doors. On the up side, there are several wonderful summer music festivals, including the Festival Chopin and Jazz à La Villette (p. 326), many of which take place in Paris’ lovely parks and gardens. But if you have your heart set on opera or theater, you’re better off visiting during the colder weather.
Funded by the City of Paris, the Forum des Images (Forum des Halles, Porte St-Eustache, 1st arrond; % 01 44 76 63 00; www.forumdesimages.net; Métro: Châtelet–Les Halles) has a collection of over 6,600 films that feature Paris as either the subject or the setting. But the agenda is not limited to the French capital; features and documentaries from all over the world are shown here. At press time, the center was undergoing renovations, and the Forums’ films were being shown in other art house theatres around town. The shiny new Forum should be open by early 2007, check website for schedule and offerings.
CAN YOU DO THE CAN CAN? At the end of the 19th century, cabarets and music halls opened in Montmartre, frequented by oddballs and artists, as well as bourgeois, aristocrats and demimondaines looking for a good time. At the time, these nightclubs offered an offbeat reflection of the times, where singers like Aristide Bruand would sing about the life of the destitute and sharp political satire would share the stage with cheeky dancing girls dancing that new step, the Can Can. Those days are long gone. Although some visitors feel they simply haven’t enjoyed the true Paris experience without seeing a show at the Moulin Rouge or the Lido, these days there is nothing particularly Parisian, or even French about them. Maybe they still were a few decades ago, when performers like Edith Piaf and Yves Montand were on the bill and the crowds included the crème de la crème of Parisian society, but today’s audiences are more likely to arrive in tour buses than touring cars, and today’s shows are more Vegas than Paris. In fact, if feathers and fantasy are what you’re after, you will probably see better in Vegas. What you will see here is a lot of scenic razzmatazz and many sublime female bodies, mostly torse nue (topless). If you still want to see one of these shows, do yourself a favor and have dinner somewhere else. The food in these establishments is generally mediocre, at best, and with the extra 40€–50€ you save, you can have a wonderful meal at one of the restaurants I’ve listed in the dining chapter. (All of the following theaters have strict dress codes, so be sure to inquire about them when making reservations.)
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Live Music Clubs
When it opened in 1889, the Moulin Rouge (82 blvd Clichy, 18th arrond.;
% 01 53 09 82 82; www.moulinrouge.fr; show only 87€–97€, dinner show 140€–170€; Métro: Blanche) was the talk of the town, and its huge dance floor,
multiple mirrors, and floral garden inspired painters like Toulouse-Lautrec. In 1907, Mistinguett made her debut here; in later decades legendary French singers like Charles Trenet and Charles Aznavour regularly wowed the crowds. Times have changed—today’s Moulin Rouge relies heavily on lip-synching and prerecorded music, backed up by dozens of be-feathered Doriss Girls, long-legged ladies that prance about the stage. Be prepared for lots of glitz and not a whole lot else; this tired operation is definitely geared to the tour bus crowd. For the full-on glamour gala, head for the Lido (116 bis av. du Champs Elysées, 8th arrond.; % 01 40 76 56 10; www.lido.fr; show only 100€, dinner show 140€– 210€; Métro: George V). The costumes here are truly amazing—many a bird must
have sacrificed its feathers for the greater good of the Blue Bell Girls. Headdresses and high heels are of such dimensions that the dancers can’t really do much dancing, but you’re probably not coming here for prima ballerina turns. Unlike the Moulin Rouge, the music is live, and the singers sing, so the overall talent level is higher. Less feathers but more fun, the Paradis Latin (28 rue du Cardinal Lemoine, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 25 28 28; www.paradis-latin.com; show only 80€, dinner show 114€–200€; Métro: Cardinal Lemoine) may offer less in terms of spectacle, but
more in terms of talent. As in, the performers here seem to actually have some. There is a fair amount of interaction with the audience, and a good portion of the show is translated in English. The metallic armature holding up the roof here was designed by Gustave Eiffel. Don’t come to the Crazy Horse Paris (12 av. George V, 8th arrond.; % 01 47 23 32 32; www.lecrazyhorseparis.com; Métro: George V) expecting to see Can Can. This temple to “The Art of the Nude” presents an erotic dance show with artistic aspirations; unlike the other shows, this one is known for what the girls aren’t wearing. Lighting effects are plentiful, music is mostly modern, and the performers, who slither, swagger, and lip-synch with panache, have names like Vanity Starlight and Bee Bee Opaline. The stage is small, and there are only a dozen or so dancers; people come here for the relatively classy sensual content more than sparkle and spangles. Dinner is not an option, tickets are 90€–110€ depending on whether you’re drinking champagne, and a seat at the bar is 49€ (no reservations, first come, first served) for adults and 29€ for students.
LIVE MUSIC CLUBS There is something so terribly Parisian about going out to hear live music. For one, so much of it takes place in interesting venues, like medieval stone cellars or refurbished barges. And then, it just seems like the right thing to do after a cup of coffee in an atmospheric cafe or before a fruity cocktail at a plush bar. Below is a sampling from the city’s vast musical menu.
