How to Get Nail Polish Out of Fabric: 7 Effective Options (2025)

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Get nail polish out of your favorite jeans, stuffed animal, or couch

Co-authored byGuy Petersand Mason Martinez, BA

Last Updated: March 20, 2024Fact Checked

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Painting your nails can be a relaxing form of self-care—until you accidentally knock over a nail polish bottle! Whether you've got bright red or purple glitter polish soaked on your favorite blanket or vintage tee, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to remove that pesky nail polish stain.

Best Way to Remove Nail Polish from Fabric

Gently blot the nail polish from the fabric to remove as much as possible. Dip a cotton ball in acetone-based nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol, then dab it on the stain. Repeat the process, using new cotton balls as needed, until the stain is removed. Rinse the fabric and wash it as usual.

Section 1 of 3:

Removing Nail Polish from Clothing

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  1. 1

    Carefully scrape off the excess polish. Use a plastic spatula, a dull knife, or a gloved finger to gently scrape off dried excess polish. Or, use a paper towel to lift wet nail polish by blotting it. Be careful not to spread the nail polish or rub it into the fabric.[1]

    • You can also freeze the nail polish by placing the fabric into a plastic bag with the stain facing up. Place the garment into the freezer and let it sit for a couple of hours until the polish has hardened. This may make it easier to remove.
  2. 2

    Spot-test nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol on an inconspicuous spot. Before proceeding, test the solution on the fabric by dabbing a small area with a cotton ball or swab. Opt for the interior lining of a garment, the armpits, or near a hemline so the area won't show if the nail polish remover fades the fabric.[2]


  3. How to Get Nail Polish Out of Fabric: 7 Effective Options (5)


    Blot the stain with nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol. Place layers of paper towel, cloth, or cardboard to separate the layers of the garment. Saturate a cotton ball with acetone. Carefully blot the stain until the polish transfers to the cotton ball. Swap cotton balls as necessary.[4]

    • Avoid scrubbing or wiping, as this may damage the fabric.[5]
  4. 4

    Rinse the area. Take the garment to the sink and rinse the stained area with cold water. Then, place it face-down on a clean set of paper towels. Damen a clean cloth or sponge to gently blot the area to remove any residue left behind.[6]

    • Continue rinsing the fabric and applying more acetone until the cotton balls no longer turn the color of the nail polish after blotting; this indicates the stain is gone.
    • Check the stained area one final time for traces of nail polish. If you see a little color left, dip a cotton ball in acetone and gently remove it.
  5. 5

    Machine wash your garment as usual. Apply a stain remover product and launder the item according to the washing instructions on the tag. The stain should be gone entirely, and the garment should be ready to wear once dry.[7]

    • Don't dry the clothing until the nail polish is totally removed as heat can set stans.
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Section 2 of 3:

Other Ways to Remove Nail Polish from Fabric

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    Hairspray Whether you're working with clothing, a blanket, or a stuffed animal, spray a generous amount of hairspray directly onto the stain. Let it sit for 5 minutes to loosen the polish. With a clean cloth, blot the stain until the color transfers from the material to the cloth.[8]

    • Continue this process until no more polish comes off. Rinse with cold water.
  2. 2

    Hydrogen peroxide You can also try hydrogen peroxide for fabrics that don't react well to acetone. Soak a cotton ball in peroxide and blot the stain until it begins to disappear. Rinse under warm water and launder as normal.[9]

    • Hydrogen peroxide can act as a bleaching agent, so test it on an unnoticeable upholstery area before using it on the stained area.
    • This method is recommended for colored clothing, carpets, and blankets.
  3. 3

    Soap Remove excess nail polish with a dry towel for fresh nail polish stains. Then, mix a few squirts of dish soap in a small bowl of cold water. Gently work the soap into the fabric from the outside in with a soft-bristle toothbrush or gloved fingers. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Then, rinse the material under cold water.[10]

    • Working from the outer edge of the stain to the middle helps prevent the spreading of the stain.
    • This method may be effective for upholstery as well as hard surfaces, including hardwood floors, tiles, and more.
  4. 4

    Bug spray Some say that bug repellent is an excellent tool for removing nail polish stains. Spray it on an old toothbrush, then apply the brush using a circular motion to scrub the nail polish away gently.[11]