JAZZ Paris has been a fan of jazz from its beginnings, and many legendary performers like Sidney Bechet and Kenny Clark made the city their home. Still a haven for
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jazz musicians and fans of all stripes, there are dozens of places around town to duck in and listen to a good set or two. Here are a few of the best: If you’re looking for big names and hot acts, look no further. New Morning 555 (7 and 9 rue des Petites Ecuries, 10th arrond.; % 01 45 23 51 41; www.newmorning.com; Métro: Château d’Eau) has an incredible line-up,
including both jazz giants like Ravi Coltrane Quartet (son of John and Alice), Take 6, and violinist Regina Carter, as well as international world music masters like Hugh Masekela and Elza Soares. This relatively large club (the room holds 300), fills up quick and it’s no wonder: this truly is one of the best jazz venues in town, and tickets range from only 18€–22€. Much smaller, but more famous, Le Duc des Lombards 55 (42 rue des Lombards, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 33 22 88; www.ducdeslombards.com; Métro: Châtelet), which recently celebrated its 22nd birthday, is a obligatory stop for
touring European jazz stars, though greats from the other side of the pond like Brandford Marsalis and Jon Hendricks have also been known to come through. Musicians have taken to recording live here; you can buy a compilation album on site. The club also has its own group, Jazz Affair, which plays the first and third Wednesday of the month. Tickets range from 19€–25€; Mon–Thurs the under25 set can get in for 12€. This year, Le Duc has hooked up with three other clubs on this jazz-rich street, namely, the Sunside, the Sunset, and the Baiser Salé, to create the Paris Jazz Club, which will offer exclusive themed events where for 20€ you can get into all four clubs (check website for dates and times). Like their famous neighbor, the dual clubs Sunset/Sunside 55 (60 rue des Lombards, 1st arrond.; % 01 40 26 46 60; www.sunset-sunside.com; Métro: Châtelet) are major players on the Parisian jazz scene. Big names, like Kenny
Barron and Kurt Elling, make appearances, as well as young innovative musicians from around the world. A few years ago, the older venue, the Sunset, bought up the restaurant next door and turned it into a second club, called the Sunside. Whereas the Sunset is now dedicated to electric jazz and world music; the Sunside features primarily acoustic jazz. Concerts at the Sunset take place in a vaulted cellar with white tiles like you might see in a Métro tunnel; at the Sunside you’ll sit above-ground in a cozy space with brick walls. Tickets are in the 20€ to 22€ range; discount promotions of up to 50% are offered on the website. Another Paris jazz institution is Le Petit Journal Montparnasse 5 (13 rue du Commandant Mouchotte, 14th arrond.; % 01 43 21 56 70; www.petitjournalmontparnasse.com). Roomier, and with a smart restaurant, this class act has an
elegant glassed-in dining terrace as well as a plush wood-paneled area where you can sup closer to the stage. The headliners here are mostly French jazz artists like Claude Bolling and Manu di Bango. Show plus dinner (3 courses plus wine and coffee) runs 55€–85€, depending on who’s playing; if you are coming just for music, the 25€ entry includes a drink, but you’ll usually have to sit at the bar. Its sister club, Le Petit Journal Saint-Michel 5 (71 blvd. St-Michel, 5th arrond.;
% 01 43 26 28 59; http://perso.orange.fr/claude.philips; closed Sun and Aug; RER: Luxembourg) is a temple to New Orleans jazz; the ambiance here is more cozy and low-key, and the action takes place underground in yet another old cellar. The 17€ cover includes one drink; a dinner concert with wine runs 45€–50€.
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Live Music Clubs
While it’s unclear why this club is called the Seven Lizards, it’s obvious that 7 Lézards 5 (10 rue de Rosiers, 4th arrond.; % 01 48 87 08 97; www.7lezards. com; Métro: St-Paul) is a great place to go for a relaxed evening of jazz. You could
start your evening at the street level bar/tea room/restaurant, where you can choose from the reasonably priced world food–themed menu, then pay a mere 10€ to 15€ to enjoy a concert in the stone cellar downstairs where talented, upand-coming jazz men and women strut their stuff. Members of Paris’ expat jazz community often play here; keep an eye on the program for local heroes like saxophonist Steve Potts and pianist Chris Culpo. Out on the Ile-St-Louis is a lovely little club with an old stone cellar called Le Franc Pinot 5 (1 quai Bourbon, 4th arrond.; % 01 46 33 60 64; www.francpinot.com; Métro: St-Paul or Pont-Marie), where well-known, but not yet famous,
musicians play mostly bee bop, with a good dose of swing, pop, and modern chanson. The tiny stage is surrounded by clusters of tables and chairs; off to one side is a cozy bar. The service is friendly and the price is right: most concerts are 15€, which includes one drink.
IT’S ALL IN THE MIX Many of the city’s most interesting live music clubs offer a wide range of styles and sounds. It’s hard to really categorize these places in terms of music, so I’m listing them according to the type of venue and general ambiance.
Music Afloat Once upon a time, on the banks of the Seine you could find guinguettes, outdoor cabarets where musicians play and couples dance on the decks of converted barges—those long, low boats that are used to shuttle heavy loads up and down the river. Although few guinguettes have survived, (and those that have are east of Paris) today the younger generation has transformed some recently retired vessels into a new sort of music venue—floating bar/cafe/dance clubs, three of which have lowered their anchor next to Quai François Mauriac, across the river from the Parc de Bercy and just in front of the Bibliothèque François Mitterand. If you’re not already a regular at Guinguette Pirate 55 (Quai François Mauriac, 13th arrond.; % 01 44 06 96 45; www.guinguettepirate.com; Métro: Bibliothèque François Mitterand or Quai de la Gare) you might find it strange to
find a Chinese junk docked on the banks of the Seine, but music-loving Parisians think nothing of it. Depending on the day of the week, you might find Djangostyle jazz, slam dancing, or French chanson in the bowels of this red wooden boat. Weekend evenings are generally dedicated to Afro-Cuban music, and after the concert the DJs come out and the boat turns into a night club. Cover is anywhere from free to 10€; there’s a restaurant if you are feeling peckish. Believe it or not, there are also children’s activities here (during the day of course), like storytelling (in French) and music. For a schedule, consult the website. For serious drinking and dancing, stroll over to Batofar 5 (quai François Mauriac, 13th arrond.; % 01 53 60 17 30; www.batofar.org; Métro: Bibliothèque François Mitterand or Quai de la Gare). This bright-red boat is topped by an old-
fashioned searchlight (or phare) that sends out a signal to electronic music fans all
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Chanson When I first moved here, I too thought that chanson—that peculiarly melody-challenged style of French singing that (at least in the old days) involved a lot of tremulous vibrato—was pretty sappy stuff. That was before I really understood French. Now I’ve realized that it’s the words that count in chanson, and that the lyrics of good chanson are actually quite poetic. In fact, some of the more famous singers, like Léo Ferré, have literally set French poetry (Aragon, Apollonaire) to music. That’s why so many French people get all misty-eyed when they start listening to Jacques Brel and Georges Brassens. Not only did they grow up with it, but the lyrics often cover subject matter that is near and dear to the French psyche, like war, injustice, love, and sex. The words can be funny or tragic, or just plain morose, but they usually are a little deeper than “I love you yeah, yeah, yeah.” In recent years, chanson has made a comeback. Young singers and writers are coming up with their own poetic versions of the trials and tribulations of life, and their heroes are not so much Piaf and Aznavour as Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan. As you may have noticed, chanson pops up in live music club programming all over the city, but here are a couple of venues that specialize in this quintessentially French style: Au Limonaire 5 (18 Cité Bergère, 9th arrond.; % 01 45 23 33 33; http:// limonaire.free.fr; Métro: Grands Bouvlevards). Here you can not only listen to the freshest crop of chanson talent, but you can sing along too. There is no cover, they pass the hat (as management puts it “it’s worth at least the price of a movie”). Doubles as a restaurant/wine bar; reserve ahead if you want to eat here. Café de la Dance (5 passage Louis Phillipe, 11th arrond.; % 01 47 00 57 59; www.chez.com/cafedeladanse; Métro: Bastille) Though you might also see contemporary dance or Portuguese fado at this eclectic cabaret/ theater, there is a very strong chanson streak in the programming here. Pick up tickets (12€–22€) at any Fnac outlet (www.fnac.fr).
over the city. Electro, techno, jungle, take the helm; reggae, ragga, and funk are also in the mix. Great DJs from all over Europe come here, as well as live bands; the look is dressed down and casually cool. The cover ranges from nonexistent to around 10€. Tucked in between Batofar and Guinguette Pirate is an actual barge, the Peniche El Alamein (quai François Mauriac, 13th arrond.; % 01 45 86 41 60; http://elalamein.free.fr; Métro: Bibliothèque François Mitterand or Quai de la Gare). Though there is a good music lineup here, (primarily French chanson and
vocal groups), many come to have a drink on the delightful garden terrace on the deck. All concerts are 8€.
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Let’s Go Dancing
Culture Clubs There are some music venues out there that truly defy categories, like these two young and happening club/cafe/gallery/cultural center/screening room/poetry lounge/etc . . . Note: performances in these venues book up quick; if possible, buy your ticket ahead of time at Fnac (p. 280). Is it a cool club or a circus tent? The answer is not clear at Cabaret Sauvage 55 (Parc de la Villette, entrance at 59 blvd. Mac Donald, 19th arrond.; % 01 42 09 01 09; www.cabaretsauvage.com; Métro: Porte de la Villette), where you are just
as likely to encounter Brazilian samba, electro funk, or trapeze artists. Blues bands from the Balkans and Vietnamese jazz musicians share the calendar with avantgarde circus acts and Algerian acrobats. Although this big-top cabaret is essentially a performance space with an accent on world music and dance, it also hosts themed dance parties, where you can boogie to jungle and techno, as well as raï, mambo, samba, and so forth. There is a bar, bien sur, as well as a restaurant that serves light meals (depending on the event). Tickets cost 12€–22€. Describing itself as a “center for artistic dynamics,” Point Ephemere 5 (200 quai Valmy, 10th arrond.; % 01 40 34 02 48; www.pointephemere.org; Métro: Jean Jaurès), a converted warehouse on the banks of the Canal St-Martin, prides
itself on nurturing up-and-coming artists, musicians, dancers, and filmmakers, and offers residencies to a chosen few who work in studios on the premises. Cultural mission aside (this is a nonprofit organization that was set up with the blessing of both neighborhood and municipal leaders), this is an extremely happening spot. The packed program includes lots of “soirées,” or dance parties, with an emphasis on electronic music, in all its usual (electro, techno), and unusual (hip-hop neo-klezmer, anyone?) forms, though plain old experimental rock is represented as well. Dance concerts, art expositions, and discussion forums are also on the agenda. Tickets for most events are in the 8€–14€ range. There is a suitably downscale-hip quay-side bar and restaurant, with an outdoor terrace in nice weather.
LET’S GO DANCING Though they may not be the most rhythmic of peoples, that doesn’t keep the French from filling up dance clubs all over the city. The good news is, you don’t have to worry about looking uncoordinated—you’ll have plenty of company. The bad news is you might get your toes stepped on. If you are willing to take that risk, there are plenty of options out there. Be it tango or hip hop, salsa or slam dancing, there is a toe-tapping activity out there to suit your purposes.
PARTNER DANCING? Though it might not be particularly hip or trendy, partner dancing is very popular in Paris, and practitioners can pick from a wide range of styles, from Argentine tango to Cuban salsa, passing by ballroom and swing. Note: what the French call “le Rock,” is what most English-speakers would consider jitterbug or swing dancing.
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Since 1946, Caveau de la Huchette
55 (5 rue de la Huchette, 5th arrond.;
% 01 43 26 65 05; www.caveaudelahuchette.fr; Métro: St-Michel, RER: StMichel–Notre-Dame; cover: Mon–Thurs 11€, Fri–Sat 13€) has been a temple of swing. Count Basie and Lionel Hampton once played here; though today’s program is considerably less illustrious, some excellent jazz musicians still play here, setting the groove for the dance floor. Swing and Lindy Hop are the watchwords in this ancient cellar; though there are some serious dance weenies here, you’ll have a good time, no matter what your level of expertise. Even older and more historic, Le Balajo 5 (9 rue de Lappe, 11th arrond.;
% 01 47 00 07 87; www.balajo.fr; cover 10€–12€ Mon–Thurs, 20€ Fri–Sat [includes 1 drink], Sun afternoon tea dances 8€; Métro: Bastille) is one of the last of the great 1930s dance halls. When it opened, in 1936, it was a huge success, frequented by stars like Arletty and Marlene Dietrich. Today the mood is eclectic: Tuesday nights is Brazilian; Wednesday, Rock and swing; Thursday, Latin music; and Friday and Saturday are a catch-all of R&B, disco, funk, and groove. In short, there is something for everyone, and no need to worry about being snubbed by the doorman. Argentine tango fans gather at Le Latina 5 (20 rue du Temple, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 78 47 86; www.lelatina.com; Métro: Hôtel de Ville or Rambuteau), a cinema and Latin cultural center that hosts milongas, or tango dances, as well as other Latin dance nights. Tango nights are Wed–Sat at 8:30pm; beginners should come with a partner as the level is fairly advanced. Sunday is Salsa night, and Monday is for Sevillanas. You can dance for free, but drinks will cost you: 6€ Mon–Fri, and 9€ Sat. For more information on other Parisian milongas, visit www.tangoargentin.net. Don’t know what trip-hop is, and don’t care? Come to Club Zed 5 (2 rue des Anglais, 5th arrond.; % 01 43 54 93 78; Closed Sun–Wed and Aug; Thurs 10€, Fri–Sat 18€, cover includes 1 drink; Métro: Maubert–Mutualité), where the ’60s,
’70s, and ’80s live on. Lots of swing dancing (i.e. “le rock”) here; if the ambiance is a bit retro (yes, there’s a disco ball), the welcome is warm and nonjudgmental. Hemingway and Henry Miller once hung out at 1930s cafe restaurant La Coupole (102 blvd. du Montparnasse, 14th arrond.; % 01 43 55 48 59; www.salsa coupole.com; cover 10€; Métro: Vanvin or Montparnasse) but they probably never
shook their booty to salsa music in the dance club (“Le Dancing”) downstairs. Too bad for them—every Tuesday night salsa rhythms rock the house. The 10€ cover includes a drink and lessons for both beginner and intermediate levels (7:30pm and 8:30pm, respectively). The evenings have been such a success that there is now a Latin Night on Friday and Saturday nights, as well as Brazilian samba on Thursdays. Salsa and then some is on the program at Barrio Latino (46/48 rue du Faubourg St-Antoine, 12th arrond.; % 01 55 78 84 75; Thurs–Sat 8€ cover, other nights no cover; Métro: Bastille), a multileveled restaurant/bar/dance palace with
Latin/Caribbean theme. The spacious main floor of this former furniture showroom is ringed by pretty wrought-iron balconies (think Galeries Lafayette goes to the Tropics); the atmosphere is festive, fun, and relatively unpretentious. Though Latin rhythms get priority here, the musical menu can also feature African, R&B, and pop, depending on the DJ.