  5. 5

    Goo-Gone or Goof Off Users online have recommended using commercial products, like Goo-Gone or Goof Off, and pouring a small amount onto a wet rag to blot nail polish stains from fabric, wood, and similar materials. Repeat this process until the stain is gone.[12]

    • Goof Off is an acetone-based product. Be sure to conduct a spot test before proceeding. Goo-Gone is a milder version of Goof Off.
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Section 3 of 3:

Removing Nail Polish from Upholstery & Couches

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  1. How to Get Nail Polish Out of Fabric: 7 Effective Options (13)


    Dab the stained area with a mixture of soapy water. Mix 1UStbsp (3.0tsp) and 2c (32UStbsp) of cool water in a bowl until suds form. If you're dealing with wet polish, use a paper towel to dab and lift as much excess polish off as possible.[13]

    • Use acetone or non-acetone nail polish remover for easier removal. However, several online cleaning companies recommend using a dish soap and water approach to avoid staining or lifting the color of your couch or carpet.
    • Do not pour the acetone onto the stained fabric since it's harder to control where it flows if you don't use an applicator like a cotton swab or the corner of a paper towel.
    • Always spot test before proceeding.
  2. How to Get Nail Polish Out of Fabric: 7 Effective Options (14)


    Use a clean cloth to blot the polish and repeat. Blot the stain until it begins to disappear. Use a clean section of the towel, or replace cotton balls, as more of the stain is absorbed. Apply more solution and continue blotting until the towel comes up clean.[14]

  3. 3

    Sponge the area with cold water. Rinse a clean sponge under cold water to remove any traces of solution left behind.[15] Allow the upholstery to dry completely before sitting. Use a hairdryer or fan to speed up the process.

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    Will acetone harm black clothes?

    How to Get Nail Polish Out of Fabric: 7 Effective Options (16)

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    It will fade it very slightly.

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  • Question

    How can I get nail polish off a blanket without ruining the blanket?

    How to Get Nail Polish Out of Fabric: 7 Effective Options (17)

    Community Answer

    You need to figure out what kind of fabric the blanket is first and then follow the steps in this article.

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    I spilled some nail polish on my carpet. How can I remove it without a stain?

    How to Get Nail Polish Out of Fabric: 7 Effective Options (18)

    Community Answer

    Upon discovering any nail polish stains on your carpet, wet the stain with cold water.Spray 15-20 pumps of hair spray, followed by three to five small splashes of rubbing alcohol. Using a small scrub brush, scrub the nail polish stain directly for about a minute. While you’re scrubbing, keep pouring clean, cold water onto the stain throughout the process.Repeat this process until the nail polish stain is no longer visible.

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      • For a treasured or expensive item, you may want to rush to the cleaners before doing anything else.


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      • Use a nail file or emery board to file off as much nail polish as possible. Be careful not to file the fabric itself. Doing this can reduce the size of the stain and make it easier to remove.


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      • If one method doesn't work, try different ones until the stain is gone. One method will likely do the trick. If the stain doesn't come out, take the garment to a professional cleaner.


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      About This Article

      How to Get Nail Polish Out of Fabric: 7 Effective Options (29)

      Co-authored by:

      Guy Peters

      House Cleaning Professional

      This article was co-authored by Guy Peters and by wikiHow staff writer, Mason Martinez, BA. Guy Peters is the Owner of MOP STARS Cleaning Service, a complete house cleaning service for residential and commercial clients, based in Denver, Colorado. Founded in 2014, MOP STARS provides regular, move in/out, deep, and commercial cleaning services. Guy has a BA in Finance from the California State University - Sacramento and an MBA from Cornell University. This article has been viewed 2,895,875 times.

      1 votes - 100%

      Co-authors: 40

      Updated: March 20, 2024


      Categories: Stain Removal

      Article SummaryX

      To get nail polish out of your clothing, start by placing the stained fabric facedown on a layer of paper towels. Then, dip a cotton ball or paper towel in acetone and rub it against the backside of the stained area. Once you’ve soaked the fabric thoroughly, rinse the clothing in your sink and check to see if the stain is gone. If it is, launder the clothing item as you normally would; if it is not, repeat the stain removal process.

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