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Club Hours Clubs open at varying times, but the crowd doesn’t usually show up until midnight. Once you’ve made it in, you can dance literally ’til dawn, as most clubs don’t close until around 6am.
CLUBBING If a “real” club is what you are after, Paris has plenty to keep you busy. While new, hot clubs cool off quickly, even older clubs can still draw a hot crowd, depending on the night, because a lot of what counts here is not the club, but the party. Just about every club hosts themed “soirées” on different days of the week, each with its own DJ and style of music; sometimes the soirées are a bigger hit than the actual club. For a detailed rundown on where the soirées are this week, visit the club websites below, or general sites like www.tilllate.com, or www.parissi.com, which also has a good rundown on clubs with reader reviews (in French).
One of the newest clubs in Paris is called, well, Paris Paris 55 (5 av. de l’Opéra, 1st arrond.; www.leparisparis.com; closed Sun–Mon and Aug; Métro: Opéra or Palais Royal–Musée du Louvre). Though you won’t make it inside if you’re not
dressed at least to maim, if not to kill, once you’ve made it past the bouncers you’ll be pleased to discover a fun club that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Blithely mixing hip-hop, reggae, and electro, Paris Paris also hosts theme nights (disco, punk, Madonna) and special events. This place is so hip that there’s no phone number or e-mail contact; you’ll just have to show up after 11pm and hope for the best. The good news: there’s no cover and the drinks are reasonable. At press time, Le Baron 5 (6 av. Marceau, 8th arrond.; % 01 47 20 04 01; Métro: Alma–Marceau) was the hottest club in town, and subsequently, the hardest to get into. If you are Sofia Coppola or Björk, there’s no problem; if you are a lesser mortal, you’d better know how to dress, be blessed with stunning physical attributes, or know someone on the guest list. There’s no cover, but drinks will cost you dearly. The decor is inspired by the club’s former life as high-end brothel; soft red couches, velvet curtains, and tasseled lamps create a plush backdrop for the Beautiful People. The DJ spins a mix of styles, including lots of retro from the ’70s and ’80s.
The beacon of Paris’s electronic music scene, Rex Club 5 (5 blvd. Poissonnière, 2nd arrond.; % 01 42 36 10 96; www.rexclub.com; closed Mon–Tues and Aug; Métro: Bonne Nouvelle) churns up the dance floor with electro, techno, drum’n bass, and house. Brooding under the Grand Rex movie theater (see above), this dark, gray, and very high-tech haunt draws a primarily young and intense crowd. Rex’s claim to fame is that it helped launch French mega-DJ Laurent Garnier,
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who still comes by to spin tunes. Though this is a very popular club, they have a refreshingly democratic entry policy, and the cover is reasonable: between 7€ and 13€. Music blasts; bring earplugs if your ears are delicate. Recently overhauled, La Fleche d’Or (102 bis rue de Bagnolet, 20th arrond.;
% 01 44 64 01 02; www.flechedor.fr; closed when there is no band playing; Métro: Gambetta or Alexandre Dumas), has a seemingly inexhaustible supply of young talent that excels at whipping up a groove on the dance floor. Groups with names like “The Queen of Yogurt” and “Moon Engineer” play at this indie-rock and electro club, which lives in what was once a train station for a now defunct line. There is nothing defunct about the ambiance, which is young and wired, with a downtown, disheveled edge; what’s more, there is no cover except for a few rare extra special concerts, when the bill is 10€.
If you are allergic to the hipster club scene, try Le Canal Opus 55 (167 quai de Valmy, 10th arrond.; % 01 40 34 70 00; http://opusclub.free.fr; Métro: Louis Blanc), on the Canal St-Martin. There’s no bouncer here to judge your outfit, just lots of great music and dancing. The evenings start with live jazz and world music concerts (10€); after, eclectic dance parties (cover 15€, includes one drink) rock until dawn to the beat of house, funk, and R&B as well as Latino, Zouk, and Caribbean rhythms. Under new ownership, the club has just been renovated and sports lots of polished wood and cozy corners; there is an in-house restaurant if you want to eat before you dance. Open Fridays and Saturdays only in August. The sounds of Brazil are what fuels the party at Favela Chic 5 (18 rue du Faubourg du Temple, 11th arrond.; % 01 40 21 38 14; www.favelachic.com; Métro: République), a bar/restaurant where the clientele just can’t seem to stay in
their seats. Maybe it’s the great caipirinhas and mojitos, or maybe it’s just the fab music, which goes on until 4am. This is an incredibly popular place, and there are major crowds on the weekends; get here early if you want to get in at all. Success has been such that they recently opened a branch in London. Though the mainstay here is Brazilian music, which branches out in some surprising directions (bossa jazz, samba rap), a variety of DJs come through here, so funk, reggae, and house are also on the menu. If you make it in Tuesday to Thursday, there’s no cover; Friday to Saturday the 10€ cover includes one drink.
GAY, BUT OPEN MINDED Though it mostly draws a gay crowd, anyone is welcome at the latest version of Les Bains Douches 5 (7 rue du Bourg l’Abbé, 3rd arrond.; % 01 48 87 01 80; www.lesbainsdouches.net; closed Sun–Mon; Métro: Etienne Marcel), which serves
up an eclectic mix of hip hop, R&B, and techno, depending on the night. Tuesday night, when raï and R&B is on the program, draws a relatively straight crowd; the rest of the week, boys rule. Wednesday is hip hop, Thursday to Saturday features house and techno. Cover 10€–20€ depending on the evening’s offerings.
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Bar Hours Parisian bars can open as early as noon, or even earlier, depending on where they stand on the bar/cafe scale (see below), but they almost always close between 1:30am to 2am.
Another gay (actually, lesbian) club that opens its doors to heteros is Le Pulp 5 (25 blvd. Poissonnière, 2nd arrond.; % 01 40 26 01 93; www.pulpparis.com; Closed Aug; Métro: Grands Boulevards). If the space has a slightly dilapidated music hall look about it, the music is cutting edge. While Friday and Saturday nights (cover 10€, includes one drink) are definitely for girls looking for girls, Wednesdays and Thursdays are open to one and all (and what’s more, there’s no cover charge). Some of the city’s best soirées are held here (Kill the DJ, Naked, No Dancing Please). The look of the clientele and the ambiance varies according to the evening, but electro and hip hop top the charts here.
BARS & LOUNGES I feel the need to make a distinction here between cafes and bars. Though both serve alcoholic beverages, cafes offer a laid back, hang out atmosphere at any time of day or night, whereas anything that actually calls itself a bar is bound to only really get going after the sun goes down and has an edgier feel. While it’s difficult to draw a definitive line between one type of establishment and another (in fact, many have a little bit of both kinds of ambiances), the bars and lounges listed below lean towards the latter category, i.e., nighttime places where adults collect to meet, drink, and be merry. (For a good sample of cafes, see the “Dining Choices” chapter) Many of the bars listed below also offer music, live or recorded, but this is their secondary function. For live music venues and dance clubs, see the headings above.
The birthplace of the Bloody Mary, Harry’s New York Bar 5 (5 rue Daunou, 2nd % 01 42 61 71 14; www.harrysbar.fr; Métro: Opéra or Pyramides) hasn’t changed significantly since it first opened in 1911. Literally transplanted piece by piece from a bar in New York City, this American outpost was a favorite of Ernest Hemingway, who held court here in the post–World War II years. Today’s regulars are well-heeled expats, tourists, and others who enjoy the polished wood ambiance and the piano bar in the cellar. Just across the street from the Théâtre du Palais Royal, tiny Bar de l’Entracte arrond.;
(47 rue de Montpensier, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 97 57 76; Métro: Musée du Louvre– Palais Royal) spills out onto the sidewalk, tempting passersby with food, drink,
and old-fashioned ambiance. Though frequented by a relatively hip crowd, this postage-stamped sized bar is about as typically Parisian as it gets (it even made it into a tourist poster by George Bates).
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Perched on the top floor of the Kenzo building, Kong (1 rue du Pont Neuf, 1st % 01 40 39 09 00; Métro: Pont Neuf) is designer Philippe Starck’s latest hallucination: a glowing red bar, steely gray banquettes, transparent Louis XVI chairs, and bizarre Japanese manga imagery backed up by a fabulous view of the city. Be prepared to dress the part—and pay the price—for an evening at this sleek and trendy bar-restaurant. arrond.;
55 (69 rue des Gravilliers, 3rd arrond.; % 01 42 71 20 38; closed Monday; Métro: Arts et Métiers), which means I have nothing in Arabic, is a tiny temple to North African A twist on the name of a famous pop-artist, Andy Waloo
culture and kitsch. Smoke a hookah beneath a silk-screened Moroccan coffee ad and listen to some of the best Algerian raï around. Come early before the fashionable crowd snatches up all the upturned paint cans that serve as seating. Bars with real terraces (not just sidewalks) are a rare breed in Paris, but Le BDJ 5 (5 rue de Jarente, 4th arrond.; % 01 48 87 24 20; closed Monday; Métro: St-Paul) has a delightful one, thanks to the car-free place du Marché St-Catherine.
Sitting on a beautiful little square hidden in the warren of streets that make up the Marais, this laid back cafe-bar is the perfect spot for a drink on a midsummer’s eve. Even if it’s raining, the bar is worth a visit for its relaxed ambiance and cozy counter. The horseshoe-shaped bar at Au Petit Fer à Cheval (30 rue Vielle du Temple, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 47 47; Métro: Hôtel de Ville or St-Paul) is the original; when this cafe first opened in 1903 coffee and chocolate sellers negotiated deals over this curved countertop. The current owner, who has opened a spate of similarly adorable cafes in this neighborhood, has kept the original detailing and spirit of the place, with a few modern touches—like the frighteningly modern steel bathrooms. If you’re hungry, the menu is fresh and contemporary.
LATIN QUARTER Though it’s also known as a jazz club, I’m putting Caveau des Oubliettes (52 rue Galande, 5th arrond.;
% 01 46 34 23 09; Métro: Maubert–Mutualité) in
the bar section because this is a truly unique place to come for a drink. Located on one of the oldest streets in Paris, this ancient building harbors a wacky bar where real grass grows on the floor beneath your feet, and a genuine Guillotine from the French Revolution hovers in the background. The crowd is a good mix of students and low-key hipsters; a narrow winding staircase leads to a 12th-century vaulted stone cellar, where local jazz groups jam. If you ask, you can visit the medieval “oubliettes,” dank cells where prisoners were more or less forgotten about (the moniker comes from the French verb “to forget,” oublier). A Latin Quarter institution, Le Piano Vache 5 (8 rue Laplace, 5th arrond.; % 01 46 33 75 03; www.lepianovache.com; Métro: Maubert Mutualité) has been welcoming the young and young at heart since it’s beginnings, during the student uproar of 1969. Layers of posters and handbills for concerts and events paper the walls; a broken-down piano broods in a corner. If you are looking for an escape from the slick and trendy, this wonderfully grungy student hangout should fill the
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bill. Music starts up most nights after 8pm; DJs favor 80’s music, Goth, punk, and rock.
55 (62 rue Mazarine, 6th arrond.; % 01 53 10 19 99; www.alcazar.fr; Métro: Odéon), where you can sip
For a chic night out, head for the mezzanine at Alcazar
on an exquisite mai-tai while you gaze down on the doings in the chic restaurant below. The creation of Sir Terrance Conran, this sleek operation is still a mainstay of the hip crowd, even though it opened 7 years ago; DJs spin a mix of electro, funk, and house Wednesday to Saturday. It’s 4am and you’re still not ready to go home? Have a drink at Le Pré 5 (4 rue du Four, 6th arrond.; % 01 40 46 93 22; Métro: Mabillon) one of the few bars around town that is open almost 24 hours a day (they close only between 5am–6am to freshen up). Even during daylight hours, this cool cafe-bar is a nice place to hang out; the entire bar is open out on to the street, great for peoplewatching—and for being watched, as well. It might be best to just have a drink at the bar at the Closerie des Lilas 5 (171 Blvd du Montparnasse, 6th arrond.; % 01 40 51 34 50; RER: Port Royal; MC, V, AE, DC), that way you can pretend you’re Hemingway without going broke
in the process. In fact, he wrote a large chunk of The Sun Also Rises while standing at the bar, so you wouldn’t be too far off. Actually, few of the artists and writers (Gertrude Stein, Picasso, Henry James . . .) who frequented this hallowed ground would be able to afford it today; it is defiantly elegant and not for the jeans and sneakers crowd.
CHAMPS ELYSEES For a splurge, treat yourself to a drink at the Bar at the Plaza Athenée
(25 av.. Montaigne, 8th arrond.; % 01 53 67 66 65; www.plaza-athenee-paris. com; Métro: Alma–Marceau). It will cost you (a glass of wine starts at 15€, cocktails 24€), but you’ll be able to say you did it. Mosey up to the glowing, sculpted
glass bar and order a Rose Royale (champagne with a touch of fresh raspberry coulis), then sink into a sculpted leather club chair and watch fabulous figures of Parisian high society go by. Still got your fancy duds on? Slide over to Mandalaray 5 (32/34 rue Marbeuf, 8th arrond.; % 01 56 88 36 36; www.manray.fr; Métro: Franklin Delano Roosevelt), the newly Zen version of Man Ray (yes, that’s the one part-owned by
Johnny Depp, Sean Penn, and John Malkovich). There’s nothing monastic about this South Asian-themed pleasure palace, which includes a restaurant, club, and lounge/bar. After the Plaza Athenée, drinks here will seem like a bargain—a mere 12€ for colorful cocktails with names like Sharkbite and Paradise Volcano. Monday is opera night, Tuesdays live jazz and Latin bands take the stage, other nights, the usual club playlist.
GRANDS BOULEVARDS Within convenient walking distance to some of the more happening clubs (Rex Club, Pulp), the lofty ceilings of the Delaville Café 55 (34–36 blvd. Bonne
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Nouvelle, 10th arrond.; % 01 48 24 48 09; www.delavillecafe.com; Métro: Bonne Nouvelle) shelter a decor that successfully blends modern styling with 19th-
century grandeur. Splendid mosaics frame the bar, red columns line the staircase, and sleek neo-fifties chairs surround the tables. There’s a classy restaurant, a not-too-trendy bar, a huge, if noisy, sidewalk terrace, and a bevy of DJs that spin dance music into the wee hours. By day, young and not-so-young bobos (bourgeois bohemians) bring their laptops; at night, they bring their dates.
CANAL ST-MARTIN The setting for the legendary film by Marcel Carné, Hôtel du Nord (102 quai de Jemmapes, 10th arrond.; % 01 40 40 78 78; www.hoteldunord.org; Métro: République or Jacques Bonsergent) has recently been transformed into a sleek,
branché (literally, “plugged in”) bar-restaurant where stars dine and high-style hipsters lean over the bar. Probably not what Marcel had in mind, but that doesn’t seem to stop the crowds. A nice place to start your evening stroll along the Canal St-Martin.
PLACE ST-MARTHE Decked out in bright colors, with a decidedly counter-culture feel, Le Panier
(Place St-Marthe, 10th arrond.; % 01 42 01 38 18; Métro: Belleville; no credit cards), sports a delightful, exhaust-free terrace on the laid-back place St-Marthe.
The ambiance is so relaxed, you almost forget you’re in Paris; in fact, the name of the bar refers to a neighborhood in Marseilles. The rhum arrangé (rum with tropical fruit) is delicious. Whatever you do, don’t dress up to come here.
NEAR BASTILLE—RUE DE CHARONNE Sink into one of the cushy Chesterfield sofas that lie between the red lacquered walls of the China Club 55 (50 rue de Charenton, 12th arrond.; % 01 43 43 82 02; http://chinaclub.cc; Métro: Bastille or Ledru–Rollin) and you’ll feel like you’ve been transported to a gentlemen’s club in Hong Kong. A 14m (46-ft.) mahogany bar lines the wall, where you can sip a Singapore Sling and reminisce about days gone by, or flirt with possible partners for the rosy future. Upstairs is the Fumoir, an intimate space designed for after-dinner drinks and quiet conversation; downstairs is for listening to live jazz, soul, and world music. A classy joint without the pretension or the prices of the swanky bars in the posh parts of town. The original Café de l’Industrie 5 (16 rue St-Sabin, 11th arrond.; % 01 47 00 13 53; Métro: Bastille or Bréguet Sabin) was so successful (and crowded) that the owners decided to open a second restaurant across the street (it’s now called Cafés de l’Industrie), and have recently added a third enterprise: a lingerie shop called L’Industrie Lingerie. Aside from being a lovely place to eat, this is great spot for a drink, during an evening’s ramble. The decor is subdued eclectic: black-andwhite movie star portraits share the walls with contemporary paintings and colonial knick-knacks. In the annex, there’s a piano-bar. And in the lingerie store, well, use your imagination . . . If you are a wayward Catholic, or just plain wayward, you’ll appreciate the decor at Le Lèche-Vin (13 rue Daval, 11th arrond.; % 01 43 55 98 91; Métro: Bastille). This place is a temple to religious kitsch: images of Christ, Virgin Mary,
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Irish Bars & Other English-Speaking Watering Holes Had enough of trying to speak French? Looking for a place to unwind in semifamiliar surroundings? There are a few dozen Irish bars in Paris (where aren’t there?), where you can appreciate the joys of a good pint of Guinness. Americans and Canadians have set up shop here as well—see below for details. Tucked into an ancient building on the quai des Grands Augustins (shouting distance from place St-Michel), Galway’s 5 (13 quai des Grands Augustins, % 01 43 29 64 50; Métro: St-Michel) might be a little dark and a little cramped, but it’s almost always filled to the brim with happy customers sipping a pint and swapping war stories. Live music Wednesday to Sunday; Guinness, Murphy’s, and Kilkenny on tap. You can stretch out at Carr’s Restaurant & Pub 5 (1 rue du MontThabor, 1st arrond.; % 01 42 60 60 26; www.carrsparis.com; Métro: Tuileries), where several spacious rooms cater to the drinking and eating needs of expats, tourists, and a varied assortment of Parisians. Known for its live music, Celtic and otherwise, as well as its Irish stew. One of the older Irish bars in the city, with lots of dark wood and old photos. A lively, expatriate gang gathers at the Lizard Lounge 55 (18 rue du Bourg-Tibourg, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 81 34; www.hip-bars.com/lizard; Métro: Hôtel de Ville), where drinks and chat give way to live DJs and dancing in the “Underground” dance cellar, below bar-level. Owned by an American-Irish-British trio, this roomy bar, graced by a chic metallic mezzanine, has become a fixture of the Marais bar scene. Homesick Canadians will appreciate The Moose 5 (16 rue des Quatre Vents, 6th arrond.; % 01 46 33 77 00; Métro: Odéon), where the walls are decorated with ice hockey paraphernalia and the beer is, not surprisingly, Moosehead. Sports is a major item on the agenda here; you can see one of their six plasma TV screens from anywhere in the bar. French, Canadian, American, and British fans gather here to cheer their teams and each other, pint in hand. Anything but quiet when rugby matches are on the TV, The Quiet Man (5 rue des Haudriettes, 3rd arrond.; % 01 48 04 02 77; Métro: Rambateau) is a quintessentially Irish bar, complete with darts, Irish music, and a convivial, welcoming atmosphere. Irish expats give this one high marks for authentic ambiance.
and a panoply of saints cover the walls; a life-sized statue of Saint Theresa greets you at the door; and distinctly irreverent papier-maché constructions hang from the ceiling. The blasphemous theme is heightened by a trip to the toilets, which are entirely papered in pornography. The offbeat ambiance attracts a pleasantly mixed crowd; an essential stop on any Bastille-area pub crawl.
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One of the first bars to take over rue Oberkampf in the 1990s, Café Charbon 55 (109 rue Oberkampf, 11th arrond.; % 01 43 57 55 13; Métro: Oberkampf) is still an excellent choice for an evening out. This turn-of-the-20th-century beauty (it was once a dance hall) welcomes hoards of happy night-birds under its arched ceilings; the door in the back leads to the nightclub, La Nouvelle Casino, where live bands and DJs shake it up until the wee hours. You can enjoy the atmosphere here any time of day, for coffee, a drink, or a good meal.
MONTMARTRE Aside from a small mirror ball and a mermaid hanging from the ceiling, there’s nothing particularly notable about the decor at Le Sancerre 5 (35 rue des Abbesses, 18th arrond.; % 01 42 58 08 20; Métro: Abbesses), but no matter: this is one of the most happening bars in Montmartre. During the day, 20-somethings attached to their iPods nurse hangovers at the sidewalk tables; at night, beautiful bobos (bourgeois bohemians) and authentic artists jostle for a place at the bar. Service can be a bit lax, but then, you don’t come here for a quick drink. Who knew Africa was so close to Sacré-Coeur? At Jungle Montmartre (32 rue Gabrielle, 18th arrond.; % 01 46 06 75 69; Métro: Abbesses), an old French bar has had a sub-Saharan makeover: Orange walls and leopard-print tables vibrate to an Afro-Caribbean beat. If you’re hungry, a decent poulet yassa is to be had upstairs; if you’re here for drinks, try the punch—it should get you limbered up by the time the DJ shows up and the dancing starts.
GAY PAREE Gay travelers will be pleased to find that Paris is a delightfully “live and let live” kind of place when it comes to one’s personal life; the mayor, for example is openly gay and it was NOT an issue during his campaign (what a concept). Hence the gay scene is low key and open, with a good realm of choices. Though the Marais is by far the main gay area, clubs and events are also sprinkled throughout the city. For listings, pick up 2X or Illico, both distributed free in gay bars and bookstores; the monthly magazine Têtu (www.tetu.com) is another good source, as is their website. On the web, www.paris-gay.com offers a rundown of current events. Below are a few of the better-known bars:
A Marais institution, Le Cox 5 (15 rue des Archives, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 08 00; www.cox.fr; Métro: Hôtel de Ville) is a crowded bar where proud roosters in tight t-shirts and jeans strut their stuff. Electro and house music beats in the background; vivid colors and pop art cover the walls (decor changes often). Lots of clones, but at least they’re friendly ones. More relaxed, and more diverse, the Open Café (17 rue des Archives, 4th arrond.; % 01 42 72 26 18; Métro: Hôtel de Ville) is a cafe-bar with a busy sidewalk terrace that is usually full both day and night. Everyone from humble tourists, to sharp looking businessmen, to TV stars hangs out here.
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Considerably cozier, Amnesia Café (42 rue Vieille du Temple, 4th arrond.;
% 01 42 72 16 94; www.amnesia-cafe.com; Métro: Hôtel de Ville or St-Paul) is an oasis of relative calm on the rugged Marais nightlife scene. Comfortable armchairs beckon, amber walls and soft lighting set the tone. Even when the crowd pushes in the evening, there’s less cruising here, and more talking. Small dance floor and live DJs fill the basement. Looking for a something a little more wild? Raidd Bar 5 (23 rue du Temple, 4th arrond.; % 01 47 27 80 25; www.raiddbar.com; Métro: Hôtel de Ville or Rambuteau) offers hunky bartenders, a spacious dance floor, gogo-dancers, and
strippers who take it all off under an open shower. Very trendy, on weekends you’ll have to get past the selectionneur at the door who decides who’s cool enough to enter.
GIRLS WHO LIKE GIRLS The oldest lesbian bar in the city, La Champmeslé arrond.;
5 (4
rue Chabanais, 2nd
% 01 42 96 85 20; closed Sun; Métro: Pyramides), pronounced shamp-
mel-ay, is a classic: ancient stone walls, exposed beams, ’50s furniture, and a cabaret every Thursday. The openings for the monthly art expos are a good bet for meeting new faces. Les Scandaleuses, the Marais’ most famous lesbian bar, has closed, and Le 3W Kafé (8 rue des Ecouffes, 4th arrond.;
% 01 48 87 39 26; Métro: Hôtel de Ville)
has taken its place; freshening up the decor and opening up their door policy: now boys can enter this womanly realm, provided they are accompanied by a girl. DJ’s and dancing downstairs on the weekends.
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Get Out of Town
Round out your trip with a visit to a nearby marvel MANY
of thinking that Paris is France, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The minute you disentangle yourself from Paris and its suburbs, another country appears—a gentle rural landscape dotted with small towns, not-so-small castles and other fascinating sites. With so much to see in Paris, you probably won’t have time to travel far into the provinces, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get out and see nearby treasures—especially since it’s pretty easy to get out of town without a car (in fact, it’s generally easier than if you had one, given the traffic jams on the outer arteries). Paris has no lack of interesting day-trip destinations. Your main problem will be deciding which one(s) to go to. My two cents: If you’ve never been there, your first choice should be the château and gardens of Versailles. They’re close by, easily accessible by train, and truly not to be missed. Aside from its historical significance (this is where the French monarchy spent its final hours of glory before the Revolution), there’s the sheer magnificence of the building itself—this is the largest castle in France, and the most impressive. Chartres would be my second choice, even though it’s an hour away by train, because its Gothic cathedral contains some of the most stunning stained glass windows on the planet, and the winding streets and half-timbered houses of the town will give you a taste of something completely different from Paris. After that, it’s a toss-up. If castles are your game, Vaux le Vicomte and Fontainbleau should be high on your list; if you want to get out in the country, Monet’s garden at Giverney is a good choice (get there early before the crowds pour in). Lastly, if you’re yearning for Mickey and Minnie (or your kids are), there is Disneyland Paris, a European version of the American theme park. I’m listing these destinations according to my own biased priorities, taking into consideration both cultural value and accessibility.
VERSAILLES It’s hard not to feel infinitely small and humble before the grandeur of the Château de Versailles 555 (Versailles; % 01 30 83 78 00; www.chateau versailles.fr; château: Nov–Mar Tues–Sun 9am–5:30pm, Apr–Oct Tues–Sun 9am–6:30pm; gardens: open daily from 8am to dusk), which is exactly the effect
Louis XIV was going for when he dreamed up this gargantuan palace in the 17th century. Having been badly burned by a nasty uprising called Le Fronde, wherein attempts were made by petty nobles to restrict royal power, Louis decided to move his court from Paris to Versailles, a safe distance from the intrigues of the capital. He also decided to have the court move in with him, where he could keep a close
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Ile de France 0
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Compi gne Compiègne
20 km
in éra Th
Chantilly Oise
D330 N2
N17 r Eu
D113 Château de Thoiry
- M orin
Disneyland Paris
N6 Vaux-leVicomte
N20 A11 Chartres N23 Eu r
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eye on them and nip any new plots or conspiracies in the bud. This required a new abode that was not only big enough to house his court (anywhere from 3,000 to 10,000 people would be palace guests on any given day), but also one that would be grand enough to let the world know who was in charge. As you gape at the grandiose entryway, I think you’ll agree that he achieved his objective—this massive palace simply dwarfs the rest of the town, let alone any mere mortals strolling before it. The three enormous boulevards leading up to it should be a dead giveaway (the central one, the Avenue de Paris, is wider than the Champs Elysées); this castle was meant to be the focus of not just the town, but the French universe—and Louis, in bronze, perched atop a mighty stallion in the courtyard, was the lord and master. There was already a château on the site when Louis came to town; his father, Louis XIII, had built a small castle, “a hunting lodge,” there in 1623. This humble dwelling simply would not do for the so-called “Sun King,” who brought in a flotilla of architects, artists, and gardeners to enlarge the castle and give it a new look. In 1668, the King’s architect, Louis Le Vau, began work on the enormous “envelope,” which literally wrapped the old castle in a second building; this magnificent limestone facade, and its two huge wings are best seen from the gardens.
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Seasons in Versailles At Versailles, high season refers to the period of April through October, and low season is November through March.
From the front, you can see the remnants of the old castle; the buildings that surround the recessed central courtyard (called the Marble Court) are what’s left of that structure. Meanwhile, legendary garden designer André Le Notre was carving out formal gardens and a huge park out of what had been marshy countryside. Thousands of trees were planted; harmonious geometric designs were achieved with flower beds, hedges, canals, and pebbled pathways dotted with sculptures and fountains. Construction, which involved as many as 36,000 workers, ground on for years; Le Vau died, François d’Orbay took over, and eventually Jules Hardouin Mansart joined the project. In 1682 the King and his court moved in, but construction went on right through the rest of his reign and into that of Louis XV. Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette made few changes, but history made a gigantic one for them: On October 6, 1789, an angry mob of hungry Parisians marched on the palace and forced the royal couple to return to Paris. Versailles would never again be a royal residence. Life at Versailles was a series of heavily orchestrated rituals that started with getting out of bed. In fact, the King’s awakening and morning ablutions were a kind of daily ceremony involving a battalion of servants, doctors, and a few honored guests. At 8:30am sharp, the King would be awakened by his valet, who would then let in the crowd to assist and watch His Highness be washed and shaved. Then the Officers of the Chamber and Wardrobe would arrive to dress the King, after which he would breakfast on a bowl of bouillon. Around 100 people, all told, would be present each morning for this absurd spectacle, many of them high ranking officials. But this was not the worst of it; there was a strict code of conduct for everything that one did at the castle, from addressing a superior, to sitting down on a sofa. Failure to follow the incredibly complex etiquette could mean a serious downshift in one’s place in the palace’s rigid hierarchy of power and influence; backbiting and betrayal were common currency. Needless to say, all this could be extremely wearying, especially on young, impressionable queens. Louis XVI’s bride, a certain Marie Antoinette, decided she simply couldn’t take it anymore and fled to the Petit Trianon (a small manor house deep in the gardens), where she constructed a kinder, gentler fantasy world. The upside of all this refined living was that Versailles soon became a repository of great art. Starting with Louis XIV—a devoted patron of the arts—thousands of exquisite paintings, sculptures, and furniture pieces were commissioned to decorate the 700 rooms of this oversized palace. Subsequent monarchs made their mark with new purchases and interiors. Not only did this keep an army of artists and craftsman in business, it established Versailles as a sort of living museum of culture. Today there are 6,400 paintings, 2,000 sculptures, and 17 thousand engravings on this hallowed ground, and that’s not including the thousands of exceptional art objects and furniture items.
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Versailles Allée des Matelots 0
Allée St-Antoine
15 1/8 mile
100 meters
Allée d’Appolon
Allée d’Appolon
Allée de Bacchus
17 18 16 12
10 Allée du Printemps
13 Allée du Printemps 19
Allée de l’Eté
7 6
Allée de Cérés et de Flore
Allée du Petit Pont
Allée du
Allée de l’Eté
et de Saturne
28 25 2
29 30
Royal Opera
Chapel 1 South Parterre 2 Orangery and Lake 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 of the Swiss Guards 10 Water Parterre 11 Parterre of Latona 12 South Quincunx 13 Ballroom Grove 14 Queen’s Grove 15
Fountain of Autumn King’s Garden Fountain of Winter Chestnut Grove Colonnade Green Carpet Fountain of Apollo Grand Canal
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Crusaders Gallery Grove of the Domes Fountain of Enceladus Obelisk Fountain Fountain of Spring North Quincunx Star Grove Fountain of the Blissful Ode
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Fountain of Summer Baths of Apollo North Parterre Pyramid Fountain Diana’s Bathing Nymphs Water Avenue Dragon Fountain Fountain of Neptune
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The Murky Business of Buying a Ticket Because the castle is undergoing a vast reorganization, including lots of renovations (see below), the ticketing schemes change on a regular basis and can be, to put it mildly, confusing. The way to avoid all this is to